| # Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| # for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| # BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js ] |
| enum_test: Fail # Issue 28340 |
| regress_28341_test: Fail # Issue 28340 |
| deferred_not_loaded_check_test: Fail # Issue 27577 |
| getter_setter_in_lib_test: Fail # Issue 23288 |
| method_name_test: Fail # issue 25574 |
| setter4_test: CompileTimeError # issue 13639 |
| |
| async_star_cancel_while_paused_test: RuntimeError # Issue 22853 |
| |
| try_catch_on_syntax_test/10: Fail # Issue 19823 |
| try_catch_on_syntax_test/11: Fail # Issue 19823 |
| |
| call_function_apply_test: RuntimeError # Issue 23873 |
| mixin_supertype_subclass_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 23773 |
| mixin_supertype_subclass2_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 23773 |
| mixin_supertype_subclass3_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 23773 |
| mixin_supertype_subclass4_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 23773 |
| mixin_of_mixin_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 23773 |
| |
| # The following tests are supposed to fail. |
| # In testing-mode, dart2js supports all dart:X libraries (because it |
| # uses '--categories=all'). |
| library_env_test/has_no_html_support: RuntimeError, OK |
| library_env_test/has_no_io_support: RuntimeError, OK |
| library_env_test/has_no_mirror_support: RuntimeError, OK |
| |
| accessor_conflict_import2_test: RuntimeError # Issue 25626 |
| accessor_conflict_import_prefixed2_test: RuntimeError # Issue 25626 |
| accessor_conflict_import_prefixed_test: RuntimeError # Issue 25626 |
| accessor_conflict_import_test: RuntimeError # Issue 25626 |
| |
| duplicate_part_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 27517 |
| |
| bad_typedef_test/00: Crash # Issue 28214 |
| generic_function_typedef2_test/00: Crash # Issue 28214 |
| generic_function_typedef2_test/01: Crash # Issue 28214 |
| generic_function_typedef2_test/02: Crash # Issue 28214 |
| generic_function_typedef2_test/03: Crash # Issue 28214 |
| generic_function_typedef2_test/05: Crash # Issue 28214 |
| generic_function_typedef2_test/06: Crash # Issue 28214 |
| |
| covariant_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError, OK # Accepts `covariant` for statics/top-level. |
| covariant_test/08: MissingCompileTimeError, OK # Accepts `covariant` for statics/top-level. |
| covariant_test/12: MissingCompileTimeError, OK # Accepts `covariant` for statics/top-level. |
| covariant_test/14: MissingCompileTimeError, OK # Accepts `covariant` for statics/top-level. |
| covariant_test/16: MissingCompileTimeError, OK # Accepts `covariant` for statics/top-level. |
| covariant_test/22: MissingCompileTimeError, OK # Accepts `covariant` for statics/top-level. |
| covariant_test/28: MissingCompileTimeError, OK # Accepts `covariant` for statics/top-level. |
| covariant_test/32: MissingCompileTimeError, OK # Accepts `covariant` for statics/top-level. |
| covariant_test/34: MissingCompileTimeError, OK # Accepts `covariant` for statics/top-level. |
| covariant_test/36: MissingCompileTimeError, OK # Accepts `covariant` for statics/top-level. |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $fast_startup ] |
| const_evaluation_test/*: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| deferred_constraints_constants_test/none: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| deferred_constraints_constants_test/reference_after_load: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| deferred_constraints_constants_test: Pass # mirrors not supported, passes for the wrong reason |
| enum_mirror_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| field_increment_bailout_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| instance_creation_in_function_annotation_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| invocation_mirror2_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| invocation_mirror_invoke_on2_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| invocation_mirror_invoke_on_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| issue21079_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| library_env_test/has_mirror_support: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| library_env_test/has_no_mirror_support: Pass # fails for the wrong reason. |
| many_overridden_no_such_method_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| no_such_method_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| null_test/0*: Pass # mirrors not supported, fails for the wrong reason |
| null_test/none: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| overridden_no_such_method_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| redirecting_factory_reflection_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| regress_13462_0_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| regress_13462_1_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| regress_18535_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| regress_28255_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| super_call4_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| super_getter_setter_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| vm/reflect_core_vm_test: Fail # mirrors not supported |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == jsshell ] |
| await_for_test: Skip # Jsshell does not provide periodic timers, Issue 7728 |
| async_star_test: RuntimeError # Jsshell does not provide non-zero timers, Issue 7728 |
| regress_23996_test: RuntimeError # Jsshell does not provide non-zero timers, Issue 7728 |
| async_star_no_cancel_test: RuntimeError # Need triage |
| async_star_no_cancel2_test: RuntimeError # Need triage |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $browser ] |
| config_import_test: Fail # Test flag is not passed to the compiler. |
| |
| library_env_test/has_no_io_support: Pass # Issue 27398 |
| library_env_test/has_io_support: RuntimeError # Issue 27398 |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js ] |
| invocation_mirror_empty_arguments_test: Fail # Issue 24331 |
| nan_identical_test: Fail # Issue 11551 |
| symbol_literal_test/*: Fail # Issue 21825 |
| constructor_duplicate_final_test/01: Fail # Issue 13363 |
| constructor_duplicate_final_test/02: Fail # Issue 13363 |
| override_inheritance_mixed_test/08: Fail # Issue 18124 |
| override_inheritance_mixed_test/09: Fail # Issue 18124 |
| bad_constructor_test/05: CompileTimeError # Issue 13639 |
| full_stacktrace1_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Issue 12698 |
| full_stacktrace2_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Issue 12698 |
| full_stacktrace3_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Issue 12698 |
| stacktrace_test: Pass, RuntimeError # # Issue 12698 |
| stacktrace_rethrow_nonerror_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Issue 12698 |
| stacktrace_rethrow_error_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Issue 12698 |
| type_variable_conflict_test/01: Fail # Issue 13702 |
| type_variable_conflict_test/02: Fail # Issue 13702 |
| type_variable_conflict_test/03: Fail # Issue 13702 |
| type_variable_conflict_test/04: Fail # Issue 13702 |
| type_variable_conflict_test/05: Fail # Issue 13702 |
| type_variable_conflict_test/06: Fail # Issue 13702 |
| mixin_forwarding_constructor4_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 15101 |
| mixin_forwarding_constructor4_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 15101 |
| mixin_forwarding_constructor4_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 15101 |
