blob: c7c6016693bd9489884608cbbb4e415f3cd322a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "include/dart_tools_api.h"
#include "vm/allocation.h"
#include "vm/bitfield.h"
#include "vm/os.h"
namespace dart {
class JSONArray;
class JSONObject;
class JSONStream;
class Object;
class ObjectPointerVisitor;
class Isolate;
class RawArray;
class Thread;
class TimelineEvent;
class TimelineEventBlock;
class TimelineEventRecorder;
class TimelineStream;
class Zone;
// (name, enabled by default for isolate).
V(API, false) \
V(Compiler, false) \
V(Dart, false) \
V(Debugger, false) \
V(Embedder, false) \
V(GC, false) \
V(Isolate, false) \
V(VM, false)
// A stream of timeline events. A stream has a name and can be enabled or
// disabled (globally and per isolate).
class TimelineStream {
void Init(const char* name, bool enabled);
const char* name() const { return name_; }
bool enabled() const { return enabled_ != 0; }
void set_enabled(bool enabled) { enabled_ = enabled ? 1 : 0; }
// Records an event. Will return |NULL| if not enabled. The returned
// |TimelineEvent| is in an undefined state and must be initialized.
// NOTE: It is not allowed to call StartEvent again without completing
// the first event.
TimelineEvent* StartEvent();
static intptr_t enabled_offset() {
return OFFSET_OF(TimelineStream, enabled_);
const char* name_;
// This field is accessed by generated code (intrinsic) and expects to see
// 0 or 1. If this becomes a BitField, the generated code must be updated.
uintptr_t enabled_;
class Timeline : public AllStatic {
// Initialize timeline system. Not thread safe.
static void InitOnce();
// Shutdown timeline system. Not thread safe.
static void Shutdown();
// Access the global recorder. Not thread safe.
static TimelineEventRecorder* recorder();
// Reclaim all |TimelineEventBlocks|s that are cached by threads.
static void ReclaimCachedBlocksFromThreads();
static void Clear();
// Print information about streams to JSON.
static void PrintFlagsToJSON(JSONStream* json);
#define TIMELINE_STREAM_ACCESSOR(name, not_used) \
static TimelineStream* Get##name##Stream() { return &stream_##name##_; }
#define TIMELINE_STREAM_FLAGS(name, not_used) \
static void SetStream##name##Enabled(bool enabled) { \
StreamStateChange(#name, stream_##name##_.enabled(), enabled); \
stream_##name##_.set_enabled(enabled); \
static void set_start_recording_cb(
Dart_EmbedderTimelineStartRecording start_recording_cb) {
start_recording_cb_ = start_recording_cb;
static Dart_EmbedderTimelineStartRecording get_start_recording_cb() {
return start_recording_cb_;
static void set_stop_recording_cb(
Dart_EmbedderTimelineStopRecording stop_recording_cb) {
stop_recording_cb_ = stop_recording_cb;
static Dart_EmbedderTimelineStopRecording get_stop_recording_cb() {
return stop_recording_cb_;
static void StreamStateChange(const char* stream_name, bool prev, bool curr);
static TimelineEventRecorder* recorder_;
static MallocGrowableArray<char*>* enabled_streams_;
static Dart_EmbedderTimelineStartRecording start_recording_cb_;
static Dart_EmbedderTimelineStopRecording stop_recording_cb_;
#define TIMELINE_STREAM_DECLARE(name, not_used) \
static bool stream_##name##_enabled_; \
static TimelineStream stream_##name##_;
friend class TimelineRecorderOverride;
friend class ReclaimBlocksIsolateVisitor;
struct TimelineEventArgument {
const char* name;
char* value;
// You should get a |TimelineEvent| from a |TimelineStream|.
class TimelineEvent {
// Keep in sync with StateBits below.
enum EventType {
void Reset();
bool IsValid() const {
return (event_type() > kNone) && (event_type() < kNumEventTypes);
// Marks the beginning of an asynchronous operation with |async_id|.
void AsyncBegin(const char* label,
int64_t async_id,
int64_t micros = OS::GetCurrentMonotonicMicros());
// Marks an instantaneous event associated with |async_id|.
void AsyncInstant(const char* label,
int64_t async_id,
int64_t micros = OS::GetCurrentMonotonicMicros());
// Marks the end of an asynchronous operation associated with |async_id|.
void AsyncEnd(const char* label,
int64_t async_id,
int64_t micros = OS::GetCurrentMonotonicMicros());
void DurationBegin(const char* label,
int64_t micros = OS::GetCurrentMonotonicMicros(),
int64_t thread_micros = OS::GetCurrentThreadCPUMicros());
void DurationEnd(int64_t micros = OS::GetCurrentMonotonicMicros(),
int64_t thread_micros = OS::GetCurrentThreadCPUMicros());
void Instant(const char* label,
int64_t micros = OS::GetCurrentMonotonicMicros());
void Duration(const char* label,
int64_t start_micros,
int64_t end_micros,
int64_t thread_start_micros = -1,
int64_t thread_end_micros = -1);
void Begin(const char* label,
int64_t micros = OS::GetCurrentMonotonicMicros(),
int64_t thread_micros = OS::GetCurrentThreadCPUMicros());
void End(const char* label,
int64_t micros = OS::GetCurrentMonotonicMicros(),
int64_t thread_micros = OS::GetCurrentThreadCPUMicros());
void Counter(const char* label,
int64_t micros = OS::GetCurrentMonotonicMicros());
void Metadata(const char* label,
int64_t micros = OS::GetCurrentMonotonicMicros());
// Completes this event with pre-serialized JSON. Copies |json|.
void CompleteWithPreSerializedJSON(const char* json);
// Set the number of arguments in the event.
void SetNumArguments(intptr_t length);
// |name| must be a compile time constant. Takes ownership of |argument|.
void SetArgument(intptr_t i, const char* name, char* argument);
// |name| must be a compile time constant. Copies |argument|.
void CopyArgument(intptr_t i, const char* name, const char* argument);
// |name| must be a compile time constant.
void FormatArgument(intptr_t i, const char* name, const char* fmt, ...)
void StealArguments(intptr_t arguments_length,
TimelineEventArgument* arguments);
// Mandatory to call when this event is completely filled out.
void Complete();
EventType event_type() const { return EventTypeField::decode(state_); }
bool IsFinishedDuration() const {
return (event_type() == kDuration) && (timestamp1_ > timestamp0_);
bool HasThreadCPUTime() const;
int64_t ThreadCPUTimeDuration() const;
int64_t ThreadCPUTimeOrigin() const;
int64_t TimeOrigin() const;
int64_t AsyncId() const;
int64_t TimeDuration() const;
int64_t TimeEnd() const {
return timestamp1_;
// The lowest time value stored in this event.
int64_t LowTime() const;
// The highest time value stored in this event.
int64_t HighTime() const;
void PrintJSON(JSONStream* stream) const;
ThreadId thread() const { return thread_; }
void set_thread(ThreadId tid) { thread_ = tid; }
Dart_Port isolate_id() const { return isolate_id_; }
const char* label() const { return label_; }
// Does this duration end before |micros| ?
bool DurationFinishedBefore(int64_t micros) const {
return TimeEnd() <= micros;
bool IsDuration() const { return (event_type() == kDuration); }
bool IsBegin() const { return (event_type() == kBegin); }
bool IsEnd() const { return (event_type() == kEnd); }
// Is this event a synchronous begin or end event?
bool IsBeginOrEnd() const { return IsBegin() || IsEnd(); }
// Does this duration fully contain |other| ?
bool DurationContains(TimelineEvent* other) const {
if (other->IsBegin()) {
if (other->TimeOrigin() < TimeOrigin()) {
return false;
if (other->TimeOrigin() > TimeEnd()) {
return false;
return true;
} else {
if (other->TimeOrigin() < TimeOrigin()) {
return false;
if (other->TimeEnd() < TimeOrigin()) {
return false;
if (other->TimeOrigin() > TimeEnd()) {
return false;
if (other->TimeEnd() > TimeEnd()) {
return false;
return true;
bool Within(int64_t time_origin_micros, int64_t time_extent_micros);
const char* GetSerializedJSON() const;
void set_owns_label(bool owns_label) {
state_ = OwnsLabelBit::update(owns_label, state_);
// Returns the number of bytes written into |buffer|.
intptr_t PrintSystrace(char* buffer, intptr_t buffer_size);
void FreeArguments();
void StreamInit(TimelineStream* stream);
void Init(EventType event_type, const char* label);
void set_event_type(EventType event_type) {
// We only reserve 4 bits to hold the event type.
COMPILE_ASSERT(kNumEventTypes < 16);
state_ = EventTypeField::update(event_type, state_);
void set_timestamp0(int64_t value) {
ASSERT(timestamp0_ == 0);
timestamp0_ = value;
void set_timestamp1(int64_t value) {
ASSERT(timestamp1_ == 0);
timestamp1_ = value;
void set_thread_timestamp0(int64_t value) {
ASSERT(thread_timestamp0_ == -1);
thread_timestamp0_ = value;
void set_thread_timestamp1(int64_t value) {
ASSERT(thread_timestamp1_ == -1);
thread_timestamp1_ = value;
bool pre_serialized_json() const { return PreSerializedJSON::decode(state_); }
void set_pre_serialized_json(bool pre_serialized_json) {
state_ = PreSerializedJSON::update(pre_serialized_json, state_);
bool owns_label() const { return OwnsLabelBit::decode(state_); }
enum StateBits {
kEventTypeBit = 0, // reserve 4 bits for type.
kPreSerializedJSON = 4,
kOwnsLabelBit = 5,
kNextBit = 6,
class EventTypeField : public BitField<uword, EventType, kEventTypeBit, 4> {};
class PreSerializedJSON
: public BitField<uword, bool, kPreSerializedJSON, 1> {};
class OwnsLabelBit : public BitField<uword, bool, kOwnsLabelBit, 1> {};
int64_t timestamp0_;
int64_t timestamp1_;
int64_t thread_timestamp0_;
int64_t thread_timestamp1_;
TimelineEventArgument* arguments_;
intptr_t arguments_length_;
uword state_;
const char* label_;
const char* category_;
ThreadId thread_;
Dart_Port isolate_id_;
friend class TimelineEventRecorder;
friend class TimelineEventEndlessRecorder;
friend class TimelineEventRingRecorder;
friend class TimelineEventStartupRecorder;
friend class TimelineEventSystraceRecorder;
friend class TimelineStream;
friend class TimelineTestHelper;
#ifndef PRODUCT
#define TIMELINE_FUNCTION_COMPILATION_DURATION(thread, name, function) \
TimelineDurationScope tds(thread, Timeline::GetCompilerStream(), name); \
if (tds.enabled()) { \
tds.SetNumArguments(1); \
tds.CopyArgument(0, "function", \
function.ToLibNamePrefixedQualifiedCString()); \
#define TIMELINE_FUNCTION_GC_DURATION(thread, name) \
TimelineDurationScope tds(thread, Timeline::GetGCStream(), name);
#define TIMELINE_FUNCTION_COMPILATION_DURATION(thread, name, function)
#endif // !PRODUCT
// See |TimelineDurationScope| and |TimelineBeginEndScope|.
class TimelineEventScope : public StackResource {
bool enabled() const { return enabled_; }
void SetNumArguments(intptr_t length);
void SetArgument(intptr_t i, const char* name, char* argument);
void CopyArgument(intptr_t i, const char* name, const char* argument);
void FormatArgument(intptr_t i, const char* name, const char* fmt, ...)
TimelineEventScope(TimelineStream* stream, const char* label);
TimelineEventScope(Thread* thread, TimelineStream* stream, const char* label);
bool ShouldEmitEvent() const { return enabled_; }
void set_enabled(bool enabled) { enabled_ = enabled; }
const char* label() const { return label_; }
TimelineStream* stream() const { return stream_; }
virtual ~TimelineEventScope();
void StealArguments(TimelineEvent* event);
void Init();
void FreeArguments();
TimelineStream* stream_;
const char* label_;
TimelineEventArgument* arguments_;
intptr_t arguments_length_;
bool enabled_;
class TimelineDurationScope : public TimelineEventScope {
TimelineDurationScope(TimelineStream* stream, const char* label);
TimelineDurationScope(Thread* thread,
TimelineStream* stream,
const char* label);
virtual ~TimelineDurationScope();
int64_t timestamp_;
int64_t thread_timestamp_;
class TimelineBeginEndScope : public TimelineEventScope {
TimelineBeginEndScope(TimelineStream* stream, const char* label);
TimelineBeginEndScope(Thread* thread,
TimelineStream* stream,
const char* label);
virtual ~TimelineBeginEndScope();
void EmitBegin();
void EmitEnd();
// A block of |TimelineEvent|s. Not thread safe.
class TimelineEventBlock {
static const intptr_t kBlockSize = 64;
explicit TimelineEventBlock(intptr_t index);
TimelineEventBlock* next() const { return next_; }
void set_next(TimelineEventBlock* next) { next_ = next; }
intptr_t length() const { return length_; }
intptr_t block_index() const { return block_index_; }
bool IsEmpty() const { return length_ == 0; }
bool IsFull() const { return length_ == kBlockSize; }
TimelineEvent* At(intptr_t index) {
ASSERT(index >= 0);
ASSERT(index < kBlockSize);
return &events_[index];
const TimelineEvent* At(intptr_t index) const {
ASSERT(index >= 0);
ASSERT(index < kBlockSize);
return &events_[index];
// Attempt to sniff the timestamp from the first event.
int64_t LowerTimeBound() const;
// Returns false if |this| violates any of the following invariants:
// - events in the block come from one thread.
// - events have monotonically increasing timestamps.
bool CheckBlock();
// Call Reset on all events and set length to 0.
void Reset();
// Only safe to access under the recorder's lock.
bool in_use() const { return in_use_; }
// Only safe to access under the recorder's lock.
ThreadId thread_id() const { return thread_id_; }
void PrintJSON(JSONStream* stream) const;
TimelineEvent* StartEvent();
TimelineEvent events_[kBlockSize];
TimelineEventBlock* next_;
intptr_t length_;
intptr_t block_index_;
// Only accessed under the recorder's lock.
ThreadId thread_id_;
bool in_use_;
void Open();
void Finish();
friend class Thread;
friend class TimelineEventRecorder;
friend class TimelineEventEndlessRecorder;
friend class TimelineEventRingRecorder;
friend class TimelineEventStartupRecorder;
friend class TimelineEventSystraceRecorder;
friend class TimelineTestHelper;
friend class JSONStream;
class TimelineEventFilter : public ValueObject {
TimelineEventFilter(int64_t time_origin_micros = -1,
int64_t time_extent_micros = -1);
virtual ~TimelineEventFilter();
virtual bool IncludeBlock(TimelineEventBlock* block) {
if (block == NULL) {
return false;
// Not empty and not in use.
return !block->IsEmpty() && !block->in_use();
virtual bool IncludeEvent(TimelineEvent* event) {
if (event == NULL) {
return false;
return event->IsValid();
int64_t time_origin_micros() const { return time_origin_micros_; }
int64_t time_extent_micros() const { return time_extent_micros_; }
int64_t time_origin_micros_;
int64_t time_extent_micros_;
class IsolateTimelineEventFilter : public TimelineEventFilter {
explicit IsolateTimelineEventFilter(Dart_Port isolate_id,
int64_t time_origin_micros = -1,
int64_t time_extent_micros = -1);
bool IncludeBlock(TimelineEventBlock* block) {
if (block == NULL) {
return false;
// Not empty, not in use, and isolate match.
return !block->IsEmpty() && !block->in_use();
bool IncludeEvent(TimelineEvent* event) {
return event->IsValid() && (event->isolate_id() == isolate_id_);
Dart_Port isolate_id_;
// Recorder of |TimelineEvent|s.
class TimelineEventRecorder {
virtual ~TimelineEventRecorder() {}
TimelineEventBlock* GetNewBlock();
// Interface method(s) which must be implemented.
virtual void PrintJSON(JSONStream* js, TimelineEventFilter* filter) = 0;
virtual void PrintTraceEvent(JSONStream* js, TimelineEventFilter* filter) = 0;
virtual const char* name() const = 0;
int64_t GetNextAsyncId();
void FinishBlock(TimelineEventBlock* block);
void WriteTo(const char* directory);
// Interface method(s) which must be implemented.
virtual TimelineEvent* StartEvent() = 0;
virtual void CompleteEvent(TimelineEvent* event) = 0;
virtual TimelineEventBlock* GetHeadBlockLocked() = 0;
virtual TimelineEventBlock* GetNewBlockLocked() = 0;
virtual void Clear() = 0;
// Utility method(s).
void PrintJSONMeta(JSONArray* array) const;
TimelineEvent* ThreadBlockStartEvent();
void ThreadBlockCompleteEvent(TimelineEvent* event);
void ResetTimeTracking();
void ReportTime(int64_t micros);
int64_t TimeOriginMicros() const;
int64_t TimeExtentMicros() const;
Mutex lock_;
uintptr_t async_id_;
int64_t time_low_micros_;
int64_t time_high_micros_;
friend class TimelineEvent;
friend class TimelineEventBlockIterator;
friend class TimelineStream;
friend class TimelineTestHelper;
friend class Timeline;
// An abstract recorder that stores events in a buffer of fixed capacity.
class TimelineEventFixedBufferRecorder : public TimelineEventRecorder {
static const intptr_t kDefaultCapacity = 8192;
explicit TimelineEventFixedBufferRecorder(intptr_t capacity);
virtual ~TimelineEventFixedBufferRecorder();
void PrintJSON(JSONStream* js, TimelineEventFilter* filter);
void PrintTraceEvent(JSONStream* js, TimelineEventFilter* filter);
TimelineEvent* StartEvent();
void CompleteEvent(TimelineEvent* event);
TimelineEventBlock* GetHeadBlockLocked();
intptr_t FindOldestBlockIndex() const;
void Clear();
void PrintJSONEvents(JSONArray* array, TimelineEventFilter* filter);
TimelineEventBlock** blocks_;
intptr_t capacity_;
intptr_t num_blocks_;
intptr_t block_cursor_;
// A recorder that stores events in a buffer of fixed capacity. When the buffer
// is full, new events overwrite old events.
class TimelineEventRingRecorder : public TimelineEventFixedBufferRecorder {
explicit TimelineEventRingRecorder(intptr_t capacity = kDefaultCapacity)
: TimelineEventFixedBufferRecorder(capacity) {}
virtual ~TimelineEventRingRecorder() {}
const char* name() const { return "Ring"; }
TimelineEventBlock* GetNewBlockLocked();
// A recorder that writes events to Android Systrace. Events are also stored in
// a buffer of fixed capacity. When the buffer is full, new events overwrite
// old events.
class TimelineEventSystraceRecorder : public TimelineEventFixedBufferRecorder {
explicit TimelineEventSystraceRecorder(intptr_t capacity = kDefaultCapacity);
virtual ~TimelineEventSystraceRecorder();
const char* name() const { return "Systrace"; }
TimelineEventBlock* GetNewBlockLocked();
void CompleteEvent(TimelineEvent* event);
int systrace_fd_;
// A recorder that stores events in a buffer of fixed capacity. When the buffer
// is full, new events are dropped.
class TimelineEventStartupRecorder : public TimelineEventFixedBufferRecorder {
explicit TimelineEventStartupRecorder(intptr_t capacity = kDefaultCapacity)
: TimelineEventFixedBufferRecorder(capacity) {}
virtual ~TimelineEventStartupRecorder() {}
const char* name() const { return "Startup"; }
TimelineEventBlock* GetNewBlockLocked();
// An abstract recorder that calls |OnEvent| whenever an event is complete.
// This should only be used for testing.
class TimelineEventCallbackRecorder : public TimelineEventRecorder {
virtual ~TimelineEventCallbackRecorder();
void PrintJSON(JSONStream* js, TimelineEventFilter* filter);
void PrintTraceEvent(JSONStream* js, TimelineEventFilter* filter);
// Called when |event| is completed. It is unsafe to keep a reference to
// |event| as it may be freed as soon as this function returns.
virtual void OnEvent(TimelineEvent* event) = 0;
const char* name() const { return "Callback"; }
TimelineEventBlock* GetNewBlockLocked() { return NULL; }
TimelineEventBlock* GetHeadBlockLocked() { return NULL; }
void Clear() {}
TimelineEvent* StartEvent();
void CompleteEvent(TimelineEvent* event);
// A recorder that stores events in chains of blocks of events.
// NOTE: This recorder will continue to allocate blocks until it exhausts
// memory.
class TimelineEventEndlessRecorder : public TimelineEventRecorder {
virtual ~TimelineEventEndlessRecorder();
void PrintJSON(JSONStream* js, TimelineEventFilter* filter);
void PrintTraceEvent(JSONStream* js, TimelineEventFilter* filter);
const char* name() const { return "Endless"; }
TimelineEvent* StartEvent();
void CompleteEvent(TimelineEvent* event);
TimelineEventBlock* GetNewBlockLocked();
TimelineEventBlock* GetHeadBlockLocked();
void Clear();
void PrintJSONEvents(JSONArray* array, TimelineEventFilter* filter);
TimelineEventBlock* head_;
intptr_t block_index_;
friend class TimelineTestHelper;
// An iterator for blocks.
class TimelineEventBlockIterator {
explicit TimelineEventBlockIterator(TimelineEventRecorder* recorder);
void Reset(TimelineEventRecorder* recorder);
// Returns false when there are no more blocks.
bool HasNext() const;
// Returns the next block and moves forward.
TimelineEventBlock* Next();
TimelineEventBlock* current_;
TimelineEventRecorder* recorder_;
} // namespace dart