blob: a744c9b54aadab1e06275166788812c314c8258f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/allocation.h"
namespace dart {
// clang-format off
// (class-name, function-name, recognized enum, result type, fingerprint).
// When adding a new function add a 0 as fingerprint, build and run to get the
// correct fingerprint from the mismatch error.
V(::, identical, ObjectIdentical, Bool, 0x49c6e96a) \
V(ClassID, getID, ClassIDgetID, Smi, 0x66d44356) \
V(Object, Object., ObjectConstructor, Dynamic, 0x681617fe) \
V(_List, ., ObjectArrayAllocate, Array, 0x6c3b54ee) \
V(_TypedList, _getInt8, ByteArrayBaseGetInt8, Smi, 0x7041895a) \
V(_TypedList, _getUint8, ByteArrayBaseGetUint8, Smi, 0x336fa3ea) \
V(_TypedList, _getInt16, ByteArrayBaseGetInt16, Smi, 0x231bbe2e) \
V(_TypedList, _getUint16, ByteArrayBaseGetUint16, Smi, 0x0371785f) \
V(_TypedList, _getInt32, ByteArrayBaseGetInt32, Dynamic, 0x65ab3a20) \
V(_TypedList, _getUint32, ByteArrayBaseGetUint32, Dynamic, 0x0cb0fcf6) \
V(_TypedList, _getInt64, ByteArrayBaseGetInt64, Dynamic, 0x7db75d78) \
V(_TypedList, _getFloat32, ByteArrayBaseGetFloat32, Double, 0x6674ea6f) \
V(_TypedList, _getFloat64, ByteArrayBaseGetFloat64, Double, 0x236c6e7a) \
V(_TypedList, _getFloat32x4, ByteArrayBaseGetFloat32x4, Float32x4, \
0x5c367ffb) \
V(_TypedList, _getInt32x4, ByteArrayBaseGetInt32x4, Int32x4, 0x772d1c0f) \
V(_TypedList, _setInt8, ByteArrayBaseSetInt8, Dynamic, 0x7dd630a9) \
V(_TypedList, _setUint8, ByteArrayBaseSetUint8, Dynamic, 0x009d6a08) \
V(_TypedList, _setInt16, ByteArrayBaseSetInt16, Dynamic, 0x0a9d8539) \
V(_TypedList, _setUint16, ByteArrayBaseSetUint16, Dynamic, 0x0339aa55) \
V(_TypedList, _setInt32, ByteArrayBaseSetInt32, Dynamic, 0x68f6ecc6) \
V(_TypedList, _setUint32, ByteArrayBaseSetUint32, Dynamic, 0x5f249ccc) \
V(_TypedList, _setInt64, ByteArrayBaseSetInt64, Dynamic, 0x325c86ad) \
V(_TypedList, _setFloat32, ByteArrayBaseSetFloat32, Dynamic, 0x6ef655ba) \
V(_TypedList, _setFloat64, ByteArrayBaseSetFloat64, Dynamic, 0x23c3584c) \
V(_TypedList, _setFloat32x4, ByteArrayBaseSetFloat32x4, Dynamic, 0x2b20798d) \
V(_TypedList, _setInt32x4, ByteArrayBaseSetInt32x4, Dynamic, 0x72d3ec93) \
V(_StringBase, _interpolate, StringBaseInterpolate, Dynamic, 0x051d283a) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, toDouble, IntegerToDouble, Double, 0x09b4f74c) \
V(_Double, _add, DoubleAdd, Double, 0x2a38277b) \
V(_Double, _sub, DoubleSub, Double, 0x4f466391) \
V(_Double, _mul, DoubleMul, Double, 0x175e4f66) \
V(_Double, _div, DoubleDiv, Double, 0x0854181b) \
V(::, min, MathMin, Dynamic, 0x154735b3) \
V(::, max, MathMax, Dynamic, 0x217af195) \
V(::, _doublePow, MathDoublePow, Double, 0x61369cfd) \
V(Float32x4, Float32x4., Float32x4Constructor, Float32x4, 0x5640679a) \
V(Float32x4,, Float32x4Zero, Float32x4, 0x2f0b7925) \
V(Float32x4, Float32x4.splat, Float32x4Splat, Float32x4, 0x750512c4) \
V(Float32x4, Float32x4.fromInt32x4Bits, Float32x4FromInt32x4Bits, Float32x4, \
0x3b197ab4) \
V(Float32x4, Float32x4.fromFloat64x2, Float32x4FromFloat64x2, Float32x4, \
0x5ca3f7f1) \
V(_Float32x4, shuffle, Float32x4Shuffle, Float32x4, 0x7829101f) \
V(_Float32x4, shuffleMix, Float32x4ShuffleMix, Float32x4, 0x4182c06b) \
V(_Float32x4, get:signMask, Float32x4GetSignMask, Dynamic, 0x1d083ef2) \
V(_Float32x4, equal, Float32x4Equal, Int32x4, 0x11adb239) \
V(_Float32x4, greaterThan, Float32x4GreaterThan, Int32x4, 0x48adaf58) \
V(_Float32x4, greaterThanOrEqual, Float32x4GreaterThanOrEqual, Int32x4, \
0x32db94ca) \
V(_Float32x4, lessThan, Float32x4LessThan, Int32x4, 0x425b000c) \
V(_Float32x4, lessThanOrEqual, Float32x4LessThanOrEqual, Int32x4, \
0x0278c2f8) \
V(_Float32x4, notEqual, Float32x4NotEqual, Int32x4, 0x2987cd26) \
V(_Float32x4, min, Float32x4Min, Float32x4, 0x5ed74b6f) \
V(_Float32x4, max, Float32x4Max, Float32x4, 0x68696442) \
V(_Float32x4, scale, Float32x4Scale, Float32x4, 0x704e4122) \