| mixin_super_constructor_named_test/01: Fail # Issue 15101 |
| mixin_super_constructor_positionals_test/01: Fail # Issue 15101 |
| mixin_super_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 23773 |
| mixin_super_2_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 23773 |
| mixin_super_bound2_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 23773 |
| mixin_super_use_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 23773 |
| mixin_superclass_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 23773 |
| |
| ref_before_declaration_test/00: MissingCompileTimeError |
| ref_before_declaration_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError |
| ref_before_declaration_test/02: MissingCompileTimeError |
| ref_before_declaration_test/03: MissingCompileTimeError |
| ref_before_declaration_test/04: MissingCompileTimeError |
| ref_before_declaration_test/05: MissingCompileTimeError |
| ref_before_declaration_test/06: MissingCompileTimeError |
| |
| regress_22976_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 23132 |
| |
| if_null_assignment_behavior_test/13: Crash # Issue 23491 |
| if_null_assignment_behavior_test/14: Crash # Issue 23491 |
| |
| const_error_multiply_initialized_test/02: CompileTimeError # Issue 23618 |
| const_error_multiply_initialized_test/04: CompileTimeError # Issue 23618 |
| |
| # VM specific tests that should not be run by dart2js. |
| vm/*: Skip # Issue 12699 |
| |
| multiline_newline_test/01: CompileTimeError # Issue 23888 |
| multiline_newline_test/02: CompileTimeError # Issue 23888 |
| multiline_newline_test/03: CompileTimeError # Issue 23888 |
| multiline_newline_test/04: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 23888 |
| multiline_newline_test/05: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 23888 |
| multiline_newline_test/06: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 23888 |
| multiline_newline_test/none: RuntimeError # Issue 23888 |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $checked ] |
| async_return_types_test/nestedFuture: Fail # Issue 26429 |
| async_return_types_test/wrongTypeParameter: Fail # Issue 26429 |
| regress_26133_test: RuntimeError # Issue 26429 |
| regress_29405_test: Fail # Issue 29422 |
| type_variable_bounds_test/02: Fail # Issue 12702 |
| type_variable_bounds2_test/01: Fail # Issue 12702 |
| type_variable_bounds2_test/04: Fail # Issue 12702 |
| type_variable_bounds2_test/06: Pass # Issue 12702 (pass for the wrong reasons). |
| type_variable_bounds3_test/00: Fail # Issue 12702 |
| closure_type_test: Fail # Issue 12745 |
| malbounded_redirecting_factory_test/02: Fail # Issue 12825 |
| malbounded_redirecting_factory_test/03: Fail # Issue 12825 |
| malbounded_redirecting_factory2_test/02: Fail # Issue 12825 |
| malbounded_redirecting_factory2_test/03: Fail # Issue 12825 |
| malbounded_instantiation_test/01: Fail # Issue 12702 |
| malbounded_type_cast_test: Fail # Issue 14121 |
| malbounded_type_cast2_test: Fail # Issue 14121 |
| malbounded_type_test_test/03: Fail # Issue 14121 |
| malbounded_type_test_test/04: Fail # Issue 14121 |
| malbounded_type_test2_test: Fail # Issue 14121 |
| default_factory2_test/01: Fail # Issue 14121 |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $unchecked ] |
| type_checks_in_factory_method_test: RuntimeError # Issue 12746 |
| assertion_test: RuntimeError # Issue 12748 |
| generic_test: RuntimeError, OK |
| map_literal4_test: RuntimeError, OK # Checked mode required. |
| named_parameters_type_test/01: MissingRuntimeError, OK |
| named_parameters_type_test/02: MissingRuntimeError, OK |
| named_parameters_type_test/03: MissingRuntimeError, OK |
| positional_parameters_type_test/01: MissingRuntimeError, OK |
| positional_parameters_type_test/02: MissingRuntimeError, OK |
| issue13474_test: RuntimeError, OK |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $unchecked && $minified ] |
| f_bounded_quantification5_test: Fail, OK # Issue 12605 |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $minified ] |
| cyclic_type_test/0*: Fail # Issue 12605 |
| cyclic_type2_test: Fail # Issue 12605 |
| f_bounded_quantification4_test: Fail, Pass # Issue 12605 |
| generic_closure_test: Fail # Issue 12605 |
| mixin_generic_test: Fail # Issue 12605 |
| mixin_mixin2_test: Fail # Issue 12605 |
| mixin_mixin3_test: Fail # Issue 12605 |
| mixin_mixin4_test: Fail # Issue 12605 |
| mixin_mixin5_test: Fail # Issue 12605 |
| mixin_mixin6_test: Fail # Issue 12605 |
| mixin_mixin_bound_test: RuntimeError # Issue 12605 |
| mixin_mixin_bound2_test: RuntimeError # Issue 12605 |
| symbol_conflict_test: RuntimeError # Issue 23857 |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js ] |
| malformed_test/none: Fail # Expect failure in lib/_internal/js_runtime/lib/preambles/d8.js |
| |
| branch_canonicalization_test: RuntimeError # Issue 638. |
| identical_closure2_test: RuntimeError # Issue 1533, Issue 12596 |
| integer_division_by_zero_test: RuntimeError # Issue 8301 |
| number_identity2_test: RuntimeError # Issue 12596 |
| double_int_to_string_test: RuntimeError # Issue 1533 |
| mint_arithmetic_test: RuntimeError # Issue 1533 |
| left_shift_test: RuntimeError # Issue 1533 |
| regress_24283_test: RuntimeError # Issue 1533 |
| constructor_named_arguments_test/01: CompileTimeError # Issue 25225 |
| not_enough_positional_arguments_test/01: CompileTimeError # Issue 12838 |
| not_enough_positional_arguments_test/02: CompileTimeError # Issue 12838 |
| not_enough_positional_arguments_test/05: CompileTimeError # Issue 12838 |
| metadata_test: CompileTimeError # Issue 5841 |
| infinity_test: RuntimeError # Issue 4984 |
| mixin_mixin2_test: RuntimeError # Issue 13109. |
| mixin_mixin3_test: RuntimeError # Issue 13109. |
| modulo_test: RuntimeError # Issue 15246 |
| truncdiv_test: RuntimeError # Issue 15246 |
| invocation_mirror2_test: RuntimeError # Issue 6490 (wrong retval). |
| const_switch_test/02: RuntimeError # Issue 17960 |
| const_switch_test/04: RuntimeError # Issue 17960 |
| |
| const_dynamic_type_literal_test/02: CompileTimeError # Issue 23009 |
| const_dynamic_type_literal_test/03: CompileTimeError # Issue 23009 |
| |
| # Compilation errors. |
| external_test/10: CompileTimeError # Issue 12887 |
| external_test/13: CompileTimeError # Issue 12887 |
| external_test/20: CompileTimeError # Issue 12887 |
| list_literal4_test: RuntimeError # Issue 12890 |
| built_in_identifier_test/01: CompileTimeError # Issue 13022 |
| |
| scope_variable_test/01: MissingCompileTimeError # Issue 13016 |
| |
| numbers_test: RuntimeError, OK # Issue 1533 |
| canonical_const2_test: RuntimeError, OK # Issue 1533 |
| bit_operations_test: RuntimeError, OK # Issue 1533 |
| expect_test: RuntimeError, OK # Issue 13080 |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == none ] |
| *: Fail, Pass # TODO(ahe): Triage these tests. |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && ($runtime == safari || $runtime == safarimobilesim)] |
| round_test: Fail, OK # Common JavaScript engine Math.round bug. |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == ff ] |
| round_test: Pass, Fail, OK # Fixed in ff 35. Common JavaScript engine Math.round bug. |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == chrome && $system == macos ] |
| await_future_test: Pass, Timeout # Issue 26735 |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && ($runtime == chrome || $runtime == ff) && $system == windows ] |
| string_literals_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27533 |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == safarimobilesim ] |
