blob: dc903fc0456d558707637fc97757f347892bdc53 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library compiler.src.inferrer.type_graph_nodes;
import 'dart:collection' show IterableBase;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart' as ir;
import '../common/names.dart' show Identifiers;
import '../constants/values.dart';
import '../elements/entities.dart';
import '../elements/types.dart';
import '../types/abstract_value_domain.dart';
import '../universe/selector.dart' show Selector;
import '../util/util.dart' show ImmutableEmptySet, Setlet;
import '../world.dart' show JClosedWorld;
import 'debug.dart' as debug;
import 'locals_handler.dart' show ArgumentsTypes;
import 'inferrer_engine.dart';
import 'type_system.dart';
* Common class for all nodes in the graph. The current nodes are:
* - Concrete types
* - Elements
* - Call sites
* - Narrowing instructions
* - Phi instructions
* - Containers (for lists)
* - Type of the element in a container
* A node has a set of assignments and users. Assignments are used to
* compute the type of the node ([TypeInformation.computeType]). Users are
* added to the inferrer's work queue when the type of the node
* changes.
abstract class TypeInformation {
Set<TypeInformation> users;
var /* List|ParameterAssignments */ _assignments;
/// The type the inferrer has found for this [TypeInformation].
/// Initially empty.
AbstractValue type;
/// The graph node of the member this [TypeInformation] node belongs to.
final MemberTypeInformation context;
/// The element this [TypeInformation] node belongs to.
MemberEntity get contextMember => context == null ? null : context.member;
Iterable<TypeInformation> get assignments => _assignments;
/// We abandon inference in certain cases (complex cyclic flow, native
/// behaviours, etc.). In some case, we might resume inference in the
/// closure tracer, which is handled by checking whether [assignments] has
bool abandonInferencing = false;
bool get mightResume =>
!identical(assignments, STOP_TRACKING_ASSIGNMENTS_MARKER);
/// Number of times this [TypeInformation] has changed type.
int refineCount = 0;
/// Whether this [TypeInformation] is currently in the inferrer's
/// work queue.
bool inQueue = false;
/// Used to disable enqueueing of type informations where we know that their
/// type will not change for other reasons than being stable. For example,
/// if inference is disabled for a type and it is hardwired to dynamic, this
/// is set to true to spare recomputing dynamic again and again. Changing this
/// to false should never change inference outcome, just make is slower.
bool doNotEnqueue = false;
/// Whether this [TypeInformation] has a stable [type] that will not
/// change.
bool isStable = false;
// TypeInformations are unique. Store an arbitrary identity hash code.
static int _staticHashCode = 0;
final int hashCode = _staticHashCode = (_staticHashCode + 1).toUnsigned(30);
bool get isConcrete => false;
TypeInformation(this.type, this.context)
: _assignments = <TypeInformation>[],
users = new Setlet<TypeInformation>();
TypeInformation.noAssignments(this.type, this.context)
: _assignments = const <TypeInformation>[],
users = new Setlet<TypeInformation>();
: _assignments = const <TypeInformation>[],
users = const ImmutableEmptySet(),
context = null;
TypeInformation.withAssignments(this.type, this.context, this._assignments)
: users = new Setlet<TypeInformation>();
void addUser(TypeInformation user) {
void addUsersOf(TypeInformation other) {
void removeUser(TypeInformation user) {
// The below is not a compile time constant to make it differentiable
// from other empty lists of [TypeInformation].
static final STOP_TRACKING_ASSIGNMENTS_MARKER = new List<TypeInformation>(0);
bool areAssignmentsTracked() {
void addAssignment(TypeInformation assignment) {
// Cheap one-level cycle detection.
if (assignment == this) return;
if (areAssignmentsTracked()) {
// Even if we abandon inferencing on this [TypeInformation] we
// need to collect the users, so that phases that track where
// elements flow in still work.
void removeAssignment(TypeInformation assignment) {
if (!abandonInferencing || mightResume) {
// We can have multiple assignments of the same [TypeInformation].
if (!assignments.contains(assignment)) {
AbstractValue refine(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
return abandonInferencing ? safeType(inferrer) : computeType(inferrer);
* Computes a new type for this [TypeInformation] node depending on its
* potentially updated inputs.
AbstractValue computeType(InferrerEngine inferrer);
* Returns an approximation for this [TypeInformation] node that is always
* safe to use. Used when abandoning inference on a node.
AbstractValue safeType(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
return inferrer.types.dynamicType.type;
void giveUp(InferrerEngine inferrer, {bool clearAssignments: true}) {
abandonInferencing = true;
// Do not remove [this] as a user of nodes in [assignments],
// because our tracing analysis could be interested in tracing
// this node.
if (clearAssignments) _assignments = STOP_TRACKING_ASSIGNMENTS_MARKER;
// Do not remove users because our tracing analysis could be
// interested in tracing the users of this node.
void clear() {
users = const ImmutableEmptySet();
/// Reset the analysis of this node by making its type empty.
bool reset(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
if (abandonInferencing) return false;
type = inferrer.abstractValueDomain.emptyType;
refineCount = 0;
return true;
accept(TypeInformationVisitor visitor);
/// The [Element] where this [TypeInformation] was created. May be `null`
/// for some [TypeInformation] nodes, where we do not need to store
/// the information.
MemberEntity get owner => (context != null) ? context.member : null;
/// Returns whether the type cannot change after it has been
/// inferred.
bool hasStableType(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
return !mightResume && assignments.every((e) => e.isStable);
void removeAndClearReferences(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
assignments.forEach((info) {
void stabilize(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
// Do not remove users because the tracing analysis could be interested
// in tracing the users of this node.
abandonInferencing = true;
isStable = true;
void maybeResume() {
if (!mightResume) return;
abandonInferencing = false;
doNotEnqueue = false;
/// Destroys information not needed after type inference.
void cleanup() {
users = null;
_assignments = null;
String toStructuredTest() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
_toStructuredText(sb, '');
return sb.toString();
void _toStructuredText(StringBuffer sb, String indent) {
abstract class ApplyableTypeInformation implements TypeInformation {
bool mightBePassedToFunctionApply = false;
* Marker node used only during tree construction but not during actual type
* refinement.
