| // Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| library status_clean; |
| |
| import "dart:async"; |
| import "dart:convert" show json, utf8; |
| import "dart:io"; |
| import "testing/dart/multitest.dart"; |
| import "testing/dart/status_file_parser.dart"; |
| import "testing/dart/test_suite.dart" |
| show |
| multiHtmlTestGroupRegExp, |
| multiTestRegExp, |
| multiHtmlTestRegExp, |
| TestUtils; |
| import "testing/dart/utils.dart" show Path; |
| |
| // [STATUS_TUPLES] is a list of (suite-name, directory, status-file)-tuples. |
| final STATUS_TUPLES = [ |
| ["corelib_2", "tests/corelib_2", "tests/corelib_2/corelib_2.status"], |
| ["corelib", "tests/corelib", "tests/corelib/corelib.status"], |
| ["html", "tests/html", "tests/html/html.status"], |
| ["isolate", "tests/isolate", "tests/isolate/isolate.status"], |
| ["language", "tests/language", "tests/language/language.status"], |
| ["language", "tests/language", "tests/language/language_analyzer2.status"], |
| ["language", "tests/language", "tests/language/language_analyzer.status"], |
| ["language", "tests/language", "tests/language/language_dart2js.status"], |
| ["lib", "tests/lib", "tests/lib/lib.status"], |
| ["standalone", "tests/standalone", "tests/standalone/standalone.status"], |
| ["pkg", "pkg", "pkg/pkg.status"], |
| ["utils", "tests/utils", "tests/utils/utils.status"], |
| ["samples", "samples", "samples/samples.status"], |
| ["analyze_library", "sdk", "tests/lib/analyzer/analyze_library.status"], |
| [ |
| "dart2js_extra", |
| "tests/compiler/dart2js_extra", |
| "tests/compiler/dart2js_extra/dart2js_extra.status" |
| ], |
| [ |
| "dart2js_native", |
| "tests/compiler/dart2js_native", |
| "tests/compiler/dart2js_native/dart2js_native.status" |
| ], |
| [ |
| "dart2js", |
| "tests/compiler/dart2js", |
| "tests/compiler/dart2js/dart2js.status" |
| ], |
| [ |
| "benchmark_smoke", |
| "tests/benchmark_smoke", |
| "tests/benchmark_smoke/benchmark_smoke.status" |
| ], |
| ["co19", "tests/co19/src", "tests/co19/co19-analyzer2.status"], |
| ["co19", "tests/co19/src", "tests/co19/co19-analyzer.status"], |
| ["co19", "tests/co19/src", "tests/co19/co19-dart2js.status"], |
| ["co19", "tests/co19/src", "tests/co19/co19-co19.status"], |
| ["co19", "tests/co19/src", "tests/co19/co19-dartium.status"], |
| ["co19", "tests/co19/src", "tests/co19/co19-runtime.status"], |
| ]; |
| |
| void main(List<String> args) { |
| TestUtils.setDartDirUri(Platform.script.resolve('..')); |
| usage() { |
| print("Usage: ${Platform.executable} <deflake|remove-nonexistent-tests>"); |
| exit(1); |
| } |
| |
| if (args.length == 0) usage(); |
| |
| if (args[0] == 'deflake') { |
| run(new StatusFileDeflaker()); |
| } else if (args[0] == 'remove-nonexistent-tests') { |
| run(new StatusFileNonExistentTestRemover()); |
| } else { |
| usage(); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| run(StatusFileProcessor processor) { |
| Future.forEach(STATUS_TUPLES, (List tuple) { |
| String suiteName = tuple[0]; |
| String directory = tuple[1]; |
| String filePath = tuple[2]; |
| print("Processing $filePath"); |
| return processor.run(suiteName, directory, filePath); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| abstract class StatusFileProcessor { |
| Future run(String suiteName, String directory, String filePath); |
| |
| Future<List<Section>> _readSections(String filePath) { |
| File file = new File(filePath); |
| |
| if (file.existsSync()) { |
| var completer = new Completer(); |
| List<Section> sections = new List<Section>(); |
| |
| ReadConfigurationInto(new Path(file.path), sections, () { |
| completer.complete(sections); |
| }); |
| return completer.future; |
| } |
