blob: 454cae94950d821a6b9de62bdd4b2c642d5b2f12 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/compiler/backend/redundancy_elimination.h"
#include <utility>
#include "vm/bit_vector.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/flow_graph.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/il.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/il_printer.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/loops.h"
#include "vm/hash_map.h"
#include "vm/object_store.h"
#include "vm/stack_frame.h"
namespace dart {
DEFINE_FLAG(bool, dead_store_elimination, true, "Eliminate dead stores");
DEFINE_FLAG(bool, load_cse, true, "Use redundant load elimination.");
"Eliminate redundant lazy initializer calls.");
"Print live sets for load optimization pass.");
// Quick access to the current zone.
#define Z (zone())
// A set of Instructions used by CSE pass.
// Instructions are compared as if all redefinitions were removed from the
// graph, with the exception of LoadField instruction which gets special
// treatment.
class CSEInstructionSet : public ValueObject {
CSEInstructionSet() : map_() {}
explicit CSEInstructionSet(const CSEInstructionSet& other)
: ValueObject(), map_(other.map_) {}
Instruction* Lookup(Instruction* other) const {
return map_.LookupValue(other);
void Insert(Instruction* instr) {
return map_.Insert(instr);
static Definition* OriginalDefinition(Value* value) {
return value->definition()->OriginalDefinition();
static bool EqualsIgnoringRedefinitions(const Instruction& a,
const Instruction& b) {
const auto tag = a.tag();
if (tag != b.tag()) return false;
const auto input_count = a.InputCount();
if (input_count != b.InputCount()) return false;
// We would like to avoid replacing a load from a redefinition with a
// load from an original definition because that breaks the dependency
// on the redefinition and enables potentially incorrect code motion.
if (tag != Instruction::kLoadField) {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < input_count; ++i) {
if (OriginalDefinition(a.InputAt(i)) !=
OriginalDefinition(b.InputAt(i))) {
return false;
} else {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < input_count; ++i) {
if (!a.InputAt(i)->Equals(*b.InputAt(i))) return false;
return a.AttributesEqual(b);
class Trait {
typedef Instruction* Value;
typedef Instruction* Key;
typedef Instruction* Pair;
static Key KeyOf(Pair kv) { return kv; }
static Value ValueOf(Pair kv) { return kv; }
static inline uword Hash(Key key) {
uword result = key->tag();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < key->InputCount(); ++i) {
result = CombineHashes(
result, OriginalDefinition(key->InputAt(i))->ssa_temp_index());
return FinalizeHash(result, kBitsPerInt32 - 1);
static inline bool IsKeyEqual(Pair kv, Key key) {
return EqualsIgnoringRedefinitions(*kv, *key);
DirectChainedHashMap<Trait> map_;
// Place describes an abstract location (e.g. field) that IR can load
// from or store to.
// Places are also used to describe wild-card locations also known as aliases,
// that essentially represent sets of places that alias each other. Places A
// and B are said to alias each other if store into A can affect load from B.
// We distinguish the following aliases:
// - for fields
// - *.f - field inside some object;
// - X.f - field inside an allocated object X;
// - f - static fields
// - for indexed accesses
// - *[*] - non-constant index inside some object;
// - *[C] - constant index inside some object;
// - X[*] - non-constant index inside an allocated object X;
// - X[C] - constant index inside an allocated object X.
// Constant indexed places are divided into two subcategories:
// - Access to homogeneous array-like objects: Array, ImmutableArray,
// OneByteString, TwoByteString. These objects can only be accessed
// on element by element basis with all elements having the same size.
// This means X[C] aliases X[K] if and only if C === K.
// - TypedData accesses. TypedData allow to read one of the primitive
// data types at the given byte offset. When TypedData is accessed through
// index operator on a typed array or a typed array view it is guaranteed
// that the byte offset is always aligned by the element size. We write
// these accesses as X[C|S], where C is constant byte offset and S is size
// of the data type. Obviously X[C|S] and X[K|U] alias if and only if either
// C = RoundDown(K, S) or K = RoundDown(C, U).
// Note that not all accesses to typed data are aligned: e.g. ByteData
// allows unanaligned access through it's get*/set* methods.
// Check in Place::SetIndex ensures that we never create a place X[C|S]
// such that C is not aligned by S.
// Separating allocations from other objects improves precision of the
// load forwarding pass because of the following two properties:
// - if X can be proven to have no aliases itself (i.e. there is no other SSA
// variable that points to X) then no place inside X can be aliased with any
// wildcard dependent place (*.f, *.@offs, *[*], *[C]);
// - given allocations X and Y no place inside X can be aliased with any place
// inside Y even if any of them or both escape.
// It is important to realize that single place can belong to multiple aliases.
// For example place X.f with aliased allocation X belongs both to X.f and *.f
// aliases. Likewise X[C] with non-aliased allocation X belongs to X[C] and X[*]
// aliases.
class Place : public ValueObject {
enum Kind {
// Static field location. Is represented as a Field object with a
// nullptr instance.
// Instance field location. It is reprensented by a pair of instance
// and a Slot.
// Indexed location with a non-constant index.
// Indexed location with a constant index.
// Size of the element accessed by constant index. Size is only important
// for TypedData because those accesses can alias even when constant indexes
// are not the same: X[0|4] aliases X[0|2] and X[2|2].
enum ElementSize {
// If indexed access is not a TypedData access then element size is not
// important because there is only a single possible access size depending
// on the receiver - X[C] aliases X[K] if and only if C == K.
// This is the size set for Array, ImmutableArray, OneByteString and
// TwoByteString accesses.
// 1 byte (Int8List, Uint8List, Uint8ClampedList).
// 2 bytes (Int16List, Uint16List).
// 4 bytes (Int32List, Uint32List, Float32List).
// 8 bytes (Int64List, Uint64List, Float64List).
// 16 bytes (Int32x4List, Float32x4List, Float64x2List).
kLargestElementSize = kInt128,
Place(const Place& other)
: ValueObject(),
id_(other.id_) {}
// Construct a place from instruction if instruction accesses any place.
// Otherwise constructs kNone place.
Place(Instruction* instr, bool* is_load, bool* is_store)
: flags_(0), instance_(nullptr), raw_selector_(0), id_(0) {
switch (instr->tag()) {
case Instruction::kLoadField: {
LoadFieldInstr* load_field = instr->AsLoadField();
instance_ = load_field->instance()->definition()->OriginalDefinition();
instance_field_ = &load_field->slot();
*is_load = true;
case Instruction::kStoreField: {
StoreFieldInstr* store = instr->AsStoreField();
instance_ = store->instance()->definition()->OriginalDefinition();
instance_field_ = &store->slot();
*is_store = true;
case Instruction::kLoadStaticField:
static_field_ = &instr->AsLoadStaticField()->field();
*is_load = true;
case Instruction::kStoreStaticField:
static_field_ = &instr->AsStoreStaticField()->field();
*is_store = true;
case Instruction::kLoadIndexed: {
LoadIndexedInstr* load_indexed = instr->AsLoadIndexed();
instance_ = load_indexed->array()->definition()->OriginalDefinition();
load_indexed->index_scale(), load_indexed->class_id());
*is_load = true;
case Instruction::kStoreIndexed: {
StoreIndexedInstr* store_indexed = instr->AsStoreIndexed();
instance_ = store_indexed->array()->definition()->OriginalDefinition();
store_indexed->index_scale(), store_indexed->class_id());
*is_store = true;
// Construct a place from an allocation where the place represents a store to
// a slot that corresponds to the given input position.
// Otherwise, constructs a kNone place.
Place(AllocationInstr* alloc, intptr_t input_pos)
: flags_(0), instance_(nullptr), raw_selector_(0), id_(0) {
if (const Slot* slot = alloc->SlotForInput(input_pos)) {
instance_ = alloc;
instance_field_ = slot;
bool IsConstant(Object* value) const {
switch (kind()) {
case kInstanceField:
return (instance() != nullptr) && instance()->IsConstant() &&
instance()->AsConstant()->constant_value(), instance_field(),
return false;
// Create object representing *[*] alias.
static Place* CreateAnyInstanceAnyIndexAlias(Zone* zone, intptr_t id) {
return Wrap(
zone, Place(EncodeFlags(kIndexed, kNoRepresentation, kNoSize), NULL, 0),
// Return least generic alias for this place. Given that aliases are
// essentially sets of places we define least generic alias as a smallest
// alias that contains this place.
// We obtain such alias by a simple transformation:
// - for places that depend on an instance X.f, X.@offs, X[i], X[C]
// we drop X if X is not an allocation because in this case X does not
// possess an identity obtaining aliases *.f, *.@offs, *[i] and *[C]
// respectively;
// - for non-constant indexed places X[i] we drop information about the
// index obtaining alias X[*].
// - we drop information about representation, but keep element size
// if any.
Place ToAlias() const {
return Place(
RepresentationBits::update(kNoRepresentation, flags_),
(DependsOnInstance() && IsAllocation(instance())) ? instance() : NULL,
(kind() == kIndexed) ? 0 : raw_selector_);
bool DependsOnInstance() const {
switch (kind()) {
case kInstanceField:
case kIndexed:
case kConstantIndexed:
return true;
case kStaticField:
case kNone:
return false;
return false;
// Given instance dependent alias X.f, X.@offs, X[C], X[*] return
// wild-card dependent alias *.f, *.@offs, *[C] or *[*] respectively.
Place CopyWithoutInstance() const {
return Place(flags_, NULL, raw_selector_);
// Given alias X[C] or *[C] return X[*] and *[*] respectively.
Place CopyWithoutIndex() const {
ASSERT(kind() == kConstantIndexed);
return Place(EncodeFlags(kIndexed, kNoRepresentation, kNoSize), instance_,
// Given alias X[ByteOffs|S] and a larger element size S', return
// alias X[RoundDown(ByteOffs, S')|S'] - this is the byte offset of a larger
// typed array element that contains this typed array element.