* Currently, this is used to give a type to an optional parameter even before
* the corresponding default expression has been analyzed. See
* [getDefaultTypeOfParameter] and [setDefaultTypeOfParameter] for details.
class PlaceholderTypeInformation extends TypeInformation {
AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain, MemberTypeInformation context)
: super(abstractValueDomain.emptyType, context);
void accept(TypeInformationVisitor visitor) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot visit placeholder");
AbstractValue computeType(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot refine placeholder");
toString() => "Placeholder [$hashCode]";
* Parameters of instance functions behave differently than other
* elements because the inferrer may remove assignments. This happens
* when the receiver of a dynamic call site can be refined
* to a type where we know more about which instance method is being
* called.
class ParameterAssignments extends IterableBase<TypeInformation> {
final Map<TypeInformation, int> assignments = new Map<TypeInformation, int>();
void remove(TypeInformation info) {
int existing = assignments[info];
if (existing == null) return;
if (existing == 1) {
} else {
assignments[info] = existing - 1;
void add(TypeInformation info) {
int existing = assignments[info];
if (existing == null) {
assignments[info] = 1;
} else {
assignments[info] = existing + 1;
void replace(TypeInformation old, TypeInformation replacement) {
int existing = assignments[old];
if (existing != null) {
int other = assignments[replacement];
if (other != null) existing += other;
assignments[replacement] = existing;
Iterator<TypeInformation> get iterator => assignments.keys.iterator;
Iterable<TypeInformation> where(Function f) => assignments.keys.where(f);
bool contains(Object info) => assignments.containsKey(info);
String toString() => assignments.keys.toList().toString();
* A node representing a resolved element of the component. The kind of
* elements that need an [ElementTypeInformation] are:
* - Functions (including getters and setters)
* - Constructors (factory or generative)
* - Fields
* - Parameters
* - Local variables mutated in closures
* The [ElementTypeInformation] of a function and a constructor is its
* return type.
* Note that a few elements of these kinds must be treated specially,
* and they are dealt in [ElementTypeInformation.handleSpecialCases]:
* - Parameters of closures, `noSuchMethod` and `call` instance
* methods: we currently do not infer types for those.
* - Fields and parameters being assigned by synthesized calls done by
* the backend: we do not know what types the backend will use.
* - Native functions and fields: because native methods contain no Dart
* code, and native fields do not have Dart assignments, we just
* trust their type annotation.
abstract class ElementTypeInformation extends TypeInformation {
/// Marker to disable inference for closures in [handleSpecialCases].
bool disableInferenceForClosures = true;
AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain, MemberTypeInformation context)
: super(abstractValueDomain.emptyType, context);
AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain,
MemberTypeInformation context,
ParameterAssignments assignments)
: super.withAssignments(
abstractValueDomain.emptyType, context, assignments);
String getInferredSignature(TypeSystem types);
String get debugName;
* A node representing members in the broadest sense:
* - Functions
* - Constructors
* - Fields (also synthetic ones due to closures)
* - Local functions (closures)
* These should never be created directly but instead are constructed by
* the [ElementTypeInformation] factory.
abstract class MemberTypeInformation extends ElementTypeInformation
with ApplyableTypeInformation {
final MemberEntity _member;
* If [element] is a function, [closurizedCount] is the number of
* times it is closurized. The value gets updated while inferring.
int closurizedCount = 0;
// Strict `bool` value is computed in cleanup(). Also used as a flag to see if
// cleanup has been called.
bool _isCalledOnce = null;
* This map contains the callers of [element]. It stores all unique call sites
* to enable counting the global number of call sites of [element].
* A call site is either an AST [ast.Node], an [Element] (see uses of
* [synthesizeForwardingCall] in [SimpleTypeInferrerVisitor]) or an IR
* [ir.Node].
* The global information is summarized in [cleanup], after which [_callers]
* is set to `null`.
Map<MemberEntity, Setlet<Object>> _callers;
AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain, this._member)
: super._internal(abstractValueDomain, null);
MemberEntity get member => _member;
String get debugName => '$member';
void addCall(MemberEntity caller, Object node) {
_callers ??= <MemberEntity, Setlet<Object>>{};
_callers.putIfAbsent(caller, () => new Setlet()).add(node);
void removeCall(MemberEntity caller, Object node) {
if (_callers == null) return;
Setlet calls = _callers[caller];
if (calls == null) return;
if (calls.isEmpty) {
Iterable<MemberEntity> get callersForTesting {
return _callers?.keys;
bool isCalledOnce() {
// If this assert fires it means that this MemberTypeInformation for the
// element was not part of type inference. This happens for
// ConstructorBodyElements, so guard the call with a test for
// ConstructorBodyElement. For other elements, investigate why the element
// was not present for type inference.
assert(_isCalledOnce != null);
return _isCalledOnce ?? false;
bool _computeIsCalledOnce() {
if (_callers == null) return false;
int count = 0;
for (var set in _callers.values) {
count += set.length;
if (count > 1) return false;
return count == 1;
bool get isClosurized => closurizedCount > 0;
// Closurized methods never become stable to ensure that the information in
// [users] is accurate. The inference stops tracking users for stable types.
// Note that we only override the getter, the setter will still modify the
// state of the [isStable] field inherited from [TypeInformation].
bool get isStable => super.isStable && !isClosurized;
AbstractValue handleSpecialCases(InferrerEngine inferrer);
AbstractValue _handleFunctionCase(
FunctionEntity function, InferrerEngine inferrer) {
if (inferrer.closedWorld.nativeData.isNativeMember(function)) {
// Use the type annotation as the type for native elements. We
// also give up on inferring to make sure this element never
// goes in the work queue.
return inferrer
return null;
AbstractValue potentiallyNarrowType(
AbstractValue mask, InferrerEngine inferrer) {
if (inferrer.options.assignmentCheckPolicy.isTrusted ||
inferrer.options.assignmentCheckPolicy.isEmitted ||
inferrer.trustTypeAnnotations(_member)) {
return _potentiallyNarrowType(mask, inferrer);
return mask;
AbstractValue _potentiallyNarrowType(
AbstractValue mask, InferrerEngine inferrer);
AbstractValue computeType(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
AbstractValue special = handleSpecialCases(inferrer);
if (special != null) return potentiallyNarrowType(special, inferrer);
return potentiallyNarrowType(
inferrer.types.computeTypeMask(assignments), inferrer);
AbstractValue safeType(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
return potentiallyNarrowType(super.safeType(inferrer), inferrer);
String toString() => 'Member $_member $type';
accept(TypeInformationVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitMemberTypeInformation(this);
void cleanup() {
// This node is on multiple lists so cleanup() can be called twice.
