blob: 6d5d4967fafdfb4f13ca94d4c2946e1e2cd0fe1d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2024, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/nullability_suffix.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/element/type.dart';
// ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type.dart';
// ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_system.dart'
show TypeSystemImpl, ExtensionTypeErasure;
// ignore: implementation_imports
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/element/type_visitor.dart';
import '../analyzer.dart';
const String _dartJsAnnotationsUri = 'dart:_js_annotations';
const String _dartJsInteropUri = 'dart:js_interop';
const String _dartJsUri = 'dart:js';
const _desc =
r'''Avoid runtime type tests with JS interop types where the result may not
be platform-consistent.''';
const Set<String> _sdkWebLibraries = {
/// Given a [type], determine if it is a JS interop type that corresponds to
/// [kind].
bool _isJsInteropType(DartType type, _InteropTypeKind kind) {
if (type is TypeParameterType) return _isJsInteropType(type.bound, kind);
if (type is InterfaceType) {
var element = type.element;
var dartJsInteropTypeKind = kind == _InteropTypeKind.dartJsInteropType ||
kind == _InteropTypeKind.any;
var userJsInteropTypeKind = kind == _InteropTypeKind.userJsInteropType ||
kind == _InteropTypeKind.any;
if (element is ExtensionTypeElement) {
if (dartJsInteropTypeKind && element.isFromLibrary(_dartJsInteropUri)) {
return true;
} else if (userJsInteropTypeKind) {
var representationType = element.representation.type;
return _isJsInteropType(
representationType, _InteropTypeKind.dartJsInteropType) ||
representationType, _InteropTypeKind.userJsInteropType);
} else if (userJsInteropTypeKind && _jsTypeForStaticInterop(type) != null) {
return true;
return false;
/// Whether [type] comes from a JS interop library that is unavailable in
/// dart2wasm.
/// Currently, the set of interop libraries that declare types or allow users to
/// declare types includes `package:js`, the SDK web libraries, and `dart:js`.
/// Since dart2wasm doesn't support these libraries, users can't come across
/// platform-inconsistent type tests, and therefore we should not lint for these
/// types.
bool _isWasmIncompatibleJsInterop(DartType type) {
if (type is TypeParameterType) {
return _isWasmIncompatibleJsInterop(type.bound);
if (type is! InterfaceType) return false;
var element = type.element;
// `hasJS` only checks for the `dart:_js_annotations` definition, which is
// what we want here.
if (element.hasJS) return true;
return _sdkWebLibraries.any((uri) => element.isFromLibrary(uri)) ||
// While a type test with types from this library is very rare, we should
// still ignore it for consistency.
/// If [type] is a type declared using `@staticInterop` through
/// `dart:js_interop`, returns the JS type equivalent for that class, which is
/// just `JSObject`.
/// `@staticInterop` types that were declared using `package:js` do not apply as
/// that package is incompatible with dart2wasm.
/// Returns null if `type` is not a `dart:js_interop` `@staticInterop` class.
DartType? _jsTypeForStaticInterop(InterfaceType type) {
var element = type.element;
if (element is! ClassElement) return null;
var metadata = element.metadata;
var hasJS = false;
var hasStaticInterop = false;
late LibraryElement dartJsInterop;
for (var annotation in metadata) {
var annotationElement = annotation.element;
if (annotationElement is ConstructorElement &&
annotationElement.isFromLibrary(_dartJsInteropUri) && == 'JS') {
hasJS = true;
dartJsInterop = annotationElement.library;
} else if (annotationElement is PropertyAccessorElement &&
annotationElement.isFromLibrary(_dartJsAnnotationsUri) && == 'staticInterop') {
hasStaticInterop = true;
return (hasJS && hasStaticInterop)
? dartJsInterop.units.single.extensionTypes
.singleWhere((extType) => == 'JSObject')
// Nullability is ignored in this lint, so just return `thisType`.
