blob: b0f526e9444890e78d599d2cb7ab5683ec20f700 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of world_builder;
/// World builder specific to codegen.
/// This adds additional access to liveness of selectors and elements.
abstract class CodegenWorldBuilder implements WorldBuilder {
/// Calls [f] with every instance field, together with its declarer, in an
/// instance of [cls]. All fields inherited from superclasses and mixins are
/// included.
void forEachInstanceField(covariant ClassEntity cls,
void f(ClassEntity declarer, FieldEntity field));
/// Calls [f] with every instance field declared directly in class [cls]
/// (i.e. no inherited fields). Fields are presented in initialization
/// (i.e. textual) order.
void forEachDirectInstanceField(
covariant ClassEntity cls, void f(FieldEntity field));
/// Calls [f] for each parameter of [function] providing the type and name of
/// the parameter and the [defaultValue] if the parameter is optional.
void forEachParameter(covariant FunctionEntity function,
void f(DartType type, String name, ConstantValue defaultValue));
/// Calls [f] for each parameter - given as a [Local] - of [function].
void forEachParameterAsLocal(
covariant FunctionEntity function, void f(Local parameter));
void forEachInvokedName(
f(String name, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> selectors));
void forEachInvokedGetter(
f(String name, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> selectors));
void forEachInvokedSetter(
f(String name, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> selectors));
/// Returns `true` if [field] has a constant initializer.
bool hasConstantFieldInitializer(covariant FieldEntity field);
/// Returns the constant initializer for [field].
ConstantValue getConstantFieldInitializer(covariant FieldEntity field);
/// Returns `true` if [member] is invoked as a setter.
bool hasInvokedSetter(MemberEntity member, JClosedWorld world);
bool hasInvokedGetter(MemberEntity member, JClosedWorld world);
Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> invocationsByName(String name);
Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> getterInvocationsByName(String name);
Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> setterInvocationsByName(String name);
Iterable<FunctionEntity> get staticFunctionsNeedingGetter;
Iterable<FunctionEntity> get methodsNeedingSuperGetter;
/// The set of all referenced static fields.
/// Invariant: Elements are declaration elements.
Iterable<FieldEntity> get allReferencedStaticFields;
/// Set of methods in instantiated classes that are potentially closurized.
Iterable<FunctionEntity> get closurizedMembers;
/// Register [constant] as needed for emission.
void addCompileTimeConstantForEmission(ConstantValue constant);
/// Returns a list of constants topologically sorted so that dependencies
/// appear before the dependent constant.
/// [preSortCompare] is a comparator function that gives the constants a
/// consistent order prior to the topological sort which gives the constants
/// an ordering that is less sensitive to perturbations in the source code.
List<ConstantValue> getConstantsForEmission(
[Comparator<ConstantValue> preSortCompare]);
class CodegenWorldBuilderImpl extends WorldBuilderBase
implements CodegenWorldBuilder {
final ElementEnvironment _elementEnvironment;
final NativeBasicData _nativeBasicData;
final JClosedWorld _world;
/// The set of all directly instantiated classes, that is, classes with a
/// generative constructor that has been called directly and not only through
/// a super-call.
/// Invariant: Elements are declaration elements.
// TODO(johnniwinther): [_directlyInstantiatedClasses] and
// [_instantiatedTypes] sets should be merged.
final Set<ClassEntity> _directlyInstantiatedClasses = new Set<ClassEntity>();
/// The set of all directly instantiated types, that is, the types of the
/// directly instantiated classes.
/// See [_directlyInstantiatedClasses].
final Set<InterfaceType> _instantiatedTypes = new Set<InterfaceType>();
/// Classes implemented by directly instantiated classes.
final Set<ClassEntity> _implementedClasses = new Set<ClassEntity>();
/// The set of all referenced static fields.
