blob: 7f04b643fdea18222f1c37baa8c8e2ad2ad17968 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/scanner/token_impl.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/features.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/instrumentation/instrumentation.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/error_processor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/experiments.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/constant.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/services/lint.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/api_signature.dart';
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
export 'package:analyzer/error/listener.dart' show RecordingErrorListener;
export 'package:analyzer/src/generated/timestamped_data.dart'
show TimestampedData;
/// Used by [AnalysisOptions] to allow function bodies to be analyzed in some
/// sources but not others.
typedef AnalyzeFunctionBodiesPredicate = bool Function(Source source);
/// A context in which a single analysis can be performed and incrementally
/// maintained. The context includes such information as the version of the SDK
/// being analyzed against, and how to resolve 'package:' URI's. (Both of which
/// are known indirectly through the [SourceFactory].)
/// An analysis context also represents the state of the analysis, which includes
/// knowing which sources have been included in the analysis (either directly or
/// indirectly) and the results of the analysis. Sources must be added and
/// removed from the context using the method [applyChanges], which is also used
/// to notify the context when sources have been modified and, consequently,
/// previously known results might have been invalidated.
/// There are two ways to access the results of the analysis. The most common is
/// to use one of the 'get' methods to access the results. The 'get' methods have
/// the advantage that they will always return quickly, but have the disadvantage
/// that if the results are not currently available they will return either
/// nothing or in some cases an incomplete result. The second way to access
/// results is by using one of the 'compute' methods. The 'compute' methods will
/// always attempt to compute the requested results but might block the caller
/// for a significant period of time.
/// When results have been invalidated, have never been computed (as is the case
/// for newly added sources), or have been removed from the cache, they are
/// <b>not</b> automatically recreated. They will only be recreated if one of the
/// 'compute' methods is invoked.
/// However, this is not always acceptable. Some clients need to keep the
/// analysis results up-to-date. For such clients there is a mechanism that
/// allows them to incrementally perform needed analysis and get notified of the
/// consequent changes to the analysis results. This mechanism is realized by the
/// method [performAnalysisTask].
/// Analysis engine allows for having more than one context. This can be used,
/// for example, to perform one analysis based on the state of files on disk and
/// a separate analysis based on the state of those files in open editors. It can
/// also be used to perform an analysis based on a proposed future state, such as
/// the state after a refactoring.
abstract class AnalysisContext {
/// Return the set of analysis options controlling the behavior of this
/// context. Clients should not modify the returned set of options.
AnalysisOptions get analysisOptions;
/// Set the set of analysis options controlling the behavior of this context to
/// the given [options]. Clients can safely assume that all necessary analysis
/// results have been invalidated.
set analysisOptions(AnalysisOptions options);
/// Return the set of declared variables used when computing constant values.
DeclaredVariables get declaredVariables;
/// Return the source factory used to create the sources that can be analyzed
/// in this context.
SourceFactory get sourceFactory;
/// Set the source factory used to create the sources that can be analyzed in
/// this context to the given source [factory]. Clients can safely assume that
/// all analysis results have been invalidated.
set sourceFactory(SourceFactory factory);
/// The entry point for the functionality provided by the analysis engine. There
/// is a single instance of this class.
class AnalysisEngine {
/// The unique instance of this class.
static final AnalysisEngine instance = AnalysisEngine._();
/// The instrumentation service that is to be used by this analysis engine.
InstrumentationService _instrumentationService =
/// Return the instrumentation service that is to be used by this analysis
/// engine.
InstrumentationService get instrumentationService => _instrumentationService;
/// Set the instrumentation service that is to be used by this analysis engine
/// to the given [service].
set instrumentationService(InstrumentationService? service) {
if (service == null) {
_instrumentationService = InstrumentationService.NULL_SERVICE;
} else {
_instrumentationService = service;
/// Clear any caches holding on to analysis results so that a full re-analysis
/// will be performed the next time an analysis context is created.
void clearCaches() {
// See
/// The analysis errors and line information for the errors.
abstract class AnalysisErrorInfo {
/// Return the errors that as a result of the analysis, or `null` if there were
/// no errors.
List<AnalysisError> get errors;
/// Return the line information associated with the errors, or `null` if there
/// were no errors.