// In other words this method computes the only possible place with the given
// size that can alias this place (due to alignment restrictions).
// For example for X[9|kInt8] and target size kInt32 we would return
// X[8|kInt32].
Place ToLargerElement(ElementSize to) const {
ASSERT(kind() == kConstantIndexed);
ASSERT(element_size() != kNoSize);
ASSERT(element_size() < to);
return Place(ElementSizeBits::update(to, flags_), instance_,
RoundByteOffset(to, index_constant_));
// Given alias X[ByteOffs|S], smaller element size S' and index from 0 to
// S/S' - 1 return alias X[ByteOffs + S'*index|S'] - this is the byte offset
// of a smaller typed array element which is contained within this typed
// array element.
// For example X[8|kInt32] contains inside X[8|kInt16] (index is 0) and
// X[10|kInt16] (index is 1).
Place ToSmallerElement(ElementSize to, intptr_t index) const {
ASSERT(kind() == kConstantIndexed);
ASSERT(element_size() != kNoSize);
ASSERT(element_size() > to);
ASSERT(index >= 0);
ASSERT(index <
ElementSizeMultiplier(element_size()) / ElementSizeMultiplier(to));
return Place(ElementSizeBits::update(to, flags_), instance_,
ByteOffsetToSmallerElement(to, index, index_constant_));
intptr_t id() const { return id_; }
Kind kind() const { return KindBits::decode(flags_); }
Representation representation() const {
return RepresentationBits::decode(flags_);
Definition* instance() const {
return instance_;
void set_instance(Definition* def) {
instance_ = def->OriginalDefinition();
const Field& static_field() const {
ASSERT(kind() == kStaticField);
return *static_field_;
const Slot& instance_field() const {
ASSERT(kind() == kInstanceField);
return *instance_field_;
Definition* index() const {
ASSERT(kind() == kIndexed);
return index_;
ElementSize element_size() const { return ElementSizeBits::decode(flags_); }
intptr_t index_constant() const {
ASSERT(kind() == kConstantIndexed);
return index_constant_;
static const char* DefinitionName(Definition* def) {
if (def == NULL) {
return "*";
} else {
return Thread::Current()->zone()->PrintToString("v%" Pd,
const char* ToCString() const {
switch (kind()) {
case kNone:
return "<none>";
case kStaticField: {
const char* field_name =
return Thread::Current()->zone()->PrintToString("<%s>", field_name);
case kInstanceField:
return Thread::Current()->zone()->PrintToString(
"<%s.%s[%p]>", DefinitionName(instance()), instance_field().Name(),
case kIndexed:
return Thread::Current()->zone()->PrintToString(
"<%s[%s]>", DefinitionName(instance()), DefinitionName(index()));
case kConstantIndexed:
if (element_size() == kNoSize) {
return Thread::Current()->zone()->PrintToString(
"<%s[%" Pd "]>", DefinitionName(instance()), index_constant());
} else {
return Thread::Current()->zone()->PrintToString(
"<%s[%" Pd "|%" Pd "]>", DefinitionName(instance()),
index_constant(), ElementSizeMultiplier(element_size()));
return "<?>";
// Fields that are considered immutable by load optimization.
// Handle static finals as non-final with precompilation because
// they may be reset to uninitialized after compilation.
bool IsImmutableField() const {
switch (kind()) {
case kInstanceField:
return instance_field().is_immutable();
return false;
uword Hash() const {
return FinalizeHash(
CombineHashes(flags_, reinterpret_cast<uword>(instance_)),
kBitsPerInt32 - 1);
bool Equals(const Place& other) const {
return (flags_ == other.flags_) && (instance_ == other.instance_) &&
// Create a zone allocated copy of this place and assign given id to it.
static Place* Wrap(Zone* zone, const Place& place, intptr_t id);
static bool IsAllocation(Definition* defn) {
return (defn != NULL) && (defn->IsAllocation() ||
(defn->IsStaticCall() &&
Place(uword flags, Definition* instance, intptr_t selector)
: flags_(flags), instance_(instance), raw_selector_(selector), id_(0) {}
bool SameField(const Place& other) const {
return (kind() == kStaticField)
? (static_field().Original() == other.static_field().Original())
: (raw_selector_ == other.raw_selector_);
uword FieldHash() const {
return (kind() == kStaticField)
? String::Handle(Field::Handle(static_field().Original()).name())
: raw_selector_;
void set_representation(Representation rep) {
flags_ = RepresentationBits::update(rep, flags_);
void set_kind(Kind kind) { flags_ = KindBits::update(kind, flags_); }
void set_element_size(ElementSize scale) {
flags_ = ElementSizeBits::update(scale, flags_);
void SetIndex(Definition* index, intptr_t scale, intptr_t class_id) {
ConstantInstr* index_constant = index->AsConstant();
if ((index_constant != NULL) && index_constant->value().IsSmi()) {
const intptr_t index_value = Smi::Cast(index_constant->value()).Value();
const ElementSize size = ElementSizeFor(class_id);
const bool is_typed_access = (size != kNoSize);
// Indexing into [RawTypedDataView]/[RawExternalTypedData happens via a
// untagged load of the `_data` field (which points to C memory).
// Indexing into dart:ffi's [RawPointer] happens via loading of the
// `c_memory_address_`, converting it to an integer, doing some arithmetic
// and finally using IntConverterInstr to convert to a untagged
// representation.
// In both cases the array used for load/store has untagged
// representation.
const bool can_be_view = instance_->representation() == kUntagged;
// If we are writing into the typed data scale the index to
// get byte offset. Otherwise ignore the scale.
if (!is_typed_access) {
scale = 1;
// Guard against potential multiplication overflow and negative indices.
if ((0 <= index_value) && (index_value < (kMaxInt32 / scale))) {
const intptr_t scaled_index = index_value * scale;
// Guard against unaligned byte offsets and access through raw
// memory pointer (which can be pointing into another typed data).
if (!is_typed_access ||
(!can_be_view &&
Utils::IsAligned(scaled_index, ElementSizeMultiplier(size)))) {
index_constant_ = scaled_index;
// Fallthrough: create generic _[*] place.
index_ = index;
static uword EncodeFlags(Kind kind, Representation rep, ElementSize scale) {
ASSERT((kind == kConstantIndexed) || (scale == kNoSize));
return KindBits::encode(kind) | RepresentationBits::encode(rep) |
static ElementSize ElementSizeFor(intptr_t class_id) {
switch (class_id) {
case kArrayCid:
case kImmutableArrayCid:
case kOneByteStringCid:
case kTwoByteStringCid:
case kExternalOneByteStringCid:
case kExternalTwoByteStringCid:
// Object arrays and strings do not allow accessing them through
// different types. No need to attach scale.
return kNoSize;
case kTypedDataInt8ArrayCid:
case kTypedDataUint8ArrayCid:
case kTypedDataUint8ClampedArrayCid:
case kExternalTypedDataUint8ArrayCid:
case kExternalTypedDataUint8ClampedArrayCid:
return kInt8;
case kTypedDataInt16ArrayCid:
case kTypedDataUint16ArrayCid:
return kInt16;
case kTypedDataInt32ArrayCid:
case kTypedDataUint32ArrayCid:
case kTypedDataFloat32ArrayCid:
return kInt32;
case kTypedDataInt64ArrayCid:
case kTypedDataUint64ArrayCid:
case kTypedDataFloat64ArrayCid:
return kInt64;
case kTypedDataInt32x4ArrayCid:
case kTypedDataFloat32x4ArrayCid:
case kTypedDataFloat64x2ArrayCid:
return kInt128;
return kNoSize;
static intptr_t ElementSizeMultiplier(ElementSize size) {
return 1 << (static_cast<intptr_t>(size) - static_cast<intptr_t>(kInt8));
static intptr_t RoundByteOffset(ElementSize size, intptr_t offset) {
return offset & ~(ElementSizeMultiplier(size) - 1);
static intptr_t ByteOffsetToSmallerElement(ElementSize size,
intptr_t index,
intptr_t base_offset) {
return base_offset + index * ElementSizeMultiplier(size);
class KindBits : public BitField<uword, Kind, 0, 3> {};
class RepresentationBits
: public BitField<uword, Representation, KindBits::kNextBit, 11> {};
class ElementSizeBits
: public BitField<uword, ElementSize, RepresentationBits::kNextBit, 3> {};
uword flags_;
Definition* instance_;
union {
intptr_t raw_selector_;
const Field* static_field_;
const Slot* instance_field_;
intptr_t index_constant_;
Definition* index_;
intptr_t id_;
class ZonePlace : public ZoneAllocated {
explicit ZonePlace(const Place& place) : place_(place) {}
Place* place() { return &place_; }
Place place_;
Place* Place::Wrap(Zone* zone, const Place& place, intptr_t id) {
Place* wrapped = (new (zone) ZonePlace(place))->place();
wrapped->id_ = id;
return wrapped;
// Correspondence between places connected through outgoing phi moves on the
// edge that targets join.
class PhiPlaceMoves : public ZoneAllocated {
// Record a move from the place with id |from| to the place with id |to| at
// the given block.
void CreateOutgoingMove(Zone* zone,
BlockEntryInstr* block,
intptr_t from,
intptr_t to) {
const intptr_t block_num = block->preorder_number();
moves_.EnsureLength(block_num + 1, nullptr);
if (moves_[block_num] == nullptr) {
moves_[block_num] = new (zone) ZoneGrowableArray<Move>(5);
moves_[block_num]->Add(Move(from, to));
class Move {
Move(intptr_t from, intptr_t to) : from_(from), to_(to) {}
intptr_t from() const { return from_; }
intptr_t to() const { return to_; }
intptr_t from_;
intptr_t to_;
typedef const ZoneGrowableArray<Move>* MovesList;
MovesList GetOutgoingMoves(BlockEntryInstr* block) const {
const intptr_t block_num = block->preorder_number();
return (block_num < moves_.length()) ? moves_[block_num] : NULL;
GrowableArray<ZoneGrowableArray<Move>*> moves_;
// A map from aliases to a set of places sharing the alias. Additionally
// carries a set of places that can be aliased by side-effects, essentially
// those that are affected by calls.