V(_Float32x4, sqrt, Float32x4Sqrt, Float32x4, 0x2c967a6f) \
V(_Float32x4, reciprocalSqrt, Float32x4ReciprocalSqrt, Float32x4, \
0x6264bfe8) \
V(_Float32x4, reciprocal, Float32x4Reciprocal, Float32x4, 0x3cd7e819) \
V(_Float32x4, unary-, Float32x4Negate, Float32x4, 0x35f7f2b3) \
V(_Float32x4, abs, Float32x4Absolute, Float32x4, 0x471cdd87) \
V(_Float32x4, clamp, Float32x4Clamp, Float32x4, 0x2cb30492) \
V(_Float32x4, withX, Float32x4WithX, Float32x4, 0x4e336aff) \
V(_Float32x4, withY, Float32x4WithY, Float32x4, 0x0a72b910) \
V(_Float32x4, withZ, Float32x4WithZ, Float32x4, 0x31e93658) \
V(_Float32x4, withW, Float32x4WithW, Float32x4, 0x60ddc105) \
V(Float64x2, Float64x2., Float64x2Constructor, Float64x2, 0x2e2098de) \
V(Float64x2,, Float64x2Zero, Float64x2, 0x631002be) \
V(Float64x2, Float64x2.splat, Float64x2Splat, Float64x2, 0x1f056dd1) \
V(Float64x2, Float64x2.fromFloat32x4, Float64x2FromFloat32x4, Float64x2, \
0x238d44c5) \
V(_Float64x2, get:x, Float64x2GetX, Double, 0x58c027f9) \
V(_Float64x2, get:y, Float64x2GetY, Double, 0x3cf57159) \
V(_Float64x2, unary-, Float64x2Negate, Float64x2, 0x3fa7c76a) \
V(_Float64x2, abs, Float64x2Abs, Float64x2, 0x031f9e47) \
V(_Float64x2, sqrt, Float64x2Sqrt, Float64x2, 0x77f711dd) \
V(_Float64x2, get:signMask, Float64x2GetSignMask, Dynamic, 0x27de65ec) \
V(_Float64x2, scale, Float64x2Scale, Float64x2, 0x26830a61) \
V(_Float64x2, withX, Float64x2WithX, Float64x2, 0x1d2bcaf5) \
V(_Float64x2, withY, Float64x2WithY, Float64x2, 0x383ed6ac) \
V(_Float64x2, min, Float64x2Min, Float64x2, 0x28d7ddf6) \
V(_Float64x2, max, Float64x2Max, Float64x2, 0x0bd74e5b) \
V(Int32x4, Int32x4., Int32x4Constructor, Int32x4, 0x775b77a8) \
V(Int32x4, Int32x4.bool, Int32x4BoolConstructor, Int32x4, 0x690007a2) \
V(Int32x4, Int32x4.fromFloat32x4Bits, Int32x4FromFloat32x4Bits, Int32x4, \
0x72cbc76b) \
V(_Int32x4, get:flagX, Int32x4GetFlagX, Bool, 0x5638f823) \
V(_Int32x4, get:flagY, Int32x4GetFlagY, Bool, 0x446fd2d9) \
V(_Int32x4, get:flagZ, Int32x4GetFlagZ, Bool, 0x20d68ad8) \
V(_Int32x4, get:flagW, Int32x4GetFlagW, Bool, 0x5044ed0b) \
V(_Int32x4, get:signMask, Int32x4GetSignMask, Dynamic, 0x2c1f3e44) \
V(_Int32x4, shuffle, Int32x4Shuffle, Int32x4, 0x20bc0b16) \
V(_Int32x4, shuffleMix, Int32x4ShuffleMix, Int32x4, 0x5c7056e1) \
V(_Int32x4, select, Int32x4Select, Float32x4, 0x6b49654f) \
V(_Int32x4, withFlagX, Int32x4WithFlagX, Int32x4, 0x0ef58fcf) \
V(_Int32x4, withFlagY, Int32x4WithFlagY, Int32x4, 0x6485a9c4) \
V(_Int32x4, withFlagZ, Int32x4WithFlagZ, Int32x4, 0x267acdfa) \
V(_Int32x4, withFlagW, Int32x4WithFlagW, Int32x4, 0x345ac675) \
V(_Int64List, [], Int64ArrayGetIndexed, Dynamic, 0x1cfce099) \
V(_Int64List, []=, Int64ArraySetIndexed, Dynamic, 0x6b2911f5) \
V(_Bigint, get:_neg, Bigint_getNeg, Bool, 0x356019c4) \
V(_Bigint, get:_used, Bigint_getUsed, Smi, 0x33ba5131) \
V(_Bigint, get:_digits, Bigint_getDigits, TypedDataUint32Array, 0x68defc99) \
V(_HashVMBase, get:_index, LinkedHashMap_getIndex, Dynamic, 0x0246fcf8) \
V(_HashVMBase, set:_index, LinkedHashMap_setIndex, Dynamic, 0x53a33a00) \
V(_HashVMBase, get:_data, LinkedHashMap_getData, Array, 0x2d79fc4d) \
V(_HashVMBase, set:_data, LinkedHashMap_setData, Dynamic, 0x129a9708) \
V(_HashVMBase, get:_usedData, LinkedHashMap_getUsedData, Smi, 0x0885258e) \
V(_HashVMBase, set:_usedData, LinkedHashMap_setUsedData, Dynamic, 0x631d2ea6)\
V(_HashVMBase, get:_hashMask, LinkedHashMap_getHashMask, Smi, 0x32f33cdc) \
V(_HashVMBase, set:_hashMask, LinkedHashMap_setHashMask, Dynamic, 0x75f4287b)\
V(_HashVMBase, get:_deletedKeys, LinkedHashMap_getDeletedKeys, Smi, \
0x55840d63) \
V(_HashVMBase, set:_deletedKeys, LinkedHashMap_setDeletedKeys, Dynamic, \
0x5e83ecad) \
V(::, _classRangeCheck, ClassRangeCheck, Bool, 0x16a2fc83) \
V(::, _classRangeCheckNegative, ClassRangeCheckNegated, Bool, 0x46898c74) \
// List of intrinsics:
// (class-name, function-name, intrinsification method, fingerprint).
