blob: 00d93ec16dd698e7ae0be2e2da60047286c803c3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Declares a Simulator for MIPS instructions if we are not generating a native
// MIPS binary. This Simulator allows us to run and debug MIPS code generation
// on regular desktop machines.
// Dart calls into generated code by "calling" the InvokeDartCode stub,
// which will start execution in the Simulator or forwards to the real entry
// on a MIPS HW platform.
#error Do not include simulator_mips.h directly; use simulator.h.
#include "vm/constants_mips.h"
namespace dart {
class Isolate;
class Mutex;
class RawObject;
class SimulatorSetjmpBuffer;
class Thread;
class Simulator {
static const uword kSimulatorStackUnderflowSize = 64;
// The currently executing Simulator instance, which is associated to the
// current isolate
static Simulator* Current();
// Accessors for register state.
void set_register(Register reg, int32_t value);
int32_t get_register(Register reg) const;
// Accessors for floating point register state.
void set_fregister(FRegister freg, int32_t value);
void set_fregister_float(FRegister freg, float value);
void set_fregister_double(FRegister freg, double value);
void set_fregister_long(FRegister freg, int64_t value);
int32_t get_fregister(FRegister freg) const;
float get_fregister_float(FRegister freg) const;
double get_fregister_double(FRegister freg) const;
int64_t get_fregister_long(FRegister freg) const;
void set_dregister_bits(DRegister freg, int64_t value);
void set_dregister(DRegister freg, double value);
int64_t get_dregister_bits(DRegister freg) const;
double get_dregister(DRegister freg) const;
int32_t get_sp() const { return get_register(SPREG); }
// Accessor for the pc.
void set_pc(int32_t value) { pc_ = value; }
int32_t get_pc() const { return pc_; }
// Accessors for hi, lo registers.
void set_hi_register(int32_t value) { hi_reg_ = value; }
void set_lo_register(int32_t value) { lo_reg_ = value; }
int32_t get_hi_register() const { return hi_reg_; }
int32_t get_lo_register() const { return lo_reg_; }
int32_t get_fcsr_condition_bit(int32_t cc) const {
if (cc == 0) {
return 23;
} else {
return 24 + cc;
void set_fcsr_bit(uint32_t cc, bool value) {
if (value) {
fcsr_ |= (1 << cc);
} else {
fcsr_ &= ~(1 << cc);
bool test_fcsr_bit(uint32_t cc) { return fcsr_ & (1 << cc); }
// Accessors to the internal simulator stack base and top.
uword StackBase() const { return reinterpret_cast<uword>(stack_); }
uword StackTop() const;
// Accessor to the instruction counter.
uint64_t get_icount() const { return icount_; }
// The thread's top_exit_frame_info refers to a Dart frame in the simulator
// stack. The simulator's top_exit_frame_info refers to a C++ frame in the
// native stack.
uword top_exit_frame_info() const { return top_exit_frame_info_; }
void set_top_exit_frame_info(uword value) { top_exit_frame_info_ = value; }
// Call on program start.
static void InitOnce();
// Dart generally calls into generated code with 4 parameters. This is a
// convenience function, which sets up the simulator state and grabs the
// result on return. When fp_return is true the return value is the D0
// floating point register. Otherwise, the return value is V1:V0.
int64_t Call(int32_t entry,
int32_t parameter0,
int32_t parameter1,
int32_t parameter2,
int32_t parameter3,
bool fp_return = false,
bool fp_args = false);
// Implementation of atomic compare and exchange in the same synchronization
// domain as other synchronization primitive instructions (e.g. ldrex, strex).
static uword CompareExchange(uword* address,
uword compare_value,
uword new_value);
static uint32_t CompareExchangeUint32(uint32_t* address,
uint32_t compare_value,
uint32_t new_value);
// Runtime and native call support.