/// Invariant: Elements are declaration elements.
final Set<FieldEntity> allReferencedStaticFields = new Set<FieldEntity>();
* Documentation wanted -- johnniwinther
* Invariant: Elements are declaration elements.
final Set<FunctionEntity> staticFunctionsNeedingGetter =
new Set<FunctionEntity>();
final Set<FunctionEntity> methodsNeedingSuperGetter =
new Set<FunctionEntity>();
final Map<String, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints>> _invokedNames =
<String, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints>>{};
final Map<String, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints>> _invokedGetters =
<String, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints>>{};
final Map<String, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints>> _invokedSetters =
<String, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints>>{};
final Map<ClassEntity, _ClassUsage> _processedClasses =
<ClassEntity, _ClassUsage>{};
Map<ClassEntity, _ClassUsage> get classUsageForTesting => _processedClasses;
/// Map of registered usage of static members of live classes.
final Map<Entity, _StaticMemberUsage> _staticMemberUsage =
<Entity, _StaticMemberUsage>{};
Map<Entity, _StaticMemberUsage> get staticMemberUsageForTesting =>
/// Map of registered usage of instance members of live classes.
final Map<MemberEntity, _MemberUsage> _instanceMemberUsage =
<MemberEntity, _MemberUsage>{};
Map<MemberEntity, _MemberUsage> get instanceMemberUsageForTesting =>
/// Map containing instance members of live classes that are not yet live
/// themselves.
final Map<String, Set<_MemberUsage>> _instanceMembersByName =
<String, Set<_MemberUsage>>{};
/// Map containing instance methods of live classes that are not yet
/// closurized.
final Map<String, Set<_MemberUsage>> _instanceFunctionsByName =
<String, Set<_MemberUsage>>{};
final Set<DartType> isChecks = new Set<DartType>();
final SelectorConstraintsStrategy selectorConstraintsStrategy;
final Set<ConstantValue> _constantValues = new Set<ConstantValue>();
final KernelToWorldBuilder _elementMap;
final GlobalLocalsMap _globalLocalsMap;
Iterable<ClassEntity> get processedClasses => _processedClasses.keys
.where((cls) => _processedClasses[cls].isInstantiated);
/// All directly instantiated classes, that is, classes with a generative
/// constructor that has been called directly and not only through a
/// super-call.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Improve semantic precision.
Iterable<ClassEntity> get directlyInstantiatedClasses {
return _directlyInstantiatedClasses;
/// All directly instantiated types, that is, the types of the directly
/// instantiated classes.
/// See [directlyInstantiatedClasses].
// TODO(johnniwinther): Improve semantic precision.
Iterable<InterfaceType> get instantiatedTypes => _instantiatedTypes;
/// Register [type] as (directly) instantiated.
/// If [byMirrors] is `true`, the instantiation is through mirrors.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Fully enforce the separation between exact, through
// subclass and through subtype instantiated types/classes.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Support unknown type arguments for generic types.
void registerTypeInstantiation(
InterfaceType type, ClassUsedCallback classUsed,
{bool byMirrors: false}) {
ClassEntity cls = type.element;
bool isNative = _nativeBasicData.isNativeClass(cls);
if (!cls.isAbstract
// We can't use the closed-world assumption with native abstract
// classes; a native abstract class may have non-abstract subclasses
// not declared to the program. Instances of these classes are
// indistinguishable from the abstract class.
// Likewise, if this registration comes from the mirror system,
// all bets are off.
// TODO(herhut): Track classes required by mirrors separately.
byMirrors) {
_processInstantiatedClass(cls, classUsed);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Replace this by separate more specific mappings that
// include the type arguments.
