blob: f2171a569c72ee9cc00008a20988cf40a8fe45db [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "vm/ast.h"
#include "vm/scopes.h"
#include "vm/unit_test.h"
namespace dart {
TEST_CASE(LocalScope) {
// Allocate a couple of local variables first.
const Type& dynamic_type = Type::ZoneHandle(Type::DynamicType());
const String& a = String::ZoneHandle(Symbols::New(thread, "a"));
LocalVariable* var_a = new LocalVariable(
TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource, a, dynamic_type);
LocalVariable* inner_var_a = new LocalVariable(
TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource, a, dynamic_type);
const String& b = String::ZoneHandle(Symbols::New(thread, "b"));
LocalVariable* var_b = new LocalVariable(
TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource, b, dynamic_type);
const String& c = String::ZoneHandle(Symbols::New(thread, "c"));
LocalVariable* var_c = new LocalVariable(
TokenPosition::kNoSource, TokenPosition::kNoSource, c, dynamic_type);
const String& L = String::ZoneHandle(Symbols::New(thread, "L"));
SourceLabel* label_L =
new SourceLabel(TokenPosition::kNoSource, L, SourceLabel::kFor);
LocalScope* outer_scope = new LocalScope(NULL, 0, 0);
LocalScope* inner_scope1 = new LocalScope(outer_scope, 0, 0);
LocalScope* inner_scope2 = new LocalScope(outer_scope, 0, 0);
EXPECT(outer_scope->parent() == NULL);
EXPECT_EQ(outer_scope, inner_scope1->parent());
EXPECT_EQ(outer_scope, inner_scope2->parent());
EXPECT_EQ(inner_scope2, outer_scope->child());
EXPECT_EQ(inner_scope1, inner_scope2->sibling());
EXPECT(inner_scope1->child() == NULL);
EXPECT(inner_scope2->child() == NULL);
// Populate the local scopes as follows:
// { // outer_scope
// var a;
// { // inner_scope1
// var b;
// }
// L: { // inner_scope2
// var c;
// }
// }
// Check the simple layout above.
EXPECT_EQ(var_a, outer_scope->LocalLookupVariable(a));
EXPECT_EQ(var_a, inner_scope1->LookupVariable(a, true));
EXPECT_EQ(label_L, inner_scope2->LookupLabel(L));
EXPECT(outer_scope->LocalLookupVariable(b) == NULL);
EXPECT(inner_scope1->LocalLookupVariable(c) == NULL);
// Modify the local scopes to contain shadowing:
// { // outer_scope
// var a;
// { // inner_scope1
// var b;
// var a; // inner_var_a
// }
// { // inner_scope2
// var c;
// L: ...
// }
// }
EXPECT_EQ(inner_var_a, inner_scope1->LookupVariable(a, true));
EXPECT(inner_scope1->LookupVariable(a, true) != var_a);
// Modify the local scopes with access of an outer scope variable:
// { // outer_scope
// var a;
// { // inner_scope1
// var b;
// var a; // inner_var_a
// }
// { // inner_scope2
// var c = a;
// L: ...
// }
// }
EXPECT(inner_scope2->LocalLookupVariable(a) == NULL);
EXPECT_EQ(var_a, inner_scope2->LocalLookupVariable(a));
EXPECT_EQ(1, outer_scope->num_variables());
EXPECT_EQ(2, inner_scope1->num_variables());
EXPECT_EQ(2, inner_scope2->num_variables());
// Cannot depend on the order, but we should find the variables.
EXPECT(outer_scope->VariableAt(0) == var_a);
EXPECT((inner_scope1->VariableAt(0) == inner_var_a) ||
(inner_scope1->VariableAt(1) == inner_var_a));
EXPECT((inner_scope1->VariableAt(0) == var_b) ||
(inner_scope1->VariableAt(1) == var_b));
EXPECT((inner_scope2->VariableAt(0) == var_a) ||
(inner_scope2->VariableAt(1) == var_a) ||
(inner_scope2->VariableAt(2) == var_a));
EXPECT((inner_scope2->VariableAt(0) == var_c) ||
(inner_scope2->VariableAt(1) == var_c) ||
(inner_scope2->VariableAt(2) == var_c));
} // namespace dart