blob: d6d945eb48e4b4e23fc73235e8fb2ef47dad985b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library builtin;
// NOTE: Do not import 'dart:io' in builtin.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:_internal';
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'dart:typed_data';
// Before handling an embedder entrypoint we finalize the setup of the
// dart:_builtin library.
bool _setupCompleted = false;
// The root library (aka the script) is imported into this library. The
// standalone embedder uses this to lookup the main entrypoint in the
// root library's namespace.
Function _getMainClosure() => main;
// 'print' implementation.
// The standalone embedder registers the closurized _print function with the
// dart:core library.
void _printString(String s) native "Builtin_PrintString";
void _print(arg) {
_getPrintClosure() => _print;
// Corelib 'Uri.base' implementation.
// Uri.base is susceptible to changes in the current working directory.
_getCurrentDirectoryPath() native "Builtin_GetCurrentDirectory";
Uri _uriBase() {
// We are not using Dircetory.current here to limit the dependency
// on dart:io. This code is the same as:
// return new Uri.file(Directory.current.path + "/");
var result = _getCurrentDirectoryPath();
return new Uri.file("$result/");
_getUriBaseClosure() => _uriBase;
// Asynchronous loading of resources.
// The embedder forwards most loading requests to this library.
// See Dart_LibraryTag in dart_api.h
const _Dart_kScriptTag = null;
const _Dart_kImportTag = 0;
const _Dart_kSourceTag = 1;
const _Dart_kCanonicalizeUrl = 2;
const _Dart_kResourceLoad = 3;
// Embedder sets this to true if the --trace-loading flag was passed on the
// command line.
bool _traceLoading = false;
// A port for communicating with the service isolate for I/O.
SendPort _loadPort;
// The receive port for a load request. Multiple sources can be fetched in
// a single load request.
RawReceivePort _dataPort;
// A request id valid only for the current load cycle (while the number of
// outstanding load requests is greater than 0). Can be reset when loading is
// completed.
int _reqId = 0;
// An unordered hash map mapping from request id to a particular load request.
// Once there are no outstanding load requests the current load has finished.
HashMap _reqMap = new HashMap();
// The current working directory when the embedder was launched.
Uri _workingDirectory;
// The URI that the root script was loaded from. Remembered so that
// package imports can be resolved relative to it. The root script is the basis
// for the root library in the VM.
Uri _rootScript;
// Packages are either resolved looking up in a map or resolved from within a
// package root.
bool _packagesReady() => (_packageRoot != null) || (_packageMap != null);
// The directory to look in to resolve "package:" scheme URIs. By detault it is
// the 'packages' directory right next to the script.
Uri _packageRoot = null; // Used to be _rootScript.resolve('packages/');
// The map describing how certain package names are mapped to Uris.
Map<String, Uri> _packageMap = null;
// A list of pending packags which have been requested while resolving the
// location of the package root or the contents of the package map.
List<_LoadRequest> _pendingPackageLoads = [];
// If we have outstanding loads or pending package loads waiting for resolution,
// then we do have pending loads.
bool _pendingLoads() => !_reqMap.isEmpty || !_pendingPackageLoads.isEmpty;
// Special handling for Windows paths so that they are compatible with URI
// handling.
// Embedder sets this to true if we are running on Windows.
bool _isWindows = false;
// Logging from builtin.dart is prefixed with a '*'.
_log(msg) {
_print("* $msg");
// A class wrapping the load error message in an Error object.
class _LoadError extends Error {
final String message;
final String uri;
_LoadError(this.uri, this.message);
String toString() => 'Load Error for "$uri": $message';
// Class collecting all of the information about a particular load request.
class _LoadRequest {
final int _id = _reqId++;
final int _tag;
final String _uri;
final Uri _resourceUri;
final _context;
_LoadRequest(this._tag, this._uri, this._resourceUri, this._context) {
assert(_reqMap[_id] == null);
_reqMap[_id] = this;
toString() => "LoadRequest($_id, $_tag, $_uri, $_resourceUri, $_context)";
// Native calls provided by the embedder.
void _signalDoneLoading() native "Builtin_DoneLoading";
void _loadScriptCallback(int tag, String uri, String libraryUri, Uint8List data)
native "Builtin_LoadSource";
void _asyncLoadErrorCallback(uri, libraryUri, error)
native "Builtin_AsyncLoadError";
_sanitizeWindowsPath(path) {
// For Windows we need to massage the paths a bit according to
// Convert
// C:\one\two\three
// to
// /C:/one/two/three
if (_isWindows == false) {
// Do nothing when not running Windows.