if (_isCalledOnce != null) return;
_isCalledOnce = _computeIsCalledOnce();
_callers = null;
String getInferredSignature(TypeSystem types) {
return types.getInferredSignatureOfMethod(_member);
class FieldTypeInformation extends MemberTypeInformation {
FieldEntity get _field => _member;
final DartType _type;
AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain, FieldEntity element, this._type)
: super._internal(abstractValueDomain, element);
AbstractValue handleSpecialCases(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
if (!inferrer.canFieldBeUsedForGlobalOptimizations(_field) ||
inferrer.assumeDynamic(_field)) {
// Do not infer types for fields that have a corresponding annotation or
// are assigned by synthesized calls
return safeType(inferrer);
if (inferrer.closedWorld.nativeData.isNativeMember(_field)) {
// Use the type annotation as the type for native elements. We
// also give up on inferring to make sure this element never
// goes in the work queue.
return inferrer
return null;
AbstractValue _potentiallyNarrowType(
AbstractValue mask, InferrerEngine inferrer) {
return _narrowType(inferrer.closedWorld, mask, _type);
bool hasStableType(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
// The number of assignments of non-final fields is
// not stable. Therefore such a field cannot be stable.
if (!_field.isAssignable) {
return false;
return super.hasStableType(inferrer);
class GetterTypeInformation extends MemberTypeInformation {
FunctionEntity get _getter => _member;
final FunctionType _type;
GetterTypeInformation(AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain,
FunctionEntity element, this._type)
: super._internal(abstractValueDomain, element);
AbstractValue handleSpecialCases(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
return _handleFunctionCase(_getter, inferrer);
AbstractValue _potentiallyNarrowType(
AbstractValue mask, InferrerEngine inferrer) {
return _narrowType(inferrer.closedWorld, mask, _type.returnType);
class SetterTypeInformation extends MemberTypeInformation {
FunctionEntity get _setter => _member;
AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain, FunctionEntity element)
: super._internal(abstractValueDomain, element);
AbstractValue handleSpecialCases(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
return _handleFunctionCase(_setter, inferrer);
AbstractValue _potentiallyNarrowType(
AbstractValue mask, InferrerEngine inferrer) {
return mask;
class MethodTypeInformation extends MemberTypeInformation {
FunctionEntity get _method => _member;
final FunctionType _type;
MethodTypeInformation(AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain,
FunctionEntity element, this._type)
: super._internal(abstractValueDomain, element);
AbstractValue handleSpecialCases(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
return _handleFunctionCase(_method, inferrer);
AbstractValue _potentiallyNarrowType(
AbstractValue mask, InferrerEngine inferrer) {
return _narrowType(inferrer.closedWorld, mask, _type.returnType);
bool hasStableType(InferrerEngine inferrer) => false;
class FactoryConstructorTypeInformation extends MemberTypeInformation {
ConstructorEntity get _constructor => _member;
final FunctionType _type;
FactoryConstructorTypeInformation(AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain,
ConstructorEntity element, this._type)
: super._internal(abstractValueDomain, element);
AbstractValue handleSpecialCases(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain = inferrer.abstractValueDomain;
if (_constructor.isFromEnvironmentConstructor) {
if (_constructor.enclosingClass == inferrer.commonElements.intClass) {
return abstractValueDomain.includeNull(abstractValueDomain.intType);
} else if (_constructor.enclosingClass ==
inferrer.commonElements.boolClass) {
return abstractValueDomain.includeNull(abstractValueDomain.boolType);
} else if (_constructor.enclosingClass ==
inferrer.commonElements.stringClass) {
return abstractValueDomain.includeNull(abstractValueDomain.stringType);
return _handleFunctionCase(_constructor, inferrer);
AbstractValue _potentiallyNarrowType(
AbstractValue mask, InferrerEngine inferrer) {
return _narrowType(inferrer.closedWorld, mask, _type.returnType);
bool hasStableType(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
return super.hasStableType(inferrer);
class GenerativeConstructorTypeInformation extends MemberTypeInformation {
ConstructorEntity get _constructor => _member;
AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain, ConstructorEntity element)
: super._internal(abstractValueDomain, element);
AbstractValue handleSpecialCases(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
return _handleFunctionCase(_constructor, inferrer);
AbstractValue _potentiallyNarrowType(
AbstractValue mask, InferrerEngine inferrer) {
return mask;
bool hasStableType(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
return super.hasStableType(inferrer);
* A node representing parameters:
* - Parameters
* - Initializing formals
* These should never be created directly but instead are constructed by
* the [ElementTypeInformation] factory.
class ParameterTypeInformation extends ElementTypeInformation {
final Local _parameter;
final DartType _type;
final FunctionEntity _method;
final bool _isInstanceMemberParameter;
final bool _isClosureParameter;
final bool _isInitializingFormal;
bool _isTearOffClosureParameter = false;
AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain,
MemberTypeInformation context,
: _isInstanceMemberParameter = false,
_isClosureParameter = true,
_isInitializingFormal = false,
super._internal(abstractValueDomain, context);
ParameterTypeInformation.static(AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain,
MemberTypeInformation context, this._parameter, this._type, this._method,
{bool isInitializingFormal: false})
: _isInstanceMemberParameter = false,
_isClosureParameter = false,
_isInitializingFormal = isInitializingFormal,
super._internal(abstractValueDomain, context);
AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain,
MemberTypeInformation context,
ParameterAssignments assignments)
: _isInstanceMemberParameter = true,
_isClosureParameter = false,
_isInitializingFormal = false,
super._withAssignments(abstractValueDomain, context, assignments);
FunctionEntity get method => _method;
Local get parameter => _parameter;
bool get isRegularParameter => !_isInitializingFormal;
String get debugName => '$parameter';
void tagAsTearOffClosureParameter(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
_isTearOffClosureParameter = true;
// We have to add a flow-edge for the default value (if it exists), as we
// might not see all call-sites and thus miss the use of it.
TypeInformation defaultType =
if (defaultType != null) defaultType.addUser(this);
// TODO(herhut): Cleanup into one conditional.
AbstractValue handleSpecialCases(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
if (!inferrer.canFunctionParametersBeUsedForGlobalOptimizations(_method) ||
inferrer.assumeDynamic(_method)) {
// Do not infer types for parameters that have a corresponding annotation
// or that are assigned by synthesized calls.
return safeType(inferrer);
// The below do not apply to parameters of constructors, so skip
// initializing formals.
if (_isInitializingFormal) return null;
if ((_isTearOffClosureParameter || _isClosureParameter) &&
disableInferenceForClosures) {
// Do not infer types for parameters of closures. We do not
// clear the assignments in case the closure is successfully
// traced.
giveUp(inferrer, clearAssignments: false);
return safeType(inferrer);
if (_isInstanceMemberParameter &&
( == Identifiers.noSuchMethod_ ||
( == &&
disableInferenceForClosures))) {
// Do not infer types for parameters of [noSuchMethod] and [call] instance
// methods.
return safeType(inferrer);
if (inferrer.inferredDataBuilder
.getCurrentlyKnownMightBePassedToApply(_method)) {
return safeType(inferrer);
if (_method == inferrer.mainElement) {
// The implicit call to main is not seen by the inferrer,
// therefore we explicitly set the type of its parameters as
// dynamic.