LineInfo get lineInfo;
/// The analysis errors and line info associated with a source.
class AnalysisErrorInfoImpl implements AnalysisErrorInfo {
/// The analysis errors associated with a source, or `null` if there are no
/// errors.
final List<AnalysisError> errors;
/// The line information associated with the errors, or `null` if there are no
/// errors.
final LineInfo lineInfo;
/// Initialize an newly created error info with the given [errors] and
/// [lineInfo].
AnalysisErrorInfoImpl(this.errors, this.lineInfo);
/// A set of analysis options used to control the behavior of an analysis
/// context.
abstract class AnalysisOptions {
/// A flag indicating whether to run checks on AndroidManifest.xml file to
/// see if it is complaint with Chrome OS.
bool get chromeOsManifestChecks;
/// The set of features that are globally enabled for this context.
FeatureSet get contextFeatures;
/// Return a list of the names of the packages for which, if they define a
/// plugin, the plugin should be enabled.
List<String> get enabledPluginNames;
/// Return `true` if timing data should be gathered during execution.
bool get enableTiming;
/// Return a list of error processors that are to be used when reporting
/// errors in some analysis context.
List<ErrorProcessor> get errorProcessors;
/// Return a list of exclude patterns used to exclude some sources from
/// analysis.
List<String> get excludePatterns;
/// Return `true` if analysis is to generate hint results (e.g. type inference
/// based information and pub best practices).
bool get hint;
/// Return `true` if analysis is to generate lint warnings.
bool get lint;
/// Return a list of the lint rules that are to be run in an analysis context
/// if [lint] returns `true`.
List<Linter> get lintRules;
/// The version range for the SDK specified in `pubspec.yaml`, or `null` if
/// there is no `pubspec.yaml` or if it does not contain an SDK range.
VersionConstraint? get sdkVersionConstraint;
/// Return the opaque signature of the options.
Uint32List get signature;
/// Return `true` if analyzer should use the Dart 2.0 Front End parser.
bool get useFastaParser;
/// Return `true` the lint with the given [name] is enabled.
bool isLintEnabled(String name);
/// Determine whether two signatures returned by [signature] are equal.
static bool signaturesEqual(Uint32List a, Uint32List b) {
if (a.length != b.length) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (a[i] != b[i]) {
return false;
return true;
/// A set of analysis options used to control the behavior of an analysis
/// context.
class AnalysisOptionsImpl implements AnalysisOptions {
/// The cached [unlinkedSignature].
Uint32List? _unlinkedSignature;
/// The cached [signature].
Uint32List? _signature;
/// The cached [signatureForElements].
Uint32List? _signatureForElements;
VersionConstraint? sdkVersionConstraint;
ExperimentStatus _contextFeatures = ExperimentStatus();
/// The language version to use for libraries that are not in a package.
/// If a library is in a package, this language version is *not* used,
/// even if the package does not specify the language version.
Version nonPackageLanguageVersion = ExperimentStatus.currentVersion;
/// The set of features to use for libraries that are not in a package.
/// If a library is in a package, this feature set is *not* used, even if the
/// package does not specify the language version. Instead [contextFeatures]
/// is used.
FeatureSet nonPackageFeatureSet = ExperimentStatus();
List<String> enabledPluginNames = const <String>[];
bool enableTiming = false;
/// A list of error processors that are to be used when reporting errors in
/// some analysis context.
List<ErrorProcessor>? _errorProcessors;
/// A list of exclude patterns used to exclude some sources from analysis.
List<String>? _excludePatterns;
bool hint = true;
bool lint = false;
/// The lint rules that are to be run in an analysis context if [lint] returns
/// `true`.
List<Linter>? _lintRules;
bool useFastaParser = true;
/// A flag indicating whether implicit casts are allowed in [strongMode]
/// (they are always allowed in Dart 1.0 mode).
/// This option is experimental and subject to change.
bool implicitCasts = true;
/// A flag indicating whether implicit dynamic type is allowed, on by default.
/// This flag can be used without necessarily enabling [strongMode], but it is
/// designed with strong mode's type inference in mind. Without type inference,
/// it will raise many errors. Also it does not provide type safety without
/// strong mode.