return path;
var fixedPath = "${path.replaceAll('\\', '/')}";
if ((path.length > 2) && (path[1] == ':')) {
// Path begins with a drive letter.
return '/$fixedPath';
return fixedPath;
_trimWindowsPath(path) {
// Convert /X:/ to X:/.
if (_isWindows == false) {
// Do nothing when not running Windows.
return path;
if (!path.startsWith('/') || (path.length < 3)) {
return path;
// Match '/?:'.
if ((path[0] == '/') && (path[2] == ':')) {
// Remove leading '/'.
return path.substring(1);
return path;
// Ensure we have a trailing slash character.
_enforceTrailingSlash(uri) {
if (!uri.endsWith('/')) {
return '$uri/';
return uri;
// Embedder Entrypoint:
// The embedder calls this method with the current working directory.
void _setWorkingDirectory(cwd) {
if (!_setupCompleted) {
if (_traceLoading) {
_log('Setting working directory: $cwd');
_workingDirectory = new;
if (_traceLoading) {
_log('Working directory URI: $_workingDirectory');
// Embedder Entrypoint:
// The embedder calls this method with a custom package root.
_setPackageRoot(String packageRoot) {
if (!_setupCompleted) {
if (_traceLoading) {
_log('Setting package root: $packageRoot');
packageRoot = _enforceTrailingSlash(packageRoot);
if (packageRoot.startsWith('file:') ||
packageRoot.startsWith('http:') ||
packageRoot.startsWith('https:')) {
_packageRoot = _workingDirectory.resolve(packageRoot);
} else {
packageRoot = _sanitizeWindowsPath(packageRoot);
packageRoot = _trimWindowsPath(packageRoot);
_packageRoot = _workingDirectory.resolveUri(new Uri.file(packageRoot));
if (_traceLoading) {
_log('Package root URI: $_packageRoot');
// Given a uri with a 'package' scheme, return a Uri that is prefixed with
// the package root.
Uri _resolvePackageUri(Uri uri) {
if (! {
var path = '${}${uri.path}';
var right = 'package:$path';
var wrong = 'package://$path';
throw "URIs using the 'package:' scheme should look like "
"'$right', not '$wrong'.";
if (_traceLoading) {
_log('Resolving package with uri path: ${uri.path}');
var resolvedUri;
if (_packageRoot != null) {
resolvedUri = _packageRoot.resolve(uri.path);
} else {
var packageName = uri.pathSegments[0];
var mapping = _packageMap[packageName];
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Mapped '$packageName' package to '$mapping'");
if (mapping == null) {
throw "No mapping for '$packageName' package when resolving '$uri'.";
var path = uri.path.substring(packageName.length + 1);
resolvedUri = mapping.resolve(path);
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Resolved '$uri' to '$resolvedUri'.");
return resolvedUri;
// Resolves the script uri in the current working directory iff the given uri
// did not specify a scheme (e.g. a path to a script file on the command line).
Uri _resolveScriptUri(String scriptName) {
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Resolving script: $scriptName");
if (_workingDirectory == null) {
throw 'No current working directory set.';
scriptName = _sanitizeWindowsPath(scriptName);
var scriptUri = Uri.parse(scriptName);
if (scriptUri.scheme == '') {
// Script does not have a scheme, assume that it is a path,
// resolve it against the working directory.
scriptUri = _workingDirectory.resolveUri(scriptUri);
// Remember the root script URI so that we can resolve packages based on
// this location.
_rootScript = scriptUri;
if (_traceLoading) {
_log('Resolved entry point to: $_rootScript');
return scriptUri;
void _finishLoadRequest(_LoadRequest req) {
if (req != null) {
// Now that we are done with loading remove the request from the map.
var tmp = _reqMap.remove(req._id);
assert(tmp == req);
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Loading of ${req._uri} finished: "
"${_reqMap.length} requests remaining, "
"${_pendingPackageLoads.length} packages pending.");
if (!_pendingLoads() && (_dataPort != null)) {
// Close the _dataPort now that there are no more requests outstanding.