if (_implementedClasses.add(cls)) {
classUsed(cls, _getClassUsage(cls).implement());
_elementEnvironment.forEachSupertype(cls, (InterfaceType supertype) {
if (_implementedClasses.add(supertype.element)) {
supertype.element, _getClassUsage(supertype.element).implement());
bool _hasMatchingSelector(Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> selectors,
MemberEntity member, JClosedWorld world) {
if (selectors == null) return false;
for (Selector selector in selectors.keys) {
if (selector.appliesUnnamed(member)) {
SelectorConstraints masks = selectors[selector];
if (masks.applies(member, selector, world)) {
return true;
return false;
bool hasInvocation(MemberEntity member, JClosedWorld world) {
return _hasMatchingSelector(_invokedNames[], member, world);
bool hasInvokedGetter(MemberEntity member, JClosedWorld world) {
return _hasMatchingSelector(_invokedGetters[], member, world) ||
member.isFunction && methodsNeedingSuperGetter.contains(member);
bool hasInvokedSetter(MemberEntity member, JClosedWorld world) {
return _hasMatchingSelector(_invokedSetters[], member, world);
bool registerDynamicUse(
DynamicUse dynamicUse, MemberUsedCallback memberUsed) {
Selector selector = dynamicUse.selector;
String methodName =;
void _process(Map<String, Set<_MemberUsage>> memberMap,
EnumSet<MemberUse> action(_MemberUsage usage)) {
_processSet(memberMap, methodName, (_MemberUsage usage) {
if (selectorConstraintsStrategy.appliedUnnamed(
dynamicUse, usage.entity, _world)) {
memberUsed(usage.entity, action(usage));
return true;
return false;
switch (dynamicUse.kind) {
case DynamicUseKind.INVOKE:
dynamicUse.selector, dynamicUse.typeArguments);
if (_registerNewSelector(dynamicUse, _invokedNames)) {
_process(_instanceMembersByName, (m) => m.invoke());
return true;
case DynamicUseKind.GET:
if (_registerNewSelector(dynamicUse, _invokedGetters)) {
_process(_instanceMembersByName, (m) =>;
_process(_instanceFunctionsByName, (m) =>;
return true;
case DynamicUseKind.SET:
if (_registerNewSelector(dynamicUse, _invokedSetters)) {
_process(_instanceMembersByName, (m) => m.write());
return true;
return false;
bool _registerNewSelector(DynamicUse dynamicUse,
Map<String, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints>> selectorMap) {
Selector selector = dynamicUse.selector;
String name =;
Object constraint = dynamicUse.receiverConstraint;
Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> selectors = selectorMap.putIfAbsent(
name, () => new Maplet<Selector, SelectorConstraints>());
UniverseSelectorConstraints constraints =
selectors.putIfAbsent(selector, () {
return selectorConstraintsStrategy.createSelectorConstraints(selector);
return constraints.addReceiverConstraint(constraint);
Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> _asUnmodifiable(
Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> map) {
if (map == null) return null;
return new UnmodifiableMapView(map);
Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> invocationsByName(String name) {
return _asUnmodifiable(_invokedNames[name]);
Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> getterInvocationsByName(String name) {
return _asUnmodifiable(_invokedGetters[name]);
Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> setterInvocationsByName(String name) {
return _asUnmodifiable(_invokedSetters[name]);
void forEachInvokedName(
f(String name, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> selectors)) {
void forEachInvokedGetter(
f(String name, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> selectors)) {
void forEachInvokedSetter(
f(String name, Map<Selector, SelectorConstraints> selectors)) {
void registerIsCheck(covariant DartType type) {
void _registerStaticUse(StaticUse staticUse) {
if (staticUse.element is FieldEntity) {
FieldEntity field = staticUse.element;
if (field.isTopLevel || field.isStatic) {
switch (staticUse.kind) {
case StaticUseKind.STATIC_TEAR_OFF:
case StaticUseKind.SUPER_TEAR_OFF:
case StaticUseKind.SUPER_FIELD_SET:
case StaticUseKind.FIELD_SET:
case StaticUseKind.DIRECT_USE:
case StaticUseKind.CLOSURE:
case StaticUseKind.CLOSURE_CALL:
case StaticUseKind.CALL_METHOD:
case StaticUseKind.FIELD_GET:
case StaticUseKind.REDIRECTION:
case StaticUseKind.DIRECT_INVOKE:
case StaticUseKind.INLINING:
case StaticUseKind.INVOKE:
case StaticUseKind.GET:
case StaticUseKind.SET:
case StaticUseKind.INIT:
case StaticUseKind.REFLECT:
void registerStaticUse(StaticUse staticUse, MemberUsedCallback memberUsed) {
Entity element = staticUse.element;
_StaticMemberUsage usage = _staticMemberUsage.putIfAbsent(element, () {
if (element is MemberEntity &&
(element.isStatic || element.isTopLevel) &&
element.isFunction) {
return new _StaticFunctionUsage(element);
} else {
return new _GeneralStaticMemberUsage(element);
EnumSet<MemberUse> useSet = new EnumSet<MemberUse>();
switch (staticUse.kind) {
case StaticUseKind.STATIC_TEAR_OFF:
case StaticUseKind.FIELD_GET:
case StaticUseKind.FIELD_SET:
case StaticUseKind.CLOSURE:
case StaticUseKind.CLOSURE_CALL:
case StaticUseKind.CALL_METHOD:
// TODO(johnniwinther): Avoid this. Currently [FIELD_GET] and
// [FIELD_SET] contains [BoxFieldElement]s which we cannot enqueue.