| return new Future.value([]); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class StatusFileNonExistentTestRemover extends StatusFileProcessor { |
| final MultiTestDetector multiTestDetector = new MultiTestDetector(); |
| final TestFileLister testFileLister = new TestFileLister(); |
| |
| Future run(String suiteName, String directory, String filePath) { |
| return _readSections(filePath).then((List<Section> sections) { |
| Set<int> invalidLines = _analyzeStatusFile(directory, filePath, sections); |
| if (invalidLines.length > 0) { |
| return _writeFixedStatusFile(filePath, invalidLines); |
| } |
| return new Future.value(); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| bool _testExists(String filePath, List<String> testFiles, String directory, |
| TestRule rule) { |
| // TODO: Unify this regular expression matching with status_file_parser.dart |
| List<RegExp> getRuleRegex(String name) { |
| return name |
| .split("/") |
| .map((name) => new RegExp(name.replaceAll('*', '.*'))) |
| .toList(); |
| } |
| |
| bool matchRegexp(List<RegExp> patterns, String str) { |
| var parts = str.split("/"); |
| if (patterns.length > parts.length) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| // NOTE: patterns.length <= parts.length |
| for (var i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) { |
| if (!patterns[i].hasMatch(parts[i])) { |
| return false; |
| } |
| } |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| var rulePattern = getRuleRegex(rule.name); |
| return testFiles.any((String file) { |
| // TODO: Use test_suite.dart's [buildTestCaseDisplayName] instead. |
| var filePath = new Path(file).relativeTo(new Path(directory)); |
| String baseTestName = _concat( |
| "${filePath.directoryPath}", "${filePath.filenameWithoutExtension}"); |
| |
| List<String> testNames = []; |
| for (var name in multiTestDetector.getMultitestNames(file)) { |
| testNames.add(_concat(baseTestName, name)); |
| } |
| |
| // If it is not a multitest the testname is [baseTestName] |
| if (testNames.isEmpty) { |
| testNames.add(baseTestName); |
| } |
| |
| return testNames |
| .any((String testName) => matchRegexp(rulePattern, testName)); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| Set<int> _analyzeStatusFile( |
| String directory, String filePath, List<Section> sections) { |
| var invalidLines = new Set<int>(); |
| var dartFiles = testFileLister.listTestFiles(directory); |
| for (var section in sections) { |
| for (var rule in section.testRules) { |
| if (!_testExists(filePath, dartFiles, directory, rule)) { |
| print("Invalid rule: ${rule.name} in file " |
| "$filePath:${rule.lineNumber}"); |
| invalidLines.add(rule.lineNumber); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return invalidLines; |
| } |
| |
| _writeFixedStatusFile(String statusFilePath, Set<int> invalidLines) { |
| var lines = new File(statusFilePath).readAsLinesSync(); |
| var outputLines = <String>[]; |
| for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { |
| // The status file parser numbers lines starting with 1, not 0. |
| if (!invalidLines.contains(i + 1)) { |
| outputLines.add(lines[i]); |
| } |
| } |
| var outputFile = new File("$statusFilePath.fixed"); |
| outputFile.writeAsStringSync(outputLines.join("\n")); |
| } |
| |
| String _concat(String base, String part) { |
| if (base == "") return part; |
| if (part == "") return base; |
| return "$base/$part"; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class StatusFileDeflaker extends StatusFileProcessor { |
| TestOutcomeFetcher _testOutcomeFetcher = new TestOutcomeFetcher(); |
| |
| Future run(String suiteName, String directory, String filePath) { |
| return _readSections(filePath).then((List<Section> sections) { |
| return _generatedDeflakedLines(suiteName, sections) |
