blob: 3b10c93de2967c92a4cf4dd363614de91b8d2015 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io'
show File, FileSystemException, InternetAddress, Platform, Socket;
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as p;
import 'resident_frontend_constants.dart';
/// The Resident Frontend Compiler's shutdown command.
final residentServerShutdownCommand = jsonEncode(
<String, Object>{
commandString: shutdownString,
/// The path to the user's home directory
/// TODO: The current implementation gives 1 server to a user
/// and stores the info file in the .dart directory in the user's home.
/// This adds some fragility to the --resident command as it expects this
/// environment variable to exist.
/// If/when the resident frontend compiler is used without requiring the
/// --resident flag, this reliance on the environment variable should be
/// addressed.
final home = Platform.isWindows
? Platform.environment['USERPROFILE']!
: Platform.environment['HOME']!;
/// The path to the directory that stores the Resident Frontend Compiler's
/// information file, which stores the server's address and port number.
/// File has the form: address:__ port:__
final defaultResidentServerInfoFile =
p.join(home, '.dart', 'dartdev_compilation_server_info');
final packageConfigName = p.join('.dart_tool', 'package_config.json');
/// Get the port number the Resident Frontend Compiler is listening on.
int getPortNumber(String serverInfo) =>
int.parse(serverInfo.substring(serverInfo.lastIndexOf(':') + 1));
/// Get the address that the Resident Frontend Compiler is listening from.
InternetAddress getAddress(String serverInfo) => InternetAddress(
serverInfo.substring(serverInfo.indexOf(':') + 1, serverInfo.indexOf(' ')));
/// Removes the [serverInfoFile].
void cleanupResidentServerInfo(File serverInfoFile) {
if (serverInfoFile.existsSync()) {
try {
} catch (_) {}
// TODO: when frontend_server is migrated to null safe Dart, everything
// below this comment can be removed and imported from resident_frontend_server
/// Sends a compilation [request] to the Resident Frontend Compiler, returning
/// it's json response.
/// Throws a [FileSystemException] if there is no server running.
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> sendAndReceiveResponse(
String request,
File serverInfoFile,
) async {
Socket? client;
Map<String, dynamic> jsonResponse;
final contents = serverInfoFile.readAsStringSync();
try {
client =
await Socket.connect(getAddress(contents), getPortNumber(contents));
final data = String.fromCharCodes(await client.first);
jsonResponse = jsonDecode(data);
} catch (e) {
jsonResponse = <String, dynamic>{
responseSuccessString: false,
responseErrorString: e.toString(),
return jsonResponse;
/// Used to create compile requests for the run CLI command.
/// Returns a JSON string that the resident compiler will be able to
/// interpret.
String createCompileJitJson({
required String executable,
required String outputDill,
required ArgResults args,
String? packages,
bool verbose = false,
}) {
return jsonEncode(
<String, Object?>{
commandString: compileString,
sourceString: executable,
outputString: outputDill,
if (args.wasParsed(defineOption)) defineOption: args[defineOption],
if (args.wasParsed(enableAssertsOption)) enableAssertsOption: true,
if (args.wasParsed(enableExperimentOption))
enableExperimentOption: args[enableExperimentOption],
if (packages != null) packageString: packages,
if (args.wasParsed(verbosityOption))
verbosityOption: args[verbosityOption],
/// Used to create compile requesets for AOT compilations
String createCompileAotJson({
required String executable,
required String outputDill,
required ArgResults args,
String? packages,
bool productMode = false,
bool verbose = false,
}) {
return jsonEncode(
<String, Object?>{
commandString: compileString,
sourceString: executable,
outputString: outputDill,
aotOption: true,
tfaOption: true,
if (productMode) '-Ddart.vm.product': true,
if (args.wasParsed(defineOption)) defineOption: args[defineOption],
if (args.wasParsed(enableExperimentOption))
enableExperimentOption: args[enableExperimentOption],
if (args.wasParsed(packageString)) packageString: args[packageString],
if (!args.wasParsed(packageString) && packages != null)
packageString: packages,
if (args.wasParsed(soundNullSafetyOption)) soundNullSafetyOption: true,
if (args.wasParsed(verbosityOption))
verbosityOption: args[verbosityOption],