V(_Smi, ~, Smi_bitNegate, Smi, 0x6574c6b0) \
V(_Smi, get:bitLength, Smi_bitLength, Smi, 0x25b356ab) \
V(_Smi, _bitAndFromSmi, Smi_bitAndFromSmi, Smi, 0x490a4da1) \
V(_Bigint, _lsh, Bigint_lsh, Dynamic, 0x40d9f1cc) \
V(_Bigint, _rsh, Bigint_rsh, Dynamic, 0x703f1a40) \
V(_Bigint, _absAdd, Bigint_absAdd, Dynamic, 0x50fb1e47) \
V(_Bigint, _absSub, Bigint_absSub, Dynamic, 0x2beeb34d) \
V(_Bigint, _mulAdd, Bigint_mulAdd, Dynamic, 0x4feffd35) \
V(_Bigint, _sqrAdd, Bigint_sqrAdd, Dynamic, 0x1acf0bbe) \
V(_Bigint, _estQuotientDigit, Bigint_estQuotientDigit, Dynamic, 0x0a2898bb) \
V(_Montgomery, _mulMod, Montgomery_mulMod, Dynamic, 0x26d5b8ee) \
V(_Double, >, Double_greaterThan, Bool, 0x0a202683) \
V(_Double, >=, Double_greaterEqualThan, Bool, 0x57491a62) \
V(_Double, <, Double_lessThan, Bool, 0x2e9d61bb) \
V(_Double, <=, Double_lessEqualThan, Bool, 0x099e4442) \
V(_Double, ==, Double_equal, Bool, 0x04c399a1) \
V(_Double, +, Double_add, Double, 0x0ea5f450) \
V(_Double, -, Double_sub, Double, 0x76768546) \
V(_Double, *, Double_mul, Double, 0x66c66e3d) \
V(_Double, /, Double_div, Double, 0x034b9f08) \
V(_Double, get:isNaN, Double_getIsNaN, Bool, 0x0af9604a) \
V(_Double, get:isInfinite, Double_getIsInfinite, Bool, 0x0f7a56e8) \
V(_Double, get:isNegative, Double_getIsNegative, Bool, 0x3a597395) \
V(_Double, _mulFromInteger, Double_mulFromInteger, Double, 0x4fb72915) \
V(_Double, .fromInteger, DoubleFromInteger, Double, 0x78d9de2c) \
V(_List, []=, ObjectArraySetIndexed, Dynamic, 0x51691f4c) \
V(_GrowableList, .withData, GrowableArray_Allocate, GrowableObjectArray, \
0x3468a26f) \
V(_GrowableList, add, GrowableArray_add, Dynamic, 0x19eaa9aa) \
V(_RegExp, _ExecuteMatch, RegExp_ExecuteMatch, Dynamic, 0x380184b1) \
V(_RegExp, _ExecuteMatchSticky, RegExp_ExecuteMatchSticky, Dynamic, \
0x79b8f955) \
V(Object, ==, ObjectEquals, Bool, 0x464c6a19) \
V(Object, get:runtimeType, ObjectRuntimeType, Type, 0x00e836ca) \
V(Object, _haveSameRuntimeType, ObjectHaveSameRuntimeType, Bool, 0x597b967a) \
V(_StringBase, get:hashCode, String_getHashCode, Smi, 0x78c35fe7) \
V(_StringBase, get:isEmpty, StringBaseIsEmpty, Bool, 0x1fa6a4c9) \
V(_StringBase, _substringMatches, StringBaseSubstringMatches, Bool, \
0x649cbeef) \
V(_StringBase, [], StringBaseCharAt, Dynamic, 0x14da5924) \
V(_OneByteString, get:hashCode, OneByteString_getHashCode, Smi, 0x78c35fe7) \
V(_OneByteString, _substringUncheckedNative, \
OneByteString_substringUnchecked, OneByteString, 0x3538ad86) \
V(_OneByteString, _setAt, OneByteStringSetAt, Dynamic, 0x7d1b2b10) \
V(_OneByteString, _allocate, OneByteString_allocate, OneByteString, \
0x604ec475) \
V(_OneByteString, ==, OneByteString_equality, Bool, 0x4719e83f) \
V(_TwoByteString, ==, TwoByteString_equality, Bool, 0x4719e83f) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, _addFromInteger, Integer_addFromInteger, \
Dynamic, 0x6a10c54a) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, +, Integer_add, Dynamic, 0x5125faaa) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, _subFromInteger, Integer_subFromInteger, Dynamic, \
0x3fa4b1ed) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, -, Integer_sub, Dynamic, 0x0c94540b) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, _mulFromInteger, Integer_mulFromInteger, \
Dynamic, 0x3216e299) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, *, Integer_mul, Dynamic, 0x4535624c) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, _moduloFromInteger, Integer_moduloFromInteger, \
Dynamic, 0x6348b974) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, ~/, Integer_truncDivide, Dynamic, 0x1f48f4c9) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, unary-, Integer_negate, Dynamic, 0x4e346e3b) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, _bitAndFromInteger, Integer_bitAndFromInteger, \