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Closing loading port.");
_dataPort = null;
_reqId = 0;
void _handleLoaderReply(msg) {
int id = msg[0];
var dataOrError = msg[1];
assert((id >= 0) && (id < _reqId));
var req = _reqMap[id];
try {
if (dataOrError is Uint8List) {
// Successfully loaded the data.
if (req._tag == _Dart_kResourceLoad) {
Completer c = req._context;
} else {
// TODO: Currently a compilation error while loading the script is
// fatal for the isolate. _loadScriptCallback() does not return and
// the number of requests remains out of sync.
_loadScriptCallback(req._tag, req._uri, req._context, dataOrError);
} else {
assert(dataOrError is String);
var error = new _LoadError(req._uri, dataOrError.toString());
_asyncLoadError(req, error, null);
} catch(e, s) {
// Wrap inside a _LoadError unless we are already propagating a
// previous _LoadError.
var error = (e is _LoadError) ? e : new _LoadError(req._uri, e.toString());
assert(req != null);
_asyncLoadError(req, error, s);
void _startLoadRequest(int tag, String uri, Uri resourceUri, context) {
if (_dataPort == null) {
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Initializing load port.");
assert(_dataPort == null);
_dataPort = new RawReceivePort(_handleLoaderReply);
// Register the load request and send it to the VM service isolate.
var req = new _LoadRequest(tag, uri, resourceUri, context);
assert(_dataPort != null);
var msg = new List(4);
msg[0] = _dataPort.sendPort;
msg[1] = _traceLoading;
msg[2] = req._id;
msg[3] = resourceUri.toString();
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Loading of $resourceUri for $uri started with id: ${req._id}. "
"${_reqMap.length} requests remaining, "
"${_pendingPackageLoads.length} packages pending.");
RawReceivePort _packagesPort;
void _handlePackagesReply(msg) {
// Make sure to close the _packagePort before any other action.
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Got packages reply: $msg");
if (msg is String) {
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Got failure response on package port: '$msg'");
throw msg;
if (msg.length == 1) {
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Received package root: '${msg[0]}'");
_packageRoot = Uri.parse(msg[0]);
} else {
assert((msg.length % 2) == 0);
_packageMap = new Map<String, Uri>();
for (var i = 0; i < msg.length; i+=2) {
// TODO(iposva): Complain about duplicate entries.
_packageMap[msg[i]] = Uri.parse(msg[i+1]);
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Setup package map: $_packageMap");
// Resolve all pending package loads now that we know how to resolve them.
while (_pendingPackageLoads.length > 0) {
// Order does not matter as we queue all of the requests up right now.
var req = _pendingPackageLoads.removeLast();
// Call the registered closure, to handle the delayed action.
// Reset the pending package loads to empty. So that we eventually can
// finish loading.
_pendingPackageLoads = [];
// Make sure that the receive port is closed if no other loads are pending.
void _requestPackagesMap() {
assert(_packagesPort == null);
assert(_rootScript != null);
// Create a port to receive the packages map on.
_packagesPort = new RawReceivePort(_handlePackagesReply);
var sp = _packagesPort.sendPort;
var msg = new List(4);
msg[0] = sp;
msg[1] = _traceLoading;
msg[2] = -1;
msg[3] = _rootScript.toString();
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Requested packages map for '$_rootScript'.");
// Embedder Entrypoint:
// Request the load of a particular packages map.
void _loadPackagesMap(String packagesParam) {
if (!_setupCompleted) {
// First convert the packages parameter from the command line to a URI which
// can be handled by the loader code.
// TODO(iposva): Consider refactoring the common code below which is almost
// shared with resolution of the root script.
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Resolving packages map: $packagesParam");
if (_workingDirectory == null) {
throw 'No current working directory set.';
var packagesName = _sanitizeWindowsPath(packagesParam);
var packagesUri = Uri.parse(packagesName);
if (packagesUri.scheme == '') {
// Script does not have a scheme, assume that it is a path,
// resolve it against the working directory.
packagesUri = _workingDirectory.resolveUri(packagesUri);
if (_traceLoading) {
_log('Resolved packages map to: $packagesUri');
// Request the loading and parsing of the packages map at the specified URI.
