blob: 392d5f3083511c2f3641c7ca5c5661f8c4d96329 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/experiments.dart';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart' show IterableExtension;
const experimentFlagName = 'enable-experiment';
/// Return a list of all the non-expired Dart experiments.
List<ExperimentalFeature> get experimentalFeatures =>
.where((feature) => !feature.isExpired)
..sort((a, b) => a.enableString.compareTo(b.enableString));
extension ArgParserExtensions on ArgParser {
void addExperimentalFlags({bool verbose = false}) {
List<ExperimentalFeature> features = experimentalFeatures;
Map<String, String> allowedHelp = {};
for (ExperimentalFeature feature in features) {
String suffix =
feature.isEnabledByDefault ? ' (no-op - enabled by default)' : '';
allowedHelp[feature.enableString] = '${feature.documentation}$suffix';
valueHelp: 'experiment',
allowedHelp: verbose ? allowedHelp : null,
help: 'Enable one or more experimental features '
hide: !verbose,
extension ArgResultsExtensions on ArgResults {
List<String> get enabledExperiments {
List<String> enabledExperiments = [];
// Check to see if the ArgParser which generated this result accepts
// `--enable-experiment` as an option. If so, return the result if it was
// provided.
if (options.contains(experimentFlagName)) {
if (wasParsed(experimentFlagName)) {
enabledExperiments = this[experimentFlagName] as List<String>;
} else {
// In the case where a command uses `ArgParser.allowAnything()` as its
// parser, the valid set of options for the command isn't specified and
// isn't enforced. Instead, we have to manually parse the arguments to
// look for `--enable-experiment=`. Currently, this path is only taken for
// the `pub` and `test` commands, as well as when we are trying to send
// analytics.
final experiments = arguments.firstWhereOrNull(
(e) => e.startsWith('--$experimentFlagName='),
if (experiments == null) {
return [];
enabledExperiments = experiments.split('=')[1].split(',');
for (final feature in experimentalFeatures) {
// We allow default true flags, but complain when they are passed in.
if (feature.isEnabledByDefault &&
enabledExperiments.contains(feature.enableString)) {
print("'${feature.enableString}' is now enabled by default; this "
'flag is no longer required.');
return enabledExperiments;