class AliasedSet : public ZoneAllocated {
AliasedSet(Zone* zone,
PointerSet<Place>* places_map,
ZoneGrowableArray<Place*>* places,
PhiPlaceMoves* phi_moves)
: zone_(zone),
aliased_by_effects_(new (zone) BitVector(zone, places->length())) {
zone_, kAnyInstanceAnyIndexAlias));
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < places_.length(); i++) {
intptr_t LookupAliasId(const Place& alias) {
const Place* result = aliases_map_.LookupValue(&alias);
return (result != NULL) ? result->id() : static_cast<intptr_t>(kNoAlias);
BitVector* GetKilledSet(intptr_t alias) {
return (alias < killed_.length()) ? killed_[alias] : NULL;
intptr_t max_place_id() const { return places().length(); }
bool IsEmpty() const { return max_place_id() == 0; }
BitVector* aliased_by_effects() const { return aliased_by_effects_; }
const ZoneGrowableArray<Place*>& places() const { return places_; }
Place* LookupCanonical(Place* place) const {
return places_map_->LookupValue(place);
void PrintSet(BitVector* set) {
bool comma = false;
for (BitVector::Iterator it(set); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
if (comma) {
THR_Print(", ");
THR_Print("%s", places_[it.Current()]->ToCString());
comma = true;
const PhiPlaceMoves* phi_moves() const { return phi_moves_; }
void RollbackAliasedIdentites() {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < identity_rollback_.length(); ++i) {
// Returns false if the result of an allocation instruction can't be aliased
// by another SSA variable and true otherwise.
bool CanBeAliased(Definition* alloc) {
if (!Place::IsAllocation(alloc)) {
return true;
if (alloc->Identity().IsUnknown()) {
return !alloc->Identity().IsNotAliased();
enum { kNoAlias = 0 };
enum {
// Artificial alias that is used to collect all representatives of the
// *[C], X[C] aliases for arbitrary C.
kAnyConstantIndexedAlias = 1,
// Artificial alias that is used to collect all representatives of
// *[C] alias for arbitrary C.
kUnknownInstanceConstantIndexedAlias = 2,
// Artificial alias that is used to collect all representatives of
// X[*] alias for all X.
kAnyAllocationIndexedAlias = 3,
// *[*] alias.
kAnyInstanceAnyIndexAlias = 4
// Compute least generic alias for the place and assign alias id to it.
void AddRepresentative(Place* place) {
if (!place->IsImmutableField()) {
const Place* alias = CanonicalizeAlias(place->ToAlias());
EnsureSet(&representatives_, alias->id())->Add(place->id());
// Update cumulative representative sets that are used during
// killed sets computation.
if (alias->kind() == Place::kConstantIndexed) {
if (CanBeAliased(alias->instance())) {
EnsureSet(&representatives_, kAnyConstantIndexedAlias)
if (alias->instance() == NULL) {
EnsureSet(&representatives_, kUnknownInstanceConstantIndexedAlias)
// Collect all element sizes used to access TypedData arrays in
// the function. This is used to skip sizes without representatives
// when computing kill sets.
if (alias->element_size() != Place::kNoSize) {
} else if ((alias->kind() == Place::kIndexed) &&
CanBeAliased(place->instance())) {
EnsureSet(&representatives_, kAnyAllocationIndexedAlias)
if (!IsIndependentFromEffects(place)) {
void ComputeKillSets() {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < aliases_.length(); ++i) {
const Place* alias = aliases_[i];
// Add all representatives to the kill set.
AddAllRepresentatives(alias->id(), alias->id());
if (FLAG_trace_load_optimization) {
THR_Print("Aliases KILL sets:\n");
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < aliases_.length(); ++i) {
const Place* alias = aliases_[i];
BitVector* kill = GetKilledSet(alias->id());
THR_Print("%s: ", alias->ToCString());
if (kill != NULL) {
void InsertAlias(const Place* alias) {
const Place* CanonicalizeAlias(const Place& alias) {
const Place* canonical = aliases_map_.LookupValue(&alias);
if (canonical == NULL) {
canonical = Place::Wrap(zone_, alias,
kAnyInstanceAnyIndexAlias + aliases_.length());
ASSERT(aliases_map_.LookupValue(&alias) == canonical);
return canonical;
BitVector* GetRepresentativesSet(intptr_t alias) {
return (alias < representatives_.length()) ? representatives_[alias] : NULL;
BitVector* EnsureSet(GrowableArray<BitVector*>* sets, intptr_t alias) {
while (sets->length() <= alias) {
BitVector* set = (*sets)[alias];
if (set == NULL) {
(*sets)[alias] = set = new (zone_) BitVector(zone_, max_place_id());
return set;
void AddAllRepresentatives(const Place* to, intptr_t from) {
AddAllRepresentatives(to->id(), from);
void AddAllRepresentatives(intptr_t to, intptr_t from) {
BitVector* from_set = GetRepresentativesSet(from);
if (from_set != NULL) {
EnsureSet(&killed_, to)->AddAll(from_set);
void CrossAlias(const Place* to, const Place& from) {
const intptr_t from_id = LookupAliasId(from);
if (from_id == kNoAlias) {
CrossAlias(to, from_id);
void CrossAlias(const Place* to, intptr_t from) {
AddAllRepresentatives(to->id(), from);
AddAllRepresentatives(from, to->id());
// When computing kill sets we let less generic alias insert its
// representatives into more generic alias'es kill set. For example
// when visiting alias X[*] instead of searching for all aliases X[C]
// and inserting their representatives into kill set for X[*] we update
// kill set for X[*] each time we visit new X[C] for some C.
// There is an exception however: if both aliases are parametric like *[C]
// and X[*] which cross alias when X is an aliased allocation then we use
// artificial aliases that contain all possible representatives for the given
// alias for any value of the parameter to compute resulting kill set.
void ComputeKillSet(const Place* alias) {
switch (alias->kind()) {
case Place::kIndexed: // Either *[*] or X[*] alias.
if (alias->instance() == NULL) {
// *[*] aliases with X[*], X[C], *[C].
AddAllRepresentatives(alias, kAnyConstantIndexedAlias);
AddAllRepresentatives(alias, kAnyAllocationIndexedAlias);
} else if (CanBeAliased(alias->instance())) {
// X[*] aliases with X[C].
// If X can be aliased then X[*] also aliases with *[C], *[*].
CrossAlias(alias, kAnyInstanceAnyIndexAlias);
AddAllRepresentatives(alias, kUnknownInstanceConstantIndexedAlias);
case Place::kConstantIndexed: // Either X[C] or *[C] alias.
if (alias->element_size() != Place::kNoSize) {
const bool has_aliased_instance =
(alias->instance() != NULL) && CanBeAliased(alias->instance());
// If this is a TypedData access then X[C|S] aliases larger elements
// covering this one X[RoundDown(C, S')|S'] for all S' > S and
// all smaller elements being covered by this one X[C'|S'] for
// some S' < S and all C' such that C = RoundDown(C', S).
// In the loop below it's enough to only propagate aliasing to
// larger aliases because propagation is symmetric: smaller aliases
// (if there are any) would update kill set for this alias when they
// are visited.
for (intptr_t i = static_cast<intptr_t>(alias->element_size()) + 1;
i <= Place::kLargestElementSize; i++) {
// Skip element sizes that a guaranteed to have no representatives.
if (!typed_data_access_sizes_.Contains(alias->element_size())) {
// X[C|S] aliases with X[RoundDown(C, S')|S'] and likewise
// *[C|S] aliases with *[RoundDown(C, S')|S'].
CrossAlias(alias, alias->ToLargerElement(
if (has_aliased_instance) {
// If X is an aliased instance then X[C|S] aliases *[C'|S'] for all
// related combinations of C' and S'.
// Caveat: this propagation is not symmetric (we would not know
// to propagate aliasing from *[C'|S'] to X[C|S] when visiting
// *[C'|S']) and thus we need to handle both element sizes smaller
// and larger than S.
const Place no_instance_alias = alias->CopyWithoutInstance();
for (intptr_t i = Place::kInt8; i <= Place::kLargestElementSize;
i++) {
// Skip element sizes that a guaranteed to have no
// representatives.
if (!typed_data_access_sizes_.Contains(alias->element_size())) {
const auto other_size = static_cast<Place::ElementSize>(i);
if (other_size > alias->element_size()) {
// X[C|S] aliases all larger elements which cover it:
// *[RoundDown(C, S')|S'] for S' > S.
} else if (other_size < alias->element_size()) {
// X[C|S] aliases all sub-elements of smaller size:
// *[C+j*S'|S'] for S' < S and j from 0 to S/S' - 1.
const auto num_smaller_elements =
1 << (alias->element_size() - other_size);
for (intptr_t j = 0; j < num_smaller_elements; j++) {
no_instance_alias.ToSmallerElement(other_size, j));
if (alias->instance() == NULL) {
// *[C] aliases with X[C], X[*], *[*].
AddAllRepresentatives(alias, kAnyAllocationIndexedAlias);
CrossAlias(alias, kAnyInstanceAnyIndexAlias);
} else {
// X[C] aliases with X[*].
// If X can be aliased then X[C] also aliases with *[C], *[*].
CrossAlias(alias, alias->CopyWithoutIndex());
if (CanBeAliased(alias->instance())) {
CrossAlias(alias, alias->CopyWithoutInstance());
CrossAlias(alias, kAnyInstanceAnyIndexAlias);
case Place::kStaticField:
// Nothing to do.
case Place::kInstanceField:
if (CanBeAliased(alias->instance())) {
// X.f alias with *.f.
CrossAlias(alias, alias->CopyWithoutInstance());
case Place::kNone:
// Returns true if the given load is unaffected by external side-effects.