Dynamic, 0x395b1678) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, &, Integer_bitAnd, Dynamic, 0x01b79186) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, _bitOrFromInteger, Integer_bitOrFromInteger, \
Dynamic, 0x6a36b395) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, |, Integer_bitOr, Dynamic, 0x71c6af64) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, _bitXorFromInteger, Integer_bitXorFromInteger, \
Dynamic, 0x72da93f0) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, ^, Integer_bitXor, Dynamic, 0x47faa8a5) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, _greaterThanFromInteger, \
Integer_greaterThanFromInt, Bool, 0x4a50ed58) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, >, Integer_greaterThan, Bool, 0x23dd0c00) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, ==, Integer_equal, Bool, 0x7d51f04d) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, _equalToInteger, Integer_equalToInteger, Bool, \
0x063be842) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, <, Integer_lessThan, Bool, 0x2e9d61bb) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, <=, Integer_lessEqualThan, Bool, 0x099e4442) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, >=, Integer_greaterEqualThan, Bool, 0x57491a62) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, <<, Integer_shl, Dynamic, 0x1050c9a8) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, >>, Integer_sar, Dynamic, 0x39af1c69) \
V(_Double, toInt, DoubleToInteger, Dynamic, 0x26ef344b)
V(::, sqrt, MathSqrt, Double, 0x70482cf3) \
V(_Random, _nextState, Random_nextState, Dynamic, 0x268dec36) \
V(::, sin, MathSin, Double, 0x3f3a010c) \
V(::, cos, MathCos, Double, 0x195a1d7e) \
V(::, tan, MathTan, Double, 0x0f8b9eaa) \
V(::, asin, MathAsin, Double, 0x2ecc2fcd) \
V(::, acos, MathAcos, Double, 0x08cf2212) \
V(::, atan, MathAtan, Double, 0x1e2731d5) \
V(::, atan2, MathAtan2, Double, 0x39f1fa41) \
V(Int8List, ., TypedData_Int8Array_factory, TypedDataInt8Array, 0x165876c2) \
V(Uint8List, ., TypedData_Uint8Array_factory, TypedDataUint8Array, \
0x52988118) \
V(Uint8ClampedList, ., TypedData_Uint8ClampedArray_factory, \
TypedDataUint8ClampedArray, 0x001256b6) \
V(Int16List, ., TypedData_Int16Array_factory, TypedDataInt16Array, \
0x7c9690c9) \
V(Uint16List, ., TypedData_Uint16Array_factory, TypedDataUint16Array, \
0x6f2698c3) \
V(Int32List, ., TypedData_Int32Array_factory, TypedDataInt32Array, \
0x43b5bf2f) \
V(Uint32List, ., TypedData_Uint32Array_factory, \
TypedDataUint32Array, 0x243ae083) \
V(Int64List, ., TypedData_Int64Array_factory, \
TypedDataInt64Array, 0x3fb987a6) \
V(Uint64List, ., TypedData_Uint64Array_factory, \
TypedDataUint64Array, 0x13ea5ce3) \
V(Float32List, ., TypedData_Float32Array_factory, \
TypedDataFloat32Array, 0x5b6f3f2a) \
V(Float64List, ., TypedData_Float64Array_factory, \
TypedDataFloat64Array, 0x37fd11d0) \
V(Float32x4List, ., TypedData_Float32x4Array_factory, \
TypedDataFloat32x4Array, 0x625f03f7) \
V(Int32x4List, ., TypedData_Int32x4Array_factory, \
TypedDataInt32x4Array, 0x05eef727) \
V(Float64x2List, ., TypedData_Float64x2Array_factory, \
TypedDataFloat64x2Array, 0x00ad21b8) \
V(_Int8List, [], Int8ArrayGetIndexed, Smi, 0x14885f2e) \
V(_Int8List, []=, Int8ArraySetIndexed, Dynamic, 0x423e16f0) \
V(_Uint8List, [], Uint8ArrayGetIndexed, Smi, 0x539f6bd6) \
V(_Uint8List, []=, Uint8ArraySetIndexed, Dynamic, 0x2fad7f61) \
V(_ExternalUint8Array, [], ExternalUint8ArrayGetIndexed, Smi, 0x539f6bd6) \
V(_ExternalUint8Array, []=, ExternalUint8ArraySetIndexed, Dynamic, \
0x2fad7f61) \
V(_Uint8ClampedList, [], Uint8ClampedArrayGetIndexed, Smi, 0x539f6bd6) \
V(_Uint8ClampedList, []=, Uint8ClampedArraySetIndexed, Dynamic, 0x04dac5c1) \
V(_ExternalUint8ClampedArray, [], ExternalUint8ClampedArrayGetIndexed, \
