blob: b8440679ae727031e13430111092c7e673867c15 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/unit_test.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "bin/builtin.h"
#include "bin/dartutils.h"
#include "bin/isolate_data.h"
#include "platform/globals.h"
#include "vm/assembler.h"
#include "vm/ast_printer.h"
#include "vm/compiler.h"
#include "vm/dart_api_impl.h"
#include "vm/disassembler.h"
#include "vm/isolate_reload.h"
#include "vm/parser.h"
#include "vm/symbols.h"
#include "vm/thread.h"
#include "vm/virtual_memory.h"
using dart::bin::Builtin;
using dart::bin::DartUtils;
namespace dart {
TestCaseBase* TestCaseBase::first_ = NULL;
TestCaseBase* TestCaseBase::tail_ = NULL;
TestCaseBase::TestCaseBase(const char* name)
: raw_test_(false), next_(NULL), name_(name) {
if (first_ == NULL) {
first_ = this;
} else {
tail_->next_ = this;
tail_ = this;
void TestCaseBase::RunAllRaw() {
TestCaseBase* test = first_;
while (test != NULL) {
if (test->raw_test_) {
test = test->next_;
void TestCaseBase::RunAll() {
TestCaseBase* test = first_;
while (test != NULL) {
if (!test->raw_test_) {
test = test->next_;
Dart_Isolate TestCase::CreateIsolate(const uint8_t* buffer, const char* name) {
char* err;
Dart_Isolate isolate =
Dart_CreateIsolate(name, NULL, buffer, NULL, NULL, NULL, &err);
if (isolate == NULL) {
OS::Print("Creation of isolate failed '%s'\n", err);
EXPECT(isolate != NULL);
return isolate;
static const char* kPackageScheme = "package:";
static bool IsPackageSchemeURL(const char* url_name) {
static const intptr_t kPackageSchemeLen = strlen(kPackageScheme);
return (strncmp(url_name, kPackageScheme, kPackageSchemeLen) == 0);
struct TestLibEntry {
const char* url;
const char* source;
static MallocGrowableArray<TestLibEntry>* test_libs_ = NULL;
void TestCase::AddTestLib(const char* url, const char* source) {
if (test_libs_ == NULL) {
test_libs_ = new MallocGrowableArray<TestLibEntry>();
// If the test lib is already added, replace the source.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < test_libs_->length(); i++) {
if (strcmp(url, (*test_libs_)[i].url) == 0) {
(*test_libs_)[i].source = source;
TestLibEntry entry;
entry.url = url;
entry.source = source;
const char* TestCase::GetTestLib(const char* url) {
if (test_libs_ == NULL) {
return NULL;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < test_libs_->length(); i++) {
if (strcmp(url, (*test_libs_)[i].url) == 0) {
return (*test_libs_)[i].source;
return NULL;
#ifndef PRODUCT
static bool IsIsolateReloadTestLib(const char* url_name) {
const char* kIsolateReloadTestLibUri = "test:isolate_reload_helper";
static const intptr_t kIsolateReloadTestLibUriLen =
return (strncmp(url_name, kIsolateReloadTestLibUri,
kIsolateReloadTestLibUriLen) == 0);
static Dart_Handle IsolateReloadTestLibSource() {
// Special library with one function.
return DartUtils::NewString("void reloadTest() native 'Reload_Test';\n");
static void ReloadTest(Dart_NativeArguments native_args) {
static Dart_NativeFunction IsolateReloadTestNativeResolver(
Dart_Handle name,
int num_of_arguments,
bool* auto_setup_scope) {
return ReloadTest;
#endif // !PRODUCT
static Dart_Handle ResolvePackageUri(const char* uri_chars) {
const int kNumArgs = 1;
Dart_Handle dart_args[kNumArgs];
dart_args[0] = DartUtils::NewString(uri_chars);
return Dart_Invoke(DartUtils::BuiltinLib(),
DartUtils::NewString("_filePathFromUri"), kNumArgs,
static ThreadLocalKey script_reload_key = kUnsetThreadLocalKey;
static Dart_Handle LibraryTagHandler(Dart_LibraryTag tag,
Dart_Handle library,
Dart_Handle url) {
if (tag == Dart_kCanonicalizeUrl) {
Dart_Handle library_url = Dart_LibraryUrl(library);
if (Dart_IsError(library_url)) {
return library_url;
return Dart_DefaultCanonicalizeUrl(library_url, url);
if (tag == Dart_kScriptTag) {
// Reload request.