| # Safari codegen bug, fixed on some versions of Safari 7.1 (Version 7.1 (9537. |
| call_through_getter_test: Fail, OK |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == chromeOnAndroid ] |
| override_field_test/02: Pass, Slow # TODO(kasperl): Please triage. |
| |
| [ $minified ] |
| stack_trace_test: Fail, OK # Stack trace not preserved in minified code. |
| regress_21795_test: RuntimeError # Issue 12605 |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js ] |
| accessor_conflict_export2_test: Crash # Issue 25626 |
| accessor_conflict_export_test: Crash # Issue 25626 |
| generic_field_mixin4_test: Crash # Issue 18651 |
| generic_field_mixin5_test: Crash # Issue 18651 |
| method_override5_test: RuntimeError # Issue 12809 |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime != drt && $runtime != dartium ] |
| issue23244_test: RuntimeError # 23244 |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $host_checked ] |
| regress_26855_test/1: Crash # Issue 26867 |
| regress_26855_test/2: Crash # Issue 26867 |
| regress_26855_test/3: Crash # Issue 26867 |
| regress_26855_test/4: Crash # Issue 26867 |
| |
| [ $compiler != dart2analyzer] |
| switch_case_warn_test: SKIP # Analyzer only, see language_analyzer2.status |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $dart2js_with_kernel ] |
| abstract_beats_arguments_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| abstract_runtime_error_test/01: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| abstract_runtime_error_test/02: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| arithmetic_canonicalization_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| assign_top_method_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| async_await_syntax_test/a04b: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| async_await_syntax_test/a06a: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| async_await_syntax_test/a07b: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| async_await_syntax_test/a08b: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| async_await_syntax_test/b06a: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| async_await_syntax_test/c06a: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| async_await_syntax_test/d06a: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| async_await_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| async_star_pause_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| async_star_regression_fisk_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| async_star_stream_take_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| async_star_take_reyield_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| async_star_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| await_for_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| await_for_use_local_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| bootstrap_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| bound_closure_equality_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| built_in_identifier_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| call_nonexistent_static_test/10: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| canonical_const3_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| canonical_const_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| closure_in_constructor_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| closures_initializer_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| compile_time_constant9_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| conditional_property_assignment_test/07: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| conditional_property_increment_decrement_test/01: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| conditional_property_increment_decrement_test/05: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| conditional_property_increment_decrement_test/09: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| conditional_property_increment_decrement_test/13: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| const_escape_frog_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| const_evaluation_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| const_locals_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| const_map2_test/none: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| const_map3_test/none: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| const_nested_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| const_qq_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| constructor10_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| constructor10_test/02: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| constructor_named_arguments_test/none: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| constructor_redirect2_test/02: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| constructor_redirect2_test/04: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| covariant_test/10: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| covariant_test/11: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| covariant_test/20b: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| covariant_test/21: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| covariant_test/21b: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| covariant_test/24: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| covariant_test/27: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| covariant_test/27b: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| covariant_test/30: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| covariant_test/30b: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| covariant_test/31: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| covariant_test/31b: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| ct_const_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| cyclic_default_values_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| deferred_constraints_constants_test/constructor1: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| deferred_constraints_constants_test/constructor2: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| deferred_constraints_constants_test/default_argument1: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| deferred_constraints_constants_test/default_argument2: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| deferred_constraints_constants_test/metadata1: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| deferred_constraints_constants_test/metadata2: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| deferred_constraints_constants_test/metadata3: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| deferred_constraints_constants_test/none: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| deferred_constraints_constants_test/reference1: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| deferred_constraints_constants_test/reference2: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| deferred_constraints_constants_test/reference_after_load: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| deferred_constraints_type_annotation_test/as_operation: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| deferred_inheritance_constraints_test/mixin: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| deferred_load_constants_test/none: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| deferred_static_seperate_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| deferred_super_dependency_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| enum_mirror_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| equality_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| export_ambiguous_main_negative_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| f_bounded_quantification5_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| final_for_in_variable_test/01: MissingRuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| final_param_test/01: MissingRuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| final_variable_assignment_test/01: MissingRuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| first_class_types_constants_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| first_class_types_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| function_subtype3_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| function_subtype_typearg0_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| generic2_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| generic_field_mixin2_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| generic_field_mixin3_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| generic_field_mixin6_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| generic_field_mixin_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| generic_instanceof5_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| generic_instanceof_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| generic_local_functions_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| generic_metadata_test/02: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| generic_metadata_test/03: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| generic_methods_generic_function_parameter_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| generic_methods_type_expression_test/01: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| generic_methods_type_expression_test/03: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| generic_methods_type_expression_test/none: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| generic_native_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| get_set_syntax_test/00: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| if_null_assignment_behavior_test/06: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| if_null_assignment_static_test/01: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| if_null_assignment_static_test/03: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| if_null_assignment_static_test/04: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| if_null_assignment_static_test/05: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| illegal_initializer_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| illegal_initializer_test/02: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| illegal_initializer_test/03: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| illegal_initializer_test/04: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| inference_mixin_field_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| initializing_formal_final_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| inline_super_field_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| instance_creation_in_function_annotation_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| instanceof2_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| invocation_mirror_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| is_malformed_type_test/94: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| is_malformed_type_test/96: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| is_malformed_type_test/98: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| issue21079_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| issue9602_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| issue_25671a_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| issue_25671b_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| library_env_test/has_html_support: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| library_env_test/has_io_support: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| library_env_test/has_mirror_support: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| library_env_test/none: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| list_is_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| list_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| main_not_a_function_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| malformed_inheritance_test/02: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| malformed_inheritance_test/03: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| malformed_inheritance_test/04: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| malformed_inheritance_test/09: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| malformed_inheritance_test/10: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| malformed_test/06: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| malformed_test/none: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| many_generic_instanceof_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| many_method_calls_test: Pass # Issue 27394 |
| map_literal6_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| metadata_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_black_listed_test/08: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_cyclic_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_extends_field_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_field_initializer_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_field_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_forwarding_constructor1_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_forwarding_constructor2_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_forwarding_constructor3_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_getter_regression_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_illegal_cycles_test/02: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_illegal_cycles_test/03: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_illegal_cycles_test/04: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_illegal_cycles_test/06: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_illegal_super_use_test/02: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_illegal_super_use_test/03: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_illegal_super_use_test/05: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_illegal_super_use_test/06: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_illegal_super_use_test/08: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_illegal_super_use_test/09: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_invalid_inheritance1_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_invalid_inheritance1_test/02: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_invalid_inheritance1_test/03: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_invalid_inheritance2_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_invalid_inheritance2_test/02: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_invalid_inheritance2_test/03: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_lib_extends_field_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_only_for_rti_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_proto_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_regress_11398_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_super_constructor2_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_super_constructor_default_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_super_constructor_named_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