Smi, 0x539f6bd6) \
V(_ExternalUint8ClampedArray, []=, ExternalUint8ClampedArraySetIndexed, \
Dynamic, 0x04dac5c1) \
V(_Int16List, [], Int16ArrayGetIndexed, Smi, 0x29d82e4a) \
V(_Int16List, []=, Int16ArraySetIndexed, Dynamic, 0x2b986c41) \
V(_Uint16List, [], Uint16ArrayGetIndexed, Smi, 0x2a5bb595) \
V(_Uint16List, []=, Uint16ArraySetIndexed, Dynamic, 0x4c45b32f) \
V(_Int32List, [], Int32ArrayGetIndexed, Dynamic, 0x16d2b8df) \
V(_Int32List, []=, Int32ArraySetIndexed, Dynamic, 0x38298243) \
V(_Uint32List, [], Uint32ArrayGetIndexed, Dynamic, 0x63983dd0) \
V(_Uint32List, []=, Uint32ArraySetIndexed, Dynamic, 0x1f3f0499) \
V(_Float64List, [], Float64ArrayGetIndexed, Double, 0x55832988) \
V(_Float64List, []=, Float64ArraySetIndexed, Dynamic, 0x2cfebd47) \
V(_Float32List, [], Float32ArrayGetIndexed, Double, 0x25f01521) \
V(_Float32List, []=, Float32ArraySetIndexed, Dynamic, 0x35c7780b) \
V(_Float32x4List, [], Float32x4ArrayGetIndexed, Float32x4, 0x5d9ec2ed) \
V(_Float32x4List, []=, Float32x4ArraySetIndexed, Dynamic, 0x2340a652) \
V(_Int32x4List, [], Int32x4ArrayGetIndexed, Int32x4, 0x168a949e) \
V(_Int32x4List, []=, Int32x4ArraySetIndexed, Dynamic, 0x59b0878b) \
V(_Float64x2List, [], Float64x2ArrayGetIndexed, Float64x2, 0x2f5bf0e3) \
V(_Float64x2List, []=, Float64x2ArraySetIndexed, Dynamic, 0x13eeb4eb) \
V(_TypedList, get:length, TypedDataLength, Smi, 0x20915079) \
V(_Float32x4, get:x, Float32x4ShuffleX, Double, 0x63d1359e) \
V(_Float32x4, get:y, Float32x4ShuffleY, Double, 0x2034af7a) \
V(_Float32x4, get:z, Float32x4ShuffleZ, Double, 0x13189219) \
V(_Float32x4, get:w, Float32x4ShuffleW, Double, 0x6989c47f) \
V(_Float32x4, *, Float32x4Mul, Float32x4, 0x760b3bd3) \
V(_Float32x4, -, Float32x4Sub, Float32x4, 0x56c01782) \
V(_Float32x4, +, Float32x4Add, Float32x4, 0x181bc622) \
V(_List, get:length, ObjectArrayLength, Smi, 0x2594af31) \
V(_List, [], ObjectArrayGetIndexed, Dynamic, 0x7d5c734f) \
V(_ImmutableList, get:length, ImmutableArrayLength, Smi, 0x2594af31) \
V(_ImmutableList, [], ImmutableArrayGetIndexed, Dynamic, 0x7d5c734f) \
V(_GrowableList, get:length, GrowableArrayLength, Smi, 0x18dd1255) \
V(_GrowableList, get:_capacity, GrowableArrayCapacity, Smi, 0x2e044a01) \
V(_GrowableList, _setData, GrowableArraySetData, Dynamic, 0x55dd7669) \
V(_GrowableList, _setLength, GrowableArraySetLength, Dynamic, 0x0d5d28fb) \
V(_GrowableList, [], GrowableArrayGetIndexed, Dynamic, 0x5c8eb511) \
V(_GrowableList, []=, GrowableArraySetIndexed, Dynamic, 0x2a0356b6) \
V(_StringBase, get:length, StringBaseLength, Smi, 0x2a2c8f72) \
V(_OneByteString, codeUnitAt, OneByteStringCodeUnitAt, Smi, 0x55a0a1f3) \
V(_TwoByteString, codeUnitAt, TwoByteStringCodeUnitAt, Smi, 0x55a0a1f3) \
V(_ExternalOneByteString, codeUnitAt, ExternalOneByteStringCodeUnitAt, \
Smi, 0x55a0a1f3) \
V(_ExternalTwoByteString, codeUnitAt, ExternalTwoByteStringCodeUnitAt, \
Smi, 0x55a0a1f3) \
V(_Double, unary-, DoubleFlipSignBit, Double, 0x6bff8eb0) \
V(_Double, truncateToDouble, DoubleTruncate, Double, 0x2f27e5d3) \
V(_Double, roundToDouble, DoubleRound, Double, 0x2f89c512) \
V(_Double, floorToDouble, DoubleFloor, Double, 0x6aa87a5f) \
V(_Double, ceilToDouble, DoubleCeil, Double, 0x1b045e9e) \
V(_Double, _modulo, DoubleMod, Double, 0x5b8ceed7)
V(_UserTag, makeCurrent, UserTag_makeCurrent, Dynamic, 0x0b3066fd) \
V(::, _getDefaultTag, UserTag_defaultTag, Dynamic, 0x69f3f1ad) \
V(::, _getCurrentTag, Profiler_getCurrentTag, Dynamic, 0x05fa99d2) \
V(::, _isDartStreamEnabled, Timeline_isDartStreamEnabled, Dynamic, \
0x72f13f7a) \
V(::, _clearAsyncThreadStackTrace, ClearAsyncThreadStackTrace, \
Dynamic, 0x2d287286) \
V(::, _setAsyncThreadStackTrace, SetAsyncThreadStackTrace, \
Dynamic, 0x1d12fcc8)
// A list of core function that should always be inlined.
