blob: f1288b741f29f35ea5a70d8720971c027168eadb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Dart test for testing the ternary operator.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
// Test that `Null` acts like the bottom type - less than any other type.
bool isCheckedMode = () {
bool c = false;
assert(c = true);
return c;
typedef R Fun<A, R>(A argument);
class C<T> {
const C();
T returns() => null;
void accepts(T x) {}
class NullBound<T extends num> {}
class ListBound<T extends Iterable<Null>> {}
main() {
void testClassTypes() {
var cn = new C<Null>();
Expect.isTrue(cn is C<Null>, "C<Null> is C<Null>");
Expect.isTrue(cn is C<Object>, "C<Null> is C<Object>");
Expect.isTrue(cn is C<int>, "C<Null> is C<int>");
Expect.isNotNull(cn as C<Null>, "C<Null> as C<Null>");
Expect.isNotNull(cn as C<Object>, "C<Null> as C<Object>");
Expect.isNotNull(cn as C<int>, "C<Null> as C<int>");
var ccn = new C<C<Null>>();
Expect.isTrue(ccn is C<C<Null>>);
Expect.isTrue(ccn is C<C<Object>>);
Expect.isTrue(ccn is C<C<int>>);
Expect.isNotNull(ccn as C<C<Null>>);
Expect.isNotNull(ccn as C<C<Object>>);
Expect.isNotNull(ccn as C<C<int>>);
var ci = new C<int>();
Expect.isFalse(ci is C<Null>);
var co = new C<Object>();
Expect.isFalse(co is C<Null>);
if (!isCheckedMode) return;
List<int> li1 = const <Null>[];
C<Null> x1 = cn;
C<Object> x2 = cn;
Expect.identical(x1, cn);
Expect.identical(x2, cn);
const C<Null> cocn = const C<Null>();
const C<Object> coco = cocn;
const C<int> coci = cocn;
Expect.identical(cocn, coco);
Expect.identical(cocn, coci);
Expect.throws(() {
Null x = "string" as dynamic;
use(x); // Avoid "x unused" warning.
Expect.throws(() {
Null x = new Object();
use(x); // Avoid "x unused" warning.
NullBound<int> nb = new NullBound<Null>(); // Should not fail.
use(nb); // Avoid "nb unused" warning.
ListBound<List<Null>> lb = new ListBound<Null>(); // Should not fails
use(lb); // Avoid "nb unused" warning.
void testFunctionTypes() {
T1 t1 = new T1();
T2 t2 = new T2();
T1 t = t2;
Fun<int, Null> f1 =;
Fun<Null, int> f2 =;
f1 = t1.baz;
f2 = t.qux;
var l = new List<Fun<Null, Null>>();
Expect.isTrue(l is List<Fun<Null, int>>);
l = new List<Fun<int, int>>();
Expect.isTrue(l is List<Fun<Null, num>>);
Expect.isTrue(((int _) => null) is Fun<int, Null>);
Null fun(int x) => null;
Fun<Null, int> fun2 = fun; // Safe assignment.
if (fun2 is Fun<int, Null>) {
// If int->Null is *subtype* of Null->int (which it should be),
// then type promotion succeeds.
// If type promotion succeeds, the static type is int->Null, otherwise
// it's Null->int.
fun2(42); // Should not give a warning after type promotion.
fun2(null).abs(); // //# 03: runtime error
class T1 {
Null foo(int x) => null;
int bar(Null x) => null;
Null baz(int x) => null;
int qux(Null x) => null;
class T2 extends T1 {
Null foo(Null x) => null;
Null bar(Null x) => null;
int baz(int x) => x;
int qux(int x) => x;
// Avoid "variable not used" warnings.
use(x) {
return identical(x, x);