// Create a port to receive the packages map on.
assert(_packagesPort == null);
_packagesPort = new RawReceivePort(_handlePackagesReply);
var sp = _packagesPort.sendPort;
var msg = new List(4);
msg[0] = sp;
msg[1] = _traceLoading;
msg[2] = -2;
msg[3] = packagesUri.toString();
// Signal that the resolution of the packages map has started. But in this
// case it is not tied to a particular request.
_pendingPackageLoads.add(() {
// Nothing to be done beyond registering that there is pending package
// resolution requested by having an empty entry.
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Skipping dummy deferred request.");
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Requested packages map at '$packagesUri'.");
// Embedder Entrypoint:
// Add mapping from package name to URI.
void _addPackageMapEntry(String key, String value) {
if (!_setupCompleted) {
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Adding packages map entry: $key -> $value");
if (_packageRoot != null) {
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("_packageRoot already set: $_packageRoot");
throw "Cannot add package map entry to an exisiting package root.";
if (_packagesPort != null) {
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Package map load request already pending.");
throw "Cannot add package map entry during package map resolution.";
if (_packageMap == null) {
_packageMap = new Map<String, Uri>();
_packageMap[key] = _workingDirectory.resolve(value);
void _asyncLoadError(_LoadRequest req, _LoadError error, StackTrace stack) {
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("_asyncLoadError(${req._uri}), error: $error\nstack: $stack");
if (req._tag == _Dart_kResourceLoad) {
Completer c = req._context;
c.completeError(error, stack);
} else {
String libraryUri = req._context;
if (req._tag == _Dart_kImportTag) {
// When importing a library, the libraryUri is the imported
// uri.
libraryUri = req._uri;
_asyncLoadErrorCallback(req._uri, libraryUri, error);
_loadDataFromLoadPort(int tag, String uri, Uri resourceUri, context) {
try {
_startLoadRequest(tag, uri, resourceUri, context);
} catch (e, s) {
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Exception when communicating with service isolate: $e");
// Wrap inside a _LoadError unless we are already propagating a previously
// seen _LoadError.
var error = (e is _LoadError) ? e : new _LoadError(uri, e.toString());
// Register a dummy load request and fail to load it.
var req = new _LoadRequest(tag, uri, resourceUri, context);
_asyncLoadError(req, error, s);
// Loading a package URI needs to first map the package name to a loadable
// URI.
_loadPackage(int tag, String uri, Uri resourceUri, context) {
if (_packagesReady()) {
_loadData(tag, uri, _resolvePackageUri(resourceUri), context);
} else {
if (_pendingPackageLoads.isEmpty) {
// Package resolution has not been setup yet, and this is the first
// request for package resolution & loading.
// Register the action of loading this package once the package resolution
// is ready.
_pendingPackageLoads.add(() {
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Handling deferred package request: "
"$tag, $uri, $resourceUri, $context");
_loadPackage(tag, uri, resourceUri, context);
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Pending package load of '$uri': "
"${_pendingPackageLoads.length} pending");
// Load the data associated with the resourceUri.
_loadData(int tag, String uri, Uri resourceUri, context) {
if (resourceUri.scheme == 'package') {
// package based uris need to be resolved to the correct loadable location.
// The logic of which is handled seperately, and then _loadData is called
// recursively.
_loadPackage(tag, uri, resourceUri, context);
} else {
_loadDataFromLoadPort(tag, uri, resourceUri, context);
// Embedder Entrypoint:
// Asynchronously loads script data through a http[s] or file uri.
_loadDataAsync(int tag, String uri, String libraryUri) {
if (!_setupCompleted) {
var resourceUri;
if (tag == _Dart_kScriptTag) {
resourceUri = _resolveScriptUri(uri);
uri = resourceUri.toString();
} else {
resourceUri = Uri.parse(uri);
_loadData(tag, uri, resourceUri, libraryUri);
// Embedder Entrypoint:
// Function called by standalone embedder to resolve uris when the VM requests
// Dart_kCanonicalizeUrl from the tag handler.
String _resolveUri(String base, String userString) {
if (!_setupCompleted) {
if (_traceLoading) {
_log('Resolving: $userString from $base');
var baseUri = Uri.parse(base);
var result;
if (userString.startsWith(_DART_EXT)) {
var uri = userString.substring(_DART_EXT.length);
result = '$_DART_EXT${baseUri.resolve(uri)}';
} else {
result = baseUri.resolve(userString).toString();
if (_traceLoading) {
_log('Resolved $userString in $base to $result');
return result;
// Handling of access to the package root or package map from user code.
