| // Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| /// This library contains utilities for reading and analyzing snapshot profiles |
| /// produced by `--write-v8-snapshot-profile-to` VM flag. |
| library vm_snapshot_analysis.v8_profile; |
| |
| import 'package:meta/meta.dart'; |
| |
| import 'package:vm_snapshot_analysis/src/dominators.dart' as dominators; |
| import 'package:vm_snapshot_analysis/name.dart'; |
| import 'package:vm_snapshot_analysis/program_info.dart'; |
| |
| /// This class represents snapshot graph. |
| /// |
| /// Note that we do not eagerly deserialize the graph, instead we provide helper |
| /// methods and wrapper objects to work with serialized representation. |
| class Snapshot { |
| final Meta meta; |
| final int nodeCount; |
| final int edgeCount; |
| |
| /// Serialized flat representation of nodes in the graph. Each node occupies |
| /// [meta.nodeFieldCount] consecutive elements of the list. |
| final List _nodes; |
| |
| /// Serialized flat representation of edges between nodes. Each edge occupies |
| /// [meta.edgeFieldCount] consecutive elements of the list. All outgoing edges |
| /// for a node are serialized consecutively, number of outgoing edges is given |
| /// by the value at index [meta.nodeEdgeCountIndex] inside the node. |
| final List _edges; |
| |
| /// Auxiliary array which gives starting index of edges (in the [_edges] list) |
| /// for the given node index. |
| final List<int> _edgesStartIndexForNode; |
| |
| List<int> _dominators; |
| |
| final List strings; |
| |
| Snapshot._(this.meta, this.nodeCount, this.edgeCount, this._nodes, |
| this._edges, this.strings, this._edgesStartIndexForNode); |
| |
| /// Return node with the given index. |
| Node nodeAt(int index) { |
| assert(index >= 0, 'Node index should be positive: $index'); |
| return Node._(snapshot: this, index: index); |
| } |
| |
| /// Return all nodes in the snapshot. |
| Iterable<Node> get nodes => Iterable.generate(nodeCount, nodeAt); |
| |
| /// Return dominator node for the given node [n]. |
| Node dominatorOf(Node n) { |
| _dominators ??= _computeDominators(this); |
| return nodeAt(_dominators[n.index]); |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns true if the given JSON object is likely to be a serialized |
| /// snapshot using V8 heap snapshot format. |
| static bool isV8HeapSnapshot(Object m) => |
| m is Map<String, dynamic> && m.containsKey('snapshot'); |
| |
| /// Construct [Snapshot] object from the given JSON object. |
| factory Snapshot.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> m) { |
| // Extract meta information first. |
| final meta = Meta._fromJson(m['snapshot']['meta']); |
| |
| final nodes = m['nodes']; |
| |
| // Build an array of starting indexes of edges for each node. |
| final edgesStartIndexForNode = <int>[0]; |
| int nextStartIndex = 0; |
| for (var i = meta.nodeEdgeCountIndex; |
| i < nodes.length; |
| i += meta.nodeFieldCount) { |
| nextStartIndex += nodes[i]; |
| edgesStartIndexForNode.add(nextStartIndex); |
| } |
| |
| return Snapshot._( |
| meta, |
| m['snapshot']['node_count'], |
| m['snapshot']['edge_count'], |
| m['nodes'], |
| m['edges'], |
| m['strings'], |
| edgesStartIndexForNode); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Meta-information about the serialized snapshot. |
| /// |
| /// Describes the structure of serialized nodes and edges by giving indexes of |
| /// the various fields. |
| class Meta { |
| final int nodeTypeIndex; |
| final int nodeNameIndex; |
| final int nodeIdIndex; |
| final int nodeSelfSizeIndex; |
| final int nodeEdgeCountIndex; |
| final int nodeFieldCount; |
| |
| final int edgeTypeIndex; |
| final int edgeNameOrIndexIndex; |
| final int edgeToNodeIndex; |
| final int edgeFieldCount; |
| |
| final List<String> nodeTypes; |
| final List<String> edgeTypes; |
| |
| Meta._( |
| {this.nodeTypeIndex, |
| this.nodeNameIndex, |
| this.nodeIdIndex, |
| this.nodeSelfSizeIndex, |
| this.nodeEdgeCountIndex, |
| this.nodeFieldCount, |
| this.edgeTypeIndex, |
| this.edgeNameOrIndexIndex, |
| this.edgeToNodeIndex, |
| this.edgeFieldCount, |
| this.nodeTypes, |
| this.edgeTypes}); |
| |
