blob: a9cbb2b9572f756c4db2ea553eb499da1b4da88e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io' show File, IOSink;
import 'dart:typed_data' show BytesBuilder, Uint8List;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/parser/formal_parameter_kind.dart';
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/scanner/scanner.dart' show Token;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/scanner/token.dart'
show SyntheticToken, TokenType;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:kernel/clone.dart';
import 'package:kernel/binary/ast_to_binary.dart';
import 'package:kernel/text/ast_to_text.dart';
import '../builder/fixed_type_builder.dart';
import '../builder/formal_parameter_builder.dart';
import '../builder/metadata_builder.dart';
import '../builder/omitted_type_builder.dart';
import '../builder/type_builder.dart';
import '../builder/type_variable_builder.dart';
import '../combinator.dart';
import '../configuration.dart';
import '../identifiers.dart';
import '../source/source_library_builder.dart';
import 'body_builder.dart';
/// The name for the synthesized field used to store information of
/// unserializable exports in a [Library].
/// For instance, if a [Library] tries to export two declarations with the same
/// name, the unserializable exports will map this name to the corresponding
/// error message.
const String unserializableExportName = '_exports#';
/// Sentinel value used in unserializable exports to signal an export of
/// 'dynamic' from 'dart:core'.
const String exportDynamicSentinel = '<dynamic>';
/// Sentinel value used in unserializable exports to signal an export of
/// 'Never' from 'dart:core'.
const String exportNeverSentinel = '<Never>';
void printNodeOn(Node? node, StringSink sink, {NameSystem? syntheticNames}) {
if (node == null) {
} else {
syntheticNames ??= new NameSystem();
new Printer(sink, syntheticNames: syntheticNames).writeNode(node);
void printQualifiedNameOn(Member? member, StringSink sink) {
if (member == null) {
} else {
Class? cls = member.enclosingClass;
if (cls != null) {
/// Print the given [component]. Do nothing if it is `null`. If the
/// [libraryFilter] is provided, then only libraries that satisfy it are
/// printed.
void printComponentText(Component? component,
{bool Function(Library library)? libraryFilter}) {
if (component == null) return;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
Printer printer = new Printer(sb);
for (Library library in component.libraries) {
if (libraryFilter != null && !libraryFilter(library)) continue;
/// Write [component] to file only including libraries that match [filter].
Future<Null> writeComponentToFile(Component component, Uri uri,
{bool Function(Library library)? filter}) async {
File output = new File.fromUri(uri);
IOSink sink = output.openWrite();
try {
BinaryPrinter printer = new BinaryPrinter(sink, libraryFilter: filter);
} finally {
await sink.close();
/// Serialize the libraries in [component] that match [filter].
Uint8List serializeComponent(Component component,
{bool Function(Library library)? filter,
bool includeSources: true,
bool includeOffsets: true}) {
ByteSink byteSink = new ByteSink();
BinaryPrinter printer = new BinaryPrinter(byteSink,
libraryFilter: filter,
includeSources: includeSources,
includeOffsets: includeOffsets);
return byteSink.builder.takeBytes();
const String kDebugClassName = "#DebugClass";
class _CollectLibraryDependencies extends RecursiveVisitor {
Set<LibraryDependency> foundLibraryDependencies = {};
void visitLoadLibrary(LoadLibrary node) {
void visitCheckLibraryIsLoaded(CheckLibraryIsLoaded node) {
Component createExpressionEvaluationComponent(Procedure procedure) {
Library realLibrary = procedure.enclosingLibrary;
Uri uri = new Uri(scheme: 'evaluate', path: 'source');
Library fakeLibrary = new Library(uri, fileUri: uri)
..isNonNullableByDefault = realLibrary.isNonNullableByDefault
..nonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode =
// Add deferred library dependencies. They are needed for serializing
// references to deferred libraries. We can just claim ownership of the ones
// we find as they were created when doing the expression compilation.
_CollectLibraryDependencies collectLibraryDependencies =
new _CollectLibraryDependencies();
for (LibraryDependency libraryDependency
in collectLibraryDependencies.foundLibraryDependencies) {
TreeNode? realClass = procedure.parent;
if (realClass is Class) {
Class fakeClass = new Class(name: kDebugClassName, fileUri: uri)
..parent = fakeLibrary;
Map<TypeParameter, TypeParameter> typeParams =
<TypeParameter, TypeParameter>{};
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> typeSubstitution = <TypeParameter, DartType>{};
for (TypeParameter typeParam in realClass.typeParameters) {
TypeParameter newNode = new TypeParameter(
..parent = fakeClass;
typeParams[typeParam] = newNode;
typeSubstitution[typeParam] =
new TypeParameterType.forAlphaRenaming(typeParam, newNode);
CloneVisitorWithMembers cloner = new CloneVisitorWithMembers(
typeSubstitution: typeSubstitution, typeParams: typeParams);
for (TypeParameter typeParam in realClass.typeParameters) {
.add(typeParam.accept<TreeNode>(cloner) as TypeParameter);
if (realClass.supertype != null) {
// supertype is null for Object.
fakeClass.supertype = new Supertype.byReference(
// Rebind the type parameters in the procedure.
procedure = cloner.cloneProcedure(procedure, null);
procedure.parent = fakeClass;
} else {
procedure.parent = fakeLibrary;
// TODO(vegorov) find a way to preserve metadata.
Component component = new Component(libraries: [fakeLibrary]);
null, false, fakeLibrary.nonNullableByDefaultCompiledMode);
return component;
List<int> serializeProcedure(Procedure procedure) {
return serializeComponent(createExpressionEvaluationComponent(procedure));
/// A [Sink] that directly writes data into a byte builder.
class ByteSink implements Sink<List<int>> {
final BytesBuilder builder = new BytesBuilder();
void add(List<int> data) {
void close() {}
int compareProcedures(Procedure a, Procedure b) {
int i = "${a.fileUri}".compareTo("${b.fileUri}");
if (i != 0) return i;
return a.fileOffset.compareTo(b.fileOffset);
List<Combinator>? toKernelCombinators(
List<CombinatorBuilder>? fastaCombinators) {
if (fastaCombinators == null) {
// Note: it's safe to return null here as Kernel's LibraryDependency will
// convert null to an empty list.
return null;
return new List<Combinator>.generate(fastaCombinators.length, (int i) {
CombinatorBuilder combinator = fastaCombinators[i];
List<String> nameList = combinator.names.toList();
return combinator.isShow
? new
: new Combinator.hide(nameList);
}, growable: true);
final Token dummyToken = new SyntheticToken(TokenType.AT, -1);
final Identifier dummyIdentifier = new Identifier(dummyToken);
final CombinatorBuilder dummyCombinator =
new CombinatorBuilder(false, {}, -1, dummyUri);
final MetadataBuilder dummyMetadataBuilder = new MetadataBuilder(dummyToken);
final TypeBuilder dummyTypeBuilder =
new FixedTypeBuilder(dummyDartType, dummyUri, -1);
final FormalParameterBuilder dummyFormalParameterBuilder =
new FormalParameterBuilder(null, FormalParameterKind.requiredPositional, 0,
const ImplicitTypeBuilder(), '', null, -1,
fileUri: dummyUri);
final TypeVariableBuilder dummyTypeVariableBuilder = new TypeVariableBuilder(
TypeVariableBuilder.noNameSentinel, null, -1, null,
kind: TypeVariableKind.function);
final Label dummyLabel = new Label('', -1);
final FieldInfo dummyFieldInfo = new FieldInfo('', -1, null, dummyToken, -1);
final Configuration dummyConfiguration = new Configuration(-1, '', '', '');