blob: b5c88953d7e346409da10a203edd6d870a478131 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../common.dart';
import '../elements/entities.dart';
import '../elements/types.dart';
import '../types/abstract_value_domain.dart';
import '../universe/selector.dart';
import '../world.dart';
import 'type_graph_nodes.dart';
/// Strategy for creating type information from members and parameters and type
/// information for nodes.
abstract class TypeSystemStrategy<T> {
/// Creates [MemberTypeInformation] for [member].
MemberTypeInformation createMemberTypeInformation(
AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain, MemberEntity member);
/// Creates [ParameterTypeInformation] for [parameter].
ParameterTypeInformation createParameterTypeInformation(
AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain,
Local parameter,
TypeSystem<T> types);
/// Calls [f] for each parameter in [function].
void forEachParameter(FunctionEntity function, void f(Local parameter));
/// Returns whether [node] is valid as a general phi node.
bool checkPhiNode(T node);
/// Returns whether [node] is valid as a loop phi node.
bool checkLoopPhiNode(T node);
/// Returns whether [node] is valid as a list allocation node.
bool checkListNode(T node);
/// Returns whether [node] is valid as a map allocation node.
bool checkMapNode(T node);
/// Returns whether [cls] is valid as a type mask base class.
bool checkClassEntity(ClassEntity cls);
* The class [SimpleInferrerVisitor] will use when working on types.
class TypeSystem<T> {
final JClosedWorld _closedWorld;
final TypeSystemStrategy<T> strategy;
/// [parameterTypeInformations] and [memberTypeInformations] ordered by
/// creation time. This is used as the inference enqueueing order.
final List<TypeInformation> _orderedTypeInformations = <TypeInformation>[];
/// [ParameterTypeInformation]s for parameters.
final Map<Local, TypeInformation> parameterTypeInformations =
new Map<Local, TypeInformation>();
/// [MemberTypeInformation]s for members.
final Map<MemberEntity, TypeInformation> memberTypeInformations =
new Map<MemberEntity, TypeInformation>();
/// [ListTypeInformation] for allocated lists.
final Map<T, TypeInformation> allocatedLists = new Map<T, TypeInformation>();
/// [MapTypeInformation] for allocated Maps.
final Map<T, TypeInformation> allocatedMaps = new Map<T, TypeInformation>();
/// Closures found during the analysis.
final Set<TypeInformation> allocatedClosures = new Set<TypeInformation>();
/// Cache of [ConcreteTypeInformation].
final Map<AbstractValue, TypeInformation> concreteTypes =
new Map<AbstractValue, TypeInformation>();
/// List of [TypeInformation]s for calls inside method bodies.
final List<CallSiteTypeInformation> allocatedCalls =
/// List of [TypeInformation]s allocated inside method bodies (narrowing,
/// phis, and containers).
final List<TypeInformation> allocatedTypes = <TypeInformation>[];
/// [parameterTypeInformations] and [memberTypeInformations] ordered by
/// creation time. This is used as the inference enqueueing order.
Iterable<TypeInformation> get orderedTypeInformations =>
Iterable<TypeInformation> get allTypes => [
].expand((x) => x);
TypeSystem(this._closedWorld, this.strategy) {
nonNullEmptyType = getConcreteTypeFor(_abstractValueDomain.emptyType);
AbstractValueDomain get _abstractValueDomain =>
/// Used to group [TypeInformation] nodes by the element that triggered their
/// creation.
