blob: c74737ea4770f966287bda54b34c7297bd7b9b07 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "include/dart_native_api.h"
#include "platform/utils.h"
#include "vm/allocation.h"
#include "vm/dart_api_state.h"
#include "vm/message.h"
#include "vm/raw_object.h"
#include "vm/snapshot.h"
namespace dart {
// Use this C structure for reading internal objects in the serialized
// data. These are objects that we need to process in order to
// generate the Dart_CObject graph but that we don't want to expose in
// that graph.
struct Dart_CObject_Internal : public Dart_CObject {
enum Type {
kTypeArguments = Dart_CObject_kNumberOfTypes,
struct Dart_CObject_Internal* cls;
union {
struct {
struct _Dart_CObject* library_url;
struct _Dart_CObject* class_name;
} as_class;
struct {
struct _Dart_CObject* buffer;
int offset_in_bytes;
int length;
} as_view;
} internal;
// Reads a message snapshot into a C structure.
class ApiMessageReader : public BaseReader {
// The ApiMessageReader object must be enclosed by an ApiNativeScope.
// Allocation of all C Heap objects is done in the zone associated with
// the enclosing ApiNativeScope.
ApiMessageReader(const uint8_t* buffer, intptr_t length);
explicit ApiMessageReader(Message* message);
~ApiMessageReader() {}
Dart_CObject* ReadMessage();
class BackRefNode {
BackRefNode(Dart_CObject* reference, DeserializeState state)
: reference_(reference), state_(state) {}
Dart_CObject* reference() const { return reference_; }
void set_reference(Dart_CObject* reference) { reference_ = reference; }
bool is_deserialized() const { return state_ == kIsDeserialized; }
void set_state(DeserializeState value) { state_ = value; }
Dart_CObject* reference_;
DeserializeState state_;
// Allocates a Dart_CObject object.
Dart_CObject* AllocateDartCObject();
// Allocates a Dart_CObject object with the specified type.
Dart_CObject* AllocateDartCObject(Dart_CObject_Type type);
// Allocates a Dart_CObject object representing an unsupported
// object in the API message.
Dart_CObject* AllocateDartCObjectUnsupported();
// Allocates a Dart_CObject object for the null object.
Dart_CObject* AllocateDartCObjectNull();
// Allocates a Dart_CObject object for a boolean object.
Dart_CObject* AllocateDartCObjectBool(bool value);
// Allocates a Dart_CObject object for for a 32-bit integer.
Dart_CObject* AllocateDartCObjectInt32(int32_t value);
// Allocates a Dart_CObject object for for a 64-bit integer.
Dart_CObject* AllocateDartCObjectInt64(int64_t value);
// Allocates an empty Dart_CObject object for a bigint to be filled up later.
Dart_CObject* AllocateDartCObjectBigint();
// Allocates a Dart_CObject object for a double.
Dart_CObject* AllocateDartCObjectDouble(double value);
// Allocates a Dart_CObject object for string data.
Dart_CObject* AllocateDartCObjectString(intptr_t length);
// Allocates a C Dart_CObject object for a typed data.
Dart_CObject* AllocateDartCObjectTypedData(Dart_TypedData_Type type,
intptr_t length);
// Allocates a C array of Dart_CObject objects.
Dart_CObject* AllocateDartCObjectArray(intptr_t length);
// Allocate a C Dart_CObject object for a VM isolate object.
Dart_CObject* AllocateDartCObjectVmIsolateObj(intptr_t id);
// Allocates a Dart_CObject_Internal object with the specified type.
Dart_CObject_Internal* AllocateDartCObjectInternal(
Dart_CObject_Internal::Type type);
// Allocates a Dart_CObject_Internal object for a class object.
Dart_CObject_Internal* AllocateDartCObjectClass();
// Allocates a backwards reference node.
BackRefNode* AllocateBackRefNode(Dart_CObject* ref, DeserializeState state);
void Init();
intptr_t LookupInternalClass(intptr_t class_header);
Dart_CObject* ReadVMIsolateObject(intptr_t value);
Dart_CObject* ReadInternalVMObject(intptr_t class_id, intptr_t object_id);
Dart_CObject* ReadInlinedObject(intptr_t object_id);
Dart_CObject* ReadObjectImpl();
Dart_CObject* ReadIndexedObject(intptr_t object_id);
Dart_CObject* ReadPredefinedSymbol(intptr_t object_id);
Dart_CObject* ReadObjectRef();
Dart_CObject* ReadObject();
// Add object to backward references.
void AddBackRef(intptr_t id, Dart_CObject* obj, DeserializeState state);
// Get an object from the backward references list.