// Also [CLOSURE] contains [LocalFunctionElement] which we cannot
// enqueue.
case StaticUseKind.INVOKE:
case StaticUseKind.SUPER_FIELD_SET:
case StaticUseKind.SUPER_TEAR_OFF:
case StaticUseKind.GET:
case StaticUseKind.SET:
case StaticUseKind.INIT:
case StaticUseKind.REFLECT:
case StaticUseKind.DIRECT_USE:
case StaticUseKind.REDIRECTION:
case StaticUseKind.DIRECT_INVOKE:
MemberEntity member = staticUse.element;
_MemberUsage instanceUsage = _getMemberUsage(member, memberUsed);
memberUsed(instanceUsage.entity, instanceUsage.invoke());
if (staticUse.typeArguments?.isNotEmpty ?? false) {
new, staticUse.callStructure),
case StaticUseKind.INLINING:
if (useSet.isNotEmpty) {
memberUsed(usage.entity, useSet);
/// Registers that [element] has been closurized.
void registerClosurizedMember(MemberEntity element) {
void processClassMembers(ClassEntity cls, MemberUsedCallback memberUsed) {
(ClassEntity cls, MemberEntity member) {
_processInstantiatedClassMember(cls, member, memberUsed);
void _processInstantiatedClassMember(ClassEntity cls,
covariant MemberEntity member, MemberUsedCallback memberUsed) {
if (!member.isInstanceMember) return;
_getMemberUsage(member, memberUsed);
_MemberUsage _getMemberUsage(
covariant MemberEntity member, MemberUsedCallback memberUsed) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Change [TypeMask] to not apply to a superclass
// member unless the class has been instantiated. Similar to
// [StrongModeConstraint].
return _instanceMemberUsage.putIfAbsent(member, () {
String memberName =;
ClassEntity cls = member.enclosingClass;
bool isNative = _nativeBasicData.isNativeClass(cls);
_MemberUsage usage = new _MemberUsage(member, isNative: isNative);
EnumSet<MemberUse> useSet = new EnumSet<MemberUse>();
if (!usage.hasRead && hasInvokedGetter(member, _world)) {
if (!usage.hasWrite && hasInvokedSetter(member, _world)) {
if (!usage.hasInvoke && hasInvocation(member, _world)) {
if (usage.pendingUse.contains(MemberUse.CLOSURIZE_INSTANCE)) {
// Store the member in [instanceFunctionsByName] to catch
// getters on the function.
.putIfAbsent(, () => new Set<_MemberUsage>())
if (usage.pendingUse.contains(MemberUse.NORMAL)) {
// The element is not yet used. Add it to the list of instance
// members to still be processed.
.putIfAbsent(memberName, () => new Set<_MemberUsage>())
memberUsed(member, useSet);
return usage;
void _processSet(Map<String, Set<_MemberUsage>> map, String memberName,
bool f(_MemberUsage e)) {
Set<_MemberUsage> members = map[memberName];
if (members == null) return;
// [f] might add elements to [: map[memberName] :] during the loop below
// so we create a new list for [: map[memberName] :] and prepend the
// [remaining] members after the loop.
map[memberName] = new Set<_MemberUsage>();
Set<_MemberUsage> remaining = new Set<_MemberUsage>();
for (_MemberUsage member in members) {
if (!f(member)) remaining.add(member);
/// Return the canonical [_ClassUsage] for [cls].
