blob: f934c540583e68aed1262b20ca6ad98b6e626818 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "vm/os.h"
#include "vm/scanner.h"
#include "vm/token.h"
#include "vm/unit_test.h"
namespace dart {
typedef ZoneGrowableArray<Scanner::TokenDescriptor> GrowableTokenStream;
static void LogTokenDesc(Scanner::TokenDescriptor token) {
OS::Print("pos %2d:%d-%d token %s ", token.position.line,
token.position.column, token.position.column,
if (token.literal != NULL) {
OS::Print("%s", token.literal->ToCString());
static void LogTokenStream(const GrowableTokenStream& token_stream) {
int token_index = 0;
EXPECT_GT(token_stream.length(), 0);
while (token_index < token_stream.length()) {
ASSERT(token_stream[token_index].kind != Token::kILLEGAL);
printf("%d tokens in stream.\n", token_index);
EXPECT_EQ(token_stream.Last().kind, Token::kEOS);
static void CheckKind(const GrowableTokenStream& token_stream,
int index,
Token::Kind kind) {
if (token_stream[index].kind != kind) {
OS::PrintErr("Token %d: expected kind %s but got %s\n", index,
Token::Name(kind), Token::Name(token_stream[index].kind));
EXPECT_EQ(kind, token_stream[index].kind);
static void CheckLiteral(const GrowableTokenStream& token_stream,
int index,
const char* literal) {
if (token_stream[index].literal == NULL) {
OS::PrintErr("Token %d: expected literal \"%s\" but got nothing\n", index,
} else if (strcmp(literal, token_stream[index].literal->ToCString())) {
OS::PrintErr("Token %d: expected literal \"%s\" but got \"%s\"\n", index,
literal, token_stream[index].literal->ToCString());
static void CheckIdent(const GrowableTokenStream& token_stream,
int index,
const char* literal) {
CheckKind(token_stream, index, Token::kIDENT);
CheckLiteral(token_stream, index, literal);
static void CheckInteger(const GrowableTokenStream& token_stream,
int index,
const char* literal) {
CheckKind(token_stream, index, Token::kINTEGER);
CheckLiteral(token_stream, index, literal);
static void CheckLineNumber(const GrowableTokenStream& token_stream,
int index,
int line_number) {
if (token_stream[index].position.line != line_number) {
OS::PrintErr("Token %d: expected line number %d but got %d\n", index,
line_number, token_stream[index].position.line);
static void CheckNumTokens(const GrowableTokenStream& token_stream, int index) {
if (token_stream.length() != index) {
OS::PrintErr("Expected %d tokens but got only %" Pd ".\n", index,
class Collector : public Scanner::TokenCollector {
explicit Collector(GrowableTokenStream* ts) : ts_(ts) {}
virtual ~Collector() {}
virtual void AddToken(const Scanner::TokenDescriptor& token) {
GrowableTokenStream* ts_;
static const GrowableTokenStream& Scan(const char* source) {
OS::Print("\nScanning: <%s>\n", source);
Scanner scanner(String::Handle(String::New(source)),
GrowableTokenStream* tokens = new GrowableTokenStream(128);
Collector collector(tokens);
return *tokens;
static void BoringTest() {
const GrowableTokenStream& tokens = Scan("x = iffy++;");
CheckNumTokens(tokens, 6);
CheckIdent(tokens, 0, "x");
CheckKind(tokens, 1, Token::kASSIGN);
CheckIdent(tokens, 2, "iffy");
CheckKind(tokens, 3, Token::kINCR);
CheckKind(tokens, 4, Token::kSEMICOLON);
static void CommentTest() {
