blob: 4a8fd1920ba349f5da51e4eb351d29e3575283d9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/error/syntactic_errors.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import 'context_collection_resolution.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class PostfixExpressionResolutionTest extends PubPackageResolutionTest
with PostfixExpressionResolutionTestCases {
test_inc_propertyAccess_nullShorting() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
int foo = 0;
void f(A? a) {
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.postfix('foo++'), r'''
operand: PropertyAccess
target: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: A?
operator: ?.
propertyName: SimpleIdentifier
token: foo
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: self::@class::A::@getter::foo
readType: int
writeElement: self::@class::A::@setter::foo
writeType: int
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
staticType: int?
test_inc_simpleIdentifier_parameter_depromote() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
Object operator +(int _) => this;
void f(Object x) {
if (x is A) {
x; // ref
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.postfix('x++'), r'''
operand: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
readType: A
writeElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
writeType: Object
staticElement: self::@class::A::@method::+
staticType: A
assertType(findNode.simple('x; // ref'), 'Object');
test_nullCheck() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
void f(int? x) {
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.postfix('x!'), r'''
operand: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
staticType: int?
operator: !
staticElement: <null>
staticType: int
test_nullCheck_functionExpressionInvocation_rewrite() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
void f(Function f2) {
test_nullCheck_indexExpression() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
void f(Map<String, int> a) {
int v = a['foo']!;
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.index('a['), r'''
target: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: Map<String, int>
leftBracket: [
index: SimpleStringLiteral
literal: 'foo'
rightBracket: ]
staticElement: MethodMember
base: dart:core::@class::Map::@method::[]
substitution: {K: String, V: int}
staticType: int?
assertResolvedNodeText(findNode.postfix(']!'), r'''
operand: IndexExpression
target: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: Map<String, int>
leftBracket: [
index: SimpleStringLiteral
literal: 'foo'
rightBracket: ]
staticElement: MethodMember
base: dart:core::@class::Map::@method::[]
substitution: {K: String, V: int}
staticType: int?
operator: !
staticElement: <null>
staticType: int
test_nullCheck_null() async {
await assertErrorsInCode('''
void f(Null x) {
''', [
error(HintCode.NULL_CHECK_ALWAYS_FAILS, 19, 2),
assertType(findNode.postfix('x!'), 'Never');
test_nullCheck_nullableContext() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
T f<T>(T t) => t;
int g() => f(null)!;
var node = findNode.postfix('f(null)!');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: MethodInvocation
methodName: SimpleIdentifier
token: f
staticElement: self::@function::f
staticType: T Function<T>(T)
argumentList: ArgumentList
leftParenthesis: (
literal: null
parameter: ParameterMember
base: root::@parameter::t
substitution: {T: int?}
staticType: Null
rightParenthesis: )
staticInvokeType: int? Function(int?)
staticType: int?
operator: !
staticElement: <null>
staticType: int
/// See
test_nullCheck_participatesNullShorting() async {
await assertErrorsInCode('''
class A {
int zero;
int? zeroOrNull;
A(, [this.zeroOrNull]);
void test1(A? a) => a?.zero!;
void test2(A? a) => a?.zeroOrNull!;
void test3(A? a) => a?.zero!.isEven;
void test4(A? a) => a?.zeroOrNull!.isEven;
class Foo {
Bar? bar;
Bar? operator [](int? index) => null;
class Bar {
int baz;
int operator [](int index) => index;
void test5(Foo? foo) => foo?.bar!;
void test6(Foo? foo) => foo?.bar!.baz;
void test7(Foo? foo, int a) => foo?.bar![a];
void test8(Foo? foo, int? a) => foo?[a]!;
void test9(Foo? foo, int? a) => foo?[a]!.baz;
void test10(Foo? foo, int? a, int b) => foo?[a]![b];
''', [
error(StaticWarningCode.UNNECESSARY_NON_NULL_ASSERTION, 107, 1),
error(StaticWarningCode.UNNECESSARY_NON_NULL_ASSERTION, 173, 1),
void assertTestType(int index, String expected) {
var function = findNode.functionDeclaration('test$index(');
var body = function.functionExpression.body as ExpressionFunctionBody;
assertType(body.expression, expected);
assertTestType(1, 'int?');
assertTestType(2, 'int?');
assertTestType(3, 'bool?');
assertTestType(4, 'bool?');
assertTestType(5, 'Bar?');
assertTestType(6, 'int?');
assertTestType(7, 'int?');
assertTestType(8, 'Bar?');
assertTestType(9, 'int?');
assertTestType(10, 'int?');
test_nullCheck_superExpression() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
int foo() => 0;
class B extends A {
void bar() {
''', [
error(ParserErrorCode.MISSING_ASSIGNABLE_SELECTOR, 70, 6),
var node = findNode.methodInvocation('foo();');
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
target: PostfixExpression
operand: SuperExpression
superKeyword: super
staticType: dynamic
operator: !