| .then((Map<int, String> fixedLines) { |
| if (fixedLines.length > 0) { |
| return _writeFixedStatusFile(filePath, fixedLines); |
| } |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| Future _generatedDeflakedLines(String suiteName, List<Section> sections) { |
| var fixedLines = new Map<int, String>(); |
| return Future.forEach(sections, (Section section) { |
| return Future.forEach(section.testRules, (rule) { |
| return _maybeFixStatusfileLine(suiteName, section, rule, fixedLines); |
| }); |
| }).then((_) => fixedLines); |
| } |
| |
| Future _maybeFixStatusfileLine(String suiteName, Section section, |
| TestRule rule, Map<int, String> fixedLines) { |
| print("Processing ${section.statusFile.location}: ${rule.lineNumber}"); |
| // None of our status file lines have expressions, so we pass {} here. |
| var notedOutcomes = rule.expression |
| .evaluate({}) |
| .map((name) => Expectation.byName(name)) |
| .where((Expectation expectation) => !expectation.isMetaExpectation) |
| .toSet(); |
| |
| if (notedOutcomes.isEmpty) return new Future.value(); |
| |
| // TODO: [rule.name] is actually a pattern not just a testname. We should |
| // find all possible testnames this rule matches against and unify the |
| // outcomes of these tests. |
| return _testOutcomeFetcher |
| .outcomesOf(suiteName, section, rule.name) |
| .then((Set<Expectation> actualOutcomes) { |
| var outcomesThatNeverHappened = new Set<Expectation>(); |
| for (Expectation notedOutcome in notedOutcomes) { |
| bool found = false; |
| for (Expectation actualOutcome in actualOutcomes) { |
| if (actualOutcome.canBeOutcomeOf(notedOutcome)) { |
| found = true; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| if (!found) { |
| outcomesThatNeverHappened.add(notedOutcome); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (outcomesThatNeverHappened.length > 0 && actualOutcomes.length > 0) { |
| // Print the change to stdout. |
| print("${rule.name} " |
| "(${section.statusFile.location}:${rule.lineNumber}):"); |
| print(" Actual outcomes: ${actualOutcomes.toList()}"); |
| print(" Outcomes in status file: ${notedOutcomes.toList()}"); |
| print(" Outcomes in status file that never happened : " |
| "${outcomesThatNeverHappened.toList()}\n"); |
| |
| // Build the fixed status file line. |
| fixedLines[rule.lineNumber] = |
| '${rule.name}: ${actualOutcomes.join(', ')} ' |
| '# before: ${notedOutcomes.join(', ')} / ' |
| 'never happened: ${outcomesThatNeverHappened.join(', ')}'; |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| _writeFixedStatusFile(String filePath, Map<int, String> fixedLines) { |
| var lines = new File(filePath).readAsLinesSync(); |
| var outputLines = <String>[]; |
| for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { |
| if (fixedLines.containsKey(i + 1)) { |
| outputLines.add(fixedLines[i + 1]); |
| } else { |
| outputLines.add(lines[i]); |
| } |
| } |
| var output = outputLines.join("\n"); |
| var outputFile = new File("$filePath.deflaked"); |
| outputFile.writeAsStringSync(output); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class MultiTestDetector { |
| final multiTestsCache = new Map<String, List<String>>(); |
| final multiHtmlTestsCache = new Map<String, List<String>>(); |
| |
| List<String> getMultitestNames(String file) { |
| List<String> names = []; |
| names.addAll(getStandardMultitestNames(file)); |
| names.addAll(getHtmlMultitestNames(file)); |
| return names; |
| } |
| |
| List<String> getStandardMultitestNames(String file) { |
| return multiTestsCache.putIfAbsent(file, () { |
| try { |
| var tests = new Map<String, String>(); |
| var outcomes = new Map<String, Set<String>>(); |
| if (multiTestRegExp.hasMatch(new File(file).readAsStringSync())) { |