const GrowableTokenStream& tokens = Scan(
"Foo( /*block \n"
"comment*/ 0xff) // line comment;");
CheckNumTokens(tokens, 6);
CheckIdent(tokens, 0, "Foo");
CheckLineNumber(tokens, 0, 1);
CheckKind(tokens, 1, Token::kLPAREN);
CheckKind(tokens, 2, Token::kNEWLINE);
CheckInteger(tokens, 3, "0xff");
CheckKind(tokens, 4, Token::kRPAREN);
CheckLineNumber(tokens, 4, 2);
static void GreedIsGood() {
// means i++ + j
const GrowableTokenStream& tokens = Scan("x=i+++j");
CheckNumTokens(tokens, 7);
CheckIdent(tokens, 0, "x");
CheckKind(tokens, 1, Token::kASSIGN);
CheckIdent(tokens, 2, "i");
CheckKind(tokens, 3, Token::kINCR);
CheckKind(tokens, 4, Token::kADD);
CheckIdent(tokens, 5, "j");
static void StringEscapes() {
// sss = "\" \\ \n\r\t \'"
const GrowableTokenStream& tokens =
Scan("sss = \"\\\" \\\\ \\n\\r\\t \\\'\"");
EXPECT_EQ(4, tokens.length());
CheckIdent(tokens, 0, "sss");
CheckKind(tokens, 1, Token::kASSIGN);
CheckKind(tokens, 2, Token::kSTRING);
CheckKind(tokens, 3, Token::kEOS);
CheckLineNumber(tokens, 2, 1);
const char* litchars = (tokens)[2].literal->ToCString();
EXPECT_EQ(9, (tokens)[2].literal->Length());
EXPECT_EQ('"', litchars[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(' ', litchars[1]);
EXPECT_EQ('\\', litchars[2]);
EXPECT_EQ('\n', litchars[4]);
EXPECT_EQ('\r', litchars[5]);
EXPECT_EQ('\t', litchars[6]);
EXPECT_EQ('\'', litchars[8]);
static void InvalidStringEscapes() {
const GrowableTokenStream& out_of_range_low = Scan("\"\\u{110000}\"");
EXPECT_EQ(2, out_of_range_low.length());
CheckKind(out_of_range_low, 0, Token::kERROR);
EXPECT(out_of_range_low[0].literal->Equals("invalid code point"));
CheckKind(out_of_range_low, 1, Token::kEOS);
const GrowableTokenStream& out_of_range_high = Scan("\"\\u{FFFFFF}\"");
EXPECT_EQ(2, out_of_range_high.length());
CheckKind(out_of_range_high, 0, Token::kERROR);
EXPECT(out_of_range_high[0].literal->Equals("invalid code point"));
CheckKind(out_of_range_high, 1, Token::kEOS);
static void RawString() {
// rs = @"\' \\"
const GrowableTokenStream& tokens = Scan("rs = r\"\\\' \\\\\"");
EXPECT_EQ(4, tokens.length());
CheckIdent(tokens, 0, "rs");
CheckKind(tokens, 1, Token::kASSIGN);
CheckKind(tokens, 2, Token::kSTRING);
CheckKind(tokens, 3, Token::kEOS);
CheckLineNumber(tokens, 2, 1);
const char* litchars = (tokens)[2].literal->ToCString();
EXPECT_EQ(5, (tokens)[2].literal->Length());
EXPECT_EQ('\\', litchars[0]);
EXPECT_EQ('\'', litchars[1]);
EXPECT_EQ(' ', litchars[2]);
EXPECT_EQ('\\', litchars[3]);
EXPECT_EQ('\\', litchars[4]);
static void MultilineString() {
// |mls = '''
// |1' x
// |2''';
const GrowableTokenStream& tokens = Scan("mls = '''\n1' x\n2''';");
EXPECT_EQ(7, tokens.length());
CheckIdent(tokens, 0, "mls");
CheckKind(tokens, 1, Token::kASSIGN);
CheckKind(tokens, 2, Token::kSTRING);
CheckKind(tokens, 3, Token::kNEWLINE);
CheckKind(tokens, 4, Token::kNEWLINE);
CheckKind(tokens, 5, Token::kSEMICOLON);
CheckKind(tokens, 6, Token::kEOS);
CheckLineNumber(tokens, 0, 1);
CheckLineNumber(tokens, 5, 3); // Semicolon is on line 3.
const char* litchars = (tokens)[2].literal->ToCString();
EXPECT_EQ(6, (tokens)[2].literal->Length());
EXPECT_EQ('1', litchars[0]); // First newline is dropped.
