blob: a575375b86a94bedd66b266af2f57b6ed3d8155c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Dart test checking that static/instance field shadowing do not conflict.
// Test that certain interfaces/classes are blacklisted from being
// implemented or extended.
// bool.
class MyBool implements bool {} // //# 01: compile-time error
abstract class MyBoolInterface implements bool default F { // //# 02: compile-time error
MyBoolInterface(); // //# 02: continued
} // //# 02: continued
// num.
class MyNum implements num {} // //# 03: compile-time error
abstract class MyNumInterface implements num default F { // //# 04: compile-time error
MyNumInterface(); // //# 04: continued
} // //# 04: continued
// int.
class MyInt implements int {} // //# 05: compile-time error
abstract class MyIntInterface implements int default F { // //# 06: compile-time error
MyIntInterface(); // //# 06: continued
} // //# 06: continued
// double.
class MyDouble implements double {} // //# 07: compile-time error
abstract class MyDoubleInterface implements double default F { // //# 08: compile-time error
MyDoubleInterface(); // //# 08: continued
} // //# 08: continued
// String.
class MyString implements String {} // //# 09: compile-time error
abstract class MyStringInterface implements String default F { // //# 10: compile-time error
MyStringInterface(); // //# 10: continued
} // //# 10: continued
// Function.
class MyFunction implements Function {}
class MyOtherFunction extends Function {}
abstract class MyFunctionInterface implements Function default F { // //# 12: compile-time error
MyFunctionInterface(); // //# 12: continued
} // //# 12: continued
// dynamic.
class MyDynamic implements dynamic {} // //# 13: compile-time error
abstract class MyDynamicInterface implements dynamic default F { // //# 14: compile-time error
MyDynamicInterface(); // //# 14: continued
} // //# 14: continued
class F {
factory MyBoolInterface() { return null; } // //# 02: continued
factory MyNumInterface() { return null; } // //# 04: continued
factory MyIntInterface() { return null; } // //# 06: continued
factory MyDoubleInterface() { return null; } // //# 08: continued
factory MyStringInterface() { return null; } // //# 10: continued
factory MyFunctionInterface() { return null; } // //# 12: continued
factory MyDynamicInterface() { return null; } // //# 14: continued
main() {
new MyBool(); // //# 01: continued
new MyBoolInterface(); // //# 02: continued
new MyNum(); // //# 03: continued
new MyNumInterface(); // //# 04: continued
new MyInt(); // //# 05: continued
new MyIntInterface(); // //# 06: continued
new MyDouble(); // //# 07: continued
new MyDoubleInterface(); // //# 08: continued
new MyString(); // //# 09: continued
new MyStringInterface(); // //# 10: continued
new MyFunction();
new MyOtherFunction();
new MyFunctionInterface(); //# 12: continued
new MyDynamic(); // //# 13: continued
new MyDynamicInterface(); // //# 14: continued