| extractTestsFromMultitest(new Path(file), tests, outcomes); |
| } |
| return tests.keys.toList(); |
| } catch (error) { |
| print("WARNING: Couldn't determine multitests in file ${file}: $error"); |
| return []; |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| List<String> getHtmlMultitestNames(String file) { |
| return multiHtmlTestsCache.putIfAbsent(file, () { |
| try { |
| List<String> subtestNames = []; |
| var content = new File(file).readAsStringSync(); |
| |
| if (multiHtmlTestRegExp.hasMatch(content)) { |
| var matchesIter = |
| multiHtmlTestGroupRegExp.allMatches(content).iterator; |
| while (matchesIter.moveNext()) { |
| String fullMatch = matchesIter.current.group(0); |
| subtestNames.add(fullMatch.substring(fullMatch.indexOf("'") + 1)); |
| } |
| } |
| return subtestNames; |
| } catch (error) { |
| print("WARNING: Couldn't determine multitests in file ${file}: $error"); |
| } |
| return []; |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class TestFileLister { |
| final Map<String, List<String>> _filesCache = {}; |
| |
| List<String> listTestFiles(String directory) { |
| return _filesCache.putIfAbsent(directory, () { |
| var dir = new Directory(directory); |
| // Cannot test for _test.dart because co19 tests don't have that ending. |
| var dartFiles = dir |
| .listSync(recursive: true) |
| .where((fe) => fe is File) |
| .where((file) => |
| file.path.endsWith(".dart") || file.path.endsWith("_test.html")) |
| .map((file) => file.path) |
| .toList(); |
| return dartFiles; |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /* |
| * [TestOutcomeFetcher] will fetch test results from a server using a REST-like |
| * interface. |
| */ |
| class TestOutcomeFetcher { |
| static String SERVER = ''; |
| static int PORT = 4540; |
| |
| HttpClient _client = new HttpClient(); |
| |
| Future<Set<Expectation>> outcomesOf( |
| String suiteName, Section section, String testName) { |
| var pathComponents = [ |
| 'json', |
| 'test-outcomes', |
| 'outcomes', |
| Uri.encodeComponent("$suiteName/$testName") |
| ]; |
| var path = pathComponents.join('/') + '/'; |
| var url = new Uri(scheme: 'http', host: SERVER, port: PORT, path: path); |
| |
| return _client |
| .getUrl(url) |
| .then((HttpClientRequest request) => request.close()) |
| .then((HttpClientResponse response) { |
| return response |
| .transform(utf8.decoder) |
| .transform(json.decoder) |
| .first |
| .then((List testResults) { |
| var setOfActualOutcomes = new Set<Expectation>(); |
| |
| try { |
| for (var result in testResults) { |
| var config = result['configuration']; |
| var testResult = result['test_result']; |
| var outcome = testResult['outcome']; |
| |
| // These variables are derived variables and will be set in |
| // tools/testing/dart/test_options.dart. |
| // [Mostly due to the fact that we don't have an unary ! |
| // operator in status file expressions.] |
| config['unchecked'] = !config['checked']; |
| config['unminified'] = !config['minified']; |
| config['nocsp'] = !config['csp']; |
| config['browser'] = TestUtils.isBrowserRuntime(config['runtime']); |
| config['analyzer'] = |
| TestUtils.isCommandLineAnalyzer(config['compiler']); |
| config['jscl'] = |
| TestUtils.isJsCommandLineRuntime(config['runtime']); |
| |
| if (section.condition == null || |
| section.condition.evaluate(config)) { |
| setOfActualOutcomes.add(Expectation.byName(outcome)); |
| } |
| } |
| return setOfActualOutcomes; |
| } catch (error) { |
| print("Warning: Error occured while processing testoutcomes" |
| ": $error"); |
| return []; |
| } |
| }).catchError((error) { |
| print("Warning: Error occured while fetching testoutcomes: $error"); |
| return []; |
| }); |
| }); |
| } |
| } |