blob: e0ea7999033b0010c67593546f3dac48faad8fb2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Classes that describe assembly patterns as used by inline caches.
#error Do not include instructions_dbc.h directly; use instructions.h instead.
#include "vm/constants_dbc.h"
#include "vm/native_entry.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
namespace dart {
class InstructionPattern : public AllStatic {
// Decodes a load sequence ending at 'end' (the last instruction of the
// load sequence is the instruction before the one at end). Returns the
// address of the first instruction in the sequence. Returns the register
// being loaded and the loaded object in the output parameters 'reg' and
// 'obj' respectively.
static uword DecodeLoadObject(uword end,
const ObjectPool& object_pool,
Register* reg,
Object* obj);
// Decodes a load sequence ending at 'end' (the last instruction of the
// load sequence is the instruction before the one at end). Returns the
// address of the first instruction in the sequence. Returns the register
// being loaded and the loaded immediate value in the output parameters
// 'reg' and 'value' respectively.
static uword DecodeLoadWordImmediate(uword end,
Register* reg,
intptr_t* value);
// Decodes a load sequence ending at 'end' (the last instruction of the
// load sequence is the instruction before the one at end). Returns the
// address of the first instruction in the sequence. Returns the register
// being loaded and the index in the pool being read from in the output
// parameters 'reg' and 'index' respectively.
static uword DecodeLoadWordFromPool(uword end,
Register* reg,
intptr_t* index);
class CallPattern : public ValueObject {
CallPattern(uword pc, const Code& code);
RawICData* IcData();
RawCode* TargetCode() const;
void SetTargetCode(const Code& code) const;
static void InsertDeoptCallAt(uword pc);
const ObjectPool& object_pool_;
uword end_;
uword ic_data_load_end_;
intptr_t target_code_pool_index_;
ICData& ic_data_;
class NativeCallPattern : public ValueObject {
NativeCallPattern(uword pc, const Code& code);
RawCode* target() const;
void set_target(const Code& target) const;
NativeFunction native_function() const;
void set_native_function(NativeFunction target) const;
const ObjectPool& object_pool_;
uword end_;
intptr_t native_function_pool_index_;
intptr_t target_code_pool_index_;
// Instance call that can switch between a direct monomorphic call, an IC call,
// and a megamorphic call.
// load guarded cid load ICData load MegamorphicCache
// load monomorphic target <-> load ICLookup stub -> load MMLookup stub
// call target.entry call stub.entry call stub.entry
class SwitchableCallPattern : public ValueObject {
SwitchableCallPattern(uword pc, const Code& code);
RawObject* data() const;
RawCode* target() const;
void SetData(const Object& data) const;
void SetTarget(const Code& target) const;
const ObjectPool& object_pool_;
intptr_t data_pool_index_;
intptr_t target_pool_index_;
class ReturnPattern : public ValueObject {
explicit ReturnPattern(uword pc);
static const int kLengthInBytes = 0;
int pattern_length_in_bytes() const {
return kLengthInBytes;
bool IsValid() const;
const uword pc_;
} // namespace dart