blob: 82f459525a33a9ec00ccc32488543ce01ef254e9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Dart test for testing regular expressions in Dart.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
void main() {
RegExp exp = new RegExp(r"(\w+)");
String str = "Parse my string";
List<Match> matches = exp.allMatches(str).toList();
Expect.equals(3, matches.length);
Expect.equals("Parse", matches[0].group(0));
Expect.equals("my", matches[1].group(0));
Expect.equals("string", matches[2].group(0));
// Check that allMatches progresses correctly for empty matches, and that
// it includes the empty match at the end position.
exp = new RegExp("a?");
str = "babba";
Expect.listEquals(["", "a", "", "", "a", ""],
exp.allMatches(str).map((x) => x[0]).toList());
// Check that allMatches works with optional start index.
exp = new RegExp("as{2}");
str = "assassin";
Expect.equals(2, exp.allMatches(str).length);
Expect.equals(2, exp.allMatches(str, 0).length);
Expect.equals(1, exp.allMatches(str, 1).length);
Expect.equals(0, exp.allMatches(str, 4).length);
Expect.equals(0, exp.allMatches(str, str.length).length);
Expect.throws(() => exp.allMatches(str, -1));
Expect.throws(() => exp.allMatches(str, str.length + 1));
exp = new RegExp(".*");
Expect.equals("", exp.allMatches(str, str.length).single[0]);
// The "^" must only match at the beginning of the string.
// Using a start-index doesn't change where the string starts.
exp = new RegExp("^ass");
Expect.equals(1, exp.allMatches(str, 0).length);
Expect.equals(0, exp.allMatches(str, 3).length);
// Regression test for
exp = new RegExp("^", multiLine: true); // Any zero-length match will work.
str = "foo\nbar\nbaz";
Expect.equals(" foo\n bar\n baz", str.replaceAll(exp, " "));
exp = new RegExp(r"(\w+)");
Expect.isNull(exp.matchAsPrefix(" xyz ab"));
Expect.isNull(exp.matchAsPrefix(" xyz ab", 0));
var m = exp.matchAsPrefix(" xyz ab", 1);
Expect.equals("xyz", m[0]);
Expect.equals("xyz", m[1]);
Expect.equals(1, m.groupCount);
m = exp.matchAsPrefix(" xyz ab", 2);
Expect.equals("yz", m[0]);
Expect.equals("yz", m[1]);
Expect.equals(1, m.groupCount);
m = exp.matchAsPrefix(" xyz ab", 3);
Expect.equals("z", m[0]);
Expect.equals("z", m[1]);
Expect.equals(1, m.groupCount);
Expect.isNull(exp.matchAsPrefix(" xyz ab", 4));
m = exp.matchAsPrefix(" xyz ab", 5);
Expect.equals("ab", m[0]);
Expect.equals("ab", m[1]);
Expect.equals(1, m.groupCount);
m = exp.matchAsPrefix(" xyz ab", 6);
Expect.equals("b", m[0]);
Expect.equals("b", m[1]);
Expect.equals(1, m.groupCount);
Expect.isNull(exp.matchAsPrefix(" xyz ab", 7));
Expect.throws(() => exp.matchAsPrefix(" xyz ab", -1));
Expect.throws(() => exp.matchAsPrefix(" xyz ab", 8));