blob: 23dd278db3d4671297dfbe95918f6e5a72f8ef35 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/intermediate_language.h"
#include "vm/flow_graph.h"
namespace dart {
class CSEInstructionMap;
template <typename T>
class GrowableArray;
class ParsedFunction;
class JitOptimizer : public FlowGraphVisitor {
explicit JitOptimizer(FlowGraph* flow_graph)
: FlowGraphVisitor(flow_graph->reverse_postorder()),
flow_graph_(flow_graph) {}
virtual ~JitOptimizer() {}
FlowGraph* flow_graph() const { return flow_graph_; }
// Use ICData to optimize, replace or eliminate instructions.
void ApplyICData();
// Use propagated class ids to optimize, replace or eliminate instructions.
void ApplyClassIds();
virtual void VisitStaticCall(StaticCallInstr* instr);
virtual void VisitInstanceCall(InstanceCallInstr* instr);
virtual void VisitStoreInstanceField(StoreInstanceFieldInstr* instr);
virtual void VisitAllocateContext(AllocateContextInstr* instr);
virtual void VisitLoadCodeUnits(LoadCodeUnitsInstr* instr);
void InsertBefore(Instruction* next,
Instruction* instr,
Environment* env,
FlowGraph::UseKind use_kind) {
flow_graph_->InsertBefore(next, instr, env, use_kind);
// Attempt to build ICData for call using propagated class-ids.
bool TryCreateICData(InstanceCallInstr* call);
void SpecializePolymorphicInstanceCall(PolymorphicInstanceCallInstr* call);
bool TryReplaceWithIndexedOp(InstanceCallInstr* call);
void TryExpandClassesInICData(const ICData& ic_data);
bool LookupMethodFor(int class_id,
const ArgumentsDescriptor& args_desc,
const String& name,
Function* fn_return);
bool TryReplaceWithBinaryOp(InstanceCallInstr* call, Token::Kind op_kind);
bool TryReplaceWithUnaryOp(InstanceCallInstr* call, Token::Kind op_kind);
bool TryReplaceWithEqualityOp(InstanceCallInstr* call, Token::Kind op_kind);
bool TryReplaceWithRelationalOp(InstanceCallInstr* call, Token::Kind op_kind);
bool TryInlineInstanceGetter(InstanceCallInstr* call);
bool TryInlineInstanceSetter(InstanceCallInstr* call,
const ICData& unary_ic_data);
bool TryInlineInstanceMethod(InstanceCallInstr* call);
void ReplaceWithInstanceOf(InstanceCallInstr* instr);
bool TypeCheckAsClassEquality(const AbstractType& type);
void ReplaceWithTypeCast(InstanceCallInstr* instr);
bool TryReplaceInstanceCallWithInline(InstanceCallInstr* call);
// Insert a check of 'to_check' determined by 'unary_checks'. If the
// check fails it will deoptimize to 'deopt_id' using the deoptimization
// environment 'deopt_environment'. The check is inserted immediately
// before 'insert_before'.
void AddCheckClass(Definition* to_check,
const ICData& unary_checks,
intptr_t deopt_id,
Environment* deopt_environment,
Instruction* insert_before);
Instruction* GetCheckClass(Definition* to_check,
const ICData& unary_checks,
intptr_t deopt_id,
TokenPosition token_pos);
// Insert a Smi check if needed.
void AddCheckSmi(Definition* to_check,
intptr_t deopt_id,
Environment* deopt_environment,
Instruction* insert_before);
// Add a class check for a call's first argument immediately before the
// call, using the call's IC data to determine the check, and the call's
// deopt ID and deoptimization environment if the check fails.
void AddReceiverCheck(InstanceCallInstr* call);
void ReplaceCall(Definition* call, Definition* replacement);
bool InstanceCallNeedsClassCheck(InstanceCallInstr* call,
RawFunction::Kind kind) const;
bool InlineFloat32x4BinaryOp(InstanceCallInstr* call, Token::Kind op_kind);
bool InlineInt32x4BinaryOp(InstanceCallInstr* call, Token::Kind op_kind);
bool InlineFloat64x2BinaryOp(InstanceCallInstr* call, Token::Kind op_kind);
bool InlineImplicitInstanceGetter(InstanceCallInstr* call);
RawBool* InstanceOfAsBool(const ICData& ic_data,
const AbstractType& type,
ZoneGrowableArray<intptr_t>* results) const;
void ReplaceWithMathCFunction(InstanceCallInstr* call,
MethodRecognizer::Kind recognized_kind);
bool TryStringLengthOneEquality(InstanceCallInstr* call, Token::Kind op_kind);
RawField* GetField(intptr_t class_id, const String& field_name);
Thread* thread() const { return flow_graph_->thread(); }
Isolate* isolate() const { return flow_graph_->isolate(); }
Zone* zone() const { return flow_graph_->zone(); }
const Function& function() const { return flow_graph_->function(); }
FlowGraph* flow_graph_;
} // namespace dart