staticElement: <null>
staticType: dynamic
operator: .
methodName: SimpleIdentifier
token: foo
staticElement: <null>
staticType: dynamic
argumentList: ArgumentList
leftParenthesis: (
rightParenthesis: )
staticInvokeType: dynamic
staticType: dynamic
test_nullCheck_typeParameter() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
void f<T>(T? x) {
var postfixExpression = findNode.postfix('x!');
assertResolvedNodeText(postfixExpression, r'''
operand: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
staticType: T?
operator: !
staticElement: <null>
staticType: T & Object
test_nullCheck_typeParameter_already_promoted() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode('''
void f<T>(T? x) {
if (x is num?) {
var postfixExpression = findNode.postfix('x!');
assertResolvedNodeText(postfixExpression, r'''
operand: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
staticType: T? & num?
operator: !
staticElement: <null>
staticType: T & num
mixin PostfixExpressionResolutionTestCases on PubPackageResolutionTest {
test_dec_simpleIdentifier_parameter_int() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
void f(int x) {
var node = findNode.postfix('x--');
if (isNullSafetyEnabled) {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
staticType: null
operator: --
readElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
readType: int
writeElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
writeType: int
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::-
staticType: int
} else {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
staticType: null
operator: --
readElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
readType: int*
writeElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
writeType: int*
staticElement: MethodMember
base: dart:core::@class::num::@method::-
isLegacy: true
staticType: int*
test_inc_indexExpression_instance() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
int operator[](int index) => 0;
operator[]=(int index, num _) {}
void f(A a) {
var node = findNode.postfix('a[0]++');
if (isNullSafetyEnabled) {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: IndexExpression
target: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: A
leftBracket: [
index: IntegerLiteral
literal: 0
parameter: self::@class::A::@method::[]=::@parameter::index
staticType: int
rightBracket: ]
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: self::@class::A::@method::[]
readType: int
writeElement: self::@class::A::@method::[]=
writeType: num
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
staticType: int
} else {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: IndexExpression
target: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: A*
leftBracket: [
index: IntegerLiteral
literal: 0
parameter: self::@class::A::@method::[]=::@parameter::index
staticType: int*
rightBracket: ]
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: self::@class::A::@method::[]
readType: int*
writeElement: self::@class::A::@method::[]=
writeType: num*
staticElement: MethodMember
base: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
isLegacy: true
staticType: int*
test_inc_indexExpression_super() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
int operator[](int index) => 0;
operator[]=(int index, num _) {}
class B extends A {
void f(A a) {
var node = findNode.postfix('[0]++');
if (isNullSafetyEnabled) {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: IndexExpression
target: SuperExpression
superKeyword: super
staticType: B
leftBracket: [
index: IntegerLiteral
literal: 0
parameter: self::@class::A::@method::[]=::@parameter::index
staticType: int
rightBracket: ]
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: self::@class::A::@method::[]
readType: int
writeElement: self::@class::A::@method::[]=
writeType: num
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
staticType: int
} else {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: IndexExpression
target: SuperExpression
superKeyword: super
staticType: B*
leftBracket: [
index: IntegerLiteral
literal: 0
parameter: self::@class::A::@method::[]=::@parameter::index
staticType: int*
rightBracket: ]
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: self::@class::A::@method::[]
readType: int*
writeElement: self::@class::A::@method::[]=
writeType: num*
staticElement: MethodMember
base: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
isLegacy: true
staticType: int*
test_inc_indexExpression_this() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
int operator[](int index) => 0;
operator[]=(int index, num _) {}
void f() {
var node = findNode.postfix('[0]++');
if (isNullSafetyEnabled) {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: IndexExpression
target: ThisExpression
thisKeyword: this
staticType: A
leftBracket: [
index: IntegerLiteral
literal: 0
parameter: self::@class::A::@method::[]=::@parameter::index
staticType: int
rightBracket: ]
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: self::@class::A::@method::[]
readType: int
writeElement: self::@class::A::@method::[]=
writeType: num
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
staticType: int
} else {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: IndexExpression
target: ThisExpression
thisKeyword: this
staticType: A*
leftBracket: [
index: IntegerLiteral
literal: 0
parameter: self::@class::A::@method::[]=::@parameter::index
staticType: int*
rightBracket: ]
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: self::@class::A::@method::[]
readType: int*
writeElement: self::@class::A::@method::[]=
writeType: num*
staticElement: MethodMember
base: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
isLegacy: true
staticType: int*
test_inc_notLValue_parenthesized() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