_triggerPackageResolution(action) {
if (_packagesReady()) {
// Packages are ready. Execute the action now.
} else {
if (_pendingPackageLoads.isEmpty) {
// Package resolution has not been setup yet, and this is the first
// request for package resolution & loading.
// Register the action for when the package resolution is ready.
Future<Uri> _getPackageRoot() {
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Request for package root from user code.");
var completer = new Completer<Uri>();
_triggerPackageResolution(() {
return completer.future;
Future<Map<String, Uri>> _getPackageMap() {
if (_traceLoading) {
_log("Request for package map from user code.");
var completer = new Completer<Map<String, Uri>>();
_triggerPackageResolution(() {
var result = (_packageMap != null) ? new Map.from(_packageMap) : {};
return completer.future;
// Handling of Resource class by dispatching to the load port.
Future<List<int>> _resourceReadAsBytes(Uri uri) {
var completer = new Completer<List<int>>();
// Request the load of the resource associating the completer as the context
// for the load.
_loadData(_Dart_kResourceLoad, uri.toString(), uri, completer);
// Return the future that will be triggered once the resource has been loaded.
return completer.future;
// Embedder Entrypoint (gen_snapshot):
// Resolve relative paths relative to working directory.
String _resolveInWorkingDirectory(String fileName) {
if (!_setupCompleted) {
if (_workingDirectory == null) {
throw 'No current working directory set.';
var name = _sanitizeWindowsPath(fileName);
var uri = Uri.parse(name);
if (uri.scheme != '') {
throw 'Schemes are not supported when resolving filenames.';
uri = _workingDirectory.resolveUri(uri);
if (_traceLoading) {
_log('Resolved in working directory: $fileName -> $uri');
return uri.toString();
// Handling of dart-ext loading.
// Dart native extension scheme.
const _DART_EXT = 'dart-ext:';
String _nativeLibraryExtension() native "Builtin_NativeLibraryExtension";
String _platformExtensionFileName(String name) {
var extension = _nativeLibraryExtension();
if (_isWindows) {
return '$name.$extension';
} else {
return 'lib$name.$extension';
// Returns either a file path or a URI starting with http[s]:, as a String.
String _filePathFromUri(String userUri) {
var uri = Uri.parse(userUri);
if (_traceLoading) {
_log('Getting file path from: $uri');
var path;
switch (uri.scheme) {
case '':
case 'file':
return uri.toFilePath();
case 'package':
return _filePathFromUri(_resolvePackageUri(uri).toString());
case 'data':
case 'http':
case 'https':
return uri.toString();
// Only handling file, http, and package URIs
// in standalone binary.
if (_traceLoading) {
_log('Unknown scheme (${uri.scheme}) in $uri.');
throw 'Not a known scheme: $uri';
// Embedder Entrypoint:
// When loading an extension the embedder calls this method to get the
// different components.
// Returns the directory part, the filename part, and the name
// of a native extension URL as a list [directory, filename, name].
// The directory part is either a file system path or an HTTP(S) URL.
// The filename part is the extension name, with the platform-dependent
// prefixes and extensions added.
_extensionPathFromUri(String userUri) {
if (!_setupCompleted) {
if (!userUri.startsWith(_DART_EXT)) {
throw 'Unexpected internal error: Extension URI $userUri missing dart-ext:';
userUri = userUri.substring(_DART_EXT.length);
if (userUri.contains('\\')) {
throw 'Unexpected internal error: Extension URI $userUri contains \\';
String name;
String path; // Will end in '/'.
int index = userUri.lastIndexOf('/');
if (index == -1) {
name = userUri;
path = './';
} else if (index == userUri.length - 1) {
throw 'Extension name missing in $extensionUri';
} else {
name = userUri.substring(index + 1);
path = userUri.substring(0, index + 1);
path = _filePathFromUri(path);
var filename = _platformExtensionFileName(name);
return [path, filename, name];
// Register callbacks and hooks with the rest of the core libraries.
_setupHooks() {
_setupCompleted = true;
VMLibraryHooks.resourceReadAsBytes = _resourceReadAsBytes;
VMLibraryHooks.getPackageRoot = _getPackageRoot;
VMLibraryHooks.getPackageMap = _getPackageMap;