MemberTypeInformation _currentMember = null;
MemberTypeInformation get currentMember => _currentMember;
void withMember(MemberEntity element, void action()) {
assert(_currentMember == null,
failedAt(element, "Already constructing graph for $_currentMember."));
_currentMember = getInferredTypeOfMember(element);
_currentMember = null;
TypeInformation nullTypeCache;
TypeInformation get nullType {
if (nullTypeCache != null) return nullTypeCache;
return nullTypeCache = getConcreteTypeFor(_abstractValueDomain.nullType);
TypeInformation intTypeCache;
TypeInformation get intType {
if (intTypeCache != null) return intTypeCache;
return intTypeCache = getConcreteTypeFor(_abstractValueDomain.intType);
TypeInformation uint32TypeCache;
TypeInformation get uint32Type {
if (uint32TypeCache != null) return uint32TypeCache;
return uint32TypeCache =
TypeInformation uint31TypeCache;
TypeInformation get uint31Type {
if (uint31TypeCache != null) return uint31TypeCache;
return uint31TypeCache =
TypeInformation positiveIntTypeCache;
TypeInformation get positiveIntType {
if (positiveIntTypeCache != null) return positiveIntTypeCache;
return positiveIntTypeCache =
TypeInformation doubleTypeCache;
TypeInformation get doubleType {
if (doubleTypeCache != null) return doubleTypeCache;
return doubleTypeCache =
TypeInformation numTypeCache;
TypeInformation get numType {
if (numTypeCache != null) return numTypeCache;
return numTypeCache = getConcreteTypeFor(_abstractValueDomain.numType);
TypeInformation boolTypeCache;
TypeInformation get boolType {
if (boolTypeCache != null) return boolTypeCache;
return boolTypeCache = getConcreteTypeFor(_abstractValueDomain.boolType);
TypeInformation functionTypeCache;
TypeInformation get functionType {
if (functionTypeCache != null) return functionTypeCache;
return functionTypeCache =
TypeInformation listTypeCache;
TypeInformation get listType {
if (listTypeCache != null) return listTypeCache;
return listTypeCache = getConcreteTypeFor(_abstractValueDomain.listType);
TypeInformation constListTypeCache;
TypeInformation get constListType {
if (constListTypeCache != null) return constListTypeCache;
return constListTypeCache =
TypeInformation fixedListTypeCache;
TypeInformation get fixedListType {
if (fixedListTypeCache != null) return fixedListTypeCache;
return fixedListTypeCache =
TypeInformation growableListTypeCache;
TypeInformation get growableListType {
if (growableListTypeCache != null) return growableListTypeCache;
return growableListTypeCache =
TypeInformation mapTypeCache;
TypeInformation get mapType {
if (mapTypeCache != null) return mapTypeCache;
return mapTypeCache = getConcreteTypeFor(_abstractValueDomain.mapType);
TypeInformation constMapTypeCache;
TypeInformation get constMapType {
if (constMapTypeCache != null) return constMapTypeCache;
return constMapTypeCache =
TypeInformation stringTypeCache;
TypeInformation get stringType {
if (stringTypeCache != null) return stringTypeCache;
return stringTypeCache =
TypeInformation typeTypeCache;
TypeInformation get typeType {
if (typeTypeCache != null) return typeTypeCache;
return typeTypeCache = getConcreteTypeFor(_abstractValueDomain.typeType);
TypeInformation dynamicTypeCache;
TypeInformation get dynamicType {
if (dynamicTypeCache != null) return dynamicTypeCache;
return dynamicTypeCache =
TypeInformation asyncFutureTypeCache;
// Subtype of Future returned by async methods.
TypeInformation get asyncFutureType {
if (asyncFutureTypeCache != null) return asyncFutureTypeCache;
return asyncFutureTypeCache =
TypeInformation syncStarIterableTypeCache;
TypeInformation get syncStarIterableType {
if (syncStarIterableTypeCache != null) return syncStarIterableTypeCache;
return syncStarIterableTypeCache =
TypeInformation asyncStarStreamTypeCache;
TypeInformation get asyncStarStreamType {
if (asyncStarStreamTypeCache != null) return asyncStarStreamTypeCache;
return asyncStarStreamTypeCache =
TypeInformation nonNullEmptyType;
TypeInformation stringLiteralType(String value) {
return new StringLiteralTypeInformation(
_abstractValueDomain, value, _abstractValueDomain.stringType);
TypeInformation boolLiteralType(bool value) {
return new BoolLiteralTypeInformation(
_abstractValueDomain, value, _abstractValueDomain.boolType);
* Returns the least upper bound between [firstType] and
* [secondType].