_super_constructor_named_test/none: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_super_constructor_positionals_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_super_constructor_positionals_test/none: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_super_constructor_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_type_parameter5_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_type_variable_test/02: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_type_variable_test/03: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_type_variable_test/04: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_type_variable_test/05: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_type_variable_test/06: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_type_variable_test/07: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_type_variable_test/08: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_typedef_constructor_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| named_parameters_aggregated_test/05: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| named_parameters_default_eq_test/none: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| named_parameters_passing_falsy_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| named_parameters_passing_null_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| named_parameters_passing_zero_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| named_parameters_test/01: MissingRuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| null_is_bottom_test/14: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| null_is_bottom_test/16: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| null_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| null_test/02: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| null_test/03: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| null_test/none: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| nullaware_opt_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| operator_equals_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| optional_named_parameters_test/none: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| private_mixin2_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| redirecting_constructor_initializer_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| redirecting_factory_reflection_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| regress_18535_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| regress_18713_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| regress_22666_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| regress_23408_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| regress_23996_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| regress_25246_1_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| regress_28255_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| runtime_type_function_test: Pass, RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| static_call_wrong_argument_count_negative_test: Fail # Issue 27394 |
| static_setter_get_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| static_top_level_test/00: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| static_top_level_test/04: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| super_call4_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| super_conditional_operator_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| super_getter_setter_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| super_no_such_method1_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| super_no_such_method2_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| super_no_such_method3_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| super_no_such_method4_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| super_no_such_method5_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| super_operator_index5_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| super_operator_index6_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| super_operator_index7_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| super_operator_index8_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| super_operator_index_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| super_operator_index_test/02: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| super_operator_index_test/03: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| super_operator_index_test/04: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| super_operator_index_test/05: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| super_operator_index_test/06: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| super_operator_index_test/07: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| super_operator_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| super_setter_interceptor_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| this_conditional_operator_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| try_catch_syntax_test/13: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| try_catch_syntax_test/14: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| try_catch_syntax_test/15: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| type_argument_substitution_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| type_parameter_test/01: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| type_parameter_test/02: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| type_parameter_test/03: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| type_parameter_test/04: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| type_parameter_test/05: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| type_parameter_test/06: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| type_parameter_test/none: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| type_variable_field_initializer_closure_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| type_variable_field_initializer_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| type_variable_nested_test: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $runtime == d8 && $dart2js_with_kernel ] |
| abstract_beats_arguments2_test/01: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| accessor_conflict_import2_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| accessor_conflict_import_prefixed2_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| accessor_conflict_import_prefixed_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| accessor_conflict_import_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| application_negative_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/10: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/11: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/12: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/13: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/15: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/16: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/17: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/18: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/19: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/1: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/20: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/21: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/22: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/2: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/3: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/49: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