enum CallKind {
static uword RedirectExternalReference(uword function,
CallKind call_kind,
int argument_count);
static uword FunctionForRedirect(uword redirect);
void JumpToFrame(uword pc, uword sp, uword fp, Thread* thread);
// A pc value used to signal the simulator to stop execution. Generally
// the ra is set to this value on transition from native C code to
// simulated execution, so that the simulator can "return" to the native
// C code.
static const uword kEndSimulatingPC = -1;
// Special registers for the results of div, divu.
int32_t hi_reg_;
int32_t lo_reg_;
int32_t registers_[kNumberOfCpuRegisters];
int32_t fregisters_[kNumberOfFRegisters];
int32_t fcsr_;
uword pc_;
// Simulator support.
char* stack_;
uint64_t icount_;
bool delay_slot_;
SimulatorSetjmpBuffer* last_setjmp_buffer_;
uword top_exit_frame_info_;
// Registered breakpoints.
Instr* break_pc_;
int32_t break_instr_;
// Illegal memory access support.
static bool IsIllegalAddress(uword addr) { return addr < 64 * 1024; }
void HandleIllegalAccess(uword addr, Instr* instr);
// Read and write memory.
void UnalignedAccess(const char* msg, uword addr, Instr* instr);
// Handles a legal instruction that the simulator does not implement.
void UnimplementedInstruction(Instr* instr);
void set_pc(uword value) { pc_ = value; }
void Format(Instr* instr, const char* format);
inline int8_t ReadB(uword addr);
inline uint8_t ReadBU(uword addr);
inline int16_t ReadH(uword addr, Instr* instr);
inline uint16_t ReadHU(uword addr, Instr* instr);
inline intptr_t ReadW(uword addr, Instr* instr);
inline void WriteB(uword addr, uint8_t value);
inline void WriteH(uword addr, uint16_t value, Instr* isntr);
inline void WriteW(uword addr, intptr_t value, Instr* instr);
inline double ReadD(uword addr, Instr* instr);
inline void WriteD(uword addr, double value, Instr* instr);
// We keep track of 16 exclusive access address tags across all threads.
// Since we cannot simulate a native context switch, which clears
// the exclusive access state of the local monitor, we associate the thread
// requesting exclusive access to the address tag.
// Multiple threads requesting exclusive access (using the LL instruction)
// to the same address will result in multiple address tags being created for
// the same address, one per thread.
// At any given time, each thread is associated to at most one address tag.
static Mutex* exclusive_access_lock_;
static const int kNumAddressTags = 16;
static struct AddressTag {
Thread* thread;
uword addr;
} exclusive_access_state_[kNumAddressTags];
static int next_address_tag_;
// Synchronization primitives support.
void ClearExclusive();
intptr_t ReadExclusiveW(uword addr, Instr* instr);
intptr_t WriteExclusiveW(uword addr, intptr_t value, Instr* instr);
// Set access to given address to 'exclusive state' for current thread.
static void SetExclusiveAccess(uword addr);
// Returns true if the current thread has exclusive access to given address,
// returns false otherwise. In either case, set access to given address to
// 'open state' for all threads.
// If given addr is NULL, set access to 'open state' for current
// thread (CLREX).
static bool HasExclusiveAccessAndOpen(uword addr);
void DoBranch(Instr* instr, bool taken, bool likely);
void DoBreak(Instr* instr);
void DecodeSpecial(Instr* instr);
void DecodeSpecial2(Instr* instr);
void DecodeRegImm(Instr* instr);
void DecodeCop1(Instr* instr);
void InstructionDecode(Instr* instr);
void Execute();
void ExecuteDelaySlot();
// Returns true if tracing of executed instructions is enabled.
bool IsTracingExecution() const;
// Longjmp support for exceptions.
SimulatorSetjmpBuffer* last_setjmp_buffer() { return last_setjmp_buffer_; }
void set_last_setjmp_buffer(SimulatorSetjmpBuffer* buffer) {
last_setjmp_buffer_ = buffer;
friend class SimulatorDebugger;
friend class SimulatorSetjmpBuffer;
} // namespace dart