blob: c94c0230e889b5e00acc01d9cf0407a3519cf7f2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2022, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:dart2wasm/translator.dart';
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:wasm_builder/wasm_builder.dart' as w;
/// Wasm struct field indices for fields that are accessed explicitly from Wasm
/// code, e.g. in intrinsics.
/// The values are validated by asserts, typically either through
/// [ClassInfo.addField] (for manually added fields) or by a line in
/// [FieldIndex.validate] (for fields declared in Dart code).
class FieldIndex {
static const classId = 0;
static const boxValue = 1;
static const identityHash = 1;
static const stringArray = 2;
static const hashBaseIndex = 2;
static const hashBaseData = 4;
static const closureContext = 2;
static const closureFunction = 3;
static const typedListBaseLength = 2;
static const typedListArray = 3;
static const typedListViewTypedData = 3;
static const typedListViewOffsetInBytes = 4;
static const byteDataViewLength = 2;
static const byteDataViewTypedData = 3;
static const byteDataViewOffsetInBytes = 4;
static void validate(Translator translator) {
void check(Class cls, String name, int expectedIndex) {
cls.fields.firstWhere((f) => == name)] ==
"Unexpected field index for ${}.$name");
check(translator.boxedBoolClass, "value", FieldIndex.boxValue);
check(translator.boxedIntClass, "value", FieldIndex.boxValue);
check(translator.boxedDoubleClass, "value", FieldIndex.boxValue);
check(translator.oneByteStringClass, "_array", FieldIndex.stringArray);
check(translator.twoByteStringClass, "_array", FieldIndex.stringArray);
check(translator.hashFieldBaseClass, "_index", FieldIndex.hashBaseIndex);
check(translator.hashFieldBaseClass, "_data", FieldIndex.hashBaseData);
check(translator.functionClass, "context", FieldIndex.closureContext);
const int initialIdentityHash = 0;
/// Information about the Wasm representation for a class.
class ClassInfo {
/// The Dart class that this info corresponds to. The top type does not have
/// an associated Dart class.
final Class? cls;
/// The Class ID of this class, stored in every instance of the class.
final int classId;
/// Depth of this class in the Wasm type hierarchy.
final int depth;
/// The Wasm struct used to represent instances of this class. A class will
/// sometimes use the same struct as its superclass.
final w.StructType struct;
/// Wasm global containing the RTT for this class.
late final w.DefinedGlobal rtt;
/// The superclass for this class. This will usually be the Dart superclass,
/// but there are a few exceptions, where the Wasm type hierarchy does not
/// follow the Dart class hierarchy.
final ClassInfo? superInfo;
/// For every type parameter which is directly mapped to a type parameter in
/// the superclass, this contains the corresponding superclass type
/// parameter. These will reuse the corresponding type parameter field of
/// the superclass.
final Map<TypeParameter, TypeParameter> typeParameterMatch;
/// The class whose struct is used as the type for variables of this type.
/// This is a type which is a superclass of all subtypes of this type.
late ClassInfo repr;
/// All classes which implement this class. This is used to compute `repr`.
final List<ClassInfo> implementedBy = [];
late final w.RefType nullableType = w.RefType.def(struct, nullable: true);
late final w.RefType nonNullableType = w.RefType.def(struct, nullable: false);
w.RefType typeWithNullability(bool nullable) =>
nullable ? nullableType : nonNullableType;
ClassInfo(this.cls, this.classId, this.depth, this.struct, this.superInfo,
ClassInfoCollector collector,
{this.typeParameterMatch = const {}}) {
if (collector.options.useRttGlobals) {
rtt = collector.makeRtt(struct, superInfo);
void addField(w.FieldType fieldType, [int? expectedIndex]) {
assert(expectedIndex == null || expectedIndex == struct.fields.length);
ClassInfo upperBound(Iterable<ClassInfo> classes) {
while (classes.length > 1) {
Set<ClassInfo> newClasses = {};
int minDepth = 999999999;
int maxDepth = 0;
for (ClassInfo info in classes) {
minDepth = min(minDepth, info.depth);
maxDepth = max(maxDepth, info.depth);
int targetDepth = minDepth == maxDepth ? minDepth - 1 : minDepth;
for (ClassInfo info in classes) {
while (info.depth > targetDepth) {
info = info.superInfo!;
classes = newClasses;
return classes.single;
/// Constructs the Wasm type hierarchy.