Dart_CObject* GetBackRef(intptr_t id);
intptr_t NextAvailableObjectId() const;
Dart_CObject_Internal* AsInternal(Dart_CObject* object) {
ASSERT(object->type >= Dart_CObject_kNumberOfTypes);
return reinterpret_cast<Dart_CObject_Internal*>(object);
RawObject* VmIsolateSnapshotObject(intptr_t index) const {
return Object::vm_isolate_snapshot_object_table().At(index);
Dart_CObject* CreateDartCObjectString(RawObject* raw);
Dart_CObject* GetCanonicalMintObject(Dart_CObject_Type type, int64_t value64);
uint8_t* allocator(intptr_t size) {
return zone_->Realloc<uint8_t>(NULL, 0, size);
Zone* zone_; // Zone in which C heap objects are allocated.
ApiGrowableArray<BackRefNode*> backward_references_;
ApiGrowableArray<Dart_CObject*> vm_isolate_references_;
Dart_CObject** vm_symbol_references_;
Dart_CObject type_arguments_marker;
Dart_CObject dynamic_type_marker;
static _Dart_CObject* singleton_uint32_typed_data_;
class ApiMessageWriter : public BaseWriter {
static const intptr_t kInitialSize = 512;
ApiMessageWriter(uint8_t** buffer, ReAlloc alloc)
: BaseWriter(buffer, alloc, NULL, kInitialSize),
forward_id_(0) {
ASSERT(kDartCObjectTypeMask >= Dart_CObject_kNumberOfTypes - 1);
~ApiMessageWriter() { ::free(forward_list_); }
// Writes a message of integers.
void WriteMessage(intptr_t field_count, intptr_t* data);
// Writes a message with a single object.
bool WriteCMessage(Dart_CObject* object);
static const intptr_t kDartCObjectTypeBits = 4;
static const intptr_t kDartCObjectTypeMask = (1 << kDartCObjectTypeBits) - 1;
static const intptr_t kDartCObjectMarkMask = ~kDartCObjectTypeMask;
static const intptr_t kDartCObjectMarkOffset = 1;
void MarkCObject(Dart_CObject* object, intptr_t object_id);
void UnmarkCObject(Dart_CObject* object);
bool IsCObjectMarked(Dart_CObject* object);
intptr_t GetMarkedCObjectMark(Dart_CObject* object);
void UnmarkAllCObjects(Dart_CObject* object);
void AddToForwardList(Dart_CObject* object);
void WriteSmi(int64_t value);
void WriteNullObject();
void WriteMint(Dart_CObject* object, int64_t value);
void WriteInt32(Dart_CObject* object);
void WriteInt64(Dart_CObject* object);
void WriteInlinedHeader(Dart_CObject* object);
bool WriteCObject(Dart_CObject* object);
bool WriteCObjectRef(Dart_CObject* object);
bool WriteForwardedCObject(Dart_CObject* object);
bool WriteCObjectInlined(Dart_CObject* object, Dart_CObject_Type type);
intptr_t object_id_;
Dart_CObject** forward_list_;
intptr_t forward_list_length_;
intptr_t forward_id_;
// This class handles translation of certain RawObjects to CObjects for
// NativeMessageHandlers.
// TODO(zra): Expand to support not only null, but also other VM heap objects
// as well.
class ApiObjectConverter : public AllStatic {
static bool CanConvert(const RawObject* raw_obj) {
return !raw_obj->IsHeapObject() || (raw_obj == Object::null());
static bool Convert(const RawObject* raw_obj, Dart_CObject* c_obj) {
if (!raw_obj->IsHeapObject()) {
ConvertSmi(reinterpret_cast<const RawSmi*>(raw_obj), c_obj);
} else if (raw_obj == Object::null()) {
} else {
return false;
return true;
static void ConvertSmi(const RawSmi* raw_smi, Dart_CObject* c_obj) {
intptr_t value = Smi::Value(raw_smi);
if (Utils::IsInt(31, value)) {
c_obj->type = Dart_CObject_kInt32;
c_obj->value.as_int32 = static_cast<int32_t>(value);
} else {
c_obj->type = Dart_CObject_kInt64;
c_obj->value.as_int64 = static_cast<int64_t>(value);
static void ConvertNull(Dart_CObject* c_obj) {
c_obj->type = Dart_CObject_kNull;
c_obj->value.as_int64 = 0;
} // namespace dart