blob: 1d5c6100518347c0190b12e5511be46f17e43b6a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/allocation.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
#include "vm/stub_code.h"
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
#include "vm/stack_frame_ia32.h"
#elif defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64)
#include "vm/stack_frame_x64.h"
#elif defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
#include "vm/stack_frame_arm.h"
#elif defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM64)
#include "vm/stack_frame_arm64.h"
#elif defined(TARGET_ARCH_MIPS)
#include "vm/stack_frame_mips.h"
#elif defined(TARGET_ARCH_DBC)
#include "vm/stack_frame_dbc.h"
#error Unknown architecture.
namespace dart {
// Forward declarations.
class ObjectPointerVisitor;
class RawContext;
// Generic stack frame.
class StackFrame : public ValueObject {
virtual ~StackFrame() {}
// Accessors to get the pc, sp and fp of a frame.
uword sp() const { return sp_; }
uword fp() const { return fp_; }
uword pc() const { return pc_; }
// The pool pointer is not implemented on all architectures.
static int SavedCallerPpSlotFromFp() {
if (kSavedCallerPpSlotFromFp != kSavedCallerFpSlotFromFp) {
return kSavedCallerPpSlotFromFp;
return 0;
uword IsMarkedForLazyDeopt() const {
uword raw_pc =
*reinterpret_cast<uword*>(sp() + (kSavedPcSlotFromSp * kWordSize));
return raw_pc == StubCode::DeoptimizeLazyFromReturn_entry()->EntryPoint();
void MarkForLazyDeopt() {
void UnmarkForLazyDeopt() {
// If this frame was marked for lazy deopt, pc_ was computed to be the
// original return address using the pending deopts table in GetCallerPc.
// Write this value back into the frame.
uword original_pc = pc();
ASSERT(original_pc !=
void set_pc(uword value) {
*reinterpret_cast<uword*>(sp() + (kSavedPcSlotFromSp * kWordSize)) = value;
pc_ = value;
void set_pc_marker(RawCode* code) {
*reinterpret_cast<RawCode**>(fp() + (kPcMarkerSlotFromFp * kWordSize)) =
// Visit objects in the frame.
virtual void VisitObjectPointers(ObjectPointerVisitor* visitor);
const char* ToCString() const;
// Check validity of a frame, used for assertion purposes.
virtual bool IsValid() const;
// Frame type.
virtual bool IsDartFrame(bool validate = true) const {
ASSERT(!validate || IsValid());
return !(IsEntryFrame() || IsExitFrame() || IsStubFrame());
virtual bool IsStubFrame() const;
virtual bool IsEntryFrame() const { return false; }
virtual bool IsExitFrame() const { return false; }
RawFunction* LookupDartFunction() const;
RawCode* LookupDartCode() const;
bool FindExceptionHandler(Thread* thread,
uword* handler_pc,
bool* needs_stacktrace,
bool* is_catch_all,
bool* is_optimized) const;
// Returns token_pos of the pc(), or -1 if none exists.
TokenPosition GetTokenPos() const;
explicit StackFrame(Thread* thread)
: fp_(0), sp_(0), pc_(0), thread_(thread) {}
// Name of the frame, used for generic frame printing functionality.
virtual const char* GetName() const {
return IsStubFrame() ? "stub" : "dart";
Isolate* isolate() const { return thread_->isolate(); }
Thread* thread() const { return thread_; }
RawCode* GetCodeObject() const;
uword GetCallerSp() const { return fp() + (kCallerSpSlotFromFp * kWordSize); }
uword GetCallerFp() const {
return *(reinterpret_cast<uword*>(fp() +
(kSavedCallerFpSlotFromFp * kWordSize)));
uword GetCallerPc() const {
uword raw_pc = *(reinterpret_cast<uword*>(
fp() + (kSavedCallerPcSlotFromFp * kWordSize)));
ASSERT(raw_pc != StubCode::DeoptimizeLazyFromThrow_entry()->EntryPoint());
if (raw_pc == StubCode::DeoptimizeLazyFromReturn_entry()->EntryPoint()) {
return isolate()->FindPendingDeopt(GetCallerFp());
return raw_pc;
uword fp_;
uword sp_;
uword pc_;
Thread* thread_;
// The iterators FrameSetIterator and StackFrameIterator set the private
// fields fp_ and sp_ when they return the respective frame objects.
friend class FrameSetIterator;
friend class StackFrameIterator;
friend class ProfilerDartStackWalker;
// Exit frame is used to mark the transition from dart code into dart VM
// runtime code.
class ExitFrame : public StackFrame {
bool IsValid() const { return sp() == 0; }
bool IsDartFrame(bool validate = true) const { return false; }
bool IsStubFrame() const { return false; }
bool IsExitFrame() const { return true; }
// Visit objects in the frame.
virtual void VisitObjectPointers(ObjectPointerVisitor* visitor);
virtual const char* GetName() const { return "exit"; }
explicit ExitFrame(Thread* thread) : StackFrame(thread) {}
friend class StackFrameIterator;
// Entry Frame is used to mark the transition from dart VM runtime code into
// dart code.
class EntryFrame : public StackFrame {
bool IsValid() const { return StubCode::InInvocationStub(pc()); }
bool IsDartFrame(bool validate = true) const { return false; }
bool IsStubFrame() const { return false; }
bool IsEntryFrame() const { return true; }
// Visit objects in the frame.
virtual void VisitObjectPointers(ObjectPointerVisitor* visitor);
virtual const char* GetName() const { return "entry"; }
explicit EntryFrame(Thread* thread) : StackFrame(thread) {}
friend class StackFrameIterator;
// A StackFrameIterator can be initialized with a thread other than the
// current thread. Because this is generally a bad idea, it is only allowed on
// Windows- where it is needed for the profiler. It is the responsibility of
// users of StackFrameIterator to ensure that the thread given is not running
// concurrently.
class StackFrameIterator : public ValueObject {
static const bool kValidateFrames = true;
static const bool kDontValidateFrames = false;
// Iterators for iterating over all frames from the last ExitFrame to the
// first EntryFrame.
explicit StackFrameIterator(bool validate,
Thread* thread = Thread::Current());
StackFrameIterator(uword last_fp,
bool validate,
Thread* thread = Thread::Current());
#if !defined(TARGET_ARCH_DBC)
// Iterator for iterating over all frames from the current frame (given by its
// fp, sp, and pc) to the first EntryFrame.