| factory Meta._fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> m) { |
| final nodeFields = m['node_fields']; |
| final nodeTypes = m['node_types'].first.cast<String>(); |
| final edgeFields = m['edge_fields']; |
| final edgeTypes = m['edge_types'].first.cast<String>(); |
| return Meta._( |
| nodeTypeIndex: nodeFields.indexOf('type'), |
| nodeNameIndex: nodeFields.indexOf('name'), |
| nodeIdIndex: nodeFields.indexOf('id'), |
| nodeSelfSizeIndex: nodeFields.indexOf('self_size'), |
| nodeEdgeCountIndex: nodeFields.indexOf('edge_count'), |
| nodeFieldCount: nodeFields.length, |
| edgeTypeIndex: edgeFields.indexOf('type'), |
| edgeNameOrIndexIndex: edgeFields.indexOf('name_or_index'), |
| edgeToNodeIndex: edgeFields.indexOf('to_node'), |
| edgeFieldCount: edgeFields.length, |
| nodeTypes: nodeTypes, |
| edgeTypes: edgeTypes); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Edge from [Node] to [Node] in the [Snapshot] graph. |
| class Edge { |
| final Snapshot snapshot; |
| |
| /// Index of this [Edge] within the [snapshot]. |
| final int index; |
| |
| Edge._({this.snapshot, this.index}); |
| |
| String get type => snapshot |
| .meta.edgeTypes[snapshot._edges[_offset + snapshot.meta.edgeTypeIndex]]; |
| |
| Node get target { |
| return Node._( |
| snapshot: snapshot, |
| index: snapshot._edges[_offset + snapshot.meta.edgeToNodeIndex] ~/ |
| snapshot.meta.nodeFieldCount); |
| } |
| |
| String get name { |
| final nameOrIndex = |
| snapshot._edges[_offset + snapshot.meta.edgeNameOrIndexIndex]; |
| return type == 'property' ? snapshot.strings[nameOrIndex] : '@$nameOrIndex'; |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| String toString() { |
| final nameOrIndex = |
| snapshot._edges[_offset + snapshot.meta.edgeNameOrIndexIndex]; |
| return { |
| 'type': type, |
| 'nameOrIndex': |
| type == 'property' ? snapshot.strings[nameOrIndex] : nameOrIndex, |
| 'toNode': target.index, |
| }.toString(); |
| } |
| |
| /// Offset into [Snapshot._edges] list at which this edge begins. |
| int get _offset => index * snapshot.meta.edgeFieldCount; |
| } |
| |
| /// Node in the [Snapshot] graph. |
| class Node { |
| final Snapshot snapshot; |
| |
| /// Index of this [Node] within the [snapshot]. |
| final int index; |
| |
| Node._({this.snapshot, this.index}); |
| |
| int get edgeCount => |
| snapshot._nodes[_offset + snapshot.meta.nodeEdgeCountIndex]; |
| |
| String get type => snapshot |
| .meta.nodeTypes[snapshot._nodes[_offset + snapshot.meta.nodeTypeIndex]]; |
| |
| String get name => |
| snapshot.strings[snapshot._nodes[_offset + snapshot.meta.nodeNameIndex]]; |
| |
| int get selfSize => |
| snapshot._nodes[_offset + snapshot.meta.nodeSelfSizeIndex]; |
| |
| int get id => snapshot._nodes[_offset + snapshot.meta.nodeIdIndex]; |
| |
| /// Returns all outgoing edges for this node. |
| Iterable<Edge> get edges sync* { |
| var firstEdgeIndex = snapshot._edgesStartIndexForNode[index]; |
| for (var i = 0, n = edgeCount; i < n; i++) { |
| yield Edge._(snapshot: snapshot, index: firstEdgeIndex + i); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| String toString() { |
| return { |
| 'type': type, |
| 'name': name, |
| 'id': id, |
| 'selfSize': selfSize, |
| 'edges': edges.toList(), |
| }.toString(); |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns the target of an outgoing edge with the given name (if any). |
| Node operator [](String edgeName) => this |
| .edges |
| .firstWhere((e) => e.name == edgeName, orElse: () => null) |
| ?.target; |
| |
| @override |
| bool operator ==(Object other) { |
| return other is Node && other.index == index; |
| } |
| |
| @override |
| int get hashCode => this.index.hashCode; |
| |
| /// Offset into [Snapshot._nodes] list at which this node begins. |
| int get _offset => index * snapshot.meta.nodeFieldCount; |
| } |
| |
| /// Class representing information about V8 snapshot profile in relation |
| /// to a [ProgramInfo] structure that was derived from it. |
| class SnapshotInfo { |
| final Snapshot snapshot; |
| |
| final List<ProgramInfoNode> infoNodes; |
| final Map<int, int> _ownerOf; |
| |
| SnapshotInfo._(this.snapshot, this.infoNodes, this._ownerOf); |
