blob: c14c18e5e792fec7e25013d395e9060d5b07aab3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/flow_graph.h"
#include "vm/bit_vector.h"
#include "vm/cha.h"
#include "vm/flow_graph_builder.h"
#include "vm/flow_graph_compiler.h"
#include "vm/flow_graph_range_analysis.h"
#include "vm/il_printer.h"
#include "vm/intermediate_language.h"
#include "vm/growable_array.h"
#include "vm/object_store.h"
namespace dart {
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM) || defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
DEFINE_FLAG(bool, trace_smi_widening, false, "Trace Smi->Int32 widening pass.");
DEFINE_FLAG(bool, prune_dead_locals, true, "optimize dead locals away");
DECLARE_FLAG(bool, verify_compiler);
FlowGraph::FlowGraph(const ParsedFunction& parsed_function,
GraphEntryInstr* graph_entry,
intptr_t max_block_id)
: thread_(Thread::Current()),
captured_parameters_(new (zone()) BitVector(zone(), variable_count())),
inlining_id_(-1) {
void FlowGraph::EnsureSSATempIndex(Definition* defn, Definition* replacement) {
if ((replacement->ssa_temp_index() == -1) && (defn->ssa_temp_index() != -1)) {
void FlowGraph::ReplaceCurrentInstruction(ForwardInstructionIterator* iterator,
Instruction* current,
Instruction* replacement) {
Definition* current_defn = current->AsDefinition();
if ((replacement != NULL) && (current_defn != NULL)) {
Definition* replacement_defn = replacement->AsDefinition();
ASSERT(replacement_defn != NULL);
EnsureSSATempIndex(current_defn, replacement_defn);
if (FLAG_trace_optimization) {
THR_Print("Replacing v%" Pd " with v%" Pd "\n",
} else if (FLAG_trace_optimization) {
if (current_defn == NULL) {
THR_Print("Removing %s\n", current->DebugName());
} else {
THR_Print("Removing v%" Pd ".\n", current_defn->ssa_temp_index());
if (current->ArgumentCount() != 0) {
// Replacing a call instruction with something else. Must remove
// superfluous push arguments.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < current->ArgumentCount(); ++i) {
PushArgumentInstr* push = current->PushArgumentAt(i);
if (replacement == NULL || i >= replacement->ArgumentCount() ||
replacement->PushArgumentAt(i) != push) {
void FlowGraph::AddToDeferredPrefixes(
ZoneGrowableArray<const LibraryPrefix*>* from) {
ZoneGrowableArray<const LibraryPrefix*>* to = deferred_prefixes();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < from->length(); i++) {
const LibraryPrefix* prefix = (*from)[i];
for (intptr_t j = 0; j < to->length(); j++) {
if ((*to)[j]->raw() == prefix->raw()) {
bool FlowGraph::ShouldReorderBlocks(const Function& function,
bool is_optimized) {
return is_optimized && FLAG_reorder_basic_blocks && !function.is_intrinsic();
GrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*>* FlowGraph::CodegenBlockOrder(
bool is_optimized) {
return ShouldReorderBlocks(function(), is_optimized) ? &optimized_block_order_
: &reverse_postorder_;
ConstantInstr* FlowGraph::GetConstant(const Object& object) {
ConstantInstr* constant = constant_instr_pool_.LookupValue(object);
if (constant == NULL) {
// Otherwise, allocate and add it to the pool.
constant =
new (zone()) ConstantInstr(Object::ZoneHandle(zone(), object.raw()));
return constant;
void FlowGraph::AddToInitialDefinitions(Definition* defn) {
// TODO(zerny): Set previous to the graph entry so it is accessible by
// GetBlock. Remove this once there is a direct pointer to the block.
void FlowGraph::InsertBefore(Instruction* next,
Instruction* instr,
Environment* env,
UseKind use_kind) {
InsertAfter(next->previous(), instr, env, use_kind);
void FlowGraph::InsertAfter(Instruction* prev,
Instruction* instr,
Environment* env,
UseKind use_kind) {
if (use_kind == kValue) {
ASSERT(instr->env() == NULL);
if (env != NULL) {
env->DeepCopyTo(zone(), instr);
Instruction* FlowGraph::AppendTo(Instruction* prev,
Instruction* instr,
Environment* env,
UseKind use_kind) {
if (use_kind == kValue) {
ASSERT(instr->env() == NULL);
if (env != NULL) {
env->DeepCopyTo(zone(), instr);
return prev->AppendInstruction(instr);
// A wrapper around block entries including an index of the next successor to
// be read.
class BlockTraversalState {
explicit BlockTraversalState(BlockEntryInstr* block)
: block_(block),
next_successor_ix_(block->last_instruction()->SuccessorCount() - 1) {}
bool HasNextSuccessor() const { return next_successor_ix_ >= 0; }
BlockEntryInstr* NextSuccessor() {
return block_->last_instruction()->SuccessorAt(next_successor_ix_--);
BlockEntryInstr* block() const { return block_; }
BlockEntryInstr* block_;
intptr_t next_successor_ix_;
void FlowGraph::DiscoverBlocks() {
StackZone zone(thread());
// Initialize state.
GrowableArray<BlockTraversalState> block_stack;
graph_entry_->DiscoverBlock(NULL, &preorder_, &parent_);
while (!block_stack.is_empty()) {
BlockTraversalState& state = block_stack.Last();
BlockEntryInstr* block = state.block();
if (state.HasNextSuccessor()) {
// Process successors one-by-one.
BlockEntryInstr* succ = state.NextSuccessor();
if (succ->DiscoverBlock(block, &preorder_, &parent_)) {
} else {
// All successors have been processed, pop the current block entry node
// and add it to the postorder list.
ASSERT(postorder_.length() == preorder_.length());
// Create an array of blocks in reverse postorder.
intptr_t block_count = postorder_.length();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < block_count; ++i) {
reverse_postorder_.Add(postorder_[block_count - i - 1]);
// Block effects are using postorder numbering. Discard computed information.
block_effects_ = NULL;
loop_headers_ = NULL;
loop_invariant_loads_ = NULL;
void FlowGraph::MergeBlocks() {
bool changed = false;
BitVector* merged = new (zone()) BitVector(zone(), postorder().length());
for (BlockIterator block_it = reverse_postorder_iterator(); !block_it.Done();
block_it.Advance()) {
BlockEntryInstr* block = block_it.Current();
if (block->IsGraphEntry()) continue;
if (merged->Contains(block->postorder_number())) continue;
Instruction* last = block->last_instruction();
BlockEntryInstr* successor = NULL;
while ((!last->IsIndirectGoto()) && (last->SuccessorCount() == 1) &&
(!last->SuccessorAt(0)->IsIndirectEntry()) &&
(last->SuccessorAt(0)->PredecessorCount() == 1) &&
(block->try_index() == last->SuccessorAt(0)->try_index())) {
successor = last->SuccessorAt(0);
// Remove environment uses and unlink goto and block entry.
last = successor->last_instruction();
changed = true;
if (FLAG_trace_optimization) {
OS::Print("Merged blocks B%" Pd " and B%" Pd "\n", block->block_id(),
// The new block inherits the block id of the last successor to maintain
// the order of phi inputs at its successors consistent with block ids.
if (successor != NULL) {
// Recompute block order after changes were made.
if (changed) DiscoverBlocks();
// Debugging code to verify the construction of use lists.
static intptr_t MembershipCount(Value* use, Value* list) {
intptr_t count = 0;
while (list != NULL) {
if (list == use) ++count;
list = list->next_use();
return count;
static void VerifyUseListsInInstruction(Instruction* instr) {
ASSERT(instr != NULL);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < instr->InputCount(); ++i) {
Value* use = instr->InputAt(i);
ASSERT(use->definition() != NULL);
ASSERT((use->definition() != instr) || use->definition()->IsPhi() ||
ASSERT(use->instruction() == instr);
ASSERT(use->use_index() == i);
ASSERT(!FLAG_verify_compiler ||
(1 == MembershipCount(use, use->definition()->input_use_list())));
if (instr->env() != NULL) {
intptr_t use_index = 0;
for (Environment::DeepIterator it(instr->env()); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
Value* use = it.CurrentValue();
ASSERT(use->definition() != NULL);
ASSERT((use->definition() != instr) || use->definition()->IsPhi());
ASSERT(use->instruction() == instr);
ASSERT(use->use_index() == use_index++);
ASSERT(!FLAG_verify_compiler ||
(1 == MembershipCount(use, use->definition()->env_use_list())));
Definition* defn = instr->AsDefinition();
if (defn != NULL) {
// Used definitions must have an SSA name. We use the name to index
// into bit vectors during analyses. Some definitions without SSA names
// (e.g., PushArgument) have environment uses.