ASSERT(script_reload_key != kUnsetThreadLocalKey);
const char* script_source = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(
ASSERT(script_source != NULL);
OSThread::SetThreadLocal(script_reload_key, 0);
return Dart_LoadScript(url, Dart_Null(), NewString(script_source), 0, 0);
if (!Dart_IsLibrary(library)) {
return Dart_NewApiError("not a library");
if (!Dart_IsString(url)) {
return Dart_NewApiError("url is not a string");
const char* url_chars = NULL;
Dart_Handle result = Dart_StringToCString(url, &url_chars);
if (Dart_IsError(result)) {
return Dart_NewApiError("accessing url characters failed");
Dart_Handle library_url = Dart_LibraryUrl(library);
const char* library_url_string = NULL;
result = Dart_StringToCString(library_url, &library_url_string);
if (Dart_IsError(result)) {
return result;
bool is_dart_scheme_url = DartUtils::IsDartSchemeURL(url_chars);
bool is_io_library = DartUtils::IsDartIOLibURL(library_url_string);
if (is_dart_scheme_url) {
ASSERT(tag == Dart_kImportTag);
// Handle imports of other built-in libraries present in the SDK.
if (DartUtils::IsDartIOLibURL(url_chars)) {
return Builtin::LoadAndCheckLibrary(Builtin::kIOLibrary);
} else if (DartUtils::IsDartBuiltinLibURL(url_chars)) {
return Builtin::LoadAndCheckLibrary(Builtin::kBuiltinLibrary);
} else {
return DartUtils::NewError("Do not know how to load '%s'", url_chars);
const char* lib_source = TestCase::GetTestLib(url_chars);
if (lib_source != NULL) {
Dart_Handle source = Dart_NewStringFromCString(lib_source);
return Dart_LoadLibrary(url, Dart_Null(), source, 0, 0);
#if !defined(PRODUCT)
if (IsIsolateReloadTestLib(url_chars)) {
Dart_Handle library =
Dart_LoadLibrary(url, Dart_Null(), IsolateReloadTestLibSource(), 0, 0);
Dart_SetNativeResolver(library, IsolateReloadTestNativeResolver, 0);
return library;
if (is_io_library) {
ASSERT(tag == Dart_kSourceTag);
return Dart_LoadSource(library, url, Dart_Null(),
Builtin::PartSource(Builtin::kIOLibrary, url_chars),
0, 0);
Dart_Handle resolved_url = url;
const char* resolved_url_chars = url_chars;
if (IsPackageSchemeURL(url_chars)) {
resolved_url = ResolvePackageUri(url_chars);
if (Dart_IsError(Dart_StringToCString(resolved_url, &resolved_url_chars))) {
return Dart_NewApiError("unable to convert resolved uri to string");
// Do sync loading since unit_test doesn't support async.
Dart_Handle source = DartUtils::ReadStringFromFile(resolved_url_chars);
if (tag == Dart_kImportTag) {
return Dart_LoadLibrary(url, resolved_url, source, 0, 0);
} else {
ASSERT(tag == Dart_kSourceTag);
return Dart_LoadSource(library, url, resolved_url, source, 0, 0);
Dart_Handle TestCase::LoadTestScript(const char* script,
Dart_NativeEntryResolver resolver,
const char* lib_url,
bool finalize_classes) {
Dart_Handle url = NewString(lib_url);
Dart_Handle source = NewString(script);
Dart_Handle result = Dart_SetLibraryTagHandler(LibraryTagHandler);
Dart_Handle lib = Dart_LoadScript(url, Dart_Null(), source, 0, 0);
result = Dart_SetNativeResolver(lib, resolver, NULL);
if (finalize_classes) {
result = Dart_FinalizeLoading(false);
return lib;
#ifndef PRODUCT
void TestCase::SetReloadTestScript(const char* script) {
if (script_reload_key == kUnsetThreadLocalKey) {
script_reload_key = OSThread::CreateThreadLocal();
ASSERT(script_reload_key != kUnsetThreadLocalKey);
ASSERT(OSThread::GetThreadLocal(script_reload_key) == 0);
// Store the new script in TLS.
