blob: 61936d8ce50b96d5f5e320b37789a19ebca40b02 [file] [log] [blame]
strong-mode: true
enableSuperMixins: true
# TODO(devoncarew): Without this exclude I see ~400 analysis errors.
- test/fasta/**
# Omits warnings due to missing `@virtual`
# TODO(sigmund): enable once #28601 is fixed
strong_mode_invalid_field_override: ignore
# Omits warnings for implicit casts with generics like `List<T> x = list;`,
# also removes warnings due to a bad interaction between inference of
# guarded type arguments and downward cast warnings (see #28646).
strong_mode_down_cast_composite: ignore
# Allow having TODOs in the code
todo: ignore
# Allow deprecated calls (although it would be nice to have a distinction
# between internal and external deprecated calls).
deprecated_member_use: ignore