: null;
/// Erases extension types except for JS interop types so that
/// [_Visitor.getInvalidJsInteropTypeTest] can determine if the type test is
/// safe.
class EraseNonJSInteropTypes extends ExtensionTypeErasure {
/// Determines whether we erase JS interop types to their `dart:js_interop`
/// equivalent, or keep them as is.
bool _keepUserInteropTypes = false;
final _visitedTypes = <DartType>{};
DartType perform(DartType type, {bool keepUserInteropTypes = false}) {
_keepUserInteropTypes = keepUserInteropTypes;
return super.perform(type);
DartType? visitInterfaceType(covariant InterfaceTypeImpl type) {
if (_keepUserInteropTypes
? _isJsInteropType(type, _InteropTypeKind.userJsInteropType)
: _isJsInteropType(type, _InteropTypeKind.dartJsInteropType)) {
// Nullability and generics on interop types are ignored for this lint. In
// order to just compare the interfaces themselves, we use `thisType`.
return type.element.thisType;
} else {
return _jsTypeForStaticInterop(type) ?? super.visitInterfaceType(type);
DartType? visitTypeParameterType(TypeParameterType type) {
// Visiting the bound may result in a cycle e.g. `class C<T extends C<T>>`.
if (!_visitedTypes.add(type)) return type;
// If the bound is a JS interop type, replace it with its `dart:js_interop`
// equivalent.
var newBound = type.bound.accept(this);
return createPromotedTypeParameterType(
type: type,
// Remove any nullability for comparison.
newNullability: NullabilitySuffix.none,
newPromotedBound: newBound,
/// Determines whether a given [DartType] is or contains a type that is a JS
/// interop type.
class InteropTypeChecker extends RecursiveTypeVisitor {
bool _hasInteropType = false;
final _visitedTypes = <DartType>{};
bool hasInteropType(DartType type) {
_hasInteropType = false;
return _hasInteropType;
bool visitInterfaceType(InterfaceType type) {
_hasInteropType |= _isJsInteropType(type, _InteropTypeKind.any);
return super.visitInterfaceType(type);
bool visitTypeParameterType(TypeParameterType type) {
// Visiting the bound may result in a cycle e.g. `class C<T extends C<T>>`.
if (_visitedTypes.add(type)) return type.bound.accept(this);
return super.visitTypeParameterType(type);
class InvalidRuntimeCheckWithJSInteropTypes extends LintRule {
: super(
name: LintNames.invalid_runtime_check_with_js_interop_types,
description: _desc,
List<LintCode> get lintCodes => [
void registerNodeProcessors(
NodeLintRegistry registry, LinterContext context) {
var visitor = _Visitor(this, context.typeSystem);
registry.addIsExpression(this, visitor);
registry.addAsExpression(this, visitor);
/// The kind of JS interop type to check for.
/// [dartJsInteropType] corresponds to either an extension type from
/// `dart:js_interop` or a type parameter that is bound to one.
/// [userJsInteropType] corresponds to either an extension type whose
/// representation type is a JS interop type, an `@staticInterop` type, or a
/// type parameter that is bound to either.
/// [any] corresponds to either a [dartJsInteropType] or [userJsInteropType].
enum _InteropTypeKind {
class _Visitor extends SimpleAstVisitor<void> {
final LintRule rule;
final TypeSystemImpl typeSystem;
final EraseNonJSInteropTypes eraseNonJsInteropTypes =
final InteropTypeChecker interopTypeChecker = InteropTypeChecker();
_Visitor(this.rule, TypeSystem typeSystem)
: typeSystem = typeSystem as TypeSystemImpl;
/// Determines if a type test from [leftType] to [rightType] is a valid test
/// for JS interop, and if not, returns the [LintCode] associated with the
/// specific invalid case.
/// If [check] is true, this determines if it's a valid `is` check. Otherwise,
/// determines if it's a valid `as` cast.
/// If neither type contains a JS interop type, it's a valid test and this
/// returns null.
/// `dart:js_interop` types are represented by platform-dependent values and
/// therefore, type tests that aren't statically guaranteed may be
/// inconsistent. In order to determine if this test is valid, this function
/// erases any interop types to its `dart:js_interop` equivalent and any other
/// extension type to its erasure type. If there are nested types involved, it
/// nests as needed.
/// Let `l` be the positionally-equivalent type in [leftType] and `r` be the
/// positionally-equivalent type in [rightType]. Let `le` be the
/// `dart:js_interop` type or the extension type erasure of `l`, and `re` be
/// the `dart:js_interop` type or the extension type erasure of `r`. If `l` or
/// `r` are JS interop types, an `is` check is valid only if `l` <: `r`, `le`
/// <: `re` and `r` is a `dart:js_interop` type, or `r` is `dynamic` or
/// `Object`. An `as` cast is valid only if `le` <: `re`, `le` :> `re`, `l`
/// is `dynamic`, or `r` is `dynamic`.