// TODO(14566): synthesize a call instead to get the exact
// types.
return safeType(inferrer);
return null;
AbstractValue potentiallyNarrowType(
AbstractValue mask, InferrerEngine inferrer) {
if (inferrer.options.parameterCheckPolicy.isTrusted ||
inferrer.trustTypeAnnotations(_method)) {
// In checked or strong mode we don't trust the types of the arguments
// passed to a parameter. The means that the checking of a parameter is
// based on the actual arguments.
// With --trust-type-annotations or --omit-implicit-checks we _do_ trust
// the arguments passed to a parameter - and we never check them.
// In all these cases we _do_ trust the static type of a parameter within
// the method itself. For instance:
// method(int i) => i;
// main() {
// dynamic f = method;
// f(0); // valid call
// f(''); // invalid call
// }
// Here, in all cases, we infer the returned value of `method` to be an
// `int`. In checked and strong mode we infer the parameter of `method` to
// be either `int` or `String` and therefore insert a check at the entry
// of 'method'. With --trust-type-annotations or --omit-implicit-checks we
// (unsoundly) infer the parameter to be `int` and leave the parameter
// unchecked, and `method` will at runtime actually return a `String` from
// the second invocation.
// The trusting of the parameter types within the body of the method is
// is done through `LocalsHandler.update` called in
// `KernelTypeGraphBuilder.handleParameter`.
return _narrowType(inferrer.closedWorld, mask, _type);
return mask;
AbstractValue computeType(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
AbstractValue special = handleSpecialCases(inferrer);
if (special != null) return special;
return potentiallyNarrowType(
inferrer.types.computeTypeMask(assignments), inferrer);
AbstractValue safeType(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
return potentiallyNarrowType(super.safeType(inferrer), inferrer);
bool hasStableType(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
// The number of assignments of parameters of instance methods is
// not stable. Therefore such a parameter cannot be stable.
if (_isInstanceMemberParameter) {
return false;
return super.hasStableType(inferrer);
accept(TypeInformationVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitParameterTypeInformation(this);
String toString() => 'Parameter $_parameter $type';
String getInferredSignature(TypeSystem types) {
throw new UnsupportedError('ParameterTypeInformation.getInferredSignature');
enum CallType {
bool validCallType(CallType callType, Object call) {
switch (callType) {
case CallType.access:
return call is ir.Node;
case CallType.forIn:
return call is ir.ForInStatement;
throw new StateError('Unexpected call type $callType.');
* A [CallSiteTypeInformation] is a call found in the AST, or a
* synthesized call for implicit calls in Dart (such as forwarding
* factories). The [_call] field is a [ast.Node] for the former, and an
* [Element] for the latter.
* In the inferrer graph, [CallSiteTypeInformation] nodes do not have
* any assignment. They rely on the [caller] field for static calls,
* and [selector] and [receiver] fields for dynamic calls.
abstract class CallSiteTypeInformation extends TypeInformation
with ApplyableTypeInformation {
final Object _call;
final MemberEntity caller;
final Selector selector;
final AbstractValue mask;
final ArgumentsTypes arguments;
final bool inLoop;
AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain,
MemberTypeInformation context,
: super.noAssignments(abstractValueDomain.emptyType, context) {
assert(_call is ir.Node);
String toString() => 'Call site $debugName $type';
/// Add [this] to the graph being computed by [engine].
void addToGraph(InferrerEngine engine);
/// Return an iterable over the targets of this call.
Iterable<MemberEntity> get callees;
String get debugName => '$_call';
class StaticCallSiteTypeInformation extends CallSiteTypeInformation {
final MemberEntity calledElement;
AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain,
MemberTypeInformation context,
Object call,
MemberEntity enclosing,
Selector selector,
AbstractValue mask,
ArgumentsTypes arguments,
bool inLoop)
: super(abstractValueDomain, context, call, enclosing, selector, mask,
arguments, inLoop);
MemberTypeInformation _getCalledTypeInfo(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
return inferrer.types.getInferredTypeOfMember(calledElement);
void addToGraph(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
MemberTypeInformation callee = _getCalledTypeInfo(inferrer);
callee.addCall(caller, _call);
if (arguments != null) {
arguments.forEach((info) => info.addUser(this));
this, calledElement, arguments, selector, mask,
remove: false, addToQueue: false);
bool get isSynthesized {
// Some calls do not have a corresponding selector, for example
// forwarding factory constructors, or synthesized super
// constructor calls. We synthesize these calls but do
// not create a selector for them.
return selector == null;
TypeInformation _getCalledTypeInfoWithSelector(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
return inferrer.typeOfMemberWithSelector(calledElement, selector);
AbstractValue computeType(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
if (isSynthesized) {
assert(arguments != null);
return _getCalledTypeInfo(inferrer).type;
} else {
return _getCalledTypeInfoWithSelector(inferrer).type;
Iterable<MemberEntity> get callees => [calledElement];
accept(TypeInformationVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitStaticCallSiteTypeInformation(this);
bool hasStableType(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
bool isStable = _getCalledTypeInfo(inferrer).isStable;
return isStable &&
(arguments == null || arguments.every((info) => info.isStable)) &&
void removeAndClearReferences(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
ElementTypeInformation callee = _getCalledTypeInfo(inferrer);
if (arguments != null) {
arguments.forEach((info) => info.removeUser(this));
class DynamicCallSiteTypeInformation<T> extends CallSiteTypeInformation {
final CallType _callType;
final TypeInformation receiver;
final bool isConditional;
bool _hasClosureCallTargets;
/// Cached concrete targets of this call.
Iterable<MemberEntity> _concreteTargets;
AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain,
MemberTypeInformation context,
T call,
MemberEntity enclosing,
Selector selector,
AbstractValue mask,
ArgumentsTypes arguments,
bool inLoop,
: super(abstractValueDomain, context, call, enclosing, selector, mask,
arguments, inLoop) {
assert(validCallType(_callType, _call));
void addToGraph(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
assert(receiver != null);
AbstractValue typeMask = computeTypedSelector(inferrer);
_hasClosureCallTargets =
inferrer.closedWorld.includesClosureCall(selector, typeMask);
_concreteTargets = inferrer.closedWorld.locateMembers(selector, typeMask);
if (arguments != null) {
arguments.forEach((info) => info.addUser(this));
for (MemberEntity element in _concreteTargets) {
MemberTypeInformation callee =
callee.addCall(caller, _call);
this, element, arguments, selector, typeMask,
remove: false, addToQueue: false);
/// `true` if this invocation can hit a 'call' method on a closure.
bool get hasClosureCallTargets => _hasClosureCallTargets;
/// All concrete targets of this invocation. If [hasClosureCallTargets] is
/// `true` the invocation can additional target an unknown set of 'call'
/// methods on closures.
