blob: fafbb213217708318369616379c90555668f2de2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Check that compile-time evaluation of constants is consistent with runtime
// evaluation.
import 'dart:mirrors';
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
const top_const = identical(-0.0, 0);
final top_final = identical(-0.0, 0);
var top_var = identical(-0.0, 0);
class C {
static const static_const = identical(-0.0, 0);
static final static_final = identical(-0.0, 0);
static var static_var = identical(-0.0, 0);
final instance_final = identical(-0.0, 0);
var instance_var = identical(-0.0, 0);
void test() {
const local_const = identical(-0.0, 0);
final local_final = identical(-0.0, 0);
var local_var = identical(-0.0, 0);
Expect.equals(identical(-0.0, 0), top_const);
Expect.equals(top_const, top_final);
Expect.equals(top_final, top_var);
Expect.equals(top_var, static_const);
Expect.equals(static_const, static_final);
Expect.equals(static_final, static_var);
Expect.equals(static_var, instance_final);
Expect.equals(instance_final, instance_var);
Expect.equals(instance_var, local_const);
Expect.equals(local_const, local_final);
Expect.equals(local_final, local_var);
var metadata = reflectClass(C).metadata[0].reflectee; //# 01: ok
Expect.equals(top_const, metadata); // //# 01: continued
Expect.equals(local_var, metadata); // //# 01: continued
void main() {
new C().test();