V(Object, ==, ObjectEquals, 0x464c6a19) \
V(_List, get:length, ObjectArrayLength, 0x2594af31) \
V(_ImmutableList, get:length, ImmutableArrayLength, 0x2594af31) \
V(_TypedList, get:length, TypedDataLength, 0x20915079) \
V(_GrowableList, get:length, GrowableArrayLength, 0x18dd1255) \
V(_GrowableList, get:_capacity, GrowableArrayCapacity, 0x2e044a01) \
V(_GrowableList, add, GrowableListAdd, 0x19eaa9aa) \
V(_GrowableList, removeLast, GrowableListRemoveLast, 0x3daaaca4) \
V(_StringBase, get:length, StringBaseLength, 0x2a2c8f72) \
V(ListIterator, moveNext, ListIteratorMoveNext, 0x7ead154d) \
V(_FixedSizeArrayIterator, moveNext, FixedListIteratorMoveNext, 0x4197892b) \
V(_GrowableList, get:iterator, GrowableArrayIterator, 0x64c204d5) \
V(_GrowableList, forEach, GrowableArrayForEach, 0x4cc8215b) \
V(_List, ., ObjectArrayAllocate, 0x6c3b54ee) \
V(ListMixin, get:isEmpty, ListMixinIsEmpty, 0x7a327465) \
V(_List, get:iterator, ObjectArrayIterator, 0x757431f3) \
V(_List, forEach, ObjectArrayForEach, 0x4dfea652) \
V(_List, _slice, ObjectArraySlice, 0x671ebc98) \
V(_ImmutableList, get:iterator, ImmutableArrayIterator, 0x757431f3) \
V(_ImmutableList, forEach, ImmutableArrayForEach, 0x4dfea652) \
V(_Uint8ArrayView, [], Uint8ArrayViewGetIndexed, 0x4e8a9e40) \
V(_Uint8ArrayView, []=, Uint8ArrayViewSetIndexed, 0x46f85777) \
V(_Int8ArrayView, [], Int8ArrayViewGetIndexed, 0x4fb4a051) \
V(_Int8ArrayView, []=, Int8ArrayViewSetIndexed, 0x443418ed) \
V(_ByteDataView, setInt8, ByteDataViewSetInt8, 0x6502a95f) \
V(_ByteDataView, setUint8, ByteDataViewSetUint8, 0x7b051d40) \
V(_ByteDataView, setInt16, ByteDataViewSetInt16, 0x41bf9a68) \
V(_ByteDataView, setUint16, ByteDataViewSetUint16, 0x384e7797) \
V(_ByteDataView, setInt32, ByteDataViewSetInt32, 0x41973c2e) \
V(_ByteDataView, setUint32, ByteDataViewSetUint32, 0x49a7590e) \
V(_ByteDataView, setInt64, ByteDataViewSetInt64, 0x31e47b84) \
V(_ByteDataView, setUint64, ByteDataViewSetUint64, 0x57daedc6) \
V(_ByteDataView, setFloat32, ByteDataViewSetFloat32, 0x6c92cb69) \
V(_ByteDataView, setFloat64, ByteDataViewSetFloat64, 0x6f4b64ab) \
V(_ByteDataView, getInt8, ByteDataViewGetInt8, 0x655d546e) \
V(_ByteDataView, getUint8, ByteDataViewGetUint8, 0x5a819513) \
V(_ByteDataView, getInt16, ByteDataViewGetInt16, 0x449cf8de) \
V(_ByteDataView, getUint16, ByteDataViewGetUint16, 0x2f585007) \
V(_ByteDataView, getInt32, ByteDataViewGetInt32, 0x1590e92b) \
V(_ByteDataView, getUint32, ByteDataViewGetUint32, 0x0ed36ced) \
V(_ByteDataView, getInt64, ByteDataViewGetInt64, 0x535fe14d) \
V(_ByteDataView, getUint64, ByteDataViewGetUint64, 0x469be77a) \
V(_ByteDataView, getFloat32, ByteDataViewGetFloat32, 0x32567817) \
V(_ByteDataView, getFloat64, ByteDataViewGetFloat64, 0x322badf5) \
V(::, exp, MathExp, 0x32ab9efa) \
V(::, log, MathLog, 0x1ee8f9fc) \
V(::, max, MathMax, 0x217af195) \
V(::, min, MathMin, 0x154735b3) \
V(::, pow, MathPow, 0x5f119fa5) \
V(::, _classRangeCheck, ClassRangeCheck, 0x16a2fc83) \
V(::, _classRangeCheckNegative, ClassRangeCheckNegated, 0x46898c74) \
V(Lists, copy, ListsCopy, 0x714584f8) \
V(_Bigint, get:_neg, Bigint_getNeg, 0x356019c4) \
V(_Bigint, get:_used, Bigint_getUsed, 0x33ba5131) \
V(_Bigint, get:_digits, Bigint_getDigits, 0x68defc99) \
