| # Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| # for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| # BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| # This file contains the tests that have been identified as broken and |
| # have been filed on the co19 issue tracker at |
| # https://code.google.com/p/co19/issues/list (read-only). |
| # https://github.com/dart-lang/co19/issues . |
| # |
| # In order to qualify here these tests need to fail both on the VM and dart2js. |
| |
| |
| [ $runtime == vm || $runtime != vm ] |
| # Tests that fail everywhere, including the analyzer. |
| |
| # Super is now allowed in mixins and mixins may now extend a subclass of Object. |
| Language/09_Mixins/09_Mixins_A01_t01: Skip # co19 issue 9. |
| Language/09_Mixins/09_Mixins_A03_t01: Skip # co19 issue 9. |
| |
| # No longer correct, y#$ now has a meaning. github.com/dart-lang/co19/issues/2 |
| Language/12_Expressions/30_Identifier_Reference_A01_t03: Skip |
| |
| LibTest/typed_data/ByteData/buffer_A01_t01: Fail # co19 r736 bug - sent comment. |
| LayoutTests/fast/mediastream/getusermedia_t01: Fail # co19 issue 738. |
| |
| LibTest/core/RegExp/firstMatch_A01_t01: Fail # co19 issue 742 |
| |
| # These tests are obsolete and need updating. |
| WebPlatformTest/shadow-dom/elements-and-dom-objects/shadowroot-object/shadowroot-attributes/test-002_t01: Skip # Issue 19019 |
| WebPlatformTest/shadow-dom/elements-and-dom-objects/shadowroot-object/shadowroot-attributes/test-003_t01: Skip # Issue 19019 |
| |
| # These tests are broken in both Javascript and Dart (co19 folks contacted to fix). |
| WebPlatformTest/shadow-dom/elements-and-dom-objects/shadowroot-object/shadowroot-methods/test-004_t01: Skip # Issue 21115 |
| |
| [ $compiler != dartanalyzer && $compiler != dart2analyzer ] |
| # Tests that fail on every runtime, but not on the analyzer. |
| |
| LibTest/async/Future/Future.error_A01_t01: RuntimeError # co19 issue 712 |
| LibTest/async/Completer/completeError_A02_t01: RuntimeError # co19 issue 712 |
| LibTest/isolate/ReceivePort/asBroadcastStream_A02_t01: Fail # co19 issue 687 |
| LibTest/async/Stream/asBroadcastStream_A02_t01: Fail # co19 issue 687 |
| |
| LibTest/core/Symbol/Symbol_A01_t04: RuntimeError # co19-roll r607: Please triage this failure |
| |
| Language/07_Classes/07_Classes_A13_t01: Pass, MissingCompileTimeError, Fail # co19-roll r623: Please triage this failure |
| Language/07_Classes/07_Classes_A13_t04: Pass, MissingCompileTimeError, Fail # co19-roll r623: Please triage this failure |
| Language/07_Classes/07_Classes_A13_t07: Pass, MissingCompileTimeError, Fail # co19-roll r623: Please triage this failure |
| |
| LibTest/math/acos_A01_t01: PASS, FAIL, OK # co19 issue 44 |
| LibTest/math/asin_A01_t01: PASS, FAIL, OK # co19 issue 44 |
| LibTest/math/atan_A01_t01: PASS, FAIL, OK # co19 issue 44 |
| |
| LibTest/math/cos_A01_t01: PASS, FAIL, OK # co19 issue 44 |
| LibTest/math/tan_A01_t01: PASS, FAIL, OK # co19 issue 44 |
| |
| LibTest/core/Expando/Expando_A03_t01: RuntimeError # Issue 17735 |
| LibTest/core/Expando/Expando_A03_t03: RuntimeError # Issue 17735 |
| LibTest/core/Expando/Expando_A03_t04: RuntimeError # Issue 17735 |
| LibTest/core/Expando/Expando_A03_t05: RuntimeError # Issue 17735 |
| |
| LibTest/core/RegExp/Pattern_semantics/firstMatch_DecimalEscape_A01_t02: Fail # co19 issue 740 |
| LibTest/core/RegExp/Pattern_semantics/firstMatch_CharacterEscape_A06_t02: RuntimeError # co19 issue 741 |
| |
| LibTest/isolate/SendPort/send_A02_t02: SKIP # co19 issue 493 (not fixed in r672) |
| LibTest/isolate/SendPort/send_A02_t03: SKIP # co19 issue 495 (not fixed in r672) |
| |
| LibTest/isolate/IsolateStream/any_A01_t01: Fail # Co19 issue 639 (Fixed in r674) |
| LibTest/isolate/IsolateStream/asBroadcastStream_A01_t01: Fail # Co19 issue 639 |
| LibTest/isolate/IsolateStream/contains_A01_t01: Fail # Co19 issue 639 |
| LibTest/isolate/IsolateStream/first_A01_t01: Fail # Co19 issue 639 |
| LibTest/isolate/IsolateStream/first_A02_t01: Fail # Co19 issue 639 |
| LibTest/isolate/IsolateStream/first_A02_t02: Fail # Co19 issue 639 |
| LibTest/isolate/IsolateStream/isBroadcast_A01_t01: Fail # Co19 issue 639 |
| LibTest/isolate/IsolateStream/isBroadcast_A01_t02: Fail # Co19 issue 639 |
| LibTest/isolate/IsolateStream/isEmpty_A01_t01: Fail # Co19 issue 639 |
| LibTest/isolate/IsolateStream/last_A01_t01: Fail # Co19 issue 639 |
| LibTest/isolate/IsolateStream/last_A02_t01: Fail # Co19 issue 639 |
| LibTest/isolate/IsolateStream/length_A01_t01: Fail # Co19 issue 639 |
| LibTest/isolate/IsolateStream/single_A01_t01: Fail # Co19 issue 639 |
| LibTest/isolate/IsolateStream/single_A02_t01: Fail # Co19 issue 639 |
| LibTest/isolate/ReceivePort/receive_A01_t01: Fail # Co19 issue 639 |
| LibTest/isolate/ReceivePort/receive_A01_t03: Fail # Co19 issue 639 |
| LibTest/isolate/ReceivePort/sendPort_A01_t01: Fail # Co19 issue 639 |
| LibTest/isolate/SendPort/call_A01_t01: Fail # Co19 issue 639 |
| LibTest/isolate/SendPort/send_A02_t04: Fail # Co19 issue 639 |
| LibTest/isolate/SendPort/send_A02_t05: Fail # Co19 issue 639 |
| LibTest/isolate/SendPort/send_A02_t06: Fail # Co19 issue 639 |
| LibTest/isolate/SendPort/send_A03_t01: Fail # Co19 issue 639 |
| LibTest/isolate/SendPort/send_A03_t02: Fail # Co19 issue 639 |
| |
| [ $runtime == dartium || $compiler == dart2js ] |
| LibTest/async/Future/Future.delayed_A01_t02: Pass, Fail # Issue 15524 |
| |
| |
| [ $compiler != dartanalyzer && $compiler != dart2analyzer && $checked ] |
| LibTest/collection/DoubleLinkedQueue/removeFirst_A01_t01: RuntimeError # co19-roll r607: Please triage this failure |
| LibTest/collection/LinkedList/LinkedList_A01_t01: RuntimeError # co19-roll r623: Please triage this failure |
| LibTest/collection/LinkedList/lastWhere_A02_t01: RuntimeError # co19 issue 737 |