blob: c5cd230f3408ba3d9874e4f7bd3a8eb606a8389b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/compiler/ffi/native_type.h"
#include "platform/assert.h"
#include "platform/globals.h"
#include "vm/class_id.h"
#include "vm/compiler/runtime_api.h"
#include "vm/growable_array.h"
#include "vm/log.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
#include "vm/symbols.h"
#include "vm/compiler/backend/locations.h"
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
namespace dart {
namespace compiler {
namespace ffi {
const NativePrimitiveType& NativeType::AsPrimitive() const {
return static_cast<const NativePrimitiveType&>(*this);
bool NativePrimitiveType::IsInt() const {
switch (representation_) {
case kInt8:
case kUint8:
case kInt16:
case kUint16:
case kInt32:
case kUint32:
case kInt64:
case kUint64:
return true;
return false;
bool NativePrimitiveType::IsFloat() const {
return representation_ == kFloat || representation_ == kDouble ||
representation_ == kHalfDouble;
bool NativePrimitiveType::IsVoid() const {
return representation_ == kVoid;
bool NativePrimitiveType::IsSigned() const {
ASSERT(IsInt() || IsFloat());
switch (representation_) {
case kInt8:
case kInt16:
case kInt32:
case kInt64:
case kFloat:
case kDouble:
case kHalfDouble:
return true;
case kUint8:
case kUint16:
case kUint32:
case kUint64:
return false;
static const intptr_t fundamental_size_in_bytes[kVoid + 1] = {
1, // kInt8,
1, // kUint8,
2, // kInt16,
2, // kUint16,
4, // kInt32,
4, // kUint32,
8, // kInt64,
8, // kUint64,
4, // kFloat,
8, // kDouble,
4, // kHalfDouble
0, // kVoid,
intptr_t NativePrimitiveType::SizeInBytes() const {
return fundamental_size_in_bytes[representation_];
intptr_t NativePrimitiveType::AlignmentInBytesStack() const {
switch (CallingConventions::kArgumentStackAlignment) {
case kAlignedToWordSize:
// The default is to align stack arguments to word size.
return compiler::target::kWordSize;
case kAlignedToWordSizeBut8AlignedTo8: {
// However, arm32 deviates slightly.
if (SizeInBytes() == 8) {
return 8;
return compiler::target::kWordSize;
case kAlignedToValueSize:
// iOS on arm64 only aligns to size.
return SizeInBytes();
intptr_t NativePrimitiveType::AlignmentInBytesField() const {
switch (CallingConventions::kFieldAlignment) {
case kAlignedToValueSize:
// The default is to align fields to their own size.
return SizeInBytes();
case kAlignedToValueSizeBut8AlignedTo4: {
// However, on some 32-bit architectures, 8-byte fields are only aligned
// to 4 bytes.
if (SizeInBytes() == 8) {
return 4;
return SizeInBytes();
bool NativePrimitiveType::IsExpressibleAsRepresentation() const {
switch (representation_) {
case kInt8:
case kUint8:
case kInt16:
case kUint16:
case kHalfDouble:
return false;
case kInt32:
case kUint32:
case kInt64:
case kUint64:
case kFloat:
case kDouble:
return true;
case kVoid:
return true;
UNREACHABLE(); // Make MSVC happy.
Representation NativePrimitiveType::AsRepresentation() const {
switch (representation_) {
case kInt32:
return kUnboxedInt32;
case kUint32:
return kUnboxedUint32;
case kInt64:
case kUint64:
return kUnboxedInt64;
case kFloat:
return kUnboxedFloat;
case kDouble:
return kUnboxedDouble;
case kVoid:
return kUnboxedFfiIntPtr;
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
bool NativePrimitiveType::Equals(const NativeType& other) const {
if (!other.IsPrimitive()) {
return false;
return other.AsPrimitive().representation_ == representation_;
static PrimitiveType split_fundamental(PrimitiveType in) {
switch (in) {
case kInt16:
return kInt8;
case kInt32:
return kInt16;
case kInt64:
return kInt32;
case kUint16:
return kUint8;
case kUint32:
return kUint16;
case kUint64:
return kUint32;
case kDouble:
return kHalfDouble;
NativePrimitiveType& NativePrimitiveType::Split(Zone* zone,
intptr_t index) const {
ASSERT(index == 0 || index == 1);
auto new_rep = split_fundamental(representation());
return *new (zone) NativePrimitiveType(new_rep);