void f() {
''', [
var node = findNode.postfix('(0)++');
if (isNullSafetyEnabled) {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: ParenthesizedExpression
leftParenthesis: (
expression: IntegerLiteral
literal: 0
staticType: int
rightParenthesis: )
staticType: int
operator: ++
readElement: <null>
readType: dynamic
writeElement: <null>
writeType: dynamic
staticElement: <null>
staticType: dynamic
} else {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: ParenthesizedExpression
leftParenthesis: (
expression: IntegerLiteral
literal: 0
staticType: int*
rightParenthesis: )
staticType: int*
operator: ++
readElement: <null>
readType: dynamic
writeElement: <null>
writeType: dynamic
staticElement: <null>
staticType: dynamic
test_inc_notLValue_simpleIdentifier_typeLiteral() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
void f() {
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.ASSIGNMENT_TO_TYPE, 13, 3),
var node = findNode.postfix('int++');
if (isNullSafetyEnabled) {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: SimpleIdentifier
token: int
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: dart:core::@class::int
readType: dynamic
writeElement: dart:core::@class::int
writeType: dynamic
staticElement: <null>
staticType: dynamic
} else {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: SimpleIdentifier
token: int
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: dart:core::@class::int
readType: dynamic
writeElement: dart:core::@class::int
writeType: dynamic
staticElement: <null>
staticType: dynamic
test_inc_notLValue_simpleIdentifier_typeLiteral_typeParameter() async {
await assertErrorsInCode(r'''
void f<T>() {
''', [
error(CompileTimeErrorCode.ASSIGNMENT_TO_TYPE, 16, 1),
var node = findNode.postfix('T++');
if (isNullSafetyEnabled) {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: SimpleIdentifier
token: T
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: T@7
readType: dynamic
writeElement: T@7
writeType: dynamic
staticElement: <null>
staticType: dynamic
} else {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: SimpleIdentifier
token: T
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: T@7
readType: dynamic
writeElement: T@7
writeType: dynamic
staticElement: <null>
staticType: dynamic
test_inc_prefixedIdentifier_instance() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
int x = 0;
void f(A a) {
var node = findNode.postfix('x++');
if (isNullSafetyEnabled) {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: PrefixedIdentifier
prefix: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: A
period: .
identifier: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: self::@class::A::@getter::x
readType: int
writeElement: self::@class::A::@setter::x
writeType: int
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
staticType: int
} else {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: PrefixedIdentifier
prefix: SimpleIdentifier
token: a
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::a
staticType: A*
period: .
identifier: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: self::@class::A::@getter::x
readType: int*
writeElement: self::@class::A::@setter::x
writeType: int*
staticElement: MethodMember
base: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
isLegacy: true
staticType: int*
test_inc_prefixedIdentifier_topLevel() async {
newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', r'''
int x = 0;
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
void f() {
var importFind = findElement.importFind('package:test/a.dart');
var node = findNode.postfix('x++');
if (isNullSafetyEnabled) {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: PrefixedIdentifier
prefix: SimpleIdentifier
token: p
staticElement: self::@prefix::p
staticType: null
period: .
identifier: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: package:test/a.dart::@getter::x
readType: int
writeElement: package:test/a.dart::@setter::x
writeType: int
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
staticType: int
} else {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: PrefixedIdentifier
prefix: SimpleIdentifier
token: p
staticElement: self::@prefix::p
staticType: null
period: .
identifier: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: package:test/a.dart::@getter::x
readType: int*
writeElement: package:test/a.dart::@setter::x
writeType: int*
staticElement: MethodMember
base: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
isLegacy: true
staticType: int*
var prefixed = node.operand as PrefixedIdentifier;
assertImportPrefix(prefixed.prefix, importFind.prefix);
test_inc_propertyAccess_instance() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
int x = 0;
void f() {
var node = findNode.postfix('x++');
if (isNullSafetyEnabled) {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: PropertyAccess
target: InstanceCreationExpression
constructorName: ConstructorName
type: NamedType
name: SimpleIdentifier
token: A
staticElement: self::@class::A
staticType: null
type: A
staticElement: self::@class::A::@constructor::•
argumentList: ArgumentList
leftParenthesis: (
rightParenthesis: )
staticType: A
operator: .
propertyName: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: self::@class::A::@getter::x
readType: int
writeElement: self::@class::A::@setter::x
writeType: int
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
staticType: int
} else {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: PropertyAccess
target: InstanceCreationExpression
constructorName: ConstructorName
type: NamedType
name: SimpleIdentifier
token: A
staticElement: self::@class::A
staticType: null
type: A*
staticElement: self::@class::A::@constructor::•
argumentList: ArgumentList
leftParenthesis: (
rightParenthesis: )
staticType: A*
operator: .
