blob: efc55e38582deae7104b781f5dd43294b645272e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
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// Test that type variables referenced from within static members are malformed.
class Foo<T> {
Foo() {}
Foo<T> //# 00: static type warning
Foo<T> //# 01: static type warning
f) {
Foo<T> x = new Foo<String>(); //# 02: static type warning
return new Foo<String>();
// T is in scope for a factory method.
factory Foo.I(Foo<T> f) {
Foo<T> x = f;
// T is not in scope for a static field.
static Foo<T> f1; //# 03: static type warning
Foo<T> //# 04: static type warning
get f {
return new Foo<String>();
static void set f(
Foo<T> //# 05: static type warning
value) {}
abstract class I<T> {
factory I(Foo<T> f) = Foo<T>.I;
main() {
Foo.m(new Foo<String>());
new I(new Foo<String>());
Foo.f1 = new Foo<String>(); //# 03: continued
var x = Foo.f;
Foo.f = x;