// This essentially means that no stores to the same location can
// occur in other functions.
bool IsIndependentFromEffects(Place* place) {
if (place->IsImmutableField()) {
return true;
return ((place->kind() == Place::kInstanceField) ||
(place->kind() == Place::kConstantIndexed)) &&
(place->instance() != nullptr) && !CanBeAliased(place->instance());
// Returns true if there are direct loads from the given place.
bool HasLoadsFromPlace(Definition* defn, const Place* place) {
ASSERT(place->kind() == Place::kInstanceField);
for (Value* use = defn->input_use_list(); use != NULL;
use = use->next_use()) {
Instruction* instr = use->instruction();
if (UseIsARedefinition(use) &&
HasLoadsFromPlace(instr->Cast<Definition>(), place)) {
return true;
bool is_load = false, is_store;
Place load_place(instr, &is_load, &is_store);
if (is_load && load_place.Equals(*place)) {
return true;
return false;
// Returns true if the given [use] is a redefinition (e.g. RedefinitionInstr,
// CheckNull, CheckArrayBound, etc).
static bool UseIsARedefinition(Value* use) {
Instruction* instr = use->instruction();
return instr->IsDefinition() &&
(instr->Cast<Definition>()->RedefinedValue() == use);
// Check if any use of the definition can create an alias.
// Can add more objects into aliasing_worklist_.
bool AnyUseCreatesAlias(Definition* defn) {
for (Value* use = defn->input_use_list(); use != NULL;
use = use->next_use()) {
Instruction* instr = use->instruction();
if (instr->HasUnknownSideEffects() || instr->IsLoadUntagged() ||
(instr->IsStoreIndexed() &&
(use->use_index() == StoreIndexedInstr::kValuePos)) ||
instr->IsStoreStaticField() || instr->IsPhi()) {
return true;
} else if (UseIsARedefinition(use) &&
AnyUseCreatesAlias(instr->Cast<Definition>())) {
return true;
} else if ((instr->IsStoreField() &&
(use->use_index() != StoreFieldInstr::kInstancePos))) {
ASSERT(use->use_index() == StoreFieldInstr::kValuePos);
// If we store this value into an object that is not aliased itself
// and we never load again then the store does not create an alias.
StoreFieldInstr* store = instr->AsStoreField();
Definition* instance =
if (Place::IsAllocation(instance) &&
!instance->Identity().IsAliased()) {
bool is_load, is_store;
Place store_place(instr, &is_load, &is_store);
if (!HasLoadsFromPlace(instance, &store_place)) {
// No loads found that match this store. If it is yet unknown if
// the object is not aliased then optimistically assume this but
// add it to the worklist to check its uses transitively.
if (instance->Identity().IsUnknown()) {
return true;
} else if (auto* const alloc = instr->AsAllocation()) {
// Treat inputs to an allocation instruction exactly as if they were
// manually stored using a StoreField instruction.
if (alloc->Identity().IsAliased()) {
return true;
Place input_place(alloc, use->use_index());
if (HasLoadsFromPlace(alloc, &input_place)) {
return true;
if (alloc->Identity().IsUnknown()) {
return false;
void MarkDefinitionAsAliased(Definition* d) {
auto* const defn = d->OriginalDefinition();
if (defn->Identity().IsNotAliased()) {
// Add to worklist to propagate the mark transitively.
// Mark any value stored into the given object as potentially aliased.
void MarkStoredValuesEscaping(Definition* defn) {
// Find all inputs corresponding to fields if allocating an object.
if (auto* const alloc = defn->AsAllocation()) {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < alloc->InputCount(); i++) {
if (auto* const slot = alloc->SlotForInput(i)) {
// Find all stores into this object.
for (Value* use = defn->input_use_list(); use != NULL;
use = use->next_use()) {
auto instr = use->instruction();
if (UseIsARedefinition(use)) {
if ((use->use_index() == StoreFieldInstr::kInstancePos) &&
instr->IsStoreField()) {
// Determine if the given definition can't be aliased.
void ComputeAliasing(Definition* alloc) {
while (!aliasing_worklist_.is_empty()) {
Definition* defn = aliasing_worklist_.RemoveLast();
// If the definition in the worklist was optimistically marked as
// not-aliased check that optimistic assumption still holds: check if
// any of its uses can create an alias.
if (!defn->Identity().IsAliased() && AnyUseCreatesAlias(defn)) {
// If the allocation site is marked as aliased conservatively mark
// any values stored into the object aliased too.
if (defn->Identity().IsAliased()) {
Zone* zone_;
PointerSet<Place>* places_map_;
const ZoneGrowableArray<Place*>& places_;
const PhiPlaceMoves* phi_moves_;
// A list of all seen aliases and a map that allows looking up canonical
// alias object.
GrowableArray<const Place*> aliases_;
PointerSet<const Place> aliases_map_;
SmallSet<Place::ElementSize> typed_data_access_sizes_;
// Maps alias id to set of ids of places representing the alias.
// Place represents an alias if this alias is least generic alias for
// the place.
// (see ToAlias for the definition of least generic alias).
GrowableArray<BitVector*> representatives_;
// Maps alias id to set of ids of places aliased.
GrowableArray<BitVector*> killed_;
// Set of ids of places that can be affected by side-effects other than
// explicit stores (i.e. through calls).
BitVector* aliased_by_effects_;
// Worklist used during alias analysis.
GrowableArray<Definition*> aliasing_worklist_;
// List of definitions that had their identity set to Aliased. At the end
// of load optimization their identity will be rolled back to Unknown to
// avoid treating them as Aliased at later stages without checking first
// as optimizations can potentially eliminate instructions leading to
// aliasing.
GrowableArray<Definition*> identity_rollback_;
static Definition* GetStoredValue(Instruction* instr) {
if (instr->IsStoreIndexed()) {
return instr->AsStoreIndexed()->value()->definition();
StoreFieldInstr* store_instance_field = instr->AsStoreField();
if (store_instance_field != NULL) {
return store_instance_field->value()->definition();
StoreStaticFieldInstr* store_static_field = instr->AsStoreStaticField();
if (store_static_field != NULL) {
return store_static_field->value()->definition();
UNREACHABLE(); // Should only be called for supported store instructions.
return NULL;
static bool IsPhiDependentPlace(Place* place) {
return (place->kind() == Place::kInstanceField) &&
(place->instance() != NULL) && place->instance()->IsPhi();
// For each place that depends on a phi ensure that equivalent places
// corresponding to phi input are numbered and record outgoing phi moves
// for each block which establish correspondence between phi dependent place
// and phi input's place that is flowing in.
static PhiPlaceMoves* ComputePhiMoves(PointerSet<Place>* map,
ZoneGrowableArray<Place*>* places) {
Thread* thread = Thread::Current();
Zone* zone = thread->zone();
PhiPlaceMoves* phi_moves = new (zone) PhiPlaceMoves();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < places->length(); i++) {
Place* place = (*places)[i];
if (IsPhiDependentPlace(place)) {
PhiInstr* phi = place->instance()->AsPhi();
BlockEntryInstr* block = phi->GetBlock();
if (FLAG_trace_optimization) {
THR_Print("phi dependent place %s\n", place->ToCString());
Place input_place(*place);
for (intptr_t j = 0; j < phi->InputCount(); j++) {
Place* result = map->LookupValue(&input_place);
if (result == NULL) {
result = Place::Wrap(zone, input_place, places->length());
if (FLAG_trace_optimization) {
THR_Print(" adding place %s as %" Pd "\n", result->ToCString(),
phi_moves->CreateOutgoingMove(zone, block->PredecessorAt(j),
result->id(), place->id());
return phi_moves;
DART_FORCE_INLINE static void SetPlaceId(Instruction* instr, intptr_t id) {
instr->SetPassSpecificId(CompilerPass::kCSE, id);
DART_FORCE_INLINE static bool HasPlaceId(const Instruction* instr) {
return instr->HasPassSpecificId(CompilerPass::kCSE);
DART_FORCE_INLINE static intptr_t GetPlaceId(const Instruction* instr) {
return instr->GetPassSpecificId(CompilerPass::kCSE);
enum CSEMode { kOptimizeLoads, kOptimizeStores };
static AliasedSet* NumberPlaces(FlowGraph* graph,
PointerSet<Place>* map,
CSEMode mode) {
// Loads representing different expression ids will be collected and
// used to build per offset kill sets.
Zone* zone = graph->zone();
ZoneGrowableArray<Place*>* places = new (zone) ZoneGrowableArray<Place*>(10);
bool has_loads = false;
bool has_stores = false;
for (BlockIterator it = graph->reverse_postorder_iterator(); !it.Done();
it.Advance()) {
BlockEntryInstr* block = it.Current();
for (ForwardInstructionIterator instr_it(block); !instr_it.Done();
instr_it.Advance()) {
Instruction* instr = instr_it.Current();
Place place(instr, &has_loads, &has_stores);
if (place.kind() == Place::kNone) {
Place* result = map->LookupValue(&place);
if (result == NULL) {
result = Place::Wrap(zone, place, places->length());
if (FLAG_trace_optimization) {
THR_Print("numbering %s as %" Pd "\n", result->ToCString(),
SetPlaceId(instr, result->id());
if ((mode == kOptimizeLoads) && !has_loads) {
return NULL;
if ((mode == kOptimizeStores) && !has_stores) {
return NULL;
PhiPlaceMoves* phi_moves = ComputePhiMoves(map, places);
// Build aliasing sets mapping aliases to loads.
return new (zone) AliasedSet(zone, map, places, phi_moves);
// Load instructions handled by load elimination.
static bool IsLoadEliminationCandidate(Instruction* instr) {
return instr->IsLoadField() || instr->IsLoadIndexed() ||
static bool IsLoopInvariantLoad(ZoneGrowableArray<BitVector*>* sets,
intptr_t loop_header_index,
Instruction* instr) {
return IsLoadEliminationCandidate(instr) && (sets != NULL) &&
HasPlaceId(instr) &&
LICM::LICM(FlowGraph* flow_graph) : flow_graph_(flow_graph) {
void LICM::Hoist(ForwardInstructionIterator* it,
BlockEntryInstr* pre_header,
Instruction* current) {
if (auto check = current->AsCheckClass()) {
} else if (auto check = current->AsCheckSmi()) {
} else if (auto check = current->AsCheckEitherNonSmi()) {
} else if (auto check = current->AsCheckArrayBound()) {
ASSERT(!CompilerState::Current().is_aot()); // speculative in JIT only
} else if (auto check = current->AsGenericCheckBound()) {
ASSERT(CompilerState::Current().is_aot()); // non-speculative in AOT only
// Does not deopt, so no need for licm_hoisted flag.
