blob: fb8d7ffe3f8c38dd6b20ffae54c131bdeed455d8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// SharedOptions=--supermixin
// Validate the following text from section 12 ("Mixins") of the spec:
// "A mixin application of the form S with M; defines a class C ...
// ... C declares the same instance members as M ..."
// This means that if M is itself a mixin application, then things
// mixed into M are accessible through C. But if M simply *extends* a
// mixin application (e.g. because M is declared as `class M extends X
// with Y { ... }`) then things mixed into the mixin application that
// M extends are not accessible through C.
class A {
a() => null;
class B {
b() => null;
class C {
c() => null;
class D {
d() => null;
// Note: by a slight abuse of syntax, `class M1 = A with B, C;` effectively
// means `class M1 = (A with B) with C;`, therefore M1 declares c(), but it
// merely inherits a() and b().
class M1 = A with B, C; // declares c()
class M2 extends M1 {
m2() => null;
class M3 extends A with B, C {
m3() => null;
class T1 = D with M1; // declares c()
class T2 = D with M2; // declares m2()
class T3 = D with M3; // declares m3()
class T4 extends D with M1 {} // extends a class which declares c()
class T5 extends D with M2 {} // extends a class which declares m2()
class T6 extends D with M3 {} // extends a class which declares m3()
main() {
/// none: static type warning, ok
new T1().a(); // //# 01: static type warning, runtime error
new T1().b(); // //# 02: static type warning, runtime error
new T1().c(); // //# 03: static type warning, ok
new T2().a(); // //# 04: static type warning, runtime error
new T2().b(); // //# 05: static type warning, runtime error
new T2().c(); // //# 06: static type warning, runtime error
new T2().m2(); //# 07: static type warning, ok
new T3().a(); // //# 08: static type warning, runtime error
new T3().b(); // //# 09: static type warning, runtime error
new T3().c(); // //# 10: static type warning, runtime error
new T3().m3(); //# 11: static type warning, ok
new T4().a(); // //# 12: static type warning, runtime error
new T4().b(); // //# 13: static type warning, runtime error
new T4().c(); // //# 14: static type warning, ok
new T5().a(); // //# 15: static type warning, runtime error
new T5().b(); // //# 16: static type warning, runtime error
new T5().c(); // //# 17: static type warning, runtime error
new T5().m2(); //# 18: static type warning, ok
new T6().a(); // //# 19: static type warning, runtime error
new T6().b(); // //# 20: static type warning, runtime error
new T6().c(); // //# 21: static type warning, runtime error
new T6().m3(); //# 22: static type warning, ok