EXPECT_EQ('\'', litchars[1]);
EXPECT_EQ(' ', litchars[2]);
EXPECT_EQ('x', litchars[3]);
EXPECT_EQ('\n', litchars[4]);
EXPECT_EQ('2', litchars[5]);
static void EmptyString() {
// es = "";
const GrowableTokenStream& tokens = Scan("es = \"\";");
EXPECT_EQ(5, tokens.length());
CheckIdent(tokens, 0, "es");
CheckKind(tokens, 1, Token::kASSIGN);
CheckKind(tokens, 2, Token::kSTRING);
CheckKind(tokens, 3, Token::kSEMICOLON);
CheckKind(tokens, 4, Token::kEOS);
EXPECT_EQ(0, (tokens)[2].literal->Length());
static void EmptyMultilineString() {
// es = """""";
const GrowableTokenStream& tokens = Scan("es = \"\"\"\"\"\";");
EXPECT_EQ(5, tokens.length());
CheckIdent(tokens, 0, "es");
CheckKind(tokens, 1, Token::kASSIGN);
CheckKind(tokens, 2, Token::kSTRING);
CheckKind(tokens, 3, Token::kSEMICOLON);
CheckKind(tokens, 4, Token::kEOS);
EXPECT_EQ(0, (tokens)[2].literal->Length());
static void NumberLiteral() {
const GrowableTokenStream& tokens = Scan("5 0x5d 0.3 0.33 1E+12 .42 +5");
CheckKind(tokens, 0, Token::kINTEGER);
CheckKind(tokens, 1, Token::kINTEGER);
CheckKind(tokens, 2, Token::kDOUBLE);
CheckKind(tokens, 3, Token::kDOUBLE);
CheckKind(tokens, 4, Token::kDOUBLE);
CheckKind(tokens, 5, Token::kDOUBLE);
CheckKind(tokens, 6, Token::kADD);
CheckKind(tokens, 7, Token::kINTEGER);
CheckKind(tokens, 8, Token::kEOS);
static void ScanLargeText() {
const char* dart_source =
"// This source is not meant to be valid Dart code. The text is used to"
"// test the Dart scanner."
"// Cartesian point implementation."
"class Point {"
" // Constructor"
" Point(Number x, Number y) : x(x), y(y) { }"
" // Addition for points."
" Point operator +(Point other) {"
" return new Point(x + other.x, y + other.y);"
" }"
" // Fields are const and they cannot be changed."
" const Number x;"
" const Number y;"
"// Polar point class that implements the Point interface."
"class PolarPoint implements Point {"
" PolarPoint(Number theta, Number radius)"
" : theta(theta), radius(radius) { }"
" Number get x { return radius * Math.cos(theta); }"
" Number get y { return radius * Math.sin(theta); }"
" const Number theta;"
" const Number radius;"
"interface Map<K ,V> default HashMap<K, V> {"
" V operator [](K key);"
" void operator []=(K key, V value);"
" void forEach(function f(K key, V value));"
"class Foo {"
" static const Array kMyArray = [1,2,3,4,5,6];"
" static const Point kMyPoint = Point(1,2);"
"class DequeEntry<T> implements QueueEntry<T>{"
" DequeEntry<T> next;"
" DequeEntry<T> previous;"
" T value;"
"void forEach(void function f(T element)) {"
" for (int i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {"
" f(this[i]);"
" }"
"j!==!iffy // means j !== !iffy";
void InvalidText() {
const GrowableTokenStream& tokens = Scan("\\");
EXPECT_EQ(2, tokens.length());
CheckKind(tokens, 0, Token::kERROR);
CheckKind(tokens, 1, Token::kEOS);
void NewlinesTest() {
const char* source =
"var es = /* a\n"
" b\n"
" */ \"\"\"\n"
const GrowableTokenStream& tokens = Scan(source);
EXPECT_EQ(11, tokens.length());
CheckKind(tokens, 0, Token::kVAR);
CheckIdent(tokens, 1, "es");
CheckKind(tokens, 2, Token::kASSIGN);
CheckKind(tokens, 3, Token::kNEWLINE);
CheckKind(tokens, 4, Token::kNEWLINE);
CheckKind(tokens, 5, Token::kSTRING);
CheckKind(tokens, 6, Token::kNEWLINE);
CheckKind(tokens, 7, Token::kNEWLINE);
CheckKind(tokens, 8, Token::kNEWLINE);
CheckKind(tokens, 9, Token::kSEMICOLON);
CheckKind(tokens, 10, Token::kEOS);
EXPECT_EQ(4, (tokens)[5].literal->Length());
const char* litchars = (tokens)[5].literal->ToCString();
EXPECT_EQ('c', litchars[0]); // First newline is dropped.
EXPECT_EQ('\n', litchars[1]);
EXPECT_EQ('d', litchars[2]);
EXPECT_EQ('\n', litchars[3]);
TEST_CASE(Scanner_Test) {
} // namespace dart