| |
| ProgramInfoNode ownerOf(Node node) => |
| infoNodes[_ownerOf[node.index] ?? ProgramInfo.unknownId]; |
| } |
| |
| ProgramInfo toProgramInfo(Snapshot snap, |
| {bool collapseAnonymousClosures = false}) { |
| return _ProgramInfoBuilder( |
| collapseAnonymousClosures: collapseAnonymousClosures) |
| .build(snap); |
| } |
| |
| class _ProgramInfoBuilder { |
| final bool collapseAnonymousClosures; |
| |
| final program = ProgramInfo(); |
| |
| final List<ProgramInfoNode> infoNodes = []; |
| |
| /// Mapping between snapshot [Node] index and id of [ProgramInfoNode] which |
| /// own this node. |
| final Map<int, int> ownerOf = {}; |
| |
| /// Mapping between snapshot [Node] indices and corresponding |
| /// [ProgramInfoNode] objects. Note that multiple snapshot nodes might be |
| /// mapped to a single [ProgramInfoNode] (e.g. when anonymous closures are |
| /// collapsed). |
| final Map<int, ProgramInfoNode> infoNodeByIndex = {}; |
| |
| // Mapping between package names and corresponding [ProgramInfoNode] objects |
| // representing those packages. |
| final Map<String, ProgramInfoNode> infoNodeForPackage = {}; |
| |
| /// Owners of some [Node] are determined by the program structure and not |
| /// by their reachability through the graph. For example, an owner of a |
| /// function is a class that contains it, even though the function can |
| /// also be reachable from another function through object pool. |
| final Set<int> nodesWithFrozenOwner = {}; |
| |
| /// Cache used to optimize common ancestor operation on [ProgramInfoNode] ids. |
| /// See [findCommonAncestor] method. |
| final Map<int, int> commonAncestorCache = {}; |
| |
| _ProgramInfoBuilder({this.collapseAnonymousClosures}); |
| |
| /// Recover [ProgramInfo] structure from the snapshot profile. |
| /// |
| /// This is done via a simple graph traversal: first all nodes representing |
| /// objects with clear ownership (like libraries, classes, functions) are |
| /// discovered and corresponding [ProgramInfoNode] objects are created for |
| /// them. Then the rest of the snapshot is attributed to one of these nodes |
| /// based on reachability (ignoring reachability from normal snapshot roots): |
| /// let `R(n)` be a set of [ProgramInfoNode] objects from which a given |
| /// snapshot node `n` is reachable. Then we define an owner of `n` to be |
| /// a lowest common ancestor of all nodes in `R(n)`. |
| /// |
| /// Nodes which are not reachable from any normal [ProgramInfoNode] are |
| /// attributed to special `@unknown` [ProgramInfoNode]. |
| ProgramInfo build(Snapshot snap) { |
| infoNodes.add(program.root); |
| infoNodes.add(program.stubs); |
| infoNodes.add(program.unknown); |
| |
| // Create ProgramInfoNode for every snapshot node representing an element |
| // of the program structure (e.g. a library, a class, a function). |
| snap.nodes.forEach(getInfoNodeFor); |
| |
| // Propagate the ownership information across the edges. |
| final worklist = ownerOf.keys.toList(); |
| while (worklist.isNotEmpty) { |
| final node = snap.nodeAt(worklist.removeLast()); |
| final sourceOwner = ownerOf[node.index]; |
| for (var e in node.edges) { |
| final target = e.target; |
| if (!nodesWithFrozenOwner.contains(target.index)) { |
| final targetOwner = ownerOf[target.index]; |
| final updatedOwner = findCommonAncestor(sourceOwner, targetOwner); |
| if (updatedOwner != targetOwner) { |
| ownerOf[target.index] = updatedOwner; |
| worklist.add(target.index); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Now attribute sizes from the snapshot to nodes that own them. |
| for (var node in snap.nodes) { |
| if (node.selfSize > 0) { |
| final owner = infoNodes[ownerOf[node.index] ?? ProgramInfo.unknownId]; |
| owner.size = (owner.size ?? 0) + node.selfSize; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| program.snapshotInfo = SnapshotInfo._(snap, infoNodes, ownerOf); |
| |
| return program; |
| } |
| |
| ProgramInfoNode getInfoNodeFor(Node node) { |
| var info = infoNodeByIndex[node.index]; |
| if (info == null) { |
| info = createInfoNodeFor(node); |
| if (info != null) { |
| // Snapshot nodes which represent the program structure can't change |