TypeInformation computeLUB(
TypeInformation firstType, TypeInformation secondType) {
if (firstType == null) return secondType;
if (firstType == secondType) return firstType;
if (firstType == nonNullEmptyType) return secondType;
if (secondType == nonNullEmptyType) return firstType;
if (firstType == dynamicType || secondType == dynamicType) {
return dynamicType;
return getConcreteTypeFor(
_abstractValueDomain.union(firstType.type, secondType.type));
* Returns `true` if `selector` should be updated to reflect the new
* `receiverType`.
bool selectorNeedsUpdate(TypeInformation info, AbstractValue mask) {
return info.type != mask;
* Returns a new receiver type for this [selector] applied to
* [receiverType].
* The option [isConditional] is true when [selector] was seen in a
* conditional send (e.g. `a?.selector`), in which case the returned type may
* be null.
TypeInformation refineReceiver(
Selector selector, AbstractValue mask, TypeInformation receiver,
{bool isConditional}) {
if (_abstractValueDomain.isExact(receiver.type)) return receiver;
AbstractValue otherType = _closedWorld.computeReceiverType(selector, mask);
// Conditional sends (a?.b) can still narrow the possible types of `a`,
// however, we still need to consider that `a` may be null.
if (isConditional) {
// Note: we don't check that receiver.type.isNullable here because this is
// called during the graph construction.
otherType = _abstractValueDomain.includeNull(otherType);
// If this is refining to nullable subtype of `Object` just return
// the receiver. We know the narrowing is useless.
if (_abstractValueDomain.canBeNull(otherType) &&
_abstractValueDomain.containsAll(otherType)) {
return receiver;
TypeInformation newType =
new NarrowTypeInformation(_abstractValueDomain, receiver, otherType);
return newType;
* Returns the intersection between [type] and [annotation].
* [isNullable] indicates whether the annotation implies a null
* type.
TypeInformation narrowType(TypeInformation type, DartType annotation,
{bool isNullable: true}) {
if (annotation.treatAsDynamic) return type;
if (annotation.isVoid) return type;
AbstractValue otherType;
if (annotation.isInterfaceType) {
InterfaceType interface = annotation;
if (interface.element == _closedWorld.commonElements.objectClass) {
if (isNullable) {
return type;
otherType = _abstractValueDomain.excludeNull(dynamicType.type);
} else {
otherType =
} else if (annotation.isTypedef || annotation.isFunctionType) {
otherType = functionType.type;
} else if (annotation.isFutureOr) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Support narrowing of FutureOr.
return type;
} else {
// TODO(ngeoffray): Narrow to bound.
return type;
if (isNullable) {
otherType = _abstractValueDomain.includeNull(otherType);
if (_abstractValueDomain.isExact(type.type)) {
return type;
} else {
TypeInformation newType =
new NarrowTypeInformation(_abstractValueDomain, type, otherType);
return newType;
* Returns the non-nullable type of [type].
TypeInformation narrowNotNull(TypeInformation type) {
if (_abstractValueDomain.isExact(type.type)) {
return type;
TypeInformation newType = new NarrowTypeInformation(_abstractValueDomain,
type, _abstractValueDomain.excludeNull(dynamicType.type));
return newType;
ParameterTypeInformation getInferredTypeOfParameter(Local parameter) {
return parameterTypeInformations.putIfAbsent(parameter, () {
ParameterTypeInformation typeInformation =
_abstractValueDomain, parameter, this);
return typeInformation;
MemberTypeInformation getInferredTypeOfMember(MemberEntity member) {
failedAt(member, "Unexpected abstract member $member."));
return memberTypeInformations.putIfAbsent(member, () {
MemberTypeInformation typeInformation =
strategy.createMemberTypeInformation(_abstractValueDomain, member);
return typeInformation;
* Returns the internal inferrer representation for [mask].