/// This option is experimental and subject to change.
bool implicitDynamic = true;
/// A flag indicating whether inference failures are allowed, off by default.
/// This option is experimental and subject to change.
bool strictInference = false;
/// Whether raw types (types without explicit type arguments, such as `List`)
/// should be reported as potential problems.
/// Raw types are a common source of `dynamic` being introduced implicitly.
/// This often leads to cast failures later on in the program.
bool strictRawTypes = false;
bool chromeOsManifestChecks = false;
/// The set of "un-ignorable" error names, as parsed in [AnalyzerOptions] from
/// an analysis options file.
Set<String> unignorableNames = {};
/// Initialize a newly created set of analysis options to have their default
/// values.
/// Initialize a newly created set of analysis options to have the same values
/// as those in the given set of analysis [options].
AnalysisOptionsImpl.from(AnalysisOptions options) {
contextFeatures = options.contextFeatures;
enabledPluginNames = options.enabledPluginNames;
enableTiming = options.enableTiming;
errorProcessors = options.errorProcessors;
excludePatterns = options.excludePatterns;
hint = options.hint;
lint = options.lint;
lintRules = options.lintRules;
useFastaParser = options.useFastaParser;
if (options is AnalysisOptionsImpl) {
implicitCasts = options.implicitCasts;
implicitDynamic = options.implicitDynamic;
strictInference = options.strictInference;
strictRawTypes = options.strictRawTypes;
sdkVersionConstraint = options.sdkVersionConstraint;
FeatureSet get contextFeatures => _contextFeatures;
set contextFeatures(FeatureSet featureSet) {
_contextFeatures = featureSet as ExperimentStatus;
nonPackageFeatureSet = featureSet;
set enabledExperiments(List<String> enabledExperiments) {
_contextFeatures = ExperimentStatus.fromStrings(enabledExperiments);
List<ErrorProcessor> get errorProcessors =>
_errorProcessors ??= const <ErrorProcessor>[];
/// Set the list of error [processors] that are to be used when reporting
/// errors in some analysis context.
set errorProcessors(List<ErrorProcessor> processors) {
_errorProcessors = processors;
List<String> get excludePatterns => _excludePatterns ??= const <String>[];
/// Set the exclude patterns used to exclude some sources from analysis to
/// those in the given list of [patterns].
set excludePatterns(List<String> patterns) {
_excludePatterns = patterns;
/// The set of enabled experiments.
ExperimentStatus get experimentStatus => _contextFeatures;
List<Linter> get lintRules => _lintRules ??= const <Linter>[];
/// Set the lint rules that are to be run in an analysis context if [lint]
/// returns `true`.
set lintRules(List<Linter> rules) {
_lintRules = rules;
Uint32List get signature {
if (_signature == null) {
ApiSignature buffer = ApiSignature();
// Append environment.
if (sdkVersionConstraint != null) {
// Append boolean flags.
// Append features.
for (var feature in ExperimentStatus.knownFeatures.values) {
// Append error processors.
for (ErrorProcessor processor in errorProcessors) {
// Append lints.
buffer.addString(linterVersion ?? '');
for (Linter lintRule in lintRules) {
// Append plugin names.
for (String enabledPluginName in enabledPluginNames) {
// Hash and convert to Uint32List.
_signature = buffer.toUint32List();
return _signature!;
Uint32List get signatureForElements {
if (_signatureForElements == null) {
ApiSignature buffer = ApiSignature();
// Append features.
for (var feature in ExperimentStatus.knownFeatures.values) {
// Hash and convert to Uint32List.
_signatureForElements = buffer.toUint32List();
return _signatureForElements!;
/// Return the opaque signature of the options that affect unlinked data.
/// The length of the list is guaranteed to equal [unlinkedSignatureLength].
Uint32List get unlinkedSignature {
if (_unlinkedSignature == null) {
ApiSignature buffer = ApiSignature();
// Append boolean flags.
// Append the current language version.
// Append features.
for (var feature in ExperimentStatus.knownFeatures.values) {
// Hash and convert to Uint32List.
return buffer.toUint32List();
return _unlinkedSignature!;
bool isLintEnabled(String name) {
return lintRules.any((rule) => == name);