Iterable<MemberEntity> get concreteTargets => _concreteTargets;
Iterable<MemberEntity> get callees => _concreteTargets;
AbstractValue computeTypedSelector(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
AbstractValue receiverType = receiver.type;
if (mask != receiverType) {
return receiverType == inferrer.abstractValueDomain.dynamicType
? null
: receiverType;
} else {
return mask;
bool targetsIncludeComplexNoSuchMethod(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
return _concreteTargets.any((MemberEntity e) {
return e.isFunction &&
e.isInstanceMember && == Identifiers.noSuchMethod_ &&
* We optimize certain operations on the [int] class because we know more
* about their return type than the actual Dart code. For example, we know int
* + int returns an int. The Dart library code for [int.operator+] only says
* it returns a [num].
* Returns the more precise TypeInformation, or `null` to defer to the library
* code.
TypeInformation handleIntrisifiedSelector(
Selector selector, AbstractValue mask, InferrerEngine inferrer) {
JClosedWorld closedWorld = inferrer.closedWorld;
if (mask == null) return null;
if (!inferrer.abstractValueDomain.isIntegerOrNull(mask)) {
return null;
if (!selector.isCall && !selector.isOperator) return null;
if (!arguments.named.isEmpty) return null;
if (arguments.positional.length > 1) return null;
ClassEntity uint31Implementation = closedWorld.commonElements.jsUInt31Class;
bool isInt(info) => info.type.containsOnlyInt(closedWorld);
bool isEmpty(info) => info.type.isEmpty;
bool isUInt31(info) {
return info.type.satisfies(uint31Implementation, closedWorld);
bool isPositiveInt(info) {
return info.type.satisfies(
closedWorld.commonElements.jsPositiveIntClass, closedWorld);
TypeInformation tryLater() => inferrer.types.nonNullEmptyType;
TypeInformation argument =
arguments.isEmpty ? null : arguments.positional.first;
String name =;
// These are type inference rules only for useful cases that are not
// expressed in the library code, for example:
// int + int -> int
// uint31 | uint31 -> uint31
switch (name) {
case '*':
case '+':
case '%':
case 'remainder':
case '~/':
if (isEmpty(argument)) return tryLater();
if (isPositiveInt(receiver) && isPositiveInt(argument)) {
// uint31 + uint31 -> uint32
if (name == '+' && isUInt31(receiver) && isUInt31(argument)) {
return inferrer.types.uint32Type;
return inferrer.types.positiveIntType;
if (isInt(argument)) {
return inferrer.types.intType;
return null;
case '|':
case '^':
if (isEmpty(argument)) return tryLater();
if (isUInt31(receiver) && isUInt31(argument)) {
return inferrer.types.uint31Type;
return null;
case '>>':
if (isEmpty(argument)) return tryLater();
if (isUInt31(receiver)) {
return inferrer.types.uint31Type;
return null;
case '&':
if (isEmpty(argument)) return tryLater();
if (isUInt31(receiver) || isUInt31(argument)) {
return inferrer.types.uint31Type;
return null;
case '-':
if (isEmpty(argument)) return tryLater();
if (isInt(argument)) {
return inferrer.types.intType;
return null;
case 'unary-':
// The receiver being an int, the return value will also be an int.
return inferrer.types.intType;
case 'abs':
return arguments.hasNoArguments()
? inferrer.types.positiveIntType
: null;
return null;
AbstractValue computeType(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
JClosedWorld closedWorld = inferrer.closedWorld;
AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain = closedWorld.abstractValueDomain;
Iterable<MemberEntity> oldTargets = _concreteTargets;
AbstractValue typeMask = computeTypedSelector(inferrer);
caller, _callType, _call, selector, typeMask);
AbstractValue maskToUse =
closedWorld.extendMaskIfReachesAll(selector, typeMask);
bool canReachAll =
closedWorld.backendUsage.isInvokeOnUsed && (maskToUse != typeMask);
// If this call could potentially reach all methods that satisfy
// the untyped selector (through noSuchMethod's `Invocation`
// and a call to `delegate`), we iterate over all these methods to
// update their parameter types.
_hasClosureCallTargets =
closedWorld.includesClosureCall(selector, maskToUse);
_concreteTargets = closedWorld.locateMembers(selector, maskToUse);
Iterable<MemberEntity> typedTargets = canReachAll
? closedWorld.locateMembers(selector, typeMask)
: _concreteTargets;
// Update the call graph if the targets could have changed.
if (!identical(_concreteTargets, oldTargets)) {
// Add calls to new targets to the graph.
.where((target) => !oldTargets.contains(target))
.forEach((MemberEntity element) {
MemberTypeInformation callee =
callee.addCall(caller, _call);
this, element, arguments, selector, typeMask,
remove: false, addToQueue: true);
// Walk over the old targets, and remove calls that cannot happen anymore.
.where((target) => !_concreteTargets.contains(target))
.forEach((MemberEntity element) {
MemberTypeInformation callee =
callee.removeCall(caller, _call);
this, element, arguments, selector, typeMask,
remove: true, addToQueue: true);
// Walk over the found targets, and compute the joined union type mask
// for all these targets.
AbstractValue result;
if (_hasClosureCallTargets) {
result = abstractValueDomain.dynamicType;
} else {
result = inferrer.types
.joinTypeMasks( element) {
// If [canReachAll] is true, then we are iterating over all
// targets that satisfy the untyped selector. We skip the return
// type of the targets that can only be reached through
// `Invocation.delegate`. Note that the `noSuchMethod` targets
// are included in [typedTargets].
if (canReachAll && !typedTargets.contains(element)) {
return abstractValueDomain.emptyType;
if (inferrer.returnsListElementType(selector, typeMask)) {
return abstractValueDomain.getContainerElementType(receiver.type);
} else if (inferrer.returnsMapValueType(selector, typeMask)) {
if (abstractValueDomain.isDictionary(typeMask)) {
AbstractValue arg = arguments.positional[0].type;
ConstantValue value = abstractValueDomain.getPrimitiveValue(arg);
if (value is StringConstantValue) {
String key = value.stringValue;
if (abstractValueDomain.containsDictionaryKey(typeMask, key)) {
if (debug.VERBOSE) {
print("Dictionary lookup for $key yields "
getDictionaryValueForKey(typeMask, key)}.");
return abstractValueDomain.getDictionaryValueForKey(
typeMask, key);
} else {
// The typeMap is precise, so if we do not find the key, the lookup
// will be [null] at runtime.