} else if (auto check = current->AsTestCids()) {
if (FLAG_trace_optimization) {
THR_Print("Hoisting instruction %s:%" Pd " from B%" Pd " to B%" Pd "\n",
current->DebugName(), current->GetDeoptId(),
current->GetBlock()->block_id(), pre_header->block_id());
// Move the instruction out of the loop.
if (it != NULL) {
} else {
GotoInstr* last = pre_header->last_instruction()->AsGoto();
// Using kind kEffect will not assign a fresh ssa temporary index.
flow_graph()->InsertBefore(last, current, last->env(), FlowGraph::kEffect);
// If the hoisted instruction lazy-deopts, it should continue at the start of
// the Goto (of which we copy the deopt-id from).
void LICM::TrySpecializeSmiPhi(PhiInstr* phi,
BlockEntryInstr* header,
BlockEntryInstr* pre_header) {
if (phi->Type()->ToCid() == kSmiCid) {
// Check if there is only a single kDynamicCid input to the phi that
// comes from the pre-header.
const intptr_t kNotFound = -1;
intptr_t non_smi_input = kNotFound;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < phi->InputCount(); ++i) {
Value* input = phi->InputAt(i);
if (input->Type()->ToCid() != kSmiCid) {
if ((non_smi_input != kNotFound) ||
(input->Type()->ToCid() != kDynamicCid)) {
// There are multiple kDynamicCid inputs or there is an input that is
// known to be non-smi.
} else {
non_smi_input = i;
if ((non_smi_input == kNotFound) ||
(phi->block()->PredecessorAt(non_smi_input) != pre_header)) {
CheckSmiInstr* check = NULL;
for (Value* use = phi->input_use_list(); (use != NULL) && (check == NULL);
use = use->next_use()) {
check = use->instruction()->AsCheckSmi();
if (check == NULL) {
// Host CheckSmi instruction and make this phi smi one.
Hoist(NULL, pre_header, check);
// Replace value we are checking with phi's input.
void LICM::OptimisticallySpecializeSmiPhis() {
if (flow_graph()->function().ProhibitsHoistingCheckClass() ||
CompilerState::Current().is_aot()) {
// Do not hoist any: Either deoptimized on a hoisted check,
// or compiling precompiled code where we can't do optimistic
// hoisting of checks.
const ZoneGrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*>& loop_headers =
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < loop_headers.length(); ++i) {
JoinEntryInstr* header = loop_headers[i]->AsJoinEntry();
// Skip loop that don't have a pre-header block.
BlockEntryInstr* pre_header = header->ImmediateDominator();
if (pre_header == NULL) continue;
for (PhiIterator it(header); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
TrySpecializeSmiPhi(it.Current(), header, pre_header);
// Returns true if instruction may have a "visible" effect,
static bool MayHaveVisibleEffect(Instruction* instr) {
switch (instr->tag()) {
case Instruction::kStoreField:
case Instruction::kStoreStaticField:
case Instruction::kStoreIndexed:
case Instruction::kStoreIndexedUnsafe:
return true;
return instr->HasUnknownSideEffects() || instr->MayThrow();
void LICM::Optimize() {
if (flow_graph()->function().ProhibitsHoistingCheckClass()) {
// Do not hoist any.
// Compute loops and induction in flow graph.
const LoopHierarchy& loop_hierarchy = flow_graph()->GetLoopHierarchy();
const ZoneGrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*>& loop_headers =
ZoneGrowableArray<BitVector*>* loop_invariant_loads =
// Iterate over all loops.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < loop_headers.length(); ++i) {
BlockEntryInstr* header = loop_headers[i];
// Skip loops that don't have a pre-header block.
BlockEntryInstr* pre_header = header->ImmediateDominator();
if (pre_header == nullptr) {
// Flag that remains true as long as the loop has not seen any instruction
// that may have a "visible" effect (write, throw, or other side-effect).
bool seen_visible_effect = false;
// Iterate over all blocks in the loop.
LoopInfo* loop = header->loop_info();
for (BitVector::Iterator loop_it(loop->blocks()); !loop_it.Done();
loop_it.Advance()) {
BlockEntryInstr* block = flow_graph()->preorder()[loop_it.Current()];
// Preserve the "visible" effect flag as long as the preorder traversal
// sees always-taken blocks. This way, we can only hoist invariant
// may-throw instructions that are always seen during the first iteration.
if (!seen_visible_effect && !loop->IsAlwaysTaken(block)) {
seen_visible_effect = true;
// Iterate over all instructions in the block.
for (ForwardInstructionIterator it(block); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
Instruction* current = it.Current();
// Treat loads of static final fields specially: we can CSE them but
// we should not move them around unless the field is initialized.
// Otherwise we might move load past the initialization.
if (LoadStaticFieldInstr* load = current->AsLoadStaticField()) {
if (load->AllowsCSE()) {
seen_visible_effect = true;
// Determine if we can hoist loop invariant code. Even may-throw
// instructions can be hoisted as long as its exception is still
// the very first "visible" effect of the loop.
bool is_loop_invariant = false;
if ((current->AllowsCSE() ||
IsLoopInvariantLoad(loop_invariant_loads, i, current)) &&
(!seen_visible_effect || !current->MayThrow())) {
is_loop_invariant = true;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < current->InputCount(); ++i) {
Definition* input_def = current->InputAt(i)->definition();
if (!input_def->GetBlock()->Dominates(pre_header)) {
is_loop_invariant = false;
// Hoist if all inputs are loop invariant. If not hoisted, any
// instruction that writes, may throw, or has an unknown side
// effect invalidates the first "visible" effect flag.
if (is_loop_invariant) {
Hoist(&it, pre_header, current);
} else if (!seen_visible_effect && MayHaveVisibleEffect(current)) {
seen_visible_effect = true;
void DelayAllocations::Optimize(FlowGraph* graph) {
// Go through all Allocation instructions and move them down to their
// dominant use when doing so is sound.
DirectChainedHashMap<IdentitySetKeyValueTrait<Instruction*>> moved;
for (BlockIterator block_it = graph->reverse_postorder_iterator();
!block_it.Done(); block_it.Advance()) {
BlockEntryInstr* block = block_it.Current();
for (ForwardInstructionIterator instr_it(block); !instr_it.Done();
instr_it.Advance()) {
Definition* def = instr_it.Current()->AsDefinition();
if (def != nullptr && def->IsAllocation() && def->env() == nullptr &&
!moved.HasKey(def)) {
Instruction* use = DominantUse(def);
if (use != nullptr && !use->IsPhi() && IsOneTimeUse(use, def)) {
Instruction* DelayAllocations::DominantUse(Definition* def) {
// Find the use that dominates all other uses.
// Collect all uses.
DirectChainedHashMap<IdentitySetKeyValueTrait<Instruction*>> uses;
for (Value::Iterator it(def->input_use_list()); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
Instruction* use = it.Current()->instruction();
for (Value::Iterator it(def->env_use_list()); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
Instruction* use = it.Current()->instruction();
// Returns |true| iff |instr| or any instruction dominating it are either a
// a |def| or a use of a |def|.
auto is_dominated_by_another_use = [&](Instruction* instr) {
while (instr != def) {
if (uses.HasKey(instr)) {
// We hit another use, meaning that this use dominates the given |use|.
return true;
if (auto block = instr->AsBlockEntry()) {
instr = block->dominator()->last_instruction();
} else {
instr = instr->previous();
return false;
// Find the dominant use.
Instruction* dominant_use = nullptr;
auto use_it = uses.GetIterator();
while (auto use = use_it.Next()) {
bool dominated_by_another_use = false;
if (auto phi = (*use)->AsPhi()) {
// For phi uses check that the dominant use dominates all
// predecessor blocks corresponding to matching phi inputs.
ASSERT(phi->InputCount() == phi->block()->PredecessorCount());
dominated_by_another_use = true;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < phi->InputCount(); i++) {
if (phi->InputAt(i)->definition() == def) {
if (!is_dominated_by_another_use(
phi->block()->PredecessorAt(i)->last_instruction())) {
dominated_by_another_use = false;
} else {
// Start with the instruction before the use, then walk backwards through
// blocks in the dominator chain until we hit the definition or
// another use.
dominated_by_another_use =
if (!dominated_by_another_use) {
if (dominant_use != nullptr) {
// More than one use reached the definition, which means no use
// dominates all other uses.
return nullptr;
dominant_use = *use;
return dominant_use;
bool DelayAllocations::IsOneTimeUse(Instruction* use, Definition* def) {
// Check that this use is always executed at most once for each execution of
// the definition, i.e. that there is no path from the use to itself that
// doesn't pass through the definition.