ConcreteTypeInformation getConcreteTypeFor(AbstractValue mask) {
assert(mask != null);
return concreteTypes.putIfAbsent(mask, () {
return new ConcreteTypeInformation(mask);
String getInferredSignatureOfMethod(FunctionEntity function) {
ElementTypeInformation info = getInferredTypeOfMember(function);
var res = "";
strategy.forEachParameter(function, (Local parameter) {
TypeInformation type = getInferredTypeOfParameter(parameter);
res += "${res.isEmpty ? '(' : ', '}${type.type} ${}";
res += ") -> ${info.type}";
return res;
TypeInformation nonNullSubtype(ClassEntity cls) {
return getConcreteTypeFor(_abstractValueDomain.createNonNullSubtype(cls));
TypeInformation nonNullSubclass(ClassEntity cls) {
return getConcreteTypeFor(_abstractValueDomain.createNonNullSubclass(cls));
TypeInformation nonNullExact(ClassEntity cls) {
return getConcreteTypeFor(_abstractValueDomain.createNonNullExact(cls));
TypeInformation nonNullEmpty() {
return nonNullEmptyType;
bool isNull(TypeInformation type) {
return type == nullType;
TypeInformation allocateList(
TypeInformation type, T node, MemberEntity enclosing,
[TypeInformation elementType, int length]) {
ClassEntity typedDataClass = _closedWorld.commonElements.typedDataClass;
bool isTypedArray = typedDataClass != null &&
_closedWorld.isInstantiated(typedDataClass) &&
_abstractValueDomain.isInstanceOfOrNull(type.type, typedDataClass);
bool isConst = (type.type == _abstractValueDomain.constListType);
bool isFixed = (type.type == _abstractValueDomain.fixedListType) ||
isConst ||
bool isElementInferred = isConst || isTypedArray;
int inferredLength = isFixed ? length : null;
AbstractValue elementTypeMask =
isElementInferred ? elementType.type : dynamicType.type;
AbstractValue mask = _abstractValueDomain.createContainerValue(
type.type, node, enclosing, elementTypeMask, inferredLength);
ElementInContainerTypeInformation element =
new ElementInContainerTypeInformation(
_abstractValueDomain, currentMember, elementType);
element.inferred = isElementInferred;
return allocatedLists[node] = new ListTypeInformation(
_abstractValueDomain, currentMember, mask, element, length);
/// Creates a [TypeInformation] object either for the closurization of a
/// static or top-level method [element] used as a function constant or for
/// the synthesized 'call' method [element] created for a local function.
TypeInformation allocateClosure(FunctionEntity element) {
TypeInformation result = new ClosureTypeInformation(
_abstractValueDomain, currentMember, element);
return result;
TypeInformation allocateMap(
ConcreteTypeInformation type, T node, MemberEntity element,
[List<TypeInformation> keyTypes, List<TypeInformation> valueTypes]) {
assert(keyTypes.length == valueTypes.length);
bool isFixed = (type.type == _abstractValueDomain.constMapType);
AbstractValue keyType, valueType;
if (isFixed) {
keyType = keyTypes.fold(nonNullEmptyType.type,
(type, info) => _abstractValueDomain.union(type, info.type));
valueType = valueTypes.fold(nonNullEmptyType.type,
(type, info) => _abstractValueDomain.union(type, info.type));
} else {
keyType = valueType = dynamicType.type;
AbstractValue mask = _abstractValueDomain.createMapValue(
type.type, node, element, keyType, valueType);
TypeInformation keyTypeInfo =
new KeyInMapTypeInformation(_abstractValueDomain, currentMember, null);
TypeInformation valueTypeInfo = new ValueInMapTypeInformation(
_abstractValueDomain, currentMember, null);
MapTypeInformation map =
new MapTypeInformation(currentMember, mask, keyTypeInfo, valueTypeInfo);
for (int i = 0; i < keyTypes.length; ++i) {
TypeInformation newType = map.addEntryAssignment(
_abstractValueDomain, keyTypes[i], valueTypes[i], true);
if (newType != null) allocatedTypes.add(newType);
// Shortcut: If we already have a first approximation of the key/value type,
// start propagating it early.