V(_HashVMBase, get:_index, LinkedHashMap_getIndex, 0x0246fcf8) \
V(_HashVMBase, set:_index, LinkedHashMap_setIndex, 0x53a33a00) \
V(_HashVMBase, get:_data, LinkedHashMap_getData, 0x2d79fc4d) \
V(_HashVMBase, set:_data, LinkedHashMap_setData, 0x129a9708) \
V(_HashVMBase, get:_usedData, LinkedHashMap_getUsedData, 0x0885258e) \
V(_HashVMBase, set:_usedData, LinkedHashMap_setUsedData, 0x631d2ea6) \
V(_HashVMBase, get:_hashMask, LinkedHashMap_getHashMask, 0x32f33cdc) \
V(_HashVMBase, set:_hashMask, LinkedHashMap_setHashMask, 0x75f4287b) \
V(_HashVMBase, get:_deletedKeys, LinkedHashMap_getDeletedKeys, 0x55840d63) \
V(_HashVMBase, set:_deletedKeys, LinkedHashMap_setDeletedKeys, 0x5e83ecad) \
// A list of core function that should never be inlined.
V(::, asin, MathAsin, 0x2ecc2fcd) \
V(::, acos, MathAcos, 0x08cf2212) \
V(::, atan, MathAtan, 0x1e2731d5) \
V(::, atan2, MathAtan2, 0x39f1fa41) \
V(::, cos, MathCos, 0x195a1d7e) \
V(::, sin, MathSin, 0x3f3a010c) \
V(::, sqrt, MathSqrt, 0x70482cf3) \
V(::, tan, MathTan, 0x0f8b9eaa) \
V(_Bigint, _lsh, Bigint_lsh, 0x40d9f1cc) \
V(_Bigint, _rsh, Bigint_rsh, 0x703f1a40) \
V(_Bigint, _absAdd, Bigint_absAdd, 0x50fb1e47) \
V(_Bigint, _absSub, Bigint_absSub, 0x2beeb34d) \
V(_Bigint, _mulAdd, Bigint_mulAdd, 0x4feffd35) \
V(_Bigint, _sqrAdd, Bigint_sqrAdd, 0x1acf0bbe) \
V(_Bigint, _estQuotientDigit, Bigint_estQuotientDigit, 0x0a2898bb) \
V(_Montgomery, _mulMod, Montgomery_mulMod, 0x26d5b8ee) \
V(_Double, >, Double_greaterThan, 0x0a202683) \
V(_Double, >=, Double_greaterEqualThan, 0x57491a62) \
V(_Double, <, Double_lessThan, 0x2e9d61bb) \
V(_Double, <=, Double_lessEqualThan, 0x099e4442) \
V(_Double, ==, Double_equal, 0x04c399a1) \
V(_Double, +, Double_add, 0x0ea5f450) \
V(_Double, -, Double_sub, 0x76768546) \
V(_Double, *, Double_mul, 0x66c66e3d) \
V(_Double, /, Double_div, 0x034b9f08) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, +, Integer_add, 0x5125faaa) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, -, Integer_sub, 0x0c94540b) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, *, Integer_mul, 0x4535624c) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, ~/, Integer_truncDivide, 0x1f48f4c9) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, unary-, Integer_negate, 0x4e346e3b) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, &, Integer_bitAnd, 0x01b79186) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, |, Integer_bitOr, 0x71c6af64) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, ^, Integer_bitXor, 0x47faa8a5) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, >, Integer_greaterThan, 0x23dd0c00) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, ==, Integer_equal, 0x7d51f04d) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, <, Integer_lessThan, 0x2e9d61bb) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, <=, Integer_lessEqualThan, 0x099e4442) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, >=, Integer_greaterEqualThan, 0x57491a62) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, <<, Integer_shl, 0x1050c9a8) \
V(_IntegerImplementation, >>, Integer_sar, 0x39af1c69) \
// A list of core functions that internally dispatch based on received id.