class ClassInfoCollector {
final Translator translator;
int nextClassId = 0;
late final ClassInfo topInfo;
late final w.FieldType typeType =
w.Module get m => translator.m;
TranslatorOptions get options => translator.options;
w.DefinedGlobal makeRtt(w.StructType struct, ClassInfo? superInfo) {
int depth = superInfo != null ? superInfo.depth + 1 : 0;
final w.DefinedGlobal rtt =
m.addGlobal(w.GlobalType(w.Rtt(struct, depth), mutable: false));
final w.Instructions b = rtt.initializer;
if (superInfo != null) {
} else {
return rtt;
void initializeTop() {
final w.StructType struct = translator.structType("#Top");
topInfo = ClassInfo(null, nextClassId++, 0, struct, null, this);
translator.classForHeapType[struct] = topInfo;
void initialize(Class cls) {
ClassInfo? info = translator.classInfo[cls];
if (info == null) {
Class? superclass = cls.superclass;
if (superclass == null) {
ClassInfo superInfo = topInfo;
final w.StructType struct =
translator.structType(, superType: superInfo.struct);
info = ClassInfo(
cls, nextClassId++, superInfo.depth + 1, struct, superInfo, this);
// Mark Top type as implementing Object to force the representation
// type of Object to be Top.
} else {
// Recursively initialize all supertypes before initializing this class.
for (Supertype interface in cls.implementedTypes) {
// In the Wasm type hierarchy, Object, bool and num sit directly below
// the Top type. The implementation classes (_StringBase, _Type and the
// box classes) sit directly below the public classes they implement.
// All other classes sit below their superclass.
ClassInfo superInfo = cls == translator.coreTypes.boolClass ||
cls == translator.coreTypes.numClass
? topInfo
: cls == translator.stringBaseClass ||
cls == translator.typeClass ||
? translator.classInfo[cls.implementedTypes.single.classNode]!
: translator.classInfo[superclass]!;
// Figure out which type parameters can reuse a type parameter field of
// the superclass.
Map<TypeParameter, TypeParameter> typeParameterMatch = {};
if (cls.typeParameters.isNotEmpty) {
Supertype supertype = cls.superclass == superInfo.cls
? cls.supertype!
: cls.implementedTypes.single;
for (TypeParameter parameter in cls.typeParameters) {
for (int i = 0; i < supertype.typeArguments.length; i++) {
DartType arg = supertype.typeArguments[i];
if (arg is TypeParameterType && arg.parameter == parameter) {
typeParameterMatch[parameter] =
// A class can reuse the Wasm struct of the superclass if it doesn't
// declare any Wasm fields of its own. This is the case when three
// conditions are met:
// 1. All type parameters can reuse a type parameter field of the
// superclass.
// 2. The class declares no Dart fields of its own.
// 3. The class is not a special class that contains hidden fields.
bool canReuseSuperStruct =
typeParameterMatch.length == cls.typeParameters.length &&
cls.fields.where((f) => f.isInstanceMember).isEmpty &&
cls != translator.typedListBaseClass &&
cls != translator.typedListClass &&
cls != translator.typedListViewClass &&
cls != translator.byteDataViewClass;
w.StructType struct = canReuseSuperStruct
? superInfo.struct
: translator.structType(, superType: superInfo.struct);
info = ClassInfo(
cls, nextClassId++, superInfo.depth + 1, struct, superInfo, this,
typeParameterMatch: typeParameterMatch);
// Mark all interfaces as being implemented by this class. This is
// needed to calculate representation types.