| // their owner during iteration - their owner is frozen and is given |
| // by the program structure. |
| // Note that [ProgramInfoNode] owns its corresponding [Snapshot] node |
| // because we want the size of the snapshot node to be attributed to |
| // the info node itself. |
| nodesWithFrozenOwner.add(node.index); |
| ownerOf[node.index] = info.id; |
| |
| // Handle some nodes specially. |
| switch (node.type) { |
| case 'Code': |
| // Freeze ownership of the Instructions object. |
| final instructions = node['<instructions>']; |
| nodesWithFrozenOwner.add(instructions.index); |
| ownerOf[instructions.index] = |
| findCommonAncestor(ownerOf[instructions.index], info.id); |
| break; |
| case 'Library': |
| // Freeze ownership of the Script objects owned by this library. |
| final scripts = node['owned_scripts_']; |
| if (scripts != null) { |
| for (var e in scripts.edges) { |
| if (e.target.type == 'Script') { |
| nodesWithFrozenOwner.add(e.target.index); |
| ownerOf[e.target.index] = |
| findCommonAncestor(ownerOf[e.target.index], info.id); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return info; |
| } |
| |
| ProgramInfoNode createInfoNodeFor(Node node) { |
| switch (node.type) { |
| case 'Code': |
| var owner = node[':owner_'] ?? node['owner_']; |
| if (owner.type != 'Type') { |
| final ownerNode = |
| owner.type == 'Null' ? program.stubs : getInfoNodeFor(owner); |
| if (owner.type == 'Function') { |
| // For normal functions we just attribute Code object and all |
| // objects dominated by it to the function itself. |
| return ownerNode; |
| } |
| |
| // For stubs we create a dummy functionNode that is going to own |
| // all objects dominated by it. |
| return makeInfoNode(node.index, |
| name: node.name, parent: ownerNode, type: NodeType.functionNode); |
| } |
| break; |
| |
| case 'Function': |
| if (node.name != '<anonymous signature>') { |
| var owner = node['owner_']; |
| |
| // Artificial nodes will not have data_ field. |
| if (node['data_']?.type == 'ClosureData') { |
| owner = node['data_']['parent_function_']; |
| } |
| return makeInfoNode(node.index, |
| name: node.name, |
| parent: getInfoNodeFor(owner), |
| type: NodeType.functionNode); |
| } |
| break; |
| |
| case 'PatchClass': |
| return getInfoNodeFor(node['patched_class_']); |
| |
| case 'Class': |
| // Default to root node. Some builtin classes (void, dynamic) don't have |
| // any information about their library written out. |
| var ownerNode = program.root; |
| if (node['library_'] != null) { |
| ownerNode = getInfoNodeFor(node['library_']) ?? ownerNode; |
| } |
| |
| return makeInfoNode(node.index, |
| name: node.name, parent: ownerNode, type: NodeType.classNode); |
| |
| case 'Library': |
| // Create fake owner node for the package which contains this library. |
| final packageName = packageOf(node.name); |
| return makeInfoNode(node.index, |
| name: node.name, |
| parent: packageName != node.name |
| ? packageOwner(packageName) |
| : program.root, |
| type: NodeType.libraryNode); |
| |
| case 'Field': |
| return makeInfoNode(node.index, |
| name: node.name, |
| parent: getInfoNodeFor(node['owner_']), |
| type: NodeType.other); |
| } |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| ProgramInfoNode makeInfoNode(int index, |
| {@required ProgramInfoNode parent, |
| @required String name, |
| @required NodeType type}) { |
| assert(parent != null, |
| 'Trying to create node of type ${type} with ${name} and no parent.'); |
| assert(name != null); |
| |
| name = Name(name).scrubbed; |
| if (collapseAnonymousClosures) { |
| name = Name.collapse(name); |
| } |
| |
| final node = program.makeNode(name: name, parent: parent, type: type); |
| if (node.id == infoNodes.length) { |
| infoNodes.add(node); |
| } |
| if (index != null) { |
| assert(!infoNodeByIndex.containsKey(index)); |
| infoNodeByIndex[index] = node; |
| } |
| return node; |
| } |
| |
| ProgramInfoNode packageOwner(String packageName) => |
| infoNodeForPackage.putIfAbsent( |
| packageName, |
| () => makeInfoNode(null, |
| name: packageName, |
| type: NodeType.packageNode, |
| parent: program.root)); |
| |