if (isFixed) map.markAsInferred();
allocatedMaps[node] = map;
return map;
AbstractValue newTypedSelector(TypeInformation info, AbstractValue mask) {
// Only type the selector if [info] is concrete, because the other
// kinds of [TypeInformation] have the empty type at this point of
// analysis.
return info.isConcrete ? info.type : mask;
* Returns a new type that unions [firstInput] and [secondInput].
TypeInformation allocateDiamondPhi(
TypeInformation firstInput, TypeInformation secondInput) {
PhiElementTypeInformation<T> result = new PhiElementTypeInformation<T>(
_abstractValueDomain, currentMember, null, null,
isTry: false);
return result;
PhiElementTypeInformation<T> _addPhi(
T node, Local variable, TypeInformation inputType, bool isTry) {
PhiElementTypeInformation<T> result = new PhiElementTypeInformation<T>(
_abstractValueDomain, currentMember, node, variable,
isTry: isTry);
return result;
* Returns a new type for holding the potential types of [element].
* [inputType] is the first incoming type of the phi.
PhiElementTypeInformation<T> allocatePhi(
T node, Local variable, TypeInformation inputType,
{bool isTry}) {
// Check if [inputType] is a phi for a local updated in
// the try/catch block [node]. If it is, no need to allocate a new
// phi.
if (inputType is PhiElementTypeInformation &&
inputType.branchNode == node &&
inputType.isTry) {
return inputType;
return _addPhi(node, variable, inputType, isTry);
* Returns a new type for holding the potential types of [element].
* [inputType] is the first incoming type of the phi. [allocateLoopPhi]
* only differs from [allocatePhi] in that it allows the underlying
* implementation of [TypeSystem] to differentiate Phi nodes due to loops
* from other merging uses.
PhiElementTypeInformation<T> allocateLoopPhi(
T node, Local variable, TypeInformation inputType,
{bool isTry}) {
return _addPhi(node, variable, inputType, isTry);
* Simplies the phi representing [element] and of the type
* [phiType]. For example, if this phi has one incoming input, an
* implementation of this method could just return that incoming
* input type.
TypeInformation simplifyPhi(
T node, Local variable, PhiElementTypeInformation<T> phiType) {
assert(phiType.branchNode == node);
if (phiType.assignments.length == 1) return phiType.assignments.first;
return phiType;
* Adds [newType] as an input of [phiType].
PhiElementTypeInformation<T> addPhiInput(Local variable,
PhiElementTypeInformation<T> phiType, TypeInformation newType) {
return phiType;
AbstractValue computeTypeMask(Iterable<TypeInformation> assignments) {
return joinTypeMasks( => e.type));
AbstractValue joinTypeMasks(Iterable<AbstractValue> masks) {
var dynamicType = _abstractValueDomain.dynamicType;
// Optimization: we are iterating over masks twice, but because `masks` is a
// mapped iterable, we save the intermediate results to avoid computing them
// again.
var list = [];
for (AbstractValue mask in masks) {
// Don't do any work on computing unions if we know that after all that
// work the result will be `dynamic`.
// TODO(sigmund): change to `mask == dynamicType` so we can continue to
// track the non-nullable bit.
if (_abstractValueDomain.containsAll(mask)) return dynamicType;
AbstractValue newType = null;
for (AbstractValue mask in list) {
newType =
newType == null ? mask : _abstractValueDomain.union(newType, mask);
// Likewise - stop early if we already reach dynamic.
if (_abstractValueDomain.containsAll(newType)) return dynamicType;
return newType ?? _abstractValueDomain.emptyType;