blob: 479bb9f26c87bade20c6397dcffdc33a6e478a34 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
patch class _File {
/* patch */ static _exists(String path) native "File_Exists";
/* patch */ static _create(String path) native "File_Create";
/* patch */ static _createLink(String path, String target)
native "File_CreateLink";
/* patch */ static _linkTarget(String path) native "File_LinkTarget";
/* patch */ static _deleteNative(String path) native "File_Delete";
/* patch */ static _deleteLinkNative(String path) native "File_DeleteLink";
/* patch */ static _rename(String oldPath, String newPath)
native "File_Rename";
/* patch */ static _renameLink(String oldPath, String newPath)
native "File_RenameLink";
/* patch */ static _copy(String oldPath, String newPath) native "File_Copy";
/* patch */ static _lengthFromPath(String path) native "File_LengthFromPath";
/* patch */ static _lastModified(String path) native "File_LastModified";
/* patch */ static _open(String path, int mode) native "File_Open";
/* patch */ static int _openStdio(int fd) native "File_OpenStdio";
patch class _RandomAccessFile {
/* patch */ static int _close(int id) native "File_Close";
/* patch */ static int _getFD(int id) native "File_GetFD";
/* patch */ static _readByte(int id) native "File_ReadByte";
/* patch */ static _read(int id, int bytes) native "File_Read";
/* patch */ static _readInto(int id, List<int> buffer, int start, int end)
native "File_ReadInto";
/* patch */ static _writeByte(int id, int value) native "File_WriteByte";
/* patch */ static _writeFrom(int id, List<int> buffer, int start, int end)
native "File_WriteFrom";
/* patch */ static _position(int id) native "File_Position";
/* patch */ static _setPosition(int id, int position)
native "File_SetPosition";
/* patch */ static _truncate(int id, int length) native "File_Truncate";
/* patch */ static _length(int id) native "File_Length";
/* patch */ static _flush(int id) native "File_Flush";
/* patch */ static _lock(int id, int lock, int start, int end)
native "File_Lock";
class _WatcherPath {
final int pathId;
final String path;
final int events;
int count = 0;
_WatcherPath(this.pathId, this.path,;
patch class _FileSystemWatcher {
static int _id;
static final Map<int, _WatcherPath> _idMap = {};
final String _path;
final int _events;
final bool _recursive;
_WatcherPath _watcherPath;
StreamController _broadcastController;
/* patch */ static Stream<FileSystemEvent> _watch(
String path, int events, bool recursive) {
if (Platform.isLinux) {
return new _InotifyFileSystemWatcher(path, events, recursive).stream;
if (Platform.isWindows) {
return new _Win32FileSystemWatcher(path, events, recursive).stream;
if (Platform.isMacOS) {
return new _FSEventStreamFileSystemWatcher(
path, events, recursive).stream;
throw new FileSystemException(
"File system watching is not supported on this platform");
_FileSystemWatcher._(this._path, this._events, this._recursive) {
if (!isSupported) {
throw new FileSystemException(
"File system watching is not supported on this platform",
_broadcastController = new StreamController.broadcast(onListen: _listen,
onCancel: _cancel);
Stream get stream =>;
void _listen() {
if (_id == null) {
try {
_id = _initWatcher();
} catch (e) {
_broadcastController.addError(new FileSystemException(
"Failed to initialize file system entity watcher", null, e));
var pathId;
try {
pathId = _watchPath(_id, _path, _events, _recursive);
} catch (e) {
_broadcastController.addError(new FileSystemException(
"Failed to watch path", _path, e));
if (!_idMap.containsKey(pathId)) {
_idMap[pathId] = new _WatcherPath(pathId, _path, _events);
_watcherPath = _idMap[pathId];
void _cancel() {
if (_watcherPath != null) {
assert(_watcherPath.count > 0);
if (_watcherPath.count == 0) {
_unwatchPath(_id, _watcherPath.pathId);
_watcherPath = null;
if (_idMap.isEmpty && _id != null) {
_id = null;
// Called when (and after) a new watcher instance is created and available.
void _newWatcher() {}
// Called when a watcher is no longer needed.
void _doneWatcher() {}
// Called when a new path is being watched.
Stream _pathWatched() {}
// Called when a path is no longer being watched.
void _donePathWatched() {}
static _WatcherPath _pathFromPathId(int pathId) {
return _idMap[pathId];
static Stream _listenOnSocket(int socketId, int id, int pathId) {
var native = new;
var socket = new _RawSocket(native);
return socket.expand((event) {
var stops = [];
var events = [];
var pair = {};
if (event == RawSocketEvent.READ) {
String getPath(event) {
var path = _pathFromPathId(event[4]).path;
if (event[2] != null && event[2].isNotEmpty) {
path += Platform.pathSeparator;
path += event[2];
return path;
bool getIsDir(event) {
if (Platform.isWindows) {
// Windows does not get 'isDir' as part of the event.