BlockEntryInstr* use_block = use->GetBlock();
BlockEntryInstr* def_block = def->GetBlock();
if (use_block == def_block) return true;
DirectChainedHashMap<IdentitySetKeyValueTrait<BlockEntryInstr*>> seen;
GrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*> worklist;
while (!worklist.is_empty()) {
BlockEntryInstr* block = worklist.RemoveLast();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < block->PredecessorCount(); i++) {
BlockEntryInstr* pred = block->PredecessorAt(i);
if (pred == use_block) return false;
if (pred == def_block) continue;
if (seen.HasKey(pred)) continue;
return true;
class LoadOptimizer : public ValueObject {
LoadOptimizer(FlowGraph* graph, AliasedSet* aliased_set)
: graph_(graph),
forwarded_(false) {
const intptr_t num_blocks = graph_->preorder().length();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < num_blocks; i++) {
gen_.Add(new (Z) BitVector(Z, aliased_set_->max_place_id()));
kill_.Add(new (Z) BitVector(Z, aliased_set_->max_place_id()));
in_.Add(new (Z) BitVector(Z, aliased_set_->max_place_id()));
~LoadOptimizer() { aliased_set_->RollbackAliasedIdentites(); }
Zone* zone() const { return graph_->zone(); }
static bool OptimizeGraph(FlowGraph* graph) {
// For now, bail out for large functions to avoid OOM situations.
// TODO(fschneider): Fix the memory consumption issue.
if (graph->is_huge_method()) {
return false;
PointerSet<Place> map;
AliasedSet* aliased_set = NumberPlaces(graph, &map, kOptimizeLoads);
if ((aliased_set != NULL) && !aliased_set->IsEmpty()) {
// If any loads were forwarded return true from Optimize to run load
// forwarding again. This will allow to forward chains of loads.
// This is especially important for context variables as they are built
// as loads from loaded context.
// TODO(vegorov): renumber newly discovered congruences during the
// forwarding to forward chains without running whole pass twice.
LoadOptimizer load_optimizer(graph, aliased_set);
return load_optimizer.Optimize();
return false;
bool Optimize() {
// Initializer calls should be eliminated before ComputeInitialSets()
// in order to calculate kill sets more precisely.
if (graph_->is_licm_allowed()) {
return forwarded_;
bool CallsInitializer(Instruction* instr) {
if (auto* load_field = instr->AsLoadField()) {
return load_field->calls_initializer();
} else if (auto* load_static = instr->AsLoadStaticField()) {
return load_static->calls_initializer();
return false;
void ClearCallsInitializer(Instruction* instr) {
if (auto* load_field = instr->AsLoadField()) {
} else if (auto* load_static = instr->AsLoadStaticField()) {
} else {
bool CanForwardLoadTo(Definition* load, Definition* replacement) {
// Loads which check initialization status can only be replaced if
// we can guarantee that forwarded value is not a sentinel.
return !(CallsInitializer(load) && replacement->Type()->can_be_sentinel());
// Returns true if given instruction stores the sentinel value.
// Such a store doesn't initialize corresponding field.
bool IsSentinelStore(Instruction* instr) {
Value* value = nullptr;
if (auto* store_field = instr->AsStoreField()) {
value = store_field->value();
} else if (auto* store_static = instr->AsStoreStaticField()) {
value = store_static->value();
return value != nullptr && value->BindsToConstant() &&
(value->BoundConstant().ptr() == Object::sentinel().ptr());
// This optimization pass tries to get rid of lazy initializer calls in
// LoadField and LoadStaticField instructions. The "initialized" state of
// places is propagated through the flow graph.
void OptimizeLazyInitialization() {
if (!FLAG_optimize_lazy_initializer_calls) {
// 1) Populate 'gen' sets with places which are initialized at each basic
// block. Optimize lazy initializer calls within basic block and
// figure out if there are lazy initializer calls left to optimize.
bool has_lazy_initializer_calls = false;
for (BlockIterator block_it = graph_->reverse_postorder_iterator();
!block_it.Done(); block_it.Advance()) {
BlockEntryInstr* block = block_it.Current();
BitVector* gen = gen_[block->preorder_number()];
for (ForwardInstructionIterator instr_it(block); !instr_it.Done();
instr_it.Advance()) {
Instruction* instr = instr_it.Current();
bool is_load = false, is_store = false;
Place place(instr, &is_load, &is_store);
if (is_store && !IsSentinelStore(instr)) {
} else if (is_load) {
const auto place_id = GetPlaceId(instr);
if (CallsInitializer(instr)) {
if (gen->Contains(place_id)) {
} else {
has_lazy_initializer_calls = true;
// Spread initialized state through outgoing phis.
PhiPlaceMoves::MovesList phi_moves =
if (phi_moves != nullptr) {
for (intptr_t i = 0, n = phi_moves->length(); i < n; ++i) {
const intptr_t from = (*phi_moves)[i].from();
const intptr_t to = (*phi_moves)[i].to();
if ((from != to) && gen->Contains(from)) {
if (has_lazy_initializer_calls) {
// 2) Propagate initialized state between blocks, calculating
// incoming initialized state. Iterate until reaching fixed point.
BitVector* temp = new (Z) BitVector(Z, aliased_set_->max_place_id());
bool changed = true;
while (changed) {
changed = false;
for (BlockIterator block_it = graph_->reverse_postorder_iterator();
!block_it.Done(); block_it.Advance()) {
BlockEntryInstr* block = block_it.Current();
BitVector* block_in = in_[block->preorder_number()];
BitVector* gen = gen_[block->preorder_number()];
// Incoming initialized state is the intersection of all
// outgoing initialized states of predecessors.
if (block->IsGraphEntry()) {
} else {
ASSERT(block->PredecessorCount() > 0);
for (intptr_t i = 0, pred_count = block->PredecessorCount();
i < pred_count; ++i) {
BlockEntryInstr* pred = block->PredecessorAt(i);
BitVector* pred_out = gen_[pred->preorder_number()];
if (!temp->Equals(*block_in)) {
changed = true;
// 3) Single pass through basic blocks to optimize lazy
// initializer calls using calculated incoming inter-block
// initialized state.
for (BlockIterator block_it = graph_->reverse_postorder_iterator();
!block_it.Done(); block_it.Advance()) {
BlockEntryInstr* block = block_it.Current();
BitVector* block_in = in_[block->preorder_number()];
for (ForwardInstructionIterator instr_it(block); !instr_it.Done();
instr_it.Advance()) {
Instruction* instr = instr_it.Current();
if (CallsInitializer(instr) &&
block_in->Contains(GetPlaceId(instr))) {
// Clear sets which are also used in the main part of load forwarding.
for (intptr_t i = 0, n = graph_->preorder().length(); i < n; ++i) {
// Only forward stores to normal arrays, float64, and simd arrays
// to loads because other array stores (intXX/uintXX/float32)
// may implicitly convert the value stored.
bool CanForwardStore(StoreIndexedInstr* array_store) {
return ((array_store == nullptr) ||
(array_store->class_id() == kArrayCid) ||
(array_store->class_id() == kTypedDataFloat64ArrayCid) ||
(array_store->class_id() == kTypedDataFloat32ArrayCid) ||
(array_store->class_id() == kTypedDataFloat32x4ArrayCid));
static bool AlreadyPinnedByRedefinition(Definition* replacement,
Definition* redefinition) {
Definition* defn = replacement;
if (auto load_field = replacement->AsLoadField()) {
defn = load_field->instance()->definition();
} else if (auto load_indexed = replacement->AsLoadIndexed()) {
defn = load_indexed->array()->definition();
Value* unwrapped;
while ((unwrapped = defn->RedefinedValue()) != nullptr) {
if (defn == redefinition) {
return true;
defn = unwrapped->definition();
return false;
Definition* ReplaceLoad(Definition* load, Definition* replacement) {
// When replacing a load from a generic field or from an array element
// check if instance we are loading from is redefined. If it is then
// we need to ensure that replacement is not going to break the
// dependency chain.
Definition* redef = nullptr;
if (auto load_field = load->AsLoadField()) {
auto instance = load_field->instance()->definition();
if (instance->RedefinedValue() != nullptr) {
if ((load_field->slot().kind() ==
Slot::Kind::kGrowableObjectArray_data ||
(load_field->slot().IsDartField() &&
.IsInstantiated()))) {
redef = instance;
} else if (auto load_indexed = load->AsLoadIndexed()) {
if (load_indexed->class_id() == kArrayCid ||
load_indexed->class_id() == kImmutableArrayCid) {
auto instance = load_indexed->array()->definition();
if (instance->RedefinedValue() != nullptr) {
redef = instance;
if (redef != nullptr && !AlreadyPinnedByRedefinition(replacement, redef)) {
// Original load had a redefined instance and replacement does not
// depend on the same redefinition. Create a redefinition
// of the replacement to keep the dependency chain.
auto replacement_redefinition =
new (zone()) RedefinitionInstr(new (zone()) Value(replacement));
if (redef->IsDominatedBy(replacement)) {
graph_->InsertAfter(redef, replacement_redefinition, /*env=*/nullptr,
} else {
graph_->InsertBefore(load, replacement_redefinition, /*env=*/nullptr,
replacement = replacement_redefinition;
return replacement;
// Compute sets of loads generated and killed by each block.
// Additionally compute upwards exposed and generated loads for each block.
// Exposed loads are those that can be replaced if a corresponding
// reaching load will be found.
// Loads that are locally redundant will be replaced as we go through
// instructions.
void ComputeInitialSets() {
for (BlockIterator block_it = graph_->reverse_postorder_iterator();
!block_it.Done(); block_it.Advance()) {
BlockEntryInstr* block = block_it.Current();
const intptr_t preorder_number = block->preorder_number();
BitVector* kill = kill_[preorder_number];
BitVector* gen = gen_[preorder_number];
ZoneGrowableArray<Definition*>* exposed_values = NULL;
ZoneGrowableArray<Definition*>* out_values = NULL;
for (ForwardInstructionIterator instr_it(block); !instr_it.Done();
instr_it.Advance()) {
Instruction* instr = instr_it.Current();
bool is_load = false, is_store = false;
Place place(instr, &is_load, &is_store);
BitVector* killed = NULL;
if (is_store) {
const intptr_t alias_id =
if (alias_id != AliasedSet::kNoAlias) {
killed = aliased_set_->GetKilledSet(alias_id);
} else if (!place.IsImmutableField()) {
// We encountered unknown alias: this means intrablock load
// forwarding refined parameter of this store, for example
// o <- alloc()
// a.f <- o
// u <- a.f
// u.x <- null ;; this store alias is *.x
// after intrablock load forwarding
// o <- alloc()
// a.f <- o
// o.x <- null ;; this store alias is o.x
// In this case we fallback to using place id recorded in the
// instruction that still points to the old place with a more
// generic alias.
const intptr_t old_alias_id = aliased_set_->LookupAliasId(
killed = aliased_set_->GetKilledSet(old_alias_id);
// Find canonical place of store.