ASSERT((defn->input_use_list() == NULL) || defn->HasSSATemp());
Value* prev = NULL;
Value* curr = defn->input_use_list();
while (curr != NULL) {
ASSERT(prev == curr->previous_use());
ASSERT(defn == curr->definition());
Instruction* instr = curr->instruction();
// The instruction should not be removed from the graph.
ASSERT((instr->IsPhi() && instr->AsPhi()->is_alive()) ||
(instr->previous() != NULL));
ASSERT(curr == instr->InputAt(curr->use_index()));
prev = curr;
curr = curr->next_use();
prev = NULL;
curr = defn->env_use_list();
while (curr != NULL) {
ASSERT(prev == curr->previous_use());
ASSERT(defn == curr->definition());
Instruction* instr = curr->instruction();
ASSERT(curr == instr->env()->ValueAtUseIndex(curr->use_index()));
// BlockEntry instructions have environments attached to them but
// have no reliable way to verify if they are still in the graph.
// Thus we just assume they are.
ASSERT(instr->IsBlockEntry() ||
(instr->IsPhi() && instr->AsPhi()->is_alive()) ||
(instr->previous() != NULL));
prev = curr;
curr = curr->next_use();
void FlowGraph::ComputeIsReceiverRecursive(
PhiInstr* phi,
GrowableArray<PhiInstr*>* unmark) const {
if (phi->is_receiver() != PhiInstr::kUnknownReceiver) return;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < phi->InputCount(); ++i) {
Definition* def = phi->InputAt(i)->definition();
if (def->IsParameter() && (def->AsParameter()->index() == 0)) continue;
if (!def->IsPhi()) {
ComputeIsReceiverRecursive(def->AsPhi(), unmark);
if (def->AsPhi()->is_receiver() == PhiInstr::kNotReceiver) {
if (phi->is_receiver() == PhiInstr::kNotReceiver) {
void FlowGraph::ComputeIsReceiver(PhiInstr* phi) const {
GrowableArray<PhiInstr*> unmark;
ComputeIsReceiverRecursive(phi, &unmark);
// Now drain unmark.
while (!unmark.is_empty()) {
PhiInstr* phi = unmark.RemoveLast();
for (Value::Iterator it(phi->input_use_list()); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
PhiInstr* use = it.Current()->instruction()->AsPhi();
if ((use != NULL) && (use->is_receiver() == PhiInstr::kReceiver)) {
bool FlowGraph::IsReceiver(Definition* def) const {
def = def->OriginalDefinition(); // Could be redefined.
if (def->IsParameter()) return (def->AsParameter()->index() == 0);
if (!def->IsPhi() || graph_entry()->catch_entries().is_empty()) return false;
PhiInstr* phi = def->AsPhi();
if (phi->is_receiver() != PhiInstr::kUnknownReceiver) {
return (phi->is_receiver() == PhiInstr::kReceiver);
// Not known if this phi is the receiver yet. Compute it now.
return (phi->is_receiver() == PhiInstr::kReceiver);
// Use CHA to determine if the call needs a class check: if the callee's
// receiver is the same as the caller's receiver and there are no overridden
// callee functions, then no class check is needed.
bool FlowGraph::InstanceCallNeedsClassCheck(InstanceCallInstr* call,
RawFunction::Kind kind) const {
if (!FLAG_use_cha_deopt && !isolate()->all_classes_finalized()) {
// Even if class or function are private, lazy class finalization
// may later add overriding methods.
return true;
Definition* callee_receiver = call->ArgumentAt(0);
ASSERT(callee_receiver != NULL);
if (function().IsDynamicFunction() && IsReceiver(callee_receiver)) {
const String& name =
(kind == RawFunction::kMethodExtractor)
? String::Handle(zone(),
: call->function_name();
const Class& cls = Class::Handle(zone(), function().Owner());
intptr_t subclass_count = 0;
if (!thread()->cha()->HasOverride(cls, name, &subclass_count)) {
if (FLAG_trace_cha) {
" **(CHA) Instance call needs no check, "
"no overrides of '%s' '%s'\n",
name.ToCString(), cls.ToCString());
thread()->cha()->AddToGuardedClasses(cls, subclass_count);
return false;
return true;
bool FlowGraph::VerifyUseLists() {
// Verify the initial definitions.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < graph_entry_->initial_definitions()->length(); ++i) {
// Verify phis in join entries and the instructions in each block.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < preorder_.length(); ++i) {
BlockEntryInstr* entry = preorder_[i];
JoinEntryInstr* join = entry->AsJoinEntry();
if (join != NULL) {
for (PhiIterator it(join); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
PhiInstr* phi = it.Current();
ASSERT(phi != NULL);
for (ForwardInstructionIterator it(entry); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
return true; // Return true so we can ASSERT validation.
// Verify that a redefinition dominates all uses of the redefined value.
bool FlowGraph::VerifyRedefinitions() {
for (BlockIterator block_it = reverse_postorder_iterator(); !block_it.Done();
block_it.Advance()) {
for (ForwardInstructionIterator instr_it(block_it.Current());
!instr_it.Done(); instr_it.Advance()) {
RedefinitionInstr* redefinition = instr_it.Current()->AsRedefinition();
if (redefinition != NULL) {
Definition* original = redefinition->value()->definition();
for (Value::Iterator it(original->input_use_list()); !it.Done();
it.Advance()) {
Value* original_use = it.Current();
if (original_use->instruction() == redefinition) {
if (original_use->instruction()->IsDominatedBy(redefinition)) {
FlowGraphPrinter::PrintGraph("VerifyRedefinitions", this);
THR_Print("%s\n", redefinition->ToCString());
THR_Print("use=%s\n", original_use->instruction()->ToCString());
return false;
return true;
intptr_t variable_count,
const GrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*>& postorder)
: zone_(Thread::Current()->zone()),
live_in_(postorder.length()) {}
bool LivenessAnalysis::UpdateLiveOut(const BlockEntryInstr& block) {
BitVector* live_out = live_out_[block.postorder_number()];
bool changed = false;
Instruction* last = block.last_instruction();
ASSERT(last != NULL);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < last->SuccessorCount(); i++) {
BlockEntryInstr* succ = last->SuccessorAt(i);
ASSERT(succ != NULL);
if (live_out->AddAll(live_in_[succ->postorder_number()])) {
changed = true;
return changed;
bool LivenessAnalysis::UpdateLiveIn(const BlockEntryInstr& block) {
BitVector* live_out = live_out_[block.postorder_number()];
BitVector* kill = kill_[block.postorder_number()];
BitVector* live_in = live_in_[block.postorder_number()];
return live_in->KillAndAdd(kill, live_out);
void LivenessAnalysis::ComputeLiveInAndLiveOutSets() {
const intptr_t block_count = postorder_.length();
bool changed;
do {
changed = false;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < block_count; i++) {
const BlockEntryInstr& block = *postorder_[i];
// Live-in set depends only on kill set which does not
// change in this loop and live-out set. If live-out
// set does not change there is no need to recompute
// live-in set.
if (UpdateLiveOut(block) && UpdateLiveIn(block)) {
changed = true;
} while (changed);
void LivenessAnalysis::Analyze() {
const intptr_t block_count = postorder_.length();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < block_count; i++) {
live_out_.Add(new (zone()) BitVector(zone(), variable_count_));
kill_.Add(new (zone()) BitVector(zone(), variable_count_));
live_in_.Add(new (zone()) BitVector(zone(), variable_count_));
static void PrintBitVector(const char* tag, BitVector* v) {
OS::Print("%s:", tag);
for (BitVector::Iterator it(v); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
OS::Print(" %" Pd "", it.Current());
void LivenessAnalysis::Dump() {
const intptr_t block_count = postorder_.length();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < block_count; i++) {
BlockEntryInstr* block = postorder_[i];
OS::Print("block @%" Pd " -> ", block->block_id());
Instruction* last = block->last_instruction();
for (intptr_t j = 0; j < last->SuccessorCount(); j++) {
BlockEntryInstr* succ = last->SuccessorAt(j);
OS::Print(" @%" Pd "", succ->block_id());
PrintBitVector(" live out", live_out_[i]);
PrintBitVector(" kill", kill_[i]);
PrintBitVector(" live in", live_in_[i]);
// Computes liveness information for local variables.
class VariableLivenessAnalysis : public LivenessAnalysis {
explicit VariableLivenessAnalysis(FlowGraph* flow_graph)
: LivenessAnalysis(flow_graph->variable_count(), flow_graph->postorder()),
assigned_vars_() {}
// For every block (in preorder) compute and return set of variables that
// have new assigned values flowing out of that block.
const GrowableArray<BitVector*>& ComputeAssignedVars() {
// We can't directly return kill_ because it uses postorder numbering while
// SSA construction uses preorder numbering internally.