propertyName: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: self::@class::A::@getter::x
readType: int*
writeElement: self::@class::A::@setter::x
writeType: int*
staticElement: MethodMember
base: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
isLegacy: true
staticType: int*
test_inc_propertyAccess_super() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
set x(num _) {}
int get x => 0;
class B extends A {
set x(num _) {}
int get x => 0;
void f() {
var node = findNode.postfix('x++');
if (isNullSafetyEnabled) {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: PropertyAccess
target: SuperExpression
superKeyword: super
staticType: B
operator: .
propertyName: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: self::@class::A::@getter::x
readType: int
writeElement: self::@class::A::@setter::x
writeType: num
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
staticType: int
} else {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: PropertyAccess
target: SuperExpression
superKeyword: super
staticType: B*
operator: .
propertyName: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: self::@class::A::@getter::x
readType: int*
writeElement: self::@class::A::@setter::x
writeType: num*
staticElement: MethodMember
base: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
isLegacy: true
staticType: int*
test_inc_propertyAccess_this() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
set x(num _) {}
int get x => 0;
void f() {
var node = findNode.postfix('x++');
if (isNullSafetyEnabled) {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: PropertyAccess
target: ThisExpression
thisKeyword: this
staticType: A
operator: .
propertyName: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: self::@class::A::@getter::x
readType: int
writeElement: self::@class::A::@setter::x
writeType: num
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
staticType: int
} else {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: PropertyAccess
target: ThisExpression
thisKeyword: this
staticType: A*
operator: .
propertyName: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: self::@class::A::@getter::x
readType: int*
writeElement: self::@class::A::@setter::x
writeType: num*
staticElement: MethodMember
base: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
isLegacy: true
staticType: int*
test_inc_simpleIdentifier_parameter_double() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
void f(double x) {
var node = findNode.postfix('x++');
if (isNullSafetyEnabled) {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
readType: double
writeElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
writeType: double
staticElement: dart:core::@class::double::@method::+
staticType: double
} else {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
readType: double*
writeElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
writeType: double*
staticElement: MethodMember
base: dart:core::@class::double::@method::+
isLegacy: true
staticType: double*
test_inc_simpleIdentifier_parameter_int() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
void f(int x) {
var node = findNode.postfix('x++');
if (isNullSafetyEnabled) {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
readType: int
writeElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
writeType: int
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
staticType: int
} else {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
readType: int*
writeElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
writeType: int*
staticElement: MethodMember
base: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
isLegacy: true
staticType: int*
test_inc_simpleIdentifier_parameter_num() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
void f(num x) {
var node = findNode.postfix('x++');
if (isNullSafetyEnabled) {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
readType: num
writeElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
writeType: num
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
staticType: num
} else {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
readType: num*
writeElement: self::@function::f::@parameter::x
writeType: num*
staticElement: MethodMember
base: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
isLegacy: true
staticType: num*
test_inc_simpleIdentifier_thisGetter_superSetter() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
class A {
set x(num _) {}
class B extends A {
int get x => 0;
void f() {
var node = findNode.postfix('x++');
if (isNullSafetyEnabled) {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: self::@class::B::@getter::x
readType: int
writeElement: self::@class::A::@setter::x
writeType: num
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
staticType: int
} else {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: self::@class::B::@getter::x
readType: int*
writeElement: self::@class::A::@setter::x
writeType: num*
staticElement: MethodMember
base: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
isLegacy: true
staticType: int*
test_inc_simpleIdentifier_topGetter_topSetter() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
int get x => 0;
set x(num _) {}
void f() {
var node = findNode.postfix('x++');
if (isNullSafetyEnabled) {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: self::@getter::x
readType: int
writeElement: self::@setter::x
writeType: num
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
staticType: int
} else {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: self::@getter::x
readType: int*
writeElement: self::@setter::x
writeType: num*
staticElement: MethodMember
base: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
isLegacy: true
staticType: int*
test_inc_simpleIdentifier_topGetter_topSetter_fromClass() async {
await assertNoErrorsInCode(r'''
int get x => 0;
set x(num _) {}
class A {
void f() {
var node = findNode.postfix('x++');
if (isNullSafetyEnabled) {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: self::@getter::x
readType: int
writeElement: self::@setter::x
writeType: num
staticElement: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
staticType: int
} else {
assertResolvedNodeText(node, r'''
operand: SimpleIdentifier
token: x
staticElement: <null>
staticType: null
operator: ++
readElement: self::@getter::x
readType: int*
writeElement: self::@setter::x
writeType: num*
staticElement: MethodMember
base: dart:core::@class::num::@method::+
isLegacy: true
staticType: int*
class PostfixExpressionResolutionWithoutNullSafetyTest
extends PubPackageResolutionTest
with PostfixExpressionResolutionTestCases, WithoutNullSafetyMixin {}