for (Supertype interface in cls.implementedTypes) {
ClassInfo? interfaceInfo = translator.classInfo[interface.classNode];
while (interfaceInfo != null) {
interfaceInfo = interfaceInfo.superInfo;
translator.classInfo[cls] = info;
translator.classForHeapType.putIfAbsent(info.struct, () => info!);
void computeRepresentation(ClassInfo info) {
info.repr = upperBound(info.implementedBy);
void generateFields(ClassInfo info) {
ClassInfo? superInfo = info.superInfo;
if (superInfo == null) {
// Top - add class id field
info.addField(w.FieldType(w.NumType.i32), FieldIndex.classId);
} else if (info.struct != superInfo.struct) {
// Copy fields from superclass
for (w.FieldType fieldType in superInfo.struct.fields) {
if (info.cls!.superclass == null) {
// Object - add identity hash code field
info.addField(w.FieldType(w.NumType.i32), FieldIndex.identityHash);
// Add fields for type variables
for (TypeParameter parameter in info.cls!.typeParameters) {
TypeParameter? match = info.typeParameterMatch[parameter];
if (match != null) {
// Reuse supertype type variable
translator.typeParameterIndex[parameter] =
} else {
translator.typeParameterIndex[parameter] = info.struct.fields.length;
// Add fields for Dart instance fields
for (Field field in info.cls!.fields) {
if (field.isInstanceMember) {
w.ValueType wasmType = translator.translateType(field.type);
// TODO(askesc): Generalize this check for finer nullability control
if (wasmType != {
wasmType = wasmType.withNullability(true);
translator.fieldIndex[field] = info.struct.fields.length;
} else {
for (TypeParameter parameter in info.cls!.typeParameters) {
// Reuse supertype type variable
translator.typeParameterIndex[parameter] =
void collect() {
// Create class info and Wasm structs for all classes.
// Subclasses of the [_Function] class are generated on the fly as fields
// with function types are encountered. Therefore, this class must be early
// in the initialization order.
for (Library library in translator.component.libraries) {
for (Class cls in library.classes) {
// For each class, compute which Wasm struct should be used for the type of
// variables bearing that class as their Dart type. This is the struct
// corresponding to the least common supertype of all Dart classes
// implementing this class.
for (ClassInfo info in translator.classes) {
// Now that the representation types for all classes have been computed,
// fill in the types of the fields in the generated Wasm structs.
for (ClassInfo info in translator.classes) {
// Add hidden fields of typed_data classes.
// Validate that all internally used fields have the expected indices.
void addTypedDataFields() {
ClassInfo typedListBaseInfo =
typedListBaseInfo.addField(w.FieldType(w.NumType.i32, mutable: false),
ClassInfo typedListInfo = translator.classInfo[translator.typedListClass]!;
typedListInfo.addField(w.FieldType(w.NumType.i32, mutable: false),
w.RefType bytesArrayType = w.RefType.def(
translator.wasmArrayType(w.PackedType.i8, "i8"),
nullable: false);
w.FieldType(bytesArrayType, mutable: false), FieldIndex.typedListArray);
w.RefType typedListType =
w.RefType.def(typedListInfo.struct, nullable: false);
ClassInfo typedListViewInfo =
typedListViewInfo.addField(w.FieldType(w.NumType.i32, mutable: false),
typedListViewInfo.addField(w.FieldType(typedListType, mutable: false),
typedListViewInfo.addField(w.FieldType(w.NumType.i32, mutable: false),
ClassInfo byteDataViewInfo =
byteDataViewInfo.addField(w.FieldType(w.NumType.i32, mutable: false),
byteDataViewInfo.addField(w.FieldType(typedListType, mutable: false),
byteDataViewInfo.addField(w.FieldType(w.NumType.i32, mutable: false),