// We have to permute postorder into preorder.
const intptr_t block_count = flow_graph_->preorder().length();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < block_count; i++) {
BlockEntryInstr* block = flow_graph_->preorder()[i];
// All locals are assigned inside a try{} block.
// This is a safe approximation and workaround to force insertion of
// phis for stores that appear non-live because of the way catch-blocks
// are connected to the graph: They normally are dominated by the
// try-entry, but are direct successors of the graph entry in our flow
// graph.
// TODO(fschneider): Improve this approximation by better modeling the
// actual data flow to reduce the number of redundant phis.
BitVector* kill = GetKillSet(block);
if (block->InsideTryBlock()) {
} else {
return assigned_vars_;
// Returns true if the value set by the given store reaches any load from the
// same local variable.
bool IsStoreAlive(BlockEntryInstr* block, StoreLocalInstr* store) {
if (store->local().Equals(*flow_graph_->CurrentContextVar())) {
return true;
if (store->is_dead()) {
return false;
if (store->is_last()) {
const intptr_t index = store->local().BitIndexIn(num_non_copied_params_);
return GetLiveOutSet(block)->Contains(index);
return true;
// Returns true if the given load is the last for the local and the value
// of the local will not flow into another one.
bool IsLastLoad(BlockEntryInstr* block, LoadLocalInstr* load) {
if (load->local().Equals(*flow_graph_->CurrentContextVar())) {
return false;
const intptr_t index = load->local().BitIndexIn(num_non_copied_params_);
return load->is_last() && !GetLiveOutSet(block)->Contains(index);
virtual void ComputeInitialSets();
const FlowGraph* flow_graph_;
const intptr_t num_non_copied_params_;
GrowableArray<BitVector*> assigned_vars_;
void VariableLivenessAnalysis::ComputeInitialSets() {
const intptr_t block_count = postorder_.length();
BitVector* last_loads = new (zone()) BitVector(zone(), variable_count_);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < block_count; i++) {
BlockEntryInstr* block = postorder_[i];
BitVector* kill = kill_[i];
BitVector* live_in = live_in_[i];
// There is an implicit use (load-local) of every local variable at each
// call inside a try{} block and every call has an implicit control-flow
// to the catch entry. As an approximation we mark all locals as live
// inside try{}.
// TODO(fschneider): Improve this approximation, since not all local
// variable stores actually reach a call.
if (block->InsideTryBlock()) {
// Iterate backwards starting at the last instruction.
for (BackwardInstructionIterator it(block); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
Instruction* current = it.Current();
LoadLocalInstr* load = current->AsLoadLocal();
if (load != NULL) {
const intptr_t index = load->local().BitIndexIn(num_non_copied_params_);
if (index >= live_in->length()) continue; // Skip tmp_locals.
if (!last_loads->Contains(index)) {
StoreLocalInstr* store = current->AsStoreLocal();
if (store != NULL) {
const intptr_t index =
if (index >= live_in->length()) continue; // Skip tmp_locals.
if (kill->Contains(index)) {
if (!live_in->Contains(index)) {
} else {
if (!live_in->Contains(index)) {
void FlowGraph::ComputeSSA(
intptr_t next_virtual_register_number,
ZoneGrowableArray<Definition*>* inlining_parameters) {
ASSERT((next_virtual_register_number == 0) || (inlining_parameters != NULL));
current_ssa_temp_index_ = next_virtual_register_number;
GrowableArray<BitVector*> dominance_frontier;
VariableLivenessAnalysis variable_liveness(this);
GrowableArray<PhiInstr*> live_phis;
InsertPhis(preorder_, variable_liveness.ComputeAssignedVars(),
dominance_frontier, &live_phis);
// Rename uses to reference inserted phis where appropriate.
// Collect phis that reach a non-environment use.
Rename(&live_phis, &variable_liveness, inlining_parameters);
// Propagate alive mark transitively from alive phis and then remove
// non-live ones.
// Compute immediate dominators and the dominance frontier for each basic
// block. As a side effect of the algorithm, sets the immediate dominator
// of each basic block.
// dominance_frontier: an output parameter encoding the dominance frontier.
// The array maps the preorder block number of a block to the set of
// (preorder block numbers of) blocks in the dominance frontier.
void FlowGraph::ComputeDominators(
GrowableArray<BitVector*>* dominance_frontier) {
// Use the SEMI-NCA algorithm to compute dominators. This is a two-pass
// version of the Lengauer-Tarjan algorithm (LT is normally three passes)
// that eliminates a pass by using nearest-common ancestor (NCA) to
// compute immediate dominators from semidominators. It also removes a
// level of indirection in the link-eval forest data structure.
// The algorithm is described in Georgiadis, Tarjan, and Werneck's
// "Finding Dominators in Practice".
// See .
// All arrays are maps between preorder basic-block numbers.
intptr_t size = parent_.length();
GrowableArray<intptr_t> idom(size); // Immediate dominator.
GrowableArray<intptr_t> semi(size); // Semidominator.
GrowableArray<intptr_t> label(size); // Label for link-eval forest.
// 1. First pass: compute semidominators as in Lengauer-Tarjan.
// Semidominators are computed from a depth-first spanning tree and are an
// approximation of immediate dominators.
// Use a link-eval data structure with path compression. Implement path
// compression in place by mutating the parent array. Each block has a
// label, which is the minimum block number on the compressed path.
// Initialize idom, semi, and label used by SEMI-NCA. Initialize the
// dominance frontier output array.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
dominance_frontier->Add(new (zone()) BitVector(zone(), size));
// Loop over the blocks in reverse preorder (not including the graph
// entry). Clear the dominated blocks in the graph entry in case
// ComputeDominators is used to recompute them.
for (intptr_t block_index = size - 1; block_index >= 1; --block_index) {
// Loop over the predecessors.
BlockEntryInstr* block = preorder_[block_index];
// Clear the immediately dominated blocks in case ComputeDominators is
// used to recompute them.
for (intptr_t i = 0, count = block->PredecessorCount(); i < count; ++i) {
BlockEntryInstr* pred = block->PredecessorAt(i);
ASSERT(pred != NULL);
// Look for the semidominator by ascending the semidominator path
// starting from pred.
intptr_t pred_index = pred->preorder_number();
intptr_t best = pred_index;
if (pred_index > block_index) {
CompressPath(block_index, pred_index, &parent_, &label);
best = label[pred_index];
// Update the semidominator if we've found a better one.
semi[block_index] = Utils::Minimum(semi[block_index], semi[best]);
// Now use label for the semidominator.
label[block_index] = semi[block_index];
// 2. Compute the immediate dominators as the nearest common ancestor of
// spanning tree parent and semidominator, for all blocks except the entry.
for (intptr_t block_index = 1; block_index < size; ++block_index) {
intptr_t dom_index = idom[block_index];
while (dom_index > semi[block_index]) {
dom_index = idom[dom_index];
idom[block_index] = dom_index;
// 3. Now compute the dominance frontier for all blocks. This is
// algorithm in "A Simple, Fast Dominance Algorithm" (Figure 5), which is
// attributed to a paper by Ferrante et al. There is no bookkeeping
// required to avoid adding a block twice to the same block's dominance
// frontier because we use a set to represent the dominance frontier.
for (intptr_t block_index = 0; block_index < size; ++block_index) {
BlockEntryInstr* block = preorder_[block_index];
intptr_t count = block->PredecessorCount();
if (count <= 1) continue;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
BlockEntryInstr* runner = block->PredecessorAt(i);
while (runner != block->dominator()) {
runner = runner->dominator();
void FlowGraph::CompressPath(intptr_t start_index,
intptr_t current_index,
GrowableArray<intptr_t>* parent,
GrowableArray<intptr_t>* label) {
intptr_t next_index = (*parent)[current_index];
if (next_index > start_index) {
CompressPath(start_index, next_index, parent, label);
(*label)[current_index] =
Utils::Minimum((*label)[current_index], (*label)[next_index]);
(*parent)[current_index] = (*parent)[next_index];
void FlowGraph::InsertPhis(const GrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*>& preorder,
const GrowableArray<BitVector*>& assigned_vars,
const GrowableArray<BitVector*>& dom_frontier,
GrowableArray<PhiInstr*>* live_phis) {
const intptr_t block_count = preorder.length();
// Map preorder block number to the highest variable index that has a phi
// in that block. Use it to avoid inserting multiple phis for the same
// variable.
