blob: 4490d5faf0ab5762fad45294f2234d3ee6c82eeb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/double_conversion.h"
#include "third_party/double-conversion/src/double-conversion.h"
#include "vm/exceptions.h"
#include "vm/globals.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
namespace dart {
static const char kDoubleToStringCommonExponentChar = 'e';
static const char* kDoubleToStringCommonInfinitySymbol = "Infinity";
static const char* kDoubleToStringCommonNaNSymbol = "NaN";
void DoubleToCString(double d, char* buffer, int buffer_size) {
static const int kDecimalLow = -6;
static const int kDecimalHigh = 21;
// The output contains the sign, at most kDecimalHigh - 1 digits,
// the decimal point followed by a 0 plus the \0.
ASSERT(buffer_size >= 1 + (kDecimalHigh - 1) + 1 + 1 + 1);
// Or it contains the sign, a 0, the decimal point, kDecimalLow '0's,
// 17 digits (the precision needed for doubles), plus the \0.
ASSERT(buffer_size >= 1 + 1 + 1 + kDecimalLow + 17 + 1);
// Alternatively it contains a sign, at most 17 digits (precision needed for
// any double), the decimal point, the exponent character, the exponent's
// sign, at most three exponent digits, plus the \0.
ASSERT(buffer_size >= 1 + 17 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 1);
static const int kConversionFlags =
double_conversion::DoubleToStringConverter::EMIT_POSITIVE_EXPONENT_SIGN |
double_conversion::DoubleToStringConverter::EMIT_TRAILING_DECIMAL_POINT |
const double_conversion::DoubleToStringConverter converter(
kConversionFlags, kDoubleToStringCommonInfinitySymbol,
kDoubleToStringCommonNaNSymbol, kDoubleToStringCommonExponentChar,
kDecimalLow, kDecimalHigh, 0,
0); // Last two values are ignored in shortest mode.
double_conversion::StringBuilder builder(buffer, buffer_size);
bool status = converter.ToShortest(d, &builder);
char* result = builder.Finalize();
ASSERT(result == buffer);
RawString* DoubleToStringAsFixed(double d, int fraction_digits) {
static const int kMinFractionDigits = 0;
static const int kMaxFractionDigits = 20;
static const int kMaxDigitsBeforePoint = 20;
// The boundaries are exclusive.
static const double kLowerBoundary = -1e21;
static const double kUpperBoundary = 1e21;
// TODO(floitsch): remove the UNIQUE_ZERO flag when the test is updated.
static const int kConversionFlags =
const int kBufferSize = 128;
// The output contains the sign, at most kMaxDigitsBeforePoint digits,
// the decimal point followed by at most fraction_digits digits plus the \0.
ASSERT(kBufferSize >= 1 + kMaxDigitsBeforePoint + 1 + kMaxFractionDigits + 1);
ASSERT(kLowerBoundary < d && d < kUpperBoundary);
ASSERT(kMinFractionDigits <= fraction_digits &&
fraction_digits <= kMaxFractionDigits);
const double_conversion::DoubleToStringConverter converter(
kConversionFlags, kDoubleToStringCommonInfinitySymbol,
kDoubleToStringCommonNaNSymbol, kDoubleToStringCommonExponentChar, 0, 0,
0, 0); // Last four values are ignored in fixed mode.
char* buffer = Thread::Current()->zone()->Alloc<char>(kBufferSize);
buffer[kBufferSize - 1] = '\0';
double_conversion::StringBuilder builder(buffer, kBufferSize);
bool status = converter.ToFixed(d, fraction_digits, &builder);
return String::New(builder.Finalize());
RawString* DoubleToStringAsExponential(double d, int fraction_digits) {
static const int kMinFractionDigits = -1; // -1 represents shortest mode.
static const int kMaxFractionDigits = 20;
static const int kConversionFlags =
const int kBufferSize = 128;
// The output contains the sign, at most 1 digits, the decimal point followed
// by at most kMaxFractionDigits digits, the exponent-character, the
// exponent-sign and three exponent digits plus \0.
ASSERT(kBufferSize >= 1 + 1 + kMaxFractionDigits + 1 + 1 + 3 + 1);
ASSERT(kMinFractionDigits <= fraction_digits &&
fraction_digits <= kMaxFractionDigits);
const double_conversion::DoubleToStringConverter converter(
kConversionFlags, kDoubleToStringCommonInfinitySymbol,
kDoubleToStringCommonNaNSymbol, kDoubleToStringCommonExponentChar, 0, 0,
0, 0); // Last four values are ignored in exponential mode.
char* buffer = Thread::Current()->zone()->Alloc<char>(kBufferSize);
buffer[kBufferSize - 1] = '\0';
double_conversion::StringBuilder builder(buffer, kBufferSize);
bool status = converter.ToExponential(d, fraction_digits, &builder);
return String::New(builder.Finalize());
RawString* DoubleToStringAsPrecision(double d, int precision) {
static const int kMinPrecisionDigits = 1;
static const int kMaxPrecisionDigits = 21;
static const int kMaxLeadingPaddingZeroes = 6;
static const int kMaxTrailingPaddingZeroes = 0;
static const int kConversionFlags =
const int kBufferSize = 128;
// The output contains the sign, a potential leading 0, the decimal point,
// at most kMax{Leading|Trailing} padding zeroes, precision digits,
// the exponent-character, the exponent-sign, three exponent digits
// plus the \0.
// Note that padding and exponent are exclusive. We still add them up.
ASSERT(kBufferSize >= 1 + 1 + 1 + kMaxLeadingPaddingZeroes +
kMaxTrailingPaddingZeroes + kMaxPrecisionDigits +
1 + 1 + 3 + 1);
ASSERT(kMinPrecisionDigits <= precision && precision <= kMaxPrecisionDigits);
const double_conversion::DoubleToStringConverter converter(
kConversionFlags, kDoubleToStringCommonInfinitySymbol,
kDoubleToStringCommonNaNSymbol, kDoubleToStringCommonExponentChar, 0,
0, // Ignored in precision mode.
kMaxLeadingPaddingZeroes, kMaxTrailingPaddingZeroes);
char* buffer = Thread::Current()->zone()->Alloc<char>(kBufferSize);
buffer[kBufferSize - 1] = '\0';
double_conversion::StringBuilder builder(buffer, kBufferSize);
bool status = converter.ToPrecision(d, precision, &builder);
return String::New(builder.Finalize());
bool CStringToDouble(const char* str, intptr_t length, double* result) {
if (length == 0) {
return false;
double_conversion::StringToDoubleConverter converter(
double_conversion::StringToDoubleConverter::NO_FLAGS, 0.0, 0.0,
kDoubleToStringCommonInfinitySymbol, kDoubleToStringCommonNaNSymbol);
int parsed_count = 0;
*result =
converter.StringToDouble(str, static_cast<int>(length), &parsed_count);
return (parsed_count == length);
} // namespace dart