/4: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/50: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/51: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/52: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/54: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/55: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/56: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/57: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/58: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/59: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/60: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/61: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/63: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/64: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/65: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/66: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/67: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/68: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/69: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/6: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/70: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/7: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/8: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| arg_param_trailing_comma_test/9: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| argument_definition_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| async_await_syntax_test/a01d: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| async_await_syntax_test/a11a: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| bad_constructor_test/06: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| bad_named_constructor_negative_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| call_nonexistent_constructor_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| call_nonexistent_constructor_test/02: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| call_type_literal_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| class_literal_test/17: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| class_literal_test/18: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| class_literal_test/19: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| class_literal_test/20: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| class_literal_test/21: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| class_literal_test/22: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| class_literal_test/25: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| conditional_method_invocation_test/12: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| conditional_method_invocation_test/13: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| conditional_property_access_test/10: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| conditional_property_access_test/11: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| config_import_corelib_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| const_getter_test/02: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| constructor_name_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| constructor_name_test/02: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| constructor_name_test/03: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| covariant_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| covariant_test/04: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| covariant_test/07: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| covariant_test/13: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| covariant_test/15: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| covariant_test/17: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| covariant_test/33: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| covariant_test/35: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| covariant_test/37: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| covariant_test/59: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| crash_6725_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| duplicate_interface_negative_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| dynamic_prefix_core_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| enum_private_test/02: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| enum_syntax_test/10: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| final_super_field_set_test/01: RuntimeError # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type14_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type15_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type20_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type21_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type22_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type23_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type24_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type25_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type26_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type27_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type28_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type29_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type30_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type31_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type32_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type33_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type34_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type35_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type36_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type37_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type38_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type39_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type40_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type41_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type42_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type43_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type44_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type45_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type46_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type47_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type48_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type49_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type50_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type51_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type52_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type53_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type54_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type55_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type62_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type63_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type6_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type7_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type98_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| function_type/function_type99_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| generic_function_typedef_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| getter_no_setter2_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| getter_no_setter2_test/03: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| getter_setter_in_lib_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| import_combinators_negative_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| import_self_