GrowableArray<intptr_t> has_already(block_count);
// Map preorder block number to the highest variable index for which the
// block went on the worklist. Use it to avoid adding the same block to
// the worklist more than once for the same variable.
GrowableArray<intptr_t> work(block_count);
// Initialize has_already and work.
for (intptr_t block_index = 0; block_index < block_count; ++block_index) {
// Insert phis for each variable in turn.
GrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*> worklist;
for (intptr_t var_index = 0; var_index < variable_count(); ++var_index) {
const bool always_live =
!FLAG_prune_dead_locals || (var_index == CurrentContextEnvIndex());
// Add to the worklist each block containing an assignment.
for (intptr_t block_index = 0; block_index < block_count; ++block_index) {
if (assigned_vars[block_index]->Contains(var_index)) {
work[block_index] = var_index;
while (!worklist.is_empty()) {
BlockEntryInstr* current = worklist.RemoveLast();
// Ensure a phi for each block in the dominance frontier of current.
for (BitVector::Iterator it(dom_frontier[current->preorder_number()]);
!it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
int index = it.Current();
if (has_already[index] < var_index) {
BlockEntryInstr* block = preorder[index];
PhiInstr* phi =
block->AsJoinEntry()->InsertPhi(var_index, variable_count());
if (always_live) {
has_already[index] = var_index;
if (work[index] < var_index) {
work[index] = var_index;
void FlowGraph::Rename(GrowableArray<PhiInstr*>* live_phis,
VariableLivenessAnalysis* variable_liveness,
ZoneGrowableArray<Definition*>* inlining_parameters) {
GraphEntryInstr* entry = graph_entry();
// Initial renaming environment.
GrowableArray<Definition*> env(variable_count());
// Add global constants to the initial definitions.
constant_null_ = GetConstant(Object::ZoneHandle());
constant_dead_ = GetConstant(Symbols::OptimizedOut());
constant_empty_context_ =
// Add parameters to the initial definitions and renaming environment.
if (inlining_parameters != NULL) {
// Use known parameters.
ASSERT(parameter_count() == inlining_parameters->length());
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < parameter_count(); ++i) {
Definition* defn = (*inlining_parameters)[i];
} else {
// Create new parameters. For functions compiled for OSR, the locals
// are unknown and so treated like parameters.
intptr_t count = IsCompiledForOsr() ? variable_count() : parameter_count();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
ParameterInstr* param = new (zone()) ParameterInstr(i, entry);
param->set_ssa_temp_index(alloc_ssa_temp_index()); // New SSA temp.
// Initialize all locals in the renaming environment For OSR, the locals have
// already been handled as parameters.
if (!IsCompiledForOsr()) {
for (intptr_t i = parameter_count(); i < variable_count(); ++i) {
if (i == CurrentContextEnvIndex()) {
if (function().IsClosureFunction()) {
CurrentContextInstr* context = new CurrentContextInstr();
context->set_ssa_temp_index(alloc_ssa_temp_index()); // New SSA temp.
} else {
} else {
if (entry->SuccessorCount() > 1) {
// Functions with try-catch have a fixed area of stack slots reserved
// so that all local variables are stored at a known location when
// on entry to the catch.
entry->set_fixed_slot_count(num_stack_locals() + num_copied_params());
RenameRecursive(entry, &env, live_phis, variable_liveness);
void FlowGraph::AttachEnvironment(Instruction* instr,
GrowableArray<Definition*>* env) {
Environment* deopt_env =
Environment::From(zone(), *env, num_non_copied_params_, parsed_function_);
if (instr->IsClosureCall()) {
deopt_env =
deopt_env->DeepCopy(zone(), deopt_env->Length() - instr->InputCount());
for (Environment::DeepIterator it(deopt_env); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
Value* use = it.CurrentValue();
if (instr->CanDeoptimize()) {
void FlowGraph::RenameRecursive(BlockEntryInstr* block_entry,
GrowableArray<Definition*>* env,
GrowableArray<PhiInstr*>* live_phis,
VariableLivenessAnalysis* variable_liveness) {
// 1. Process phis first.
if (block_entry->IsJoinEntry()) {
JoinEntryInstr* join = block_entry->AsJoinEntry();
if (join->phis() != NULL) {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < join->phis()->length(); ++i) {
PhiInstr* phi = (*join->phis())[i];
if (phi != NULL) {
(*env)[i] = phi;
AllocateSSAIndexes(phi); // New SSA temp.
if (block_entry->InsideTryBlock() && !phi->is_alive()) {
// This is a safe approximation. Inside try{} all locals are
// used at every call implicitly, so we mark all phis as live
// from the start.
// TODO(fschneider): Improve this approximation to eliminate
// more redundant phis.
} else if (block_entry->IsCatchBlockEntry()) {
// Add real definitions for all locals and parameters.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < env->length(); ++i) {
ParameterInstr* param = new (zone()) ParameterInstr(i, block_entry);
param->set_ssa_temp_index(alloc_ssa_temp_index()); // New SSA temp.
(*env)[i] = param;
// Prune non-live variables at block entry by replacing their environment
// slots with null.
BitVector* live_in = variable_liveness->GetLiveInSet(block_entry);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < variable_count(); i++) {
// TODO(fschneider): Make sure that live_in always contains the
// CurrentContext variable to avoid the special case here.
if (FLAG_prune_dead_locals && !live_in->Contains(i) &&
(i != CurrentContextEnvIndex())) {
(*env)[i] = constant_dead();
// Attach environment to the block entry.
AttachEnvironment(block_entry, env);
// 2. Process normal instructions.
for (ForwardInstructionIterator it(block_entry); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
Instruction* current = it.Current();
// Attach current environment to the instructions that need it.
if (current->NeedsEnvironment()) {
AttachEnvironment(current, env);
// 2a. Handle uses:
// Update the expression stack renaming environment for each use by
// removing the renamed value.
// For each use of a LoadLocal, StoreLocal, DropTemps or Constant: Replace
// it with the renamed value.
for (intptr_t i = current->InputCount() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
Value* v = current->InputAt(i);
// Update expression stack.
ASSERT(env->length() > variable_count());
Definition* reaching_defn = env->RemoveLast();
Definition* input_defn = v->definition();
if (input_defn != reaching_defn) {
ASSERT(input_defn->IsLoadLocal() || input_defn->IsStoreLocal() ||
input_defn->IsDropTemps() || input_defn->IsConstant());
// Assert we are not referencing nulls in the initial environment.
ASSERT(reaching_defn->ssa_temp_index() != -1);
input_defn = reaching_defn;
// Drop pushed arguments for calls.
for (intptr_t j = 0; j < current->ArgumentCount(); j++) {
// 2b. Handle LoadLocal, StoreLocal, DropTemps and Constant.
Definition* definition = current->AsDefinition();
if (definition != NULL) {
LoadLocalInstr* load = definition->AsLoadLocal();
StoreLocalInstr* store = definition->AsStoreLocal();
DropTempsInstr* drop = definition->AsDropTemps();
ConstantInstr* constant = definition->AsConstant();
if ((load != NULL) || (store != NULL) || (drop != NULL) ||
(constant != NULL)) {
Definition* result = NULL;
if (store != NULL) {
// Update renaming environment.
intptr_t index = store->local().BitIndexIn(num_non_copied_params_);
result = store->value()->definition();
if (!FLAG_prune_dead_locals ||
variable_liveness->IsStoreAlive(block_entry, store)) {
(*env)[index] = result;
} else {
(*env)[index] = constant_dead();
} else if (load != NULL) {
// The graph construction ensures we do not have an unused LoadLocal
// computation.
intptr_t index = load->local().BitIndexIn(num_non_copied_params_);
result = (*env)[index];
PhiInstr* phi = result->AsPhi();
if ((phi != NULL) && !phi->is_alive()) {
if (FLAG_prune_dead_locals &&
variable_liveness->IsLastLoad(block_entry, load)) {
(*env)[index] = constant_dead();
// Record captured parameters so that they can be skipped when
// emitting sync code inside optimized try-blocks.
if (load->local().is_captured_parameter()) {
intptr_t index = load->local().BitIndexIn(num_non_copied_params_);
} else if (drop != NULL) {
// Drop temps from the environment.
for (intptr_t j = 0; j < drop->num_temps(); j++) {
if (drop->value() != NULL) {
result = drop->value()->definition();
ASSERT((drop->value() != NULL) || !drop->HasTemp());
} else {
if (definition->HasTemp()) {
result = GetConstant(constant->value());
// Update expression stack or remove from graph.
if (definition->HasTemp()) {
ASSERT(result != NULL);
} else {
// Not a load, store, drop or constant.
if (definition->HasTemp()) {
// Assign fresh SSA temporary and update expression stack.
