blob: 5ae4361e78a12413caae0cc66dc58d040b10c05b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "vm/allocation.h"
#include "vm/flags.h"
#include "vm/globals.h"
#include "vm/pages.h"
#include "vm/scavenger.h"
#include "vm/spaces.h"
#include "vm/verifier.h"
#include "vm/weak_table.h"
namespace dart {
// Forward declarations.
class Isolate;
class ObjectPointerVisitor;
class ObjectSet;
class ServiceEvent;
class TimelineEventScope;
class VirtualMemory;
class Heap {
enum Space {
enum WeakSelector { kPeers = 0, kHashes, kObjectIds, kNumWeakSelectors };
enum ApiCallbacks { kIgnoreApiCallbacks, kInvokeApiCallbacks };
enum GCReason {
#if defined(DEBUG)
// Pattern for unused new space and swept old space.
static const uint64_t kZap64Bits = 0xf3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3;
static const uint32_t kZap32Bits = 0xf3f3f3f3;
static const uint8_t kZapByte = 0xf3;
#endif // DEBUG
Scavenger* new_space() { return &new_space_; }
PageSpace* old_space() { return &old_space_; }
uword Allocate(intptr_t size, Space space) {
switch (space) {
case kNew:
// Do not attempt to allocate very large objects in new space.
if (!IsAllocatableInNewSpace(size)) {
return AllocateOld(size, HeapPage::kData);
return AllocateNew(size);
case kOld:
return AllocateOld(size, HeapPage::kData);
case kCode:
return AllocateOld(size, HeapPage::kExecutable);
return 0;
// Track external data.
void AllocateExternal(intptr_t size, Space space);
void FreeExternal(intptr_t size, Space space);
// Move external size from new to old space. Does not by itself trigger GC.
void PromoteExternal(intptr_t size);
// Heap contains the specified address.
bool Contains(uword addr) const;
bool NewContains(uword addr) const;
bool OldContains(uword addr) const;
bool CodeContains(uword addr) const;
bool DataContains(uword addr) const;
void IterateObjects(ObjectVisitor* visitor) const;
void IterateOldObjects(ObjectVisitor* visitor) const;
void IterateOldObjectsNoImagePages(ObjectVisitor* visitor) const;
void IterateObjectPointers(ObjectVisitor* visitor) const;
// Find an object by visiting all pointers in the specified heap space,
// the 'visitor' is used to determine if an object is found or not.
// The 'visitor' function should be set up to return true if the
// object is found, traversal through the heap space stops at that
// point.
// The 'visitor' function should return false if the object is not found,
// traversal through the heap space continues.
// Returns null object if nothing is found.
RawInstructions* FindObjectInCodeSpace(FindObjectVisitor* visitor) const;
RawObject* FindOldObject(FindObjectVisitor* visitor) const;
RawObject* FindNewObject(FindObjectVisitor* visitor) const;
RawObject* FindObject(FindObjectVisitor* visitor) const;
void CollectGarbage(Space space);
void CollectGarbage(Space space, ApiCallbacks api_callbacks, GCReason reason);
void CollectAllGarbage();
bool NeedsGarbageCollection() const {
return old_space_.NeedsGarbageCollection();
void WaitForSweeperTasks(Thread* thread);
// Enables growth control on the page space heaps. This should be
// called before any user code is executed.
void InitGrowthControl();
void EnableGrowthControl() { SetGrowthControlState(true); }
void DisableGrowthControl() { SetGrowthControlState(false); }
void SetGrowthControlState(bool state);
bool GrowthControlState();
// Protect access to the heap. Note: Code pages are made
// executable/non-executable when 'read_only' is true/false, respectively.
void WriteProtect(bool read_only);
void WriteProtectCode(bool read_only) {
// Accessors for inlined allocation in generated code.
static intptr_t TopOffset(Space space);
static intptr_t EndOffset(Space space);
// Initialize the heap and register it with the isolate.
static void Init(Isolate* isolate,
intptr_t max_new_gen_words,
intptr_t max_old_gen_words,
intptr_t max_external_words);
// Verify that all pointers in the heap point to the heap.
bool Verify(MarkExpectation mark_expectation = kForbidMarked) const;
// Print heap sizes.
void PrintSizes() const;
// Return amount of memory used and capacity in a space, excluding external.
int64_t UsedInWords(Space space) const;
int64_t CapacityInWords(Space space) const;
int64_t ExternalInWords(Space space) const;
// Return the amount of GCing in microseconds.
int64_t GCTimeInMicros(Space space) const;
intptr_t Collections(Space space) const;
ObjectSet* CreateAllocatedObjectSet(Zone* zone,
MarkExpectation mark_expectation) const;
static const char* GCReasonToString(GCReason gc_reason);
// Associate a peer with an object. A non-existent peer is equal to NULL.
void SetPeer(RawObject* raw_obj, void* peer) {
SetWeakEntry(raw_obj, kPeers, reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(peer));
void* GetPeer(RawObject* raw_obj) const {
return reinterpret_cast<void*>(GetWeakEntry(raw_obj, kPeers));
int64_t PeerCount() const;
// Associate an identity hashCode with an object. An non-existent hashCode
// is equal to 0.
void SetHash(RawObject* raw_obj, intptr_t hash) {
SetWeakEntry(raw_obj, kHashes, hash);
intptr_t GetHash(RawObject* raw_obj) const {
return GetWeakEntry(raw_obj, kHashes);
int64_t HashCount() const;
// Associate an id with an object (used when serializing an object).