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| interface_static_non_final_fields_negative_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| internal_library_test/02: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| is_not_class1_negative_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| is_not_class4_negative_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| issue11724_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| issue15606_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| label8_negative_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| library_ambiguous_test/00: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| library_ambiguous_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| library_ambiguous_test/02: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| library_ambiguous_test/03: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| list_literal_negative_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| map_literal_negative_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_illegal_constructor_test/14: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_illegal_constructor_test/16: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_illegal_static_access_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_with_two_implicit_constructors_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| named_parameters_aggregated_test/02: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| new_expression1_negative_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| new_expression2_negative_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| new_expression3_negative_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| prefix12_negative_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| prefix1_negative_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| prefix2_negative_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| prefix3_negative_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| prefix5_negative_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| private_access_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| private_access_test/02: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| private_access_test/05: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| private_access_test/06: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| regress_13494_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| regress_17382_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| regress_19413_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| regress_27572_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| setter_no_getter_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| static_field3_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| static_field3_test/02: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| static_field3_test/03: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| static_field3_test/04: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| static_getter_no_setter1_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| string_interpolate1_negative_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| string_interpolate2_negative_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| string_interpolation2_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| string_interpolation3_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| string_interpolation4_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| string_interpolation5_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| string_interpolation6_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| sync_generator2_test/07: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| sync_generator2_test/08: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| sync_generator2_test/10: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| test_negative_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| top_level_getter_no_setter1_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| transitive_private_library_access_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| try_catch_on_syntax_test/02: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| try_catch_on_syntax_test/03: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| try_catch_on_syntax_test/04: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| try_catch_on_syntax_test/05: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| try_catch_on_syntax_test/06: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| try_catch_syntax_test/02: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| try_catch_syntax_test/03: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| try_catch_syntax_test/04: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| try_catch_syntax_test/06: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| type_variable_conflict2_test/03: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| type_variable_conflict2_test/04: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| unresolved_default_constructor_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| unresolved_in_factory_negative_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| unresolved_top_level_method_negative_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| unresolved_top_level_var_negative_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| |
| [ $compiler == dart2js && $dart2js_with_kernel && $host_checked ] |
| class_cycle2_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| class_cycle_test/00: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| class_cycle_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| conditional_method_invocation_test/02: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| conditional_method_invocation_test/04: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| conditional_method_invocation_test/06: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| const_types_test/23: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| const_types_test/24: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| const_types_test/25: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| const_types_test/26: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| const_types_test/27: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| const_types_test/28: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| const_types_test/29: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| const_types_test/30: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| const_types_test/41: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| cyclic_class_member_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| deferred_global_test: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| factory6_test/00: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| factory_redirection_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| factory_redirection_test/02: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| factory_redirection_test/03: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_cyclic_test/02: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_illegal_cycles_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| mixin_illegal_cycles_test/05: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| named_parameters_test/01: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| named_parameters_test/03: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| named_parameters_test/05: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| named_parameters_test/07: Crash # Issue 27394 |
| named_parameters_test/09: Crash # Issue 27394 |