// 2c. Handle pushed argument.
PushArgumentInstr* push = current->AsPushArgument();
if (push != NULL) {
// 3. Process dominated blocks.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < block_entry->dominated_blocks().length(); ++i) {
BlockEntryInstr* block = block_entry->dominated_blocks()[i];
GrowableArray<Definition*> new_env(env->length());
RenameRecursive(block, &new_env, live_phis, variable_liveness);
// 4. Process successor block. We have edge-split form, so that only blocks
// with one successor can have a join block as successor.
if ((block_entry->last_instruction()->SuccessorCount() == 1) &&
block_entry->last_instruction()->SuccessorAt(0)->IsJoinEntry()) {
JoinEntryInstr* successor =
intptr_t pred_index = successor->IndexOfPredecessor(block_entry);
ASSERT(pred_index >= 0);
if (successor->phis() != NULL) {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < successor->phis()->length(); ++i) {
PhiInstr* phi = (*successor->phis())[i];
if (phi != NULL) {
// Rename input operand.
Value* use = new (zone()) Value((*env)[i]);
phi->SetInputAt(pred_index, use);
void FlowGraph::RemoveDeadPhis(GrowableArray<PhiInstr*>* live_phis) {
// Augment live_phis with those that have implicit real used at
// potentially throwing instructions if there is a try-catch in this graph.
if (graph_entry()->SuccessorCount() > 1) {
for (BlockIterator it(postorder_iterator()); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
JoinEntryInstr* join = it.Current()->AsJoinEntry();
if (join == NULL) continue;
for (PhiIterator phi_it(join); !phi_it.Done(); phi_it.Advance()) {
PhiInstr* phi = phi_it.Current();
if (phi == NULL || phi->is_alive() || (phi->input_use_list() != NULL) ||
(phi->env_use_list() == NULL)) {
for (Value::Iterator it(phi->env_use_list()); !it.Done();
it.Advance()) {
Value* use = it.Current();
if (use->instruction()->MayThrow() &&
use->instruction()->GetBlock()->InsideTryBlock()) {
while (!live_phis->is_empty()) {
PhiInstr* phi = live_phis->RemoveLast();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < phi->InputCount(); i++) {
Value* val = phi->InputAt(i);
PhiInstr* used_phi = val->definition()->AsPhi();
if ((used_phi != NULL) && !used_phi->is_alive()) {
for (BlockIterator it(postorder_iterator()); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
JoinEntryInstr* join = it.Current()->AsJoinEntry();
if (join != NULL) join->RemoveDeadPhis(constant_dead());
RedefinitionInstr* FlowGraph::EnsureRedefinition(Instruction* prev,
Definition* original,
CompileType compile_type) {
RedefinitionInstr* first = prev->next()->AsRedefinition();
if (first != NULL && (first->constrained_type() != NULL)) {
if ((first->value()->definition() == original) &&
first->constrained_type()->IsEqualTo(&compile_type)) {
// Already redefined. Do nothing.
return NULL;
RedefinitionInstr* redef = new RedefinitionInstr(new Value(original));
redef->set_constrained_type(new CompileType(compile_type));
InsertAfter(prev, redef, NULL, FlowGraph::kValue);
RenameDominatedUses(original, redef, redef);
return redef;
void FlowGraph::RemoveRedefinitions() {
// Remove redefinition instructions inserted to inhibit hoisting.
for (BlockIterator block_it = reverse_postorder_iterator(); !block_it.Done();
block_it.Advance()) {
for (ForwardInstructionIterator instr_it(block_it.Current());
!instr_it.Done(); instr_it.Advance()) {
RedefinitionInstr* redefinition = instr_it.Current()->AsRedefinition();
if (redefinition != NULL) {
Definition* original;
do {
original = redefinition->value()->definition();
} while (original->IsRedefinition());
// Find the natural loop for the back edge m->n and attach loop information
// to block n (loop header). The algorithm is described in "Advanced Compiler
// Design & Implementation" (Muchnick) p192.
BitVector* FlowGraph::FindLoop(BlockEntryInstr* m, BlockEntryInstr* n) const {
GrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*> stack;
BitVector* loop = new (zone()) BitVector(zone(), preorder_.length());
if (n != m) {
while (!stack.is_empty()) {
BlockEntryInstr* p = stack.RemoveLast();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < p->PredecessorCount(); ++i) {
BlockEntryInstr* q = p->PredecessorAt(i);
if (!loop->Contains(q->preorder_number())) {
return loop;
ZoneGrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*>* FlowGraph::ComputeLoops() const {
ZoneGrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*>* loop_headers =
new (zone()) ZoneGrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*>();
for (BlockIterator it = postorder_iterator(); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
BlockEntryInstr* block = it.Current();
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < block->PredecessorCount(); ++i) {
BlockEntryInstr* pred = block->PredecessorAt(i);
if (block->Dominates(pred)) {
if (FLAG_trace_optimization) {
OS::Print("Back edge B%" Pd " -> B%" Pd "\n", pred->block_id(),
BitVector* loop_info = FindLoop(pred, block);
// Loops that share the same loop header are treated as one loop.
BlockEntryInstr* header = NULL;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < loop_headers->length(); ++i) {
if ((*loop_headers)[i] == block) {
header = (*loop_headers)[i];
if (header != NULL) {
} else {
if (FLAG_trace_optimization) {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < loop_headers->length(); ++i) {
BlockEntryInstr* header = (*loop_headers)[i];
OS::Print("Loop header B%" Pd "\n", header->block_id());
for (BitVector::Iterator it(header->loop_info()); !it.Done();
it.Advance()) {
OS::Print(" B%" Pd "\n", preorder_[it.Current()]->block_id());
return loop_headers;
intptr_t FlowGraph::InstructionCount() const {
intptr_t size = 0;
// Iterate each block, skipping the graph entry.
for (intptr_t i = 1; i < preorder_.length(); ++i) {
for (ForwardInstructionIterator it(preorder_[i]); !it.Done();
it.Advance()) {
return size;
void FlowGraph::ComputeBlockEffects() {
block_effects_ = new (zone()) BlockEffects(this);
BlockEffects::BlockEffects(FlowGraph* flow_graph)
: available_at_(flow_graph->postorder().length()) {
// We are tracking a single effect.
ASSERT(EffectSet::kLastEffect == 1);
Zone* zone = flow_graph->zone();
const intptr_t block_count = flow_graph->postorder().length();
// Set of blocks that contain side-effects.
BitVector* kill = new (zone) BitVector(zone, block_count);
// Per block available-after sets. Block A is available after the block B if
// and only if A is either equal to B or A is available at B and B contains no
// side-effects. Initially we consider all blocks available after all other
// blocks.
GrowableArray<BitVector*> available_after(block_count);
// Discover all blocks with side-effects.
for (BlockIterator it = flow_graph->postorder_iterator(); !it.Done();
it.Advance()) {
BlockEntryInstr* block = it.Current();
for (ForwardInstructionIterator it(block); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
if (!it.Current()->Effects().IsNone()) {
BitVector* temp = new (zone) BitVector(zone, block_count);
// Recompute available-at based on predecessors' available-after until the fix
// point is reached.
bool changed;
do {
changed = false;
for (BlockIterator it = flow_graph->reverse_postorder_iterator();
!it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
BlockEntryInstr* block = it.Current();
const intptr_t block_num = block->postorder_number();
if (block->IsGraphEntry()) {
temp->Clear(); // Nothing is live-in into graph entry.
} else {
// Available-at is an intersection of all predecessors' available-after
// sets.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < block->PredecessorCount(); i++) {
const intptr_t pred = block->PredecessorAt(i)->postorder_number();
if (available_after[pred] != NULL) {
BitVector* current = available_at_[block_num];
if ((current == NULL) || !current->Equals(*temp)) {
// Available-at changed: update it and recompute available-after.
if (available_at_[block_num] == NULL) {
current = available_at_[block_num] =
new (zone) BitVector(zone, block_count);
available_after[block_num] = new (zone) BitVector(zone, block_count);
// Block is always available after itself.
if (!kill->Contains(block_num)) {
// Block is always available after itself.
changed = true;
} while (changed);
bool BlockEffects::IsAvailableAt(Instruction* instr,
BlockEntryInstr* block) const {
return (instr->Dependencies().IsNone()) ||
IsSideEffectFreePath(instr->GetBlock(), block);
bool BlockEffects::CanBeMovedTo(Instruction* instr,
BlockEntryInstr* block) const {
return (instr->Dependencies().IsNone()) ||
IsSideEffectFreePath(block, instr->GetBlock());
bool BlockEffects::IsSideEffectFreePath(BlockEntryInstr* from,
BlockEntryInstr* to) const {
return available_at_[to->postorder_number()]->Contains(
// Quick access to the current zone.