| /// Create a single key from two node ids. |
| /// Note that this operation is commutative, because common ancestor of A and |
| /// B is the same as common ancestor of B and A. |
| static int ancestorCacheKey(int a, int b) { |
| if (a > b) { |
| return b << 32 | a; |
| } else { |
| return a << 32 | b; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Returns id of a common ancestor between [ProgramInfoNode] with [idA] and |
| /// [idB]. |
| int findCommonAncestor(int idA, int idB) { |
| if (idA == null) { |
| return idB; |
| } |
| if (idB == null) { |
| return idA; |
| } |
| if (idA == idB) { |
| return idA; |
| } |
| |
| // If either are shared - then result is shared. |
| if (idA == ProgramInfo.rootId || idB == ProgramInfo.rootId) { |
| return ProgramInfo.rootId; |
| } |
| |
| final infoA = infoNodes[idA]; |
| final infoB = infoNodes[idB]; |
| |
| final key = ancestorCacheKey(idA, idB); |
| var ancestor = commonAncestorCache[key]; |
| if (ancestor == null) { |
| commonAncestorCache[key] = |
| ancestor = findCommonAncestorImpl(infoA, infoB).id; |
| } |
| return ancestor; |
| } |
| |
| static List<ProgramInfoNode> pathToRoot(ProgramInfoNode node) { |
| final path = <ProgramInfoNode>[]; |
| while (node != null) { |
| path.add(node); |
| node = node.parent; |
| } |
| return path; |
| } |
| |
| static ProgramInfoNode findCommonAncestorImpl( |
| ProgramInfoNode a, ProgramInfoNode b) { |
| final pathA = pathToRoot(a); |
| final pathB = pathToRoot(b); |
| var i = pathA.length - 1, j = pathB.length - 1; |
| while (i > 0 && j > 0 && (pathA[i - 1] == pathB[j - 1])) { |
| i--; |
| j--; |
| } |
| assert(pathA[i] == pathB[j]); |
| return pathA[i]; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| final bucketLegend = ''' |
| |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| IMPORTANT: Dart AOT snapshot is a serialized representation of Dart VM heap. |
| Outside of few specific cases (e.g. an object representing a library clearly |
| originates from the library it represents) there is no well defined relationship |
| between snapshot bytes and a specific method/class/library to which these |
| bytes can be attributed with certainty. This snapshot analysis tool tries |
| to attribute bytes to specific program structure elements based on their |
| reachability from objects with well defined origin - meaning that this analysis |
| has some margin of error and imprecision. |
| |
| - @other bucket denotes bytes attributed to entities outside of the current |
| granularity. For example, when breaking down the size by method name there |
| might be bytes which exist outside of any specific symbol - in which case |
| they will be attributed to @other. |
| - @stubs bucket accumulates bytes attributed to stubs (pieces of machine code |
| produced by the VM for internal purposes). |
| - @shared bucket accumulates bytes shared between otherwise unrelated program |
| entities |
| - @unknown bucket accumulates bytes which are not reachable from any program |
| structure nodes (usually VM internal objects). |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| '''; |
| |
| /// Compute dominator tree of the graph. |
| /// |
| /// The code for dominator tree computation is taken verbatim from the |
| /// native compiler (see runtime/vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph.cc). |
| List<int> _computeDominators(Snapshot snap) { |
| final predecessors = List<Object>.filled(snap.nodeCount, null); |
| void addPred(int n, int p) { |
| if (predecessors[n] == null) { |
| predecessors[n] = p; |
| } else if (predecessors[n] is int) { |
| predecessors[n] = <int>[predecessors[n], p]; |
| } else { |
| (predecessors[n] as List<int>).add(p); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Iterable<int> predOf(int n) sync* { |
| final ps = predecessors[n]; |
| if (ps is int) { |
| yield ps; |
| } else if (ps is List<int>) { |
| yield* ps; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return dominators.computeDominators( |
| size: snap.nodeCount, |
| root: snap.nodes.first.index, |
| succ: (n) => snap.nodeAt(n).edges.map((e) => e.target.index), |
| predOf: predOf, |
| handleEdge: addPred); |
| } |