blob: abc3707320a4c3d3bba084eae3d47adb6193067b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Dart test program for constructors and initializers.
import "package:expect/expect.dart";
// Test 'expression as Type' casts.
class C {
final int foo = 42;
class D extends C {
final int bar = 37;
Object createC() => new C();
Object createD() => new D();
Object getNull() => null;
Object createList() => <int>[2];
Object createInt() => 87;
Object createString() => "a string";
main() {
Object oc = createC();
Object od = createD();
Object on = getNull();
Object ol = createList();
Object oi = createInt();
Object os = createString();
Expect.equals(42, (oc as C).foo);
Expect.equals(42, (od as C).foo);
Expect.equals(42, (od as D).foo);
Expect.equals(37, (od as D).bar);
Expect.equals(37, ((od as C) as D).bar);
(oc as D).foo; // //# 01: runtime error
(on as D).toString();
(on as D).foo; // //# 02: runtime error
(on as C).foo; // //# 03: runtime error; // //# 04: static type warning; // //# 05: static type warning
(on as Object).toString();
(oc as Object).toString();
(od as Object).toString();
(on as dynamic).toString();
(on as dynamic).foo; // //# 07: runtime error
(oc as dynamic).foo;
(od as dynamic).foo;
(oc as dynamic).bar; // //# 08: runtime error
(od as dynamic).bar;
C c = oc as C;
c = od as C;
c = oc;
D d = od as D;
d = oc as D; // //# 10: runtime error
d = od;
(ol as List)[0];
(ol as List<int>)[0];
(ol as dynamic)[0];
(ol as String).length; // //# 12: runtime error
int x = (ol as List<int>)[0];
(ol as List<int>)[0] = (oi as int);
(os as String).length;
(os as dynamic).length;
(oi as String).length; // //# 13: runtime error
(os as List).length; // //# 14: runtime error
(oi as int) + 2;
(oi as List).length; // //# 15: runtime error