/// These restrictions come from the difference in the representation of
/// `dart:js_interop` types. When compiling to Wasm, JS values are not
/// differentiated at runtime, and therefore there's only one runtime type.
/// When compiling to JS, JS values are differentiated and each
/// `dart:js_interop` has a separate runtime type. An additional restriction
/// is placed on `is` checks so that type checks between unrelated types that
/// would be trivially true e.g. `jsObject is Window` aren't interpreted as
/// doing a runtime check that `jsObject` actually is a JS `Window`.
/// Types that belong to JS interop libraries that are not available when
/// compiling to Wasm are ignored. Nullability is also ignored for the purpose
/// of this test.
LintCode? getInvalidJsInteropTypeTest(DartType leftType, DartType rightType,
{required bool check}) {
LintCode? lintCode;
(DartType, DartType) eraseTypes(DartType left, DartType right) {
var erasedLeft =
var erasedRight =
var leftIsInteropType =
_isJsInteropType(erasedLeft, _InteropTypeKind.dartJsInteropType);
var rightIsInteropType =
_isJsInteropType(erasedRight, _InteropTypeKind.dartJsInteropType);
// If there's already an invalid check in this `canBeSubtypeOf` check, we
// are already going to lint, so only continue checking if we haven't
// found an issue.
if (lintCode == null && leftIsInteropType || rightIsInteropType) {
if (!_isWasmIncompatibleJsInterop(erasedLeft) &&
!_isWasmIncompatibleJsInterop(erasedRight)) {
var erasedLeftIsSubtype =
typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(erasedLeft, erasedRight);
var erasedRightIsSubtype =
typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(erasedRight, erasedLeft);
var erasedLeftIsDynamic = erasedLeft is DynamicType;
var erasedRightIsDynamic = erasedRight is DynamicType;
if (check) {
if (!erasedLeftIsSubtype && !erasedRightIsDynamic) {
if (leftIsInteropType && rightIsInteropType) {
lintCode = LinterLintCode
} else if (leftIsInteropType) {
lintCode = LinterLintCode
} else {
lintCode = LinterLintCode
} else if (erasedLeftIsSubtype &&
leftIsInteropType &&
rightIsInteropType) {
// Only report if the right type is a user JS interop type.
// Checks like `window is JSAny` are not confusing and not worth
// linting.
if (_isJsInteropType(right, _InteropTypeKind.userJsInteropType) &&
keepUserInteropTypes: true),
keepUserInteropTypes: true))) {
lintCode = LinterLintCode
} else {
if (!erasedLeftIsSubtype &&
!erasedRightIsSubtype &&
!erasedLeftIsDynamic &&
!erasedRightIsDynamic) {
if (leftIsInteropType && rightIsInteropType) {
lintCode = LinterLintCode
} else if (leftIsInteropType) {
lintCode = LinterLintCode
} else {
lintCode = LinterLintCode
// The resulting types that are checked in `canBeSubtypeOf` are assumed to
// not be extension types, so erase the types if we avoided erasing them
// in `EraseNonJSInteropTypes` before continuing.
if (leftIsInteropType) erasedLeft = left.extensionTypeErasure;
if (rightIsInteropType) erasedRight = right.extensionTypeErasure;
return (erasedLeft, erasedRight);
// If there are no relevant interop types, exit early.
if (!interopTypeChecker.hasInteropType(leftType) &&
!interopTypeChecker.hasInteropType(rightType)) {
return lintCode;
// Called here for the side effects of `eraseTypes`.
typeSystem.canBeSubtypeOf(leftType, rightType, eraseTypes: eraseTypes);
return lintCode;
void visitAsExpression(AsExpression node) {
var leftType = node.expression.staticType;
var rightType = node.type.type;
if (leftType == null || rightType == null) return;
var code = getInvalidJsInteropTypeTest(leftType, rightType, check: false);
if (code != null) {
rule.reportLint(node, arguments: [leftType, rightType], errorCode: code);
void visitIsExpression(IsExpression node) {
var leftType = node.expression.staticType;
var rightType = node.type.type;
if (leftType == null || rightType == null) return;
var code = getInvalidJsInteropTypeTest(leftType, rightType, check: true);
if (code != null) {
rule.reportLint(node, arguments: [leftType, rightType], errorCode: code);
extension on Element {
/// Returns whether this is from the Dart library at [uri].
bool isFromLibrary(String uri) =>
library?.definingCompilationUnit.source ==