Place* canonical_place = nullptr;
if (CanForwardStore(instr->AsStoreIndexed())) {
canonical_place = aliased_set_->LookupCanonical(&place);
if (canonical_place != nullptr) {
// Is this a redundant store (stored value already resides
// in this field)?
const intptr_t place_id = canonical_place->id();
if (gen->Contains(place_id)) {
ASSERT((out_values != nullptr) &&
((*out_values)[place_id] != nullptr));
if ((*out_values)[place_id] == GetStoredValue(instr)) {
if (FLAG_trace_optimization) {
THR_Print("Removing redundant store to place %" Pd
" in block B%" Pd "\n",
GetPlaceId(instr), block->block_id());
// Update kill/gen/out_values (after inspection of incoming values).
if (killed != nullptr) {
// There is no need to clear out_values when clearing GEN set
// because only those values that are in the GEN set
// will ever be used.
if (canonical_place != nullptr) {
// Store has a corresponding numbered place that might have a
// load. Try forwarding stored value to it.
if (out_values == nullptr) out_values = CreateBlockOutValues();
(*out_values)[canonical_place->id()] = GetStoredValue(instr);
ASSERT(!instr->IsDefinition() ||
} else if (is_load) {
// Check if this load needs renumbering because of the intrablock
// load forwarding.
const Place* canonical = aliased_set_->LookupCanonical(&place);
if ((canonical != NULL) &&
(canonical->id() != GetPlaceId(instr->AsDefinition()))) {
SetPlaceId(instr->AsDefinition(), canonical->id());
// If instruction has effects then kill all loads affected.
if (instr->HasUnknownSideEffects()) {
// There is no need to clear out_values when removing values from GEN
// set because only those values that are in the GEN set
// will ever be used.
Definition* defn = instr->AsDefinition();
if (defn == NULL) {
if (auto* const alloc = instr->AsAllocation()) {
if (!alloc->ObjectIsInitialized()) {
// Since the allocated object is uninitialized, we can't forward
// any values from it.
for (Value* use = alloc->input_use_list(); use != NULL;
use = use->next_use()) {
if (use->use_index() != 0) {
// Not a potential immediate load or store, since they take the
// instance as the first input.
intptr_t place_id = -1;
Definition* forward_def = nullptr;
const Slot* slot = nullptr;
if (auto* const load = use->instruction()->AsLoadField()) {
place_id = GetPlaceId(load);
slot = &load->slot();
} else if (auto* const store = use->instruction()->AsStoreField()) {
place_id = GetPlaceId(store);
slot = &store->slot();
} else if (use->instruction()->IsLoadIndexed() ||
use->instruction()->IsStoreIndexed()) {
if (!alloc->IsArrayAllocation()) {
// Non-array allocations can be accessed with LoadIndexed
// and StoreIndex in the unreachable code.
if (alloc->IsAllocateTypedData()) {
// Typed data payload elements are unboxed and initialized to
// zero, so don't forward a tagged null value.
if (aliased_set_->CanBeAliased(alloc)) {
place_id = GetPlaceId(use->instruction());
if (aliased_set_->places()[place_id]->kind() !=
Place::kConstantIndexed) {
// Set initial value of array element to null.
forward_def = graph_->constant_null();
} else {
// Not an immediate load or store.
ASSERT(place_id != -1);
if (slot != nullptr) {
ASSERT(forward_def == nullptr);
// Final fields are initialized in constructors. However, at the
// same time we assume that known values of final fields can be
// forwarded across side-effects. For an escaping object, one such
// side effect can be an uninlined constructor invocation. Thus,
// if we add 'null' as known initial values for these fields,
// this null will be incorrectly propagated across any uninlined
// constructor invocation and used instead of the real value.
if (aliased_set_->CanBeAliased(alloc) && slot->IsDartField() &&
slot->is_immutable()) {
const intptr_t pos = alloc->InputForSlot(*slot);
if (pos != -1) {
forward_def = alloc->InputAt(pos)->definition();
} else {
// Fields not provided as an input to the instruction are
// initialized to null during allocation.
forward_def = graph_->constant_null();
ASSERT(forward_def != nullptr);
if (out_values == nullptr) out_values = CreateBlockOutValues();
(*out_values)[place_id] = forward_def;
if (!IsLoadEliminationCandidate(defn)) {
const intptr_t place_id = GetPlaceId(defn);
if (gen->Contains(place_id)) {
// This is a locally redundant load.
ASSERT((out_values != NULL) && ((*out_values)[place_id] != NULL));
Definition* replacement = (*out_values)[place_id];
if (CanForwardLoadTo(defn, replacement)) {
graph_->EnsureSSATempIndex(defn, replacement);
if (FLAG_trace_optimization) {
THR_Print("Replacing load v%" Pd " with v%" Pd "\n",
defn->ssa_temp_index(), replacement->ssa_temp_index());
ReplaceLoad(defn, replacement);
forwarded_ = true;
} else if (!kill->Contains(place_id)) {
// This is an exposed load: it is the first representative of a
// given expression id and it is not killed on the path from
// the block entry.
if (exposed_values == NULL) {
static const intptr_t kMaxExposedValuesInitialSize = 5;
exposed_values = new (Z) ZoneGrowableArray<Definition*>(
if (out_values == NULL) out_values = CreateBlockOutValues();
(*out_values)[place_id] = defn;
exposed_values_[preorder_number] = exposed_values;
out_values_[preorder_number] = out_values;
static void PerformPhiMoves(PhiPlaceMoves::MovesList phi_moves,
BitVector* out,
BitVector* forwarded_loads) {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < phi_moves->length(); i++) {
const intptr_t from = (*phi_moves)[i].from();
const intptr_t to = (*phi_moves)[i].to();
if (from == to) continue;
if (out->Contains(from)) {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < phi_moves->length(); i++) {
const intptr_t from = (*phi_moves)[i].from();
const intptr_t to = (*phi_moves)[i].to();
if (from == to) continue;
// Compute OUT sets by propagating them iteratively until fix point
// is reached.
void ComputeOutSets() {
BitVector* temp = new (Z) BitVector(Z, aliased_set_->max_place_id());
BitVector* forwarded_loads =
new (Z) BitVector(Z, aliased_set_->max_place_id());
BitVector* temp_out = new (Z) BitVector(Z, aliased_set_->max_place_id());
bool changed = true;
while (changed) {
changed = false;
for (BlockIterator block_it = graph_->reverse_postorder_iterator();
!block_it.Done(); block_it.Advance()) {
BlockEntryInstr* block = block_it.Current();
const intptr_t preorder_number = block->preorder_number();
BitVector* block_in = in_[preorder_number];
BitVector* block_out = out_[preorder_number];
BitVector* block_kill = kill_[preorder_number];
BitVector* block_gen = gen_[preorder_number];
// Compute block_in as the intersection of all out(p) where p
// is a predecessor of the current block.
if (block->IsGraphEntry()) {
} else {
ASSERT(block->PredecessorCount() > 0);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < block->PredecessorCount(); i++) {
BlockEntryInstr* pred = block->PredecessorAt(i);
BitVector* pred_out = out_[pred->preorder_number()];
if (pred_out == NULL) continue;
PhiPlaceMoves::MovesList phi_moves =
if (phi_moves != NULL) {
// If there are phi moves, perform intersection with
// a copy of pred_out where the phi moves are applied.
PerformPhiMoves(phi_moves, temp_out, forwarded_loads);
pred_out = temp_out;
if (!temp->Equals(*block_in) || (block_out == NULL)) {
// If IN set has changed propagate the change to OUT set.
if ((block_out == NULL) || !block_out->Equals(*temp)) {
if (block_out == NULL) {
block_out = out_[preorder_number] =
new (Z) BitVector(Z, aliased_set_->max_place_id());
changed = true;
// Compute out_values mappings by propagating them in reverse postorder once
// through the graph. Generate phis on back edges where eager merge is
// impossible.
// No replacement is done at this point and thus any out_value[place_id] is
// changed at most once: from NULL to an actual value.
// When merging incoming loads we might need to create a phi.
// These phis are not inserted at the graph immediately because some of them
// might become redundant after load forwarding is done.
void ComputeOutValues() {
GrowableArray<PhiInstr*> pending_phis(5);
ZoneGrowableArray<Definition*>* temp_forwarded_values = NULL;
for (BlockIterator block_it = graph_->reverse_postorder_iterator();
!block_it.Done(); block_it.Advance()) {
BlockEntryInstr* block = block_it.Current();
const bool can_merge_eagerly = CanMergeEagerly(block);
const intptr_t preorder_number = block->preorder_number();
ZoneGrowableArray<Definition*>* block_out_values =
// If OUT set has changed then we have new values available out of
// the block. Compute these values creating phi where necessary.
for (BitVector::Iterator it(out_[preorder_number]); !it.Done();
it.Advance()) {
const intptr_t place_id = it.Current();
if (block_out_values == NULL) {
out_values_[preorder_number] = block_out_values =
if ((*block_out_values)[place_id] == NULL) {
ASSERT(block->PredecessorCount() > 0);
Definition* in_value =
can_merge_eagerly ? MergeIncomingValues(block, place_id) : NULL;
if ((in_value == NULL) &&
(in_[preorder_number]->Contains(place_id))) {
PhiInstr* phi = new (Z)
PhiInstr(block->AsJoinEntry(), block->PredecessorCount());
SetPlaceId(phi, place_id);
in_value = phi;
(*block_out_values)[place_id] = in_value;
// If the block has outgoing phi moves perform them. Use temporary list
// of values to ensure that cyclic moves are performed correctly.