if (debug.VERBOSE) {
print("Dictionary lookup for $key yields [null].");
return inferrer.types.nullType.type;
if (debug.VERBOSE) {
print("Map lookup for $selector yields "
return abstractValueDomain.getMapValueType(typeMask);
} else {
TypeInformation info =
handleIntrisifiedSelector(selector, typeMask, inferrer);
if (info != null) return info.type;
return inferrer.typeOfMemberWithSelector(element, selector).type;
if (isConditional && abstractValueDomain.canBeNull(receiver.type)) {
// Conditional call sites (e.g. `a?.b`) may be null if the receiver is
// null.
result = abstractValueDomain.includeNull(result);
return result;
void giveUp(InferrerEngine inferrer, {bool clearAssignments: true}) {
if (!abandonInferencing) {
inferrer.updateSelectorInMember(caller, _callType, _call, selector, mask);
Iterable<MemberEntity> oldTargets = _concreteTargets;
_hasClosureCallTargets =
inferrer.closedWorld.includesClosureCall(selector, mask);
_concreteTargets = inferrer.closedWorld.locateMembers(selector, mask);
for (MemberEntity element in _concreteTargets) {
if (!oldTargets.contains(element)) {
MemberTypeInformation callee =
callee.addCall(caller, _call);
this, element, arguments, selector, mask,
remove: false, addToQueue: true);
super.giveUp(inferrer, clearAssignments: clearAssignments);
void removeAndClearReferences(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
for (MemberEntity element in _concreteTargets) {
MemberTypeInformation callee =
if (arguments != null) {
arguments.forEach((info) => info.removeUser(this));
String toString() => 'Call site $debugName on ${receiver.type} $type';
accept(TypeInformationVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitDynamicCallSiteTypeInformation(this);
bool hasStableType(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
return receiver.isStable &&
_concreteTargets.every((MemberEntity element) =>
inferrer.types.getInferredTypeOfMember(element).isStable) &&
(arguments == null || arguments.every((info) => info.isStable)) &&
class ClosureCallSiteTypeInformation extends CallSiteTypeInformation {
final TypeInformation closure;
AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain,
MemberTypeInformation context,
Object call,
MemberEntity enclosing,
Selector selector,
AbstractValue mask,
ArgumentsTypes arguments,
bool inLoop)
: super(abstractValueDomain, context, call, enclosing, selector, mask,
arguments, inLoop);
void addToGraph(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
arguments.forEach((info) => info.addUser(this));
AbstractValue computeType(InferrerEngine inferrer) => safeType(inferrer);
Iterable<MemberEntity> get callees {
throw new UnsupportedError("Cannot compute callees of a closure call.");
String toString() => 'Closure call $debugName on $closure';
accept(TypeInformationVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitClosureCallSiteTypeInformation(this);
void removeAndClearReferences(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
// This method is a placeholder for the following comment:
// We should maintain the information that the closure is a user
// of its arguments because we do not check that the arguments
// have a stable type for a closure call to be stable; our tracing
// analysis want to know whether an (non-stable) argument is
// passed to a closure.
return super.removeAndClearReferences(inferrer);
* A [ConcreteTypeInformation] represents a type that needed
* to be materialized during the creation of the graph. For example,
* literals, [:this:] or [:super:] need a [ConcreteTypeInformation].
* [ConcreteTypeInformation] nodes have no assignment. Also, to save
* on memory, we do not add users to [ConcreteTypeInformation] nodes,
* because we know such node will never be refined to a different
* type.
class ConcreteTypeInformation extends TypeInformation {
ConcreteTypeInformation(AbstractValue type) : super.untracked(type) {
this.isStable = true;
bool get isConcrete => true;
void addUser(TypeInformation user) {
// Nothing to do, a concrete type does not get updated so never
// needs to notify its users.
void addUsersOf(TypeInformation other) {
// Nothing to do, a concrete type does not get updated so never
// needs to notify its users.
void removeUser(TypeInformation user) {}
void addAssignment(TypeInformation assignment) {
throw "Not supported";
void removeAssignment(TypeInformation assignment) {
throw "Not supported";
AbstractValue computeType(InferrerEngine inferrer) => type;
bool reset(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
throw "Not supported";
String toString() => 'Type $type';
accept(TypeInformationVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitConcreteTypeInformation(this);
bool hasStableType(InferrerEngine inferrer) => true;
class StringLiteralTypeInformation extends ConcreteTypeInformation {
final String value;
AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain, this.value, AbstractValue mask)
: super(abstractValueDomain.createPrimitiveValue(
mask, new StringConstantValue(value)));
String asString() => value;
String toString() => 'Type $type value ${value}';
accept(TypeInformationVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitStringLiteralTypeInformation(this);
class BoolLiteralTypeInformation extends ConcreteTypeInformation {
final bool value;
AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain, this.value, AbstractValue mask)
: super(abstractValueDomain.createPrimitiveValue(
mask, value ? new TrueConstantValue() : new FalseConstantValue()));
String toString() => 'Type $type value ${value}';
accept(TypeInformationVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitBoolLiteralTypeInformation(this);
* A [NarrowTypeInformation] narrows a [TypeInformation] to a type,
* represented in [typeAnnotation].
* A [NarrowTypeInformation] node has only one assignment: the
* [TypeInformation] it narrows.
* [NarrowTypeInformation] nodes are created for:
* - Code after `is` and `as` checks, where we have more information
* on the type of the right hand side of the expression.
* - Code after a dynamic call, where we have more information on the
* type of the receiver: it can only be of a class that holds a
* potential target of this dynamic call.