#define Z (zone())
void FlowGraph::ConvertUse(Value* use, Representation from_rep) {
const Representation to_rep =
if (from_rep == to_rep || to_rep == kNoRepresentation) {
InsertConversion(from_rep, to_rep, use, /*is_environment_use=*/false);
static bool IsUnboxedInteger(Representation rep) {
return (rep == kUnboxedInt32) || (rep == kUnboxedUint32) ||
(rep == kUnboxedMint);
static bool ShouldInlineSimd() {
return FlowGraphCompiler::SupportsUnboxedSimd128();
static bool CanUnboxDouble() {
return FlowGraphCompiler::SupportsUnboxedDoubles();
static bool CanConvertUnboxedMintToDouble() {
return FlowGraphCompiler::CanConvertUnboxedMintToDouble();
void FlowGraph::InsertConversion(Representation from,
Representation to,
Value* use,
bool is_environment_use) {
Instruction* insert_before;
Instruction* deopt_target;
PhiInstr* phi = use->instruction()->AsPhi();
if (phi != NULL) {
// For phis conversions have to be inserted in the predecessor.
insert_before =
deopt_target = NULL;
} else {
deopt_target = insert_before = use->instruction();
Definition* converted = NULL;
if (IsUnboxedInteger(from) && IsUnboxedInteger(to)) {
const intptr_t deopt_id = (to == kUnboxedInt32) && (deopt_target != NULL)
? deopt_target->DeoptimizationTarget()
: Thread::kNoDeoptId;
converted = new (Z)
UnboxedIntConverterInstr(from, to, use->CopyWithType(), deopt_id);
} else if ((from == kUnboxedInt32) && (to == kUnboxedDouble)) {
converted = new Int32ToDoubleInstr(use->CopyWithType());
} else if ((from == kUnboxedMint) && (to == kUnboxedDouble) &&
CanConvertUnboxedMintToDouble()) {
const intptr_t deopt_id = (deopt_target != NULL)
? deopt_target->DeoptimizationTarget()
: Thread::kNoDeoptId;
converted = new MintToDoubleInstr(use->CopyWithType(), deopt_id);
} else if ((from == kTagged) && Boxing::Supports(to)) {
const intptr_t deopt_id = (deopt_target != NULL)
? deopt_target->DeoptimizationTarget()
: Thread::kNoDeoptId;
converted = UnboxInstr::Create(to, use->CopyWithType(), deopt_id);
} else if ((to == kTagged) && Boxing::Supports(from)) {
converted = BoxInstr::Create(from, use->CopyWithType());
} else {
// We have failed to find a suitable conversion instruction.
// Insert two "dummy" conversion instructions with the correct
// "from" and "to" representation. The inserted instructions will
// trigger a deoptimization if executed. See #12417 for a discussion.
const intptr_t deopt_id = (deopt_target != NULL)
? deopt_target->DeoptimizationTarget()
: Thread::kNoDeoptId;
Definition* boxed = BoxInstr::Create(from, use->CopyWithType());
InsertBefore(insert_before, boxed, NULL, FlowGraph::kValue);
converted = UnboxInstr::Create(to, new (Z) Value(boxed), deopt_id);
ASSERT(converted != NULL);
InsertBefore(insert_before, converted, use->instruction()->env(),
if (is_environment_use) {
} else {
if ((to == kUnboxedInt32) && (phi != NULL)) {
// Int32 phis are unboxed optimistically. Ensure that unboxing
// has deoptimization target attached from the goto instruction.
CopyDeoptTarget(converted, insert_before);
void FlowGraph::ConvertEnvironmentUse(Value* use, Representation from_rep) {
const Representation to_rep = kTagged;
if (from_rep == to_rep) {
InsertConversion(from_rep, to_rep, use, /*is_environment_use=*/true);
void FlowGraph::InsertConversionsFor(Definition* def) {
const Representation from_rep = def->representation();
for (Value::Iterator it(def->input_use_list()); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
ConvertUse(it.Current(), from_rep);
if (graph_entry()->SuccessorCount() > 1) {
for (Value::Iterator it(def->env_use_list()); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
Value* use = it.Current();
if (use->instruction()->MayThrow() &&
use->instruction()->GetBlock()->InsideTryBlock()) {
// Environment uses at calls inside try-blocks must be converted to
// tagged representation.
ConvertEnvironmentUse(it.Current(), from_rep);
static void UnboxPhi(PhiInstr* phi) {
Representation unboxed = phi->representation();
switch (phi->Type()->ToCid()) {
case kDoubleCid:
if (CanUnboxDouble()) {
unboxed = kUnboxedDouble;
case kFloat32x4Cid:
if (ShouldInlineSimd()) {
unboxed = kUnboxedFloat32x4;
case kInt32x4Cid:
if (ShouldInlineSimd()) {
unboxed = kUnboxedInt32x4;
case kFloat64x2Cid:
if (ShouldInlineSimd()) {
unboxed = kUnboxedFloat64x2;
if ((kSmiBits < 32) && (unboxed == kTagged) && phi->Type()->IsInt() &&
RangeUtils::Fits(phi->range(), RangeBoundary::kRangeBoundaryInt64)) {
// On 32-bit platforms conservatively unbox phis that:
// - are proven to be of type Int;
// - fit into 64bits range;
// - have either constants or Box() operations as inputs;
// - have at least one Box() operation as an input;
// - are used in at least 1 Unbox() operation.
bool should_unbox = false;
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < phi->InputCount(); i++) {
Definition* input = phi->InputAt(i)->definition();
if (input->IsBox() &&
RangeBoundary::kRangeBoundaryInt64)) {
should_unbox = true;
} else if (!input->IsConstant()) {
should_unbox = false;
if (should_unbox) {
// We checked inputs. Check if phi is used in at least one unbox
// operation.
bool has_unboxed_use = false;
for (Value* use = phi->input_use_list(); use != NULL;
use = use->next_use()) {
Instruction* instr = use->instruction();
if (instr->IsUnbox()) {
has_unboxed_use = true;
} else if (IsUnboxedInteger(
instr->RequiredInputRepresentation(use->use_index()))) {
has_unboxed_use = true;
if (!has_unboxed_use) {
should_unbox = false;
if (should_unbox) {
unboxed =
RangeUtils::Fits(phi->range(), RangeBoundary::kRangeBoundaryInt32)
? kUnboxedInt32
: kUnboxedMint;
void FlowGraph::SelectRepresentations() {
// Conservatively unbox all phis that were proven to be of Double,
// Float32x4, or Int32x4 type.
for (BlockIterator block_it = reverse_postorder_iterator(); !block_it.Done();
block_it.Advance()) {
JoinEntryInstr* join_entry = block_it.Current()->AsJoinEntry();
if (join_entry != NULL) {
for (PhiIterator it(join_entry); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
PhiInstr* phi = it.Current();
// Process all instructions and insert conversions where needed.
// Visit incoming parameters and constants.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < graph_entry()->initial_definitions()->length();
i++) {
for (BlockIterator block_it = reverse_postorder_iterator(); !block_it.Done();
block_it.Advance()) {
BlockEntryInstr* entry = block_it.Current();
JoinEntryInstr* join_entry = entry->AsJoinEntry();
if (join_entry != NULL) {
for (PhiIterator it(join_entry); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
PhiInstr* phi = it.Current();
ASSERT(phi != NULL);
CatchBlockEntryInstr* catch_entry = entry->AsCatchBlockEntry();
if (catch_entry != NULL) {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < catch_entry->initial_definitions()->length();
i++) {
for (ForwardInstructionIterator it(entry); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
Definition* def = it.Current()->AsDefinition();
if (def != NULL) {
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM) || defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
// Smi widening pass is only meaningful on platforms where Smi
// is smaller than 32bit. For now only support it on ARM and ia32.
static bool CanBeWidened(BinarySmiOpInstr* smi_op) {
return BinaryInt32OpInstr::IsSupported(smi_op->op_kind(), smi_op->left(),
static bool BenefitsFromWidening(BinarySmiOpInstr* smi_op) {
// TODO(vegorov): when shifts with non-constants shift count are supported
// add them here as we save untagging for the count.
switch (smi_op->op_kind()) {
case Token::kMUL:
case Token::kSHR:
// For kMUL we save untagging of the argument for kSHR
// we save tagging of the result.
return true;
return false;
void FlowGraph::WidenSmiToInt32() {
GrowableArray<BinarySmiOpInstr*> candidates;
// Step 1. Collect all instructions that potentially benefit from widening of
// their operands (or their result) into int32 range.
for (BlockIterator block_it = reverse_postorder_iterator(); !block_it.Done();
block_it.Advance()) {
for (ForwardInstructionIterator instr_it(block_it.Current());
!instr_it.Done(); instr_it.Advance()) {
BinarySmiOpInstr* smi_op = instr_it.Current()->AsBinarySmiOp();
if ((smi_op != NULL) && smi_op->HasSSATemp() &&
BenefitsFromWidening(smi_op) && CanBeWidened(smi_op)) {
if (candidates.is_empty()) {
// Step 2. For each block in the graph compute which loop it belongs to.
