blob: b27202890ff1b0368b4003b138ee1809928ea9d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string.h>
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "vm/fixed_cache.h"
#include "vm/unit_test.h"
namespace dart {
UNIT_TEST_CASE(FixedCacheEmpty) {
FixedCache<int, int, 2> cache;
EXPECT(cache.Lookup(0) == NULL);
EXPECT(cache.Lookup(1) == NULL);
cache.Insert(1, 2);
EXPECT(*cache.Lookup(1) == 2);
EXPECT(cache.Lookup(0) == NULL);
UNIT_TEST_CASE(FixedCacheHalfFull) {
FixedCache<int, const char*, 8> cache;
// Insert at end.
cache.Insert(10, "a");
cache.Insert(20, "b");
cache.Insert(40, "c");
// Insert in the middle.
cache.Insert(15, "ab");
cache.Insert(25, "bc");
// Insert in front.
cache.Insert(5, "_");
// Check all items.
EXPECT(strcmp(*cache.Lookup(5), "_") == 0);
EXPECT(strcmp(*cache.Lookup(10), "a") == 0);
EXPECT(strcmp(*cache.Lookup(20), "b") == 0);
EXPECT(strcmp(*cache.Lookup(40), "c") == 0);
EXPECT(strcmp(*cache.Lookup(25), "bc") == 0);
// Non-existent - front, middle, end.
EXPECT(cache.Lookup(1) == NULL);
EXPECT(cache.Lookup(35) == NULL);
EXPECT(cache.Lookup(50) == NULL);
struct Resource {
Resource() : id(0) { copies++; }
explicit Resource(int id_) : id(id_) { copies++; }
Resource(const Resource& r) {
id =;
Resource& operator=(const Resource& r) {
id =;
return *this;
~Resource() { copies--; }
int id;
static int copies;
int Resource::copies = 0;
UNIT_TEST_CASE(FixedCacheFullResource) {
FixedCache<int, Resource, 6> cache;
cache.Insert(10, Resource(2));
cache.Insert(20, Resource(4));
cache.Insert(40, Resource(16));
cache.Insert(30, Resource(8));
EXPECT(cache.Lookup(40)->id == 16);
EXPECT(cache.Lookup(5) == NULL);
EXPECT(cache.Lookup(0) == NULL);
// Insert in the front, middle.
cache.Insert(5, Resource(1));
cache.Insert(15, Resource(3));
cache.Insert(25, Resource(6));
// 40 got removed by shifting.
EXPECT(cache.Lookup(40) == NULL);
EXPECT(cache.Lookup(5)->id == 1);
EXPECT(cache.Lookup(15)->id == 3);
EXPECT(cache.Lookup(25)->id == 6);
// Insert at end top - 30 gets replaced by 40.
cache.Insert(40, Resource(16));
EXPECT(cache.Lookup(40)->id == 16);
EXPECT(cache.Lookup(30) == NULL);
EXPECT(Resource::copies == 0);
} // namespace dart