PhiPlaceMoves::MovesList phi_moves =
if ((phi_moves != NULL) && (block_out_values != NULL)) {
if (temp_forwarded_values == NULL) {
temp_forwarded_values = CreateBlockOutValues();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < phi_moves->length(); i++) {
const intptr_t from = (*phi_moves)[i].from();
const intptr_t to = (*phi_moves)[i].to();
if (from == to) continue;
(*temp_forwarded_values)[to] = (*block_out_values)[from];
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < phi_moves->length(); i++) {
const intptr_t from = (*phi_moves)[i].from();
const intptr_t to = (*phi_moves)[i].to();
if (from == to) continue;
(*block_out_values)[to] = (*temp_forwarded_values)[to];
if (FLAG_trace_load_optimization) {
THR_Print("B%" Pd "\n", block->block_id());
THR_Print(" IN: ");
THR_Print(" KILL: ");
THR_Print(" OUT: ");
// All blocks were visited. Fill pending phis with inputs
// that flow on back edges.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < pending_phis.length(); i++) {
bool CanMergeEagerly(BlockEntryInstr* block) {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < block->PredecessorCount(); i++) {
BlockEntryInstr* pred = block->PredecessorAt(i);
if (pred->postorder_number() < block->postorder_number()) {
return false;
return true;
void MarkLoopInvariantLoads() {
const ZoneGrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*>& loop_headers =
ZoneGrowableArray<BitVector*>* invariant_loads =
new (Z) ZoneGrowableArray<BitVector*>(loop_headers.length());
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < loop_headers.length(); i++) {
BlockEntryInstr* header = loop_headers[i];
BlockEntryInstr* pre_header = header->ImmediateDominator();
if (pre_header == NULL) {
BitVector* loop_gen = new (Z) BitVector(Z, aliased_set_->max_place_id());
for (BitVector::Iterator loop_it(header->loop_info()->blocks());
!loop_it.Done(); loop_it.Advance()) {
const intptr_t preorder_number = loop_it.Current();
for (BitVector::Iterator loop_it(header->loop_info()->blocks());
!loop_it.Done(); loop_it.Advance()) {
const intptr_t preorder_number = loop_it.Current();
if (FLAG_trace_optimization) {
for (BitVector::Iterator it(loop_gen); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
THR_Print("place %s is loop invariant for B%" Pd "\n",
// Compute incoming value for the given expression id.
// Will create a phi if different values are incoming from multiple
// predecessors.
Definition* MergeIncomingValues(BlockEntryInstr* block, intptr_t place_id) {
// First check if the same value is coming in from all predecessors.
static Definition* const kDifferentValuesMarker =
Definition* incoming = NULL;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < block->PredecessorCount(); i++) {
BlockEntryInstr* pred = block->PredecessorAt(i);
ZoneGrowableArray<Definition*>* pred_out_values =
if ((pred_out_values == NULL) || ((*pred_out_values)[place_id] == NULL)) {
return NULL;
} else if (incoming == NULL) {
incoming = (*pred_out_values)[place_id];
} else if (incoming != (*pred_out_values)[place_id]) {
incoming = kDifferentValuesMarker;
if (incoming != kDifferentValuesMarker) {
ASSERT(incoming != NULL);
return incoming;
// Incoming values are different. Phi is required to merge.
PhiInstr* phi =
new (Z) PhiInstr(block->AsJoinEntry(), block->PredecessorCount());
SetPlaceId(phi, place_id);
return phi;
void FillPhiInputs(PhiInstr* phi) {
BlockEntryInstr* block = phi->GetBlock();
const intptr_t place_id = GetPlaceId(phi);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < block->PredecessorCount(); i++) {
BlockEntryInstr* pred = block->PredecessorAt(i);
ZoneGrowableArray<Definition*>* pred_out_values =
ASSERT((*pred_out_values)[place_id] != NULL);
// Sets of outgoing values are not linked into use lists so
// they might contain values that were replaced and removed
// from the graph by this iteration.
// To prevent using them we additionally mark definitions themselves
// as replaced and store a pointer to the replacement.
Definition* replacement = (*pred_out_values)[place_id]->Replacement();
Value* input = new (Z) Value(replacement);
phi->SetInputAt(i, input);
phis_.Add(phi); // Postpone phi insertion until after load forwarding.
if (FLAG_support_il_printer && FLAG_trace_load_optimization) {
THR_Print("created pending phi %s for %s at B%" Pd "\n", phi->ToCString(),
// Iterate over basic blocks and replace exposed loads with incoming
// values.
void ForwardLoads() {
for (BlockIterator block_it = graph_->reverse_postorder_iterator();
!block_it.Done(); block_it.Advance()) {
BlockEntryInstr* block = block_it.Current();
ZoneGrowableArray<Definition*>* loads =
if (loads == NULL) continue; // No exposed loads.
BitVector* in = in_[block->preorder_number()];
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < loads->length(); i++) {
Definition* load = (*loads)[i];
if (!in->Contains(GetPlaceId(load))) continue; // No incoming value.
Definition* replacement = MergeIncomingValues(block, GetPlaceId(load));
ASSERT(replacement != NULL);
// Sets of outgoing values are not linked into use lists so
// they might contain values that were replace and removed
// from the graph by this iteration.
// To prevent using them we additionally mark definitions themselves
// as replaced and store a pointer to the replacement.
replacement = replacement->Replacement();
if ((load != replacement) && CanForwardLoadTo(load, replacement)) {
graph_->EnsureSSATempIndex(load, replacement);
if (FLAG_trace_optimization) {
THR_Print("Replacing load v%" Pd " with v%" Pd "\n",
load->ssa_temp_index(), replacement->ssa_temp_index());
replacement = ReplaceLoad(load, replacement);
forwarded_ = true;
// Check if the given phi take the same value on all code paths.
// Eliminate it as redundant if this is the case.
// When analyzing phi operands assumes that only generated during
// this load phase can be redundant. They can be distinguished because
// they are not marked alive.
// TODO(vegorov): move this into a separate phase over all phis.
bool EliminateRedundantPhi(PhiInstr* phi) {
Definition* value = NULL; // Possible value of this phi.
if (in_worklist_ == NULL) {
in_worklist_ = new (Z) BitVector(Z, graph_->current_ssa_temp_index());
} else {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < worklist_.length(); i++) {
PhiInstr* phi = worklist_[i];
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < phi->InputCount(); i++) {
Definition* input = phi->InputAt(i)->definition();
if (input == phi) continue;
PhiInstr* phi_input = input->AsPhi();
if ((phi_input != NULL) && !phi_input->is_alive()) {
if (!in_worklist_->Contains(phi_input->ssa_temp_index())) {
if (value == NULL) {
value = input;
} else if (value != input) {
return false; // This phi is not redundant.
// All phis in the worklist are redundant and have the same computed
// value on all code paths.
ASSERT(value != NULL);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < worklist_.length(); i++) {
return true;
// Returns true if definitions are congruent assuming their inputs
// are congruent.
bool CanBeCongruent(Definition* a, Definition* b) {
return (a->tag() == b->tag()) &&
((a->IsPhi() && (a->GetBlock() == b->GetBlock())) ||
(a->AllowsCSE() && a->AttributesEqual(*b)));
// Given two definitions check if they are congruent under assumption that
// their inputs will be proven congruent. If they are - add them to the
// worklist to check their inputs' congruency.
// Returns true if pair was added to the worklist or is already in the
// worklist and false if a and b are not congruent.
bool AddPairToCongruencyWorklist(Definition* a, Definition* b) {
if (!CanBeCongruent(a, b)) {
return false;
// If a is already in the worklist check if it is being compared to b.
// Give up if it is not.
if (in_worklist_->Contains(a->ssa_temp_index())) {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < congruency_worklist_.length(); i += 2) {
if (a == congruency_worklist_[i]) {
return (b == congruency_worklist_[i + 1]);
} else if (in_worklist_->Contains(b->ssa_temp_index())) {
return AddPairToCongruencyWorklist(b, a);
return true;
bool AreInputsCongruent(Definition* a, Definition* b) {
ASSERT(a->tag() == b->tag());
ASSERT(a->InputCount() == b->InputCount());
for (intptr_t j = 0; j < a->InputCount(); j++) {
Definition* inputA = a->InputAt(j)->definition();
Definition* inputB = b->InputAt(j)->definition();
if (inputA != inputB) {
if (!AddPairToCongruencyWorklist(inputA, inputB)) {
return false;
return true;
// Returns true if instruction dom dominates instruction other.
static bool Dominates(Instruction* dom, Instruction* other) {
BlockEntryInstr* dom_block = dom->GetBlock();
BlockEntryInstr* other_block = other->GetBlock();
if (dom_block == other_block) {
for (Instruction* current = dom->next(); current != NULL;
current = current->next()) {
if (current == other) {
return true;
return false;
return dom_block->Dominates(other_block);
// Replace the given phi with another if they are congruent.
// Returns true if succeeds.
bool ReplacePhiWith(PhiInstr* phi, PhiInstr* replacement) {
ASSERT(phi->InputCount() == replacement->InputCount());
ASSERT(phi->block() == replacement->block());
if (in_worklist_ == NULL) {
in_worklist_ = new (Z) BitVector(Z, graph_->current_ssa_temp_index());
} else {
// During the comparison worklist contains pairs of definitions to be
// compared.
if (!AddPairToCongruencyWorklist(phi, replacement)) {
return false;
// Process the worklist. It might grow during each comparison step.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < congruency_worklist_.length(); i += 2) {
if (!AreInputsCongruent(congruency_worklist_[i],
congruency_worklist_[i + 1])) {