// We will use this information later during computation of the widening's
// gain: we are going to assume that only conversion occuring inside the
// same loop should be counted against the gain, all other conversions
// can be hoisted and thus cost nothing compared to the loop cost itself.
const ZoneGrowableArray<BlockEntryInstr*>& loop_headers = LoopHeaders();
GrowableArray<intptr_t> loops(preorder().length());
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < preorder().length(); i++) {
for (intptr_t loop_id = 0; loop_id < loop_headers.length(); ++loop_id) {
for (BitVector::Iterator loop_it(loop_headers[loop_id]->loop_info());
!loop_it.Done(); loop_it.Advance()) {
loops[loop_it.Current()] = loop_id;
// Step 3. For each candidate transitively collect all other BinarySmiOpInstr
// and PhiInstr that depend on it and that it depends on and count amount of
// untagging operations that we save in assumption that this whole graph of
// values is using kUnboxedInt32 representation instead of kTagged.
// Convert those graphs that have positive gain to kUnboxedInt32.
// BitVector containing SSA indexes of all processed definitions. Used to skip
// those candidates that belong to dependency graph of another candidate.
BitVector* processed = new (Z) BitVector(Z, current_ssa_temp_index());
// Worklist used to collect dependency graph.
DefinitionWorklist worklist(this, candidates.length());
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < candidates.length(); i++) {
BinarySmiOpInstr* op = candidates[i];
if (op->WasEliminated() || processed->Contains(op->ssa_temp_index())) {
if (FLAG_support_il_printer && FLAG_trace_smi_widening) {
THR_Print("analysing candidate: %s\n", op->ToCString());
// Collect dependency graph. Note: more items are added to worklist
// inside this loop.
intptr_t gain = 0;
for (intptr_t j = 0; j < worklist.definitions().length(); j++) {
Definition* defn = worklist.definitions()[j];
if (FLAG_support_il_printer && FLAG_trace_smi_widening) {
THR_Print("> %s\n", defn->ToCString());
if (defn->IsBinarySmiOp() &&
BenefitsFromWidening(defn->AsBinarySmiOp())) {
if (FLAG_support_il_printer && FLAG_trace_smi_widening) {
THR_Print("^ [%" Pd "] (o) %s\n", gain, defn->ToCString());
const intptr_t defn_loop = loops[defn->GetBlock()->preorder_number()];
// Process all inputs.
for (intptr_t k = 0; k < defn->InputCount(); k++) {
Definition* input = defn->InputAt(k)->definition();
if (input->IsBinarySmiOp() && CanBeWidened(input->AsBinarySmiOp())) {
} else if (input->IsPhi() && (input->Type()->ToCid() == kSmiCid)) {
} else if (input->IsBinaryMintOp()) {
// Mint operation produces untagged result. We avoid tagging.
if (FLAG_support_il_printer && FLAG_trace_smi_widening) {
THR_Print("^ [%" Pd "] (i) %s\n", gain, input->ToCString());
} else if (defn_loop == loops[input->GetBlock()->preorder_number()] &&
(input->Type()->ToCid() == kSmiCid)) {
// Input comes from the same loop, is known to be smi and requires
// untagging.
// TODO(vegorov) this heuristic assumes that values that are not
// known to be smi have to be checked and this check can be
// coalesced with untagging. Start coalescing them.
if (FLAG_support_il_printer && FLAG_trace_smi_widening) {
THR_Print("v [%" Pd "] (i) %s\n", gain, input->ToCString());
// Process all uses.
for (Value* use = defn->input_use_list(); use != NULL;
use = use->next_use()) {
Instruction* instr = use->instruction();
Definition* use_defn = instr->AsDefinition();
if (use_defn == NULL) {
// We assume that tagging before returning or pushing argument costs
// very little compared to the cost of the return/call itself.
if (!instr->IsReturn() && !instr->IsPushArgument()) {
if (FLAG_support_il_printer && FLAG_trace_smi_widening) {
THR_Print("v [%" Pd "] (u) %s\n", gain,
} else if (use_defn->IsBinarySmiOp() &&
CanBeWidened(use_defn->AsBinarySmiOp())) {
} else if (use_defn->IsPhi() &&
use_defn->AsPhi()->Type()->ToCid() == kSmiCid) {
} else if (use_defn->IsBinaryMintOp()) {
// BinaryMintOp requires untagging of its inputs.
// Converting kUnboxedInt32 to kUnboxedMint is essentially zero cost
// sign extension operation.
if (FLAG_support_il_printer && FLAG_trace_smi_widening) {
THR_Print("^ [%" Pd "] (u) %s\n", gain,
} else if (defn_loop == loops[instr->GetBlock()->preorder_number()]) {
if (FLAG_support_il_printer && FLAG_trace_smi_widening) {
THR_Print("v [%" Pd "] (u) %s\n", gain,
if (FLAG_support_il_printer && FLAG_trace_smi_widening) {
THR_Print("~ %s gain %" Pd "\n", op->ToCString(), gain);
if (gain > 0) {
// We have positive gain from widening. Convert all BinarySmiOpInstr into
// BinaryInt32OpInstr and set representation of all phis to kUnboxedInt32.
for (intptr_t j = 0; j < worklist.definitions().length(); j++) {
Definition* defn = worklist.definitions()[j];
ASSERT(defn->IsPhi() || defn->IsBinarySmiOp());
if (defn->IsBinarySmiOp()) {
BinarySmiOpInstr* smi_op = defn->AsBinarySmiOp();
BinaryInt32OpInstr* int32_op = new (Z) BinaryInt32OpInstr(
smi_op->op_kind(), smi_op->left()->CopyWithType(),
smi_op->right()->CopyWithType(), smi_op->DeoptimizationTarget());
smi_op->ReplaceWith(int32_op, NULL);
} else if (defn->IsPhi()) {
void FlowGraph::WidenSmiToInt32() {
// TODO(vegorov) ideally on 64-bit platforms we would like to narrow smi
// operations to 32-bit where it saves tagging and untagging and allows
// to use shorted (and faster) instructions. But we currently don't
// save enough range information in the ICData to drive this decision.
void FlowGraph::EliminateEnvironments() {
// After this pass we can no longer perform LICM and hoist instructions
// that can deoptimize.
for (BlockIterator block_it = reverse_postorder_iterator(); !block_it.Done();
block_it.Advance()) {
BlockEntryInstr* block = block_it.Current();
if (!block->IsCatchBlockEntry()) {
for (ForwardInstructionIterator it(block); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
Instruction* current = it.Current();
if (!current->CanDeoptimize() &&
(!current->MayThrow() || !current->GetBlock()->InsideTryBlock())) {
// Instructions that can throw need an environment for optimized
// try-catch.
// TODO(srdjan): --source-lines needs deopt environments to get at
// the code for this instruction, however, leaving the environment
// changes code.
bool FlowGraph::Canonicalize() {
bool changed = false;
for (BlockIterator block_it = reverse_postorder_iterator(); !block_it.Done();
block_it.Advance()) {
for (ForwardInstructionIterator it(block_it.Current()); !it.Done();
it.Advance()) {
Instruction* current = it.Current();
if (current->HasUnmatchedInputRepresentations()) {
// Can't canonicalize this instruction until all conversions for its
// inputs are inserted.
Instruction* replacement = current->Canonicalize(this);
if (replacement != current) {
// For non-definitions Canonicalize should return either NULL or
// this.