* - In checked mode, after a type annotation, we have more
* information on the type of a local.
class NarrowTypeInformation extends TypeInformation {
final AbstractValue typeAnnotation;
NarrowTypeInformation(AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain,
TypeInformation narrowedType, this.typeAnnotation)
: super(abstractValueDomain.emptyType, narrowedType.context) {
addAssignment(TypeInformation info) {
assert(assignments.length == 1);
AbstractValue computeType(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain = inferrer.abstractValueDomain;
AbstractValue input = assignments.first.type;
AbstractValue intersection =
abstractValueDomain.intersection(input, typeAnnotation);
if (debug.ANOMALY_WARN) {
if (!abstractValueDomain.contains(input, intersection) ||
!abstractValueDomain.contains(typeAnnotation, intersection)) {
print("ANOMALY WARNING: narrowed $input to $intersection via "
return intersection;
String toString() {
return 'Narrow to $typeAnnotation $type';
accept(TypeInformationVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitNarrowTypeInformation(this);
* An [InferredTypeInformation] is a [TypeInformation] that
* defaults to the dynamic type until it is marked as being
* inferred, at which point it computes its type based on
* its assignments.
abstract class InferredTypeInformation extends TypeInformation {
/** Whether the element type in that container has been inferred. */
bool inferred = false;
InferredTypeInformation(AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain,
MemberTypeInformation context, TypeInformation parentType)
: super(abstractValueDomain.emptyType, context) {
if (parentType != null) addAssignment(parentType);
AbstractValue computeType(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
if (!inferred) return safeType(inferrer);
return inferrer.types.computeTypeMask(assignments);
bool hasStableType(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
return inferred && super.hasStableType(inferrer);
* A [ListTypeInformation] is a [TypeInformation] created
* for each `List` instantiations.
class ListTypeInformation extends TypeInformation with TracedTypeInformation {
final ElementInContainerTypeInformation elementType;
/** The container type before it is inferred. */
final AbstractValue originalType;
/** The length at the allocation site. */
final int originalLength;
/** The length after the container has been traced. */
int inferredLength;
* Whether this list goes through a growable check.
* We conservatively assume it does.
bool checksGrowable = true;
AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain,
MemberTypeInformation context,
: super(originalType, context) {
inferredLength = abstractValueDomain.getContainerLength(originalType);
String toString() => 'List type $type';
accept(TypeInformationVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitListTypeInformation(this);
bool hasStableType(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
return elementType.isStable && super.hasStableType(inferrer);
AbstractValue computeType(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain = inferrer.abstractValueDomain;
AbstractValue mask = type;
if (!abstractValueDomain.isContainer(type) ||
abstractValueDomain.getContainerElementType(type) != elementType.type ||
abstractValueDomain.getContainerLength(type) != inferredLength) {
return abstractValueDomain.createContainerValue(
return mask;
AbstractValue safeType(InferrerEngine inferrer) => originalType;
void cleanup() {
_flowsInto = null;
* An [ElementInContainerTypeInformation] holds the common type of the
* elements in a [ListTypeInformation].
class ElementInContainerTypeInformation extends InferredTypeInformation {
ElementInContainerTypeInformation(AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain,
MemberTypeInformation context, elementType)
: super(abstractValueDomain, context, elementType);
String toString() => 'Element in container $type';
accept(TypeInformationVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitElementInContainerTypeInformation(this);
* A [MapTypeInformation] is a [TypeInformation] created
* for maps.
class MapTypeInformation extends TypeInformation with TracedTypeInformation {
// When in Dictionary mode, this map tracks the type of the values that
// have been assigned to a specific [String] key.
final Map<String, ValueInMapTypeInformation> typeInfoMap = {};
// These fields track the overall type of the keys/values in the map.
final KeyInMapTypeInformation keyType;
final ValueInMapTypeInformation valueType;
final AbstractValue originalType;
// Set to false if a statically unknown key flows into this map.
bool _allKeysAreStrings = true;
bool get inDictionaryMode => !bailedOut && _allKeysAreStrings;
MapTypeInformation(MemberTypeInformation context, this.originalType,
this.keyType, this.valueType)
: super(originalType, context) {
TypeInformation addEntryAssignment(AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain,
TypeInformation key, TypeInformation value,
[bool nonNull = false]) {
TypeInformation newInfo = null;
if (_allKeysAreStrings && key is StringLiteralTypeInformation) {
String keyString = key.asString();
typeInfoMap.putIfAbsent(keyString, () {
newInfo = new ValueInMapTypeInformation(
abstractValueDomain, context, null, nonNull);
return newInfo;
} else {
_allKeysAreStrings = false;
if (newInfo != null) newInfo.addUser(this);
return newInfo;
List<TypeInformation> addMapAssignment(
AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain, MapTypeInformation other) {
List<TypeInformation> newInfos = <TypeInformation>[];
if (_allKeysAreStrings && other.inDictionaryMode) {
other.typeInfoMap.forEach((keyString, value) {
typeInfoMap.putIfAbsent(keyString, () {
TypeInformation newInfo = new ValueInMapTypeInformation(
abstractValueDomain, context, null, false);
return newInfo;
} else {
_allKeysAreStrings = false;
return newInfos;
markAsInferred() {
keyType.inferred = valueType.inferred = true;
typeInfoMap.values.forEach((v) => v.inferred = true);
addAssignment(TypeInformation other) {
throw "not supported";
accept(TypeInformationVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitMapTypeInformation(this);
AbstractValue toTypeMask(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain = inferrer.abstractValueDomain;
if (inDictionaryMode) {
Map<String, AbstractValue> mappings = new Map<String, AbstractValue>();
for (var key in typeInfoMap.keys) {
mappings[key] = typeInfoMap[key].type;
return inferrer.abstractValueDomain.createDictionaryValue(
} else {
return inferrer.abstractValueDomain.createMapValue(
AbstractValue computeType(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain = inferrer.abstractValueDomain;
if (abstractValueDomain.isDictionary(type) != inDictionaryMode) {
return toTypeMask(inferrer);
} else if (abstractValueDomain.isDictionary(type)) {
for (String key in typeInfoMap.keys) {
TypeInformation value = typeInfoMap[key];
if (!abstractValueDomain.containsDictionaryKey(type, key) &&
!abstractValueDomain.containsAll(value.type) &&
!abstractValueDomain.canBeNull(value.type)) {
return toTypeMask(inferrer);
if (abstractValueDomain.getDictionaryValueForKey(type, key) !=
typeInfoMap[key].type) {
return toTypeMask(inferrer);
} else if (abstractValueDomain.isMap(type)) {
if (abstractValueDomain.getMapKeyType(type) != keyType.type ||
abstractValueDomain.getMapValueType(type) != valueType.type) {
return toTypeMask(inferrer);
} else {
return toTypeMask(inferrer);
return type;
AbstractValue safeType(InferrerEngine inferrer) => originalType;
bool hasStableType(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
return keyType.isStable &&
valueType.isStable &&
void cleanup() {
for (TypeInformation info in typeInfoMap.values) {
_flowsInto = null;
String toString() {
return 'Map $type (K:$keyType, V:$valueType) contents $typeInfoMap';
* A [KeyInMapTypeInformation] holds the common type
* for the keys in a [MapTypeInformation]
class KeyInMapTypeInformation extends InferredTypeInformation {
KeyInMapTypeInformation(AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain,
MemberTypeInformation context, TypeInformation keyType)
: super(abstractValueDomain, context, keyType);
accept(TypeInformationVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitKeyInMapTypeInformation(this);
String toString() => 'Key in Map $type';
* A [ValueInMapTypeInformation] holds the common type
* for the values in a [MapTypeInformation]
class ValueInMapTypeInformation extends InferredTypeInformation {
// [nonNull] is set to true if this value is known to be part of the map.