_ClassUsage _getClassUsage(ClassEntity cls) {
return _processedClasses.putIfAbsent(cls, () => new _ClassUsage(cls));
void _processInstantiatedClass(ClassEntity cls, ClassUsedCallback classUsed) {
// Registers [superclass] as instantiated. Returns `true` if it wasn't
// already instantiated and we therefore have to process its superclass as
// well.
bool processClass(ClassEntity superclass) {
_ClassUsage usage = _getClassUsage(superclass);
if (!usage.isInstantiated) {
classUsed(usage.cls, usage.instantiate());
return true;
return false;
while (cls != null && processClass(cls)) {
cls = _elementEnvironment.getSuperClass(cls);
/// Set of all registered compiled constants.
final Set<ConstantValue> compiledConstants = new Set<ConstantValue>();
void addCompileTimeConstantForEmission(ConstantValue constant) {
List<ConstantValue> getConstantsForEmission(
[Comparator<ConstantValue> preSortCompare]) {
// We must emit dependencies before their uses.
Set<ConstantValue> seenConstants = new Set<ConstantValue>();
List<ConstantValue> result = new List<ConstantValue>();
void addConstant(ConstantValue constant) {
if (!seenConstants.contains(constant)) {
List<ConstantValue> sorted = compiledConstants.toList();
if (preSortCompare != null) {
return result;
/// Register the constant [use] with this world builder. Returns `true` if
/// the constant use was new to the world.
bool registerConstantUse(ConstantUse use) {
if (use.kind == ConstantUseKind.DIRECT) {
return _constantValues.add(use.value);
Iterable<Local> get genericLocalFunctions => const <Local>[];
Iterable<FunctionEntity> get genericInstanceMethods {
List<FunctionEntity> functions = <FunctionEntity>[];
void processMemberUse(MemberEntity member, _MemberUsage memberUsage) {
if (member.isInstanceMember &&
member is FunctionEntity &&
memberUsage.hasUse &&
_elementEnvironment.getFunctionTypeVariables(member).isNotEmpty) {
return functions;
Iterable<FunctionEntity> get userNoSuchMethods {
List<FunctionEntity> functions = <FunctionEntity>[];
void processMemberUse(MemberEntity member, _MemberUsage memberUsage) {
if (member.isInstanceMember &&
member is FunctionEntity &&
memberUsage.hasUse && == Identifiers.noSuchMethod_ &&
!_world.commonElements.isDefaultNoSuchMethodImplementation(member)) {
return functions;
Iterable<FunctionEntity> get genericMethods {
List<FunctionEntity> functions = <FunctionEntity>[];
void processMemberUse(Entity member, AbstractUsage memberUsage) {
if (member is FunctionEntity &&
memberUsage.hasUse &&
_elementEnvironment.getFunctionTypeVariables(member).isNotEmpty) {
return functions;
bool hasConstantFieldInitializer(FieldEntity field) {
return _elementMap.hasConstantFieldInitializer(field);
ConstantValue getConstantFieldInitializer(FieldEntity field) {
return _elementMap.getConstantFieldInitializer(field);
void forEachParameter(FunctionEntity function,
void f(DartType type, String name, ConstantValue defaultValue)) {
_elementMap.forEachParameter(function, f);
void forEachParameterAsLocal(
FunctionEntity function, void f(Local parameter)) {
forEachOrderedParameter(_globalLocalsMap, _elementMap, function, f);
void forEachInstanceField(
ClassEntity cls, void f(ClassEntity declarer, FieldEntity field)) {
(ClassEntity declarer, MemberEntity member) {
if (member.isField && member.isInstanceMember) f(declarer, member);
void forEachDirectInstanceField(ClassEntity cls, void f(FieldEntity field)) {
// TODO(sra): Add ElementEnvironment.forEachDirectInstanceField or
// parameterize [forEachInstanceField] to filter members to avoid a
// potentially O(n^2) scan of the superclasses.
(ClassEntity declarer, MemberEntity member) {
if (declarer != cls) return;
if (!member.isField) return;
if (!member.isInstanceMember) return;