blob: 707de2331ad3883bd0fca81ef112073aaacacb20 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:async';
/// A generic rendering task that can be scheduled.
abstract class RenderingTask {
/// Rendering synchronous callback.
void render();
/// A generic synchronization system for rendering operations.
abstract class RenderingBarrier {
/// Future to the next synchronization barrier (ms from application start).
Future<num> get next;
/// Synchronization system based on the AnimationFrame.
class NextAnimationFrameBarrier implements RenderingBarrier {
Future<num> get next => window.animationFrame;
/// MOCK synchronization system for manual barrier triggering.
class RenderingBarrierMock implements RenderingBarrier {
final StreamController<num> _stream = new StreamController<num>.broadcast();
num _ms = 0;
Future<num> get next =>;
/// Trigger the next barrier with an optional numer of ms elapsed.
void triggerRenderingBarrier({num step: 20}) {
assert(step != null);
_stream.add(_ms += step);
/// RenderingTask queuing and synchronization system.
class RenderingQueue {
final RenderingBarrier _barrier;
final Queue<RenderingTask> _queue = new Queue<RenderingTask>();
bool get isEmpty => _queue.isEmpty;
bool get isNotEmpty => _queue.isNotEmpty;
/// Creates a RenderingQueue with the default synchronization barrier.
RenderingQueue() : this.fromBarrier(new NextAnimationFrameBarrier());
/// Creates a RenderingQueue with a custom synchronization barrier.
RenderingQueue.fromBarrier(this._barrier) {
assert(this._barrier != null);
/// Add a task to the queue.
/// If the current rendering phase is running it will be executed during this
/// rendering cycle, otherwise it will be queued for the next one.
void enqueue(RenderingTask r) {
assert(r != null);
// If no task are in the queue there is no rendering phase scheduled.
if (isEmpty) _render();
Future _render() async {
while (_queue.isNotEmpty) {