// Note that only values assigned to a specific key value in dictionary
// mode can ever be marked as [nonNull].
final bool nonNull;
ValueInMapTypeInformation(AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain,
MemberTypeInformation context, TypeInformation valueType,
[this.nonNull = false])
: super(abstractValueDomain, context, valueType);
accept(TypeInformationVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitValueInMapTypeInformation(this);
AbstractValue computeType(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
return nonNull
? super.computeType(inferrer)
: inferrer.abstractValueDomain.includeNull(super.computeType(inferrer));
String toString() => 'Value in Map $type';
* A [PhiElementTypeInformation] is an union of
* [ElementTypeInformation], that is local to a method.
class PhiElementTypeInformation<T> extends TypeInformation {
final T branchNode;
final Local variable;
final bool isTry;
PhiElementTypeInformation(AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain,
MemberTypeInformation context, this.branchNode, this.variable,
: super(abstractValueDomain.emptyType, context);
AbstractValue computeType(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
return inferrer.types.computeTypeMask(assignments);
String toString() => 'Phi $variable $type';
void _toStructuredText(StringBuffer sb, String indent) {
if (branchNode != null) {
String context = '$branchNode'.replaceAll('\n', ' ');
if (context.length > 80) {
context = context.substring(0, 77) + '...';
sb.write(': $context');
} else {
for (TypeInformation assignment in assignments) {
assignment._toStructuredText(sb, '$indent ');
accept(TypeInformationVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitPhiElementTypeInformation(this);
class ClosureTypeInformation extends TypeInformation
with ApplyableTypeInformation {
final FunctionEntity _element;
ClosureTypeInformation(AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain,
MemberTypeInformation context, this._element)
: super(abstractValueDomain.emptyType, context);
FunctionEntity get closure => _element;
AbstractValue computeType(InferrerEngine inferrer) => safeType(inferrer);
AbstractValue safeType(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
return inferrer.types.functionType.type;
String get debugName => '$closure';
String toString() => 'Closure $_element';
accept(TypeInformationVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitClosureTypeInformation(this);
bool hasStableType(InferrerEngine inferrer) {
return false;
String getInferredSignature(TypeSystem types) {
return types.getInferredSignatureOfMethod(_element);
* Mixin for [TypeInformation] nodes that can bail out during tracing.
abstract class TracedTypeInformation implements TypeInformation {
/// Set to false once analysis has succeeded.
bool bailedOut = true;
/// Set to true once analysis is completed.
bool analyzed = false;
Set<TypeInformation> _flowsInto;
* The set of [TypeInformation] nodes where values from the traced node could
* flow in.
Set<TypeInformation> get flowsInto {
return (_flowsInto == null)
? const ImmutableEmptySet<TypeInformation>()
: _flowsInto;
* Adds [nodes] to the sets of values this [TracedTypeInformation] flows into.
void addFlowsIntoTargets(Iterable<TypeInformation> nodes) {
if (_flowsInto == null) {
_flowsInto = nodes.toSet();
} else {
class AwaitTypeInformation<T> extends TypeInformation {
final T _node;
AwaitTypeInformation(AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain,
MemberTypeInformation context, this._node)
: super(abstractValueDomain.emptyType, context);
// TODO(22894): Compute a better type here.
AbstractValue computeType(InferrerEngine inferrer) => safeType(inferrer);
String get debugName => '$_node';
String toString() => 'Await';
accept(TypeInformationVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitAwaitTypeInformation(this);
class YieldTypeInformation<T> extends TypeInformation {
final T _node;
YieldTypeInformation(AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain,
MemberTypeInformation context, this._node)
: super(abstractValueDomain.emptyType, context);
AbstractValue computeType(InferrerEngine inferrer) => safeType(inferrer);
String get debugName => '$_node';
String toString() => 'Yield';
accept(TypeInformationVisitor visitor) {
return visitor.visitYieldTypeInformation(this);
abstract class TypeInformationVisitor<T> {
T visitNarrowTypeInformation(NarrowTypeInformation info);
T visitPhiElementTypeInformation(PhiElementTypeInformation info);
T visitElementInContainerTypeInformation(
ElementInContainerTypeInformation info);
T visitKeyInMapTypeInformation(KeyInMapTypeInformation info);
T visitValueInMapTypeInformation(ValueInMapTypeInformation info);
T visitListTypeInformation(ListTypeInformation info);
T visitMapTypeInformation(MapTypeInformation info);
T visitConcreteTypeInformation(ConcreteTypeInformation info);
T visitStringLiteralTypeInformation(StringLiteralTypeInformation info);
T visitBoolLiteralTypeInformation(BoolLiteralTypeInformation info);
T visitClosureCallSiteTypeInformation(ClosureCallSiteTypeInformation info);
T visitStaticCallSiteTypeInformation(StaticCallSiteTypeInformation info);
T visitDynamicCallSiteTypeInformation(DynamicCallSiteTypeInformation info);
T visitMemberTypeInformation(MemberTypeInformation info);
T visitParameterTypeInformation(ParameterTypeInformation info);
T visitClosureTypeInformation(ClosureTypeInformation info);
T visitAwaitTypeInformation(AwaitTypeInformation info);
T visitYieldTypeInformation(YieldTypeInformation info);
AbstractValue _narrowType(
JClosedWorld closedWorld, AbstractValue type, DartType annotation,
{bool isNullable: true}) {
AbstractValueDomain abstractValueDomain = closedWorld.abstractValueDomain;
AbstractValue otherType;
if (annotation.treatAsDynamic) {
return type;
} else if (annotation.isInterfaceType) {
InterfaceType interfaceType = annotation;
if (interfaceType.element == closedWorld.commonElements.objectClass) {
return type;
otherType = abstractValueDomain.createNonNullSubtype(interfaceType.element);
} else if (annotation.isVoid) {
return type;
} else if (annotation.isTypedef || annotation.isFunctionType) {
otherType = closedWorld.abstractValueDomain.functionType;
} else if (annotation.isFutureOr) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Narrow FutureOr types.
return type;
} else {
assert(annotation.isTypeVariable || annotation.isFunctionTypeVariable);
// TODO(ngeoffray): Narrow to bound.
return type;
if (isNullable) {
otherType = abstractValueDomain.includeNull(otherType);
if (type == null) {
return otherType;
return abstractValueDomain.intersection(type, otherType);