OSThread::SetThreadLocal(script_reload_key, reinterpret_cast<uword>(script));
Dart_Handle TestCase::TriggerReload() {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
JSONStream js;
bool success = false;
TransitionNativeToVM transition(Thread::Current());
success = isolate->ReloadSources(&js,
false, // force_reload
true); // dont_delete_reload_context
OS::PrintErr("RELOAD REPORT:\n%s\n", js.ToCString());
if (success) {
return Dart_FinalizeLoading(false);
} else {
return Dart_Null();
Dart_Handle TestCase::GetReloadErrorOrRootLibrary() {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
if (isolate->reload_context() != NULL &&
isolate->reload_context()->reload_aborted()) {
// Return a handle to the error.
return Api::NewHandle(Thread::Current(),
return Dart_RootLibrary();
Dart_Handle TestCase::ReloadTestScript(const char* script) {
Dart_Handle result = TriggerReload();
if (Dart_IsError(result)) {
return result;
result = GetReloadErrorOrRootLibrary();
Thread* thread = Thread::Current();
TransitionNativeToVM transition(thread);
Isolate* isolate = thread->isolate();
if (isolate->reload_context() != NULL) {
return result;
#endif // !PRODUCT
Dart_Handle TestCase::LoadCoreTestScript(const char* script,
Dart_NativeEntryResolver resolver) {
return LoadTestScript(script, resolver, CORELIB_TEST_URI);
Dart_Handle TestCase::lib() {
Dart_Handle url = NewString(TestCase::url());
Dart_Handle lib = Dart_LookupLibrary(url);
return lib;
Dart_Handle TestCase::library_handler(Dart_LibraryTag tag,
Dart_Handle library,
Dart_Handle url) {
if (tag == Dart_kCanonicalizeUrl) {
return url;
return Api::Success();
char* TestCase::BigintToHexValue(Dart_CObject* bigint) {
return bin::CObject::BigintToHexValue(bigint);
void AssemblerTest::Assemble() {
const String& function_name =
String::ZoneHandle(Symbols::New(Thread::Current(), name_));
// We make a dummy script so that exception objects can be composed for
// assembler instructions that do runtime calls, in particular on DBC.
const char* kDummyScript = "assembler_test_dummy_function() {}";
const Script& script = Script::Handle(
Script::New(function_name, String::Handle(String::New(kDummyScript)),
const Library& lib = Library::Handle(Library::CoreLibrary());
const Class& cls = Class::ZoneHandle(
Class::New(lib, function_name, script, TokenPosition::kMinSource));
Function& function = Function::ZoneHandle(
Function::New(function_name, RawFunction::kRegularFunction, true, false,
false, false, false, cls, TokenPosition::kMinSource));
code_ = Code::FinalizeCode(function, assembler_);
#ifndef PRODUCT
if (FLAG_disassemble) {
OS::Print("Code for test '%s' {\n", name_);
const Instructions& instructions =
uword start = instructions.PayloadStart();
Disassembler::Disassemble(start, start + assembler_->CodeSize());
#endif // !PRODUCT
CodeGenTest::CodeGenTest(const char* name)
: function_(Function::ZoneHandle()),
node_sequence_(new SequenceNode(TokenPosition::kMinSource,
new LocalScope(NULL, 0, 0))),
default_parameter_values_(new ZoneGrowableArray<const Instance*>()) {
ASSERT(name != NULL);
const String& function_name =
String::ZoneHandle(Symbols::New(Thread::Current(), name));
// Add function to a class and that class to the class dictionary so that
// frame walking can be used.
Library& lib = Library::Handle(Library::CoreLibrary());
const Class& cls = Class::ZoneHandle(Class::New(
lib, function_name, Script::Handle(), TokenPosition::kMinSource));
function_ =
Function::New(function_name, RawFunction::kRegularFunction, true, false,
false, false, false, cls, TokenPosition::kMinSource);
const Array& functions = Array::Handle(Array::New(1));
functions.SetAt(0, function_);
void CodeGenTest::Compile() {
if (function_.HasCode()) return;
ParsedFunction* parsed_function =
new ParsedFunction(Thread::Current(), function_);
const Error& error =
bool CompilerTest::TestCompileScript(const Library& library,
const Script& script) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::Current();
ASSERT(isolate != NULL);
const Error& error = Error::Handle(Compiler::Compile(library, script));
if (!error.IsNull()) {
OS::Print("Error compiling test script:\n%s\n", error.ToErrorCString());
return error.IsNull();
bool CompilerTest::TestCompileFunction(const Function& function) {
Thread* thread = Thread::Current();
ASSERT(thread != NULL);
const Error& error =
Error::Handle(Compiler::CompileFunction(thread, function));
return error.IsNull();
void ElideJSONSubstring(const char* prefix, const char* in, char* out) {
const char* pos = strstr(in, prefix);
while (pos != NULL) {
// Copy up to pos into the output buffer.
while (in < pos) {
*out++ = *in++;
// Skip to the close quote.
in += strcspn(in, "\"");
pos = strstr(in, prefix);
// Copy the remainder of in to out.
while (*in != '\0') {
*out++ = *in++;
*out = '\0';
} // namespace dart