ASSERT((replacement == NULL) || current->IsDefinition());
ReplaceCurrentInstruction(&it, current, replacement);
changed = true;
return changed;
// Optimize (a << b) & c pattern: if c is a positive Smi or zero, then the
// shift can be a truncating Smi shift-left and result is always Smi.
// Merging occurs only per basic-block.
void FlowGraph::TryOptimizePatterns() {
if (!FLAG_truncating_left_shift) return;
GrowableArray<BinarySmiOpInstr*> div_mod_merge;
GrowableArray<InvokeMathCFunctionInstr*> sin_cos_merge;
for (BlockIterator block_it = reverse_postorder_iterator(); !block_it.Done();
block_it.Advance()) {
// Merging only per basic-block.
ForwardInstructionIterator it(block_it.Current());
for (; !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
if (it.Current()->IsBinarySmiOp()) {
BinarySmiOpInstr* binop = it.Current()->AsBinarySmiOp();
if (binop->op_kind() == Token::kBIT_AND) {
OptimizeLeftShiftBitAndSmiOp(&it, binop, binop->left()->definition(),
} else if ((binop->op_kind() == Token::kTRUNCDIV) ||
(binop->op_kind() == Token::kMOD)) {
if (binop->HasUses()) {
} else if (it.Current()->IsBinaryMintOp()) {
BinaryMintOpInstr* mintop = it.Current()->AsBinaryMintOp();
if (mintop->op_kind() == Token::kBIT_AND) {
OptimizeLeftShiftBitAndSmiOp(&it, mintop,
} else if (it.Current()->IsInvokeMathCFunction()) {
InvokeMathCFunctionInstr* math_unary =
if ((math_unary->recognized_kind() == MethodRecognizer::kMathSin) ||
(math_unary->recognized_kind() == MethodRecognizer::kMathCos)) {
if (math_unary->HasUses()) {
// Returns true if use is dominated by the given instruction.
// Note: uses that occur at instruction itself are not dominated by it.
static bool IsDominatedUse(Instruction* dom, Value* use) {
BlockEntryInstr* dom_block = dom->GetBlock();
Instruction* instr = use->instruction();
PhiInstr* phi = instr->AsPhi();
if (phi != NULL) {
return dom_block->Dominates(phi->block()->PredecessorAt(use->use_index()));
BlockEntryInstr* use_block = instr->GetBlock();
if (use_block == dom_block) {
// Fast path for the case of block entry.
if (dom_block == dom) return true;
for (Instruction* curr = dom->next(); curr != NULL; curr = curr->next()) {
if (curr == instr) return true;
return false;
return dom_block->Dominates(use_block);
void FlowGraph::RenameDominatedUses(Definition* def,
Instruction* dom,
Definition* other) {
for (Value::Iterator it(def->input_use_list()); !it.Done(); it.Advance()) {
Value* use = it.Current();
if (IsDominatedUse(dom, use)) {
void FlowGraph::RenameUsesDominatedByRedefinitions() {
for (BlockIterator block_it = reverse_postorder_iterator(); !block_it.Done();
block_it.Advance()) {
for (ForwardInstructionIterator instr_it(block_it.Current());
!instr_it.Done(); instr_it.Advance()) {
RedefinitionInstr* redefinition = instr_it.Current()->AsRedefinition();
if (redefinition != NULL) {
Definition* original = redefinition->value()->definition();
RenameDominatedUses(original, redefinition, redefinition);
static bool IsPositiveOrZeroSmiConst(Definition* d) {
ConstantInstr* const_instr = d->AsConstant();
if ((const_instr != NULL) && (const_instr->value().IsSmi())) {
return Smi::Cast(const_instr->value()).Value() >= 0;
return false;
static BinarySmiOpInstr* AsSmiShiftLeftInstruction(Definition* d) {
BinarySmiOpInstr* instr = d->AsBinarySmiOp();
if ((instr != NULL) && (instr->op_kind() == Token::kSHL)) {
return instr;
return NULL;
void FlowGraph::OptimizeLeftShiftBitAndSmiOp(
ForwardInstructionIterator* current_iterator,
Definition* bit_and_instr,
Definition* left_instr,
Definition* right_instr) {
ASSERT(bit_and_instr != NULL);
ASSERT((left_instr != NULL) && (right_instr != NULL));
// Check for pattern, smi_shift_left must be single-use.
bool is_positive_or_zero = IsPositiveOrZeroSmiConst(left_instr);
if (!is_positive_or_zero) {
is_positive_or_zero = IsPositiveOrZeroSmiConst(right_instr);
if (!is_positive_or_zero) return;
BinarySmiOpInstr* smi_shift_left = NULL;
if (bit_and_instr->InputAt(0)->IsSingleUse()) {
smi_shift_left = AsSmiShiftLeftInstruction(left_instr);
if ((smi_shift_left == NULL) && (bit_and_instr->InputAt(1)->IsSingleUse())) {
smi_shift_left = AsSmiShiftLeftInstruction(right_instr);
if (smi_shift_left == NULL) return;
// Pattern recognized.
ASSERT(bit_and_instr->IsBinarySmiOp() || bit_and_instr->IsBinaryMintOp());
if (bit_and_instr->IsBinaryMintOp()) {
// Replace Mint op with Smi op.
BinarySmiOpInstr* smi_op = new (Z) BinarySmiOpInstr(
Token::kBIT_AND, new (Z) Value(left_instr), new (Z) Value(right_instr),
Thread::kNoDeoptId); // BIT_AND cannot deoptimize.
bit_and_instr->ReplaceWith(smi_op, current_iterator);
// Dart:
// var x = d % 10;
// var y = d ~/ 10;
// var z = x + y;
// IL:
// v4 <- %(v2, v3)
// v5 <- ~/(v2, v3)
// v6 <- +(v4, v5)
// IL optimized:
// v4 <- DIVMOD(v2, v3);
// v5 <- LoadIndexed(v4, 0); // ~/ result
// v6 <- LoadIndexed(v4, 1); // % result
// v7 <- +(v5, v6)
// Because of the environment it is important that merged instruction replaces
// first original instruction encountered.
void FlowGraph::TryMergeTruncDivMod(
GrowableArray<BinarySmiOpInstr*>* merge_candidates) {
if (merge_candidates->length() < 2) {
// Need at least a TRUNCDIV and a MOD.
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < merge_candidates->length(); i++) {
BinarySmiOpInstr* curr_instr = (*merge_candidates)[i];
if (curr_instr == NULL) {
// Instruction was merged already.
ASSERT((curr_instr->op_kind() == Token::kTRUNCDIV) ||
(curr_instr->op_kind() == Token::kMOD));
// Check if there is kMOD/kTRUNDIV binop with same inputs.
const Token::Kind other_kind = (curr_instr->op_kind() == Token::kTRUNCDIV)
? Token::kMOD
: Token::kTRUNCDIV;
Definition* left_def = curr_instr->left()->definition();
Definition* right_def = curr_instr->right()->definition();
for (intptr_t k = i + 1; k < merge_candidates->length(); k++) {
BinarySmiOpInstr* other_binop = (*merge_candidates)[k];
// 'other_binop' can be NULL if it was already merged.
if ((other_binop != NULL) && (other_binop->op_kind() == other_kind) &&
(other_binop->left()->definition() == left_def) &&
(other_binop->right()->definition() == right_def)) {
(*merge_candidates)[k] = NULL; // Clear it.
curr_instr, MergedMathInstr::OutputIndexOf(curr_instr->op_kind()),
kTagged, kSmiCid);
other_binop, MergedMathInstr::OutputIndexOf(other_binop->op_kind()),
kTagged, kSmiCid);
ZoneGrowableArray<Value*>* args = new (Z) ZoneGrowableArray<Value*>(2);
args->Add(new (Z) Value(curr_instr->left()->definition()));
args->Add(new (Z) Value(curr_instr->right()->definition()));
// Replace with TruncDivMod.
MergedMathInstr* div_mod = new (Z) MergedMathInstr(
args, curr_instr->deopt_id(), MergedMathInstr::kTruncDivMod);
curr_instr->ReplaceWith(div_mod, NULL);
// Only one merge possible. Because canonicalization happens later,
// more candidates are possible.
// TODO(srdjan): Allow merging of trunc-div/mod into truncDivMod.
void FlowGraph::AppendExtractNthOutputForMerged(Definition* instr,
intptr_t index,
Representation rep,
intptr_t cid) {
ExtractNthOutputInstr* extract =
new (Z) ExtractNthOutputInstr(new (Z) Value(instr), index, rep, cid);
InsertAfter(instr, extract, NULL, FlowGraph::kValue);
} // namespace dart