// A non-existant id is equal to 0.
void SetObjectId(RawObject* raw_obj, intptr_t object_id) {
SetWeakEntry(raw_obj, kObjectIds, object_id);
intptr_t GetObjectId(RawObject* raw_obj) const {
return GetWeakEntry(raw_obj, kObjectIds);
int64_t ObjectIdCount() const;
void ResetObjectIdTable();
// Used by the GC algorithms to propagate weak entries.
intptr_t GetWeakEntry(RawObject* raw_obj, WeakSelector sel) const;
void SetWeakEntry(RawObject* raw_obj, WeakSelector sel, intptr_t val);
WeakTable* GetWeakTable(Space space, WeakSelector selector) const {
if (space == kNew) {
return new_weak_tables_[selector];
ASSERT(space == kOld);
return old_weak_tables_[selector];
void SetWeakTable(Space space, WeakSelector selector, WeakTable* value) {
if (space == kNew) {
new_weak_tables_[selector] = value;
} else {
ASSERT(space == kOld);
old_weak_tables_[selector] = value;
// Stats collection.
void RecordTime(int id, int64_t micros) {
ASSERT((id >= 0) && (id < GCStats::kDataEntries));
stats_.times_[id] = micros;
void RecordData(int id, intptr_t value) {
ASSERT((id >= 0) && (id < GCStats::kDataEntries));
stats_.data_[id] = value;
void UpdateGlobalMaxUsed();
static bool IsAllocatableInNewSpace(intptr_t size) {
return size <= kNewAllocatableSize;
#ifndef PRODUCT
void PrintToJSONObject(Space space, JSONObject* object) const;
// The heap map contains the sizes and class ids for the objects in each page.
void PrintHeapMapToJSONStream(Isolate* isolate, JSONStream* stream) {
old_space_.PrintHeapMapToJSONStream(isolate, stream);
#endif // PRODUCT
Isolate* isolate() const { return isolate_; }
Monitor* barrier() const { return barrier_; }
Monitor* barrier_done() const { return barrier_done_; }
void SetupImagePage(void* pointer, uword size, bool is_executable) {
old_space_.SetupImagePage(pointer, size, is_executable);
class GCStats : public ValueObject {
GCStats() {}
intptr_t num_;
Heap::Space space_;
Heap::GCReason reason_;
class Data : public ValueObject {
Data() {}
int64_t micros_;
SpaceUsage new_;
SpaceUsage old_;
enum { kDataEntries = 4 };
Data before_;
Data after_;
int64_t times_[kDataEntries];
intptr_t data_[kDataEntries];
static const intptr_t kNewAllocatableSize = 256 * KB;
Heap(Isolate* isolate,
intptr_t max_new_gen_semi_words, // Max capacity of new semi-space.
intptr_t max_old_gen_words,
intptr_t max_external_words);
uword AllocateNew(intptr_t size);
uword AllocateOld(intptr_t size, HeapPage::PageType type);
// Visit all pointers. Caller must ensure concurrent sweeper is not running,
// and the visitor must not allocate.
void VisitObjectPointers(ObjectPointerVisitor* visitor) const;
// Visit all objects, including FreeListElement "objects". Caller must ensure
// concurrent sweeper is not running, and the visitor must not allocate.
void VisitObjects(ObjectVisitor* visitor) const;
void VisitObjectsNoImagePages(ObjectVisitor* visitor) const;
void VisitObjectsImagePages(ObjectVisitor* visitor) const;
// Like Verify, but does not wait for concurrent sweeper, so caller must
// ensure thread-safety.
bool VerifyGC(MarkExpectation mark_expectation = kForbidMarked) const;
// Helper functions for garbage collection.
void CollectNewSpaceGarbage(Thread* thread,
ApiCallbacks api_callbacks,
GCReason reason);
void CollectOldSpaceGarbage(Thread* thread,
ApiCallbacks api_callbacks,
GCReason reason);
// GC stats collection.
void RecordBeforeGC(Space space, GCReason reason);
void RecordAfterGC(Space space);
void PrintStats();
void UpdateClassHeapStatsBeforeGC(Heap::Space space);
void PrintStatsToTimeline(TimelineEventScope* event);
// Updates gc in progress flags.
bool BeginNewSpaceGC(Thread* thread);
void EndNewSpaceGC();
bool BeginOldSpaceGC(Thread* thread);
void EndOldSpaceGC();
void AddRegionsToObjectSet(ObjectSet* set) const;
Isolate* isolate_;
// The different spaces used for allocation.
ALIGN8 Scavenger new_space_;
PageSpace old_space_;
WeakTable* new_weak_tables_[kNumWeakSelectors];
WeakTable* old_weak_tables_[kNumWeakSelectors];
Monitor* barrier_;
Monitor* barrier_done_;
// GC stats collection.
GCStats stats_;
// This heap is in read-only mode: No allocation is allowed.
bool read_only_;
// GC on the heap is in progress.
Monitor gc_in_progress_monitor_;
bool gc_new_space_in_progress_;
bool gc_old_space_in_progress_;
friend class Become; // VisitObjectPointers
friend class Precompiler; // VisitObjects
friend class ObjectGraph; // VisitObjects
friend class Unmarker; // VisitObjects
friend class ServiceEvent;
friend class PageSpace; // VerifyGC
friend class IsolateReloadContext; // VisitObjects
friend class ClassFinalizer; // VisitObjects
class HeapIterationScope : public StackResource {
explicit HeapIterationScope(bool writable = false);
NoSafepointScope no_safepoint_scope_;
PageSpace* old_space_;
bool writable_;
class NoHeapGrowthControlScope : public StackResource {
bool current_growth_controller_state_;
// Note: During this scope, the code pages are non-executable.
class WritableVMIsolateScope : StackResource {
explicit WritableVMIsolateScope(Thread* thread);
} // namespace dart
#endif // RUNTIME_VM_HEAP_H_