V(_StringBase, [], StringBaseCharAt, 0x14da5924) \
V(_TypedList, _getInt8, ByteArrayBaseGetInt8, 0x7041895a) \
V(_TypedList, _getUint8, ByteArrayBaseGetUint8, 0x336fa3ea) \
V(_TypedList, _getInt16, ByteArrayBaseGetInt16, 0x231bbe2e) \
V(_TypedList, _getUint16, ByteArrayBaseGetUint16, 0x0371785f) \
V(_TypedList, _getInt32, ByteArrayBaseGetInt32, 0x65ab3a20) \
V(_TypedList, _getUint32, ByteArrayBaseGetUint32, 0x0cb0fcf6) \
V(_TypedList, _getFloat32, ByteArrayBaseGetFloat32, 0x6674ea6f) \
V(_TypedList, _getFloat64, ByteArrayBaseGetFloat64, 0x236c6e7a) \
V(_TypedList, _getFloat32x4, ByteArrayBaseGetFloat32x4, 0x5c367ffb) \
V(_TypedList, _getInt32x4, ByteArrayBaseGetInt32x4, 0x772d1c0f) \
V(_TypedList, _setInt8, ByteArrayBaseSetInt8, 0x7dd630a9) \
V(_TypedList, _setUint8, ByteArrayBaseSetInt8, 0x009d6a08) \
V(_TypedList, _setInt16, ByteArrayBaseSetInt16, 0x0a9d8539) \
V(_TypedList, _setUint16, ByteArrayBaseSetInt16, 0x0339aa55) \
V(_TypedList, _setInt32, ByteArrayBaseSetInt32, 0x68f6ecc6) \
V(_TypedList, _setUint32, ByteArrayBaseSetUint32, 0x5f249ccc) \
V(_TypedList, _setFloat32, ByteArrayBaseSetFloat32, 0x6ef655ba) \
V(_TypedList, _setFloat64, ByteArrayBaseSetFloat64, 0x23c3584c) \
V(_TypedList, _setFloat32x4, ByteArrayBaseSetFloat32x4, 0x2b20798d) \
V(_TypedList, _setInt32x4, ByteArrayBaseSetInt32x4, 0x72d3ec93) \
V(Object, get:runtimeType, ObjectRuntimeType, 0x00e836ca)
// clang-format on
// Forward declarations.
class Function;
// Class that recognizes the name and owner of a function and returns the
// corresponding enum. See RECOGNIZED_LIST above for list of recognizable
// functions.
class MethodRecognizer : public AllStatic {
enum Kind {
#define DEFINE_ENUM_LIST(class_name, function_name, enum_name, type, fp) \
static Kind RecognizeKind(const Function& function);
static bool AlwaysInline(const Function& function);
static bool PolymorphicTarget(const Function& function);
static intptr_t ResultCid(const Function& function);
static intptr_t MethodKindToReceiverCid(Kind kind);
static const char* KindToCString(Kind kind);
static void InitializeState();
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
#define CHECK_FINGERPRINT2(f, p0, p1, fp) \
ASSERT(f.CheckSourceFingerprint(#p0 ", " #p1, fp))
#define CHECK_FINGERPRINT3(f, p0, p1, p2, fp) \
ASSERT(f.CheckSourceFingerprint(#p0 ", " #p1 ", " #p2, fp))
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
// clang-format off
// List of recognized list factories:
// (factory-name-symbol, class-name-string, constructor-name-string,
// result-cid, fingerprint).
V(_ListFactory, _List, ., kArrayCid, 0x6c3b54ee) \
V(_GrowableListWithData, _GrowableList, .withData, kGrowableObjectArrayCid, \
0x3468a26f) \
V(_GrowableListFactory, _GrowableList, ., kGrowableObjectArrayCid, \
0x3bd724aa) \
V(_Int8ArrayFactory, Int8List, ., kTypedDataInt8ArrayCid, 0x165876c2) \
V(_Uint8ArrayFactory, Uint8List, ., kTypedDataUint8ArrayCid, 0x52988118) \
V(_Uint8ClampedArrayFactory, Uint8ClampedList, ., \
kTypedDataUint8ClampedArrayCid, 0x001256b6) \
V(_Int16ArrayFactory, Int16List, ., kTypedDataInt16ArrayCid, 0x7c9690c9) \
V(_Uint16ArrayFactory, Uint16List, ., kTypedDataUint16ArrayCid, 0x6f2698c3) \
V(_Int32ArrayFactory, Int32List, ., kTypedDataInt32ArrayCid, 0x43b5bf2f) \
V(_Uint32ArrayFactory, Uint32List, ., kTypedDataUint32ArrayCid, 0x243ae083) \
V(_Int64ArrayFactory, Int64List, ., kTypedDataInt64ArrayCid, 0x3fb987a6) \
V(_Uint64ArrayFactory, Uint64List, ., kTypedDataUint64ArrayCid, 0x13ea5ce3) \
V(_Float64ArrayFactory, Float64List, ., kTypedDataFloat64ArrayCid, \
0x37fd11d0) \
V(_Float32ArrayFactory, Float32List, ., kTypedDataFloat32ArrayCid, \
0x5b6f3f2a) \
V(_Float32x4ArrayFactory, Float32x4List, ., kTypedDataFloat32x4ArrayCid, \
// clang-format on
// Class that recognizes factories and returns corresponding result cid.
class FactoryRecognizer : public AllStatic {
// Return kDynamicCid if factory is not recognized.
static intptr_t ResultCid(const Function& factory);
} // namespace dart