return FileSystemEntity.isDirectorySync(getPath(event));
return (event[0] & FileSystemEvent._IS_DIR) != 0;
void add(id, event) {
if ((event.type & _pathFromPathId(id).events) == 0) return;
events.add([id, event]);
void rewriteMove(event, isDir) {
if (event[3]) {
add(event[4], new FileSystemCreateEvent._(getPath(event), isDir));
} else {
add(event[4], new FileSystemDeleteEvent._(getPath(event), isDir));
int eventCount;
do {
eventCount = 0;
for (var event in _readEvents(id, pathId)) {
if (event == null) continue;
int pathId = event[4];
if (!_idMap.containsKey(pathId)) {
// Path is no longer being wathed.
bool isDir = getIsDir(event);
var path = getPath(event);
if ((event[0] & FileSystemEvent.CREATE) != 0) {
add(event[4], new FileSystemCreateEvent._(path, isDir));
if ((event[0] & FileSystemEvent.MODIFY) != 0) {
add(event[4], new FileSystemModifyEvent._(path, isDir, true));
if ((event[0] & FileSystemEvent._MODIFY_ATTRIBUTES) != 0) {
add(event[4], new FileSystemModifyEvent._(path, isDir, false));
if ((event[0] & FileSystemEvent.MOVE) != 0) {
int link = event[1];
if (link > 0) {
pair.putIfAbsent(pathId, () => {});
if (pair[pathId].containsKey(link)) {
new FileSystemMoveEvent._(
getPath(pair[pathId][link]), isDir, path));
} else {
pair[pathId][link] = event;
} else {
rewriteMove(event, isDir);
if ((event[0] & FileSystemEvent.DELETE) != 0) {
add(event[4], new FileSystemDeleteEvent._(path, isDir));
if ((event[0] & FileSystemEvent._DELETE_SELF) != 0) {
add(event[4], new FileSystemDeleteEvent._(path, isDir));
// Signal done event.
stops.add([event[4], null]);
} while (eventCount > 0);
// Be sure to clear this manually, as the sockets are not read through
// the _NativeSocket interface.
native.available = 0;
for (var map in pair.values) {
for (var event in map.values) {
rewriteMove(event, getIsDir(event));
} else if (event == RawSocketEvent.CLOSED) {
} else if (event == RawSocketEvent.READ_CLOSED) {
} else {
return events;
/* patch */ static bool get isSupported
native "FileSystemWatcher_IsSupported";
static int _initWatcher() native "FileSystemWatcher_InitWatcher";
static void _closeWatcher(int id) native "FileSystemWatcher_CloseWatcher";
static int _watchPath(int id, String path, int events, bool recursive)
native "FileSystemWatcher_WatchPath";
static void _unwatchPath(int id, int path_id)
native "FileSystemWatcher_UnwatchPath";
static List _readEvents(int id, int path_id)
native "FileSystemWatcher_ReadEvents";
static int _getSocketId(int id, int path_id)
native "FileSystemWatcher_GetSocketId";
class _InotifyFileSystemWatcher extends _FileSystemWatcher {
static final Map<int, StreamController> _idMap = {};
static StreamSubscription _subscription;
_InotifyFileSystemWatcher(path, events, recursive)
: super._(path, events, recursive);
void _newWatcher() {
int id = _FileSystemWatcher._id;
_subscription = _FileSystemWatcher._listenOnSocket(id, id, 0)
.listen((event) {
if (_idMap.containsKey(event[0])) {
if (event[1] != null) {
} else {
void _doneWatcher() {
Stream _pathWatched() {
var pathId = _watcherPath.pathId;
if (!_idMap.containsKey(pathId)) {
_idMap[pathId] = new StreamController.broadcast();
return _idMap[pathId].stream;
void _pathWatchedEnd() {
var pathId = _watcherPath.pathId;
if (!_idMap.containsKey(pathId)) return;
class _Win32FileSystemWatcher extends _FileSystemWatcher {
StreamSubscription _subscription;
StreamController _controller;
_Win32FileSystemWatcher(path, events, recursive)
: super._(path, events, recursive);
Stream _pathWatched() {
var pathId = _watcherPath.pathId;
_controller = new StreamController();
_subscription = _FileSystemWatcher._listenOnSocket(pathId, 0, pathId)
.listen((event) {
assert(event[0] == pathId);
if (event[1] != null) {
} else {
void _pathWatchedEnd() {
class _FSEventStreamFileSystemWatcher extends _FileSystemWatcher {
StreamSubscription _subscription;
StreamController _controller;
_FSEventStreamFileSystemWatcher(path, events, recursive)
: super._(path, events, recursive);
Stream _pathWatched() {
var pathId = _watcherPath.pathId;
var socketId = _FileSystemWatcher._getSocketId(0, pathId);
_controller = new StreamController();
_subscription = _FileSystemWatcher._listenOnSocket(socketId, 0, pathId)
.listen((event) {
if (event[1] != null) {
} else {
void _pathWatchedEnd() {
Uint8List _makeUint8ListView(Uint8List source, int offsetInBytes, int length) {
return new Uint8List.view(source.buffer, offsetInBytes, length);