StackFrameIterator(uword fp,
uword sp,
uword pc,
bool validate,
Thread* thread = Thread::Current());
// Checks if a next frame exists.
bool HasNextFrame() const { return frames_.fp_ != 0; }
// Get next frame.
StackFrame* NextFrame();
bool validate() const { return validate_; }
// Iterator for iterating over the set of frames (dart or stub) which exist
// in one EntryFrame and ExitFrame block.
class FrameSetIterator : public ValueObject {
// Checks if a next non entry/exit frame exists in the set.
bool HasNext() const {
if (fp_ == 0) {
return false;
const uword pc =
*(reinterpret_cast<uword*>(sp_ + (kSavedPcSlotFromSp * kWordSize)));
return !StubCode::InInvocationStub(pc);
// Get next non entry/exit frame in the set (assumes a next frame exists).
StackFrame* NextFrame(bool validate);
explicit FrameSetIterator(Thread* thread)
: fp_(0), sp_(0), pc_(0), stack_frame_(thread), thread_(thread) {}
uword fp_;
uword sp_;
uword pc_;
StackFrame stack_frame_; // Singleton frame returned by NextFrame().
Thread* thread_;
friend class StackFrameIterator;
// Get next exit frame.
ExitFrame* NextExitFrame();
// Get next entry frame.
EntryFrame* NextEntryFrame();
// Get an iterator to the next set of frames between an entry and exit
// frame.
FrameSetIterator* NextFrameSet() { return &frames_; }
// Setup last or next exit frames so that we are ready to iterate over
// stack frames.
void SetupLastExitFrameData();
void SetupNextExitFrameData();
bool validate_; // Validate each frame as we traverse the frames.
EntryFrame entry_; // Singleton entry frame returned by NextEntryFrame().
ExitFrame exit_; // Singleton exit frame returned by NextExitFrame().
FrameSetIterator frames_;
StackFrame* current_frame_; // Points to the current frame in the iterator.
Thread* thread_;
friend class ProfilerDartStackWalker;
// Iterator for iterating over all dart frames (skips over exit frames,
// entry frames and stub frames).
// A DartFrameIterator can be initialized with an isolate other than the
// current thread's isolate. Because this is generally a bad idea,
// it is only allowed on Windows- where it is needed for the profiler.
// It is the responsibility of users of DartFrameIterator to ensure that the
// isolate given is not running concurrently on another thread.
class DartFrameIterator : public ValueObject {
explicit DartFrameIterator(Thread* thread = Thread::Current())
: frames_(StackFrameIterator::kDontValidateFrames, thread) {}
explicit DartFrameIterator(uword last_fp, Thread* thread = Thread::Current())
: frames_(last_fp, StackFrameIterator::kDontValidateFrames, thread) {}
#if !defined(TARGET_ARCH_DBC)
DartFrameIterator(uword fp,
uword sp,
uword pc,
Thread* thread = Thread::Current())
: frames_(fp, sp, pc, StackFrameIterator::kDontValidateFrames, thread) {}
// Get next dart frame.
StackFrame* NextFrame() {
StackFrame* frame = frames_.NextFrame();
while (frame != NULL && !frame->IsDartFrame(frames_.validate())) {
frame = frames_.NextFrame();
return frame;
StackFrameIterator frames_;
// Iterator for iterating over all inlined dart functions in an optimized
// dart frame (the iteration includes the function that is inlining the
// other functions).
class InlinedFunctionsIterator : public ValueObject {
InlinedFunctionsIterator(const Code& code, uword pc);
bool Done() const { return index_ == -1; }
void Advance();
RawFunction* function() const {
return function_.raw();
uword pc() const {
return pc_;
RawCode* code() const {
return code_.raw();
intptr_t GetDeoptFpOffset() const;
void SetDone() { index_ = -1; }
intptr_t index_;
intptr_t num_materializations_;
intptr_t dest_frame_size_;
Code& code_;
TypedData& deopt_info_;
Function& function_;
uword pc_;
GrowableArray<DeoptInstr*> deopt_instructions_;
ObjectPool& object_table_;
#if defined(DEBUG)
void ValidateFrames();
#if !defined(TARGET_ARCH_DBC)
DART_FORCE_INLINE static intptr_t LocalVarIndex(intptr_t fp_offset,
intptr_t var_index) {
return fp_offset + var_index;
DART_FORCE_INLINE static uword ParamAddress(uword fp, intptr_t reverse_index) {
return fp + (kParamEndSlotFromFp * kWordSize) + (reverse_index * kWordSize);
DART_FORCE_INLINE static bool IsCalleeFrameOf(uword fp, uword other_fp) {
return other_fp < fp;
// Value for stack limit that is used to cause an interrupt.
// Note that on DBC stack is growing upwards so interrupt limit is 0 unlike
// on all other architectures.
static const uword kInterruptStackLimit = ~static_cast<uword>(0);
DART_FORCE_INLINE static uword LocalVarAddress(uword fp, intptr_t index) {
return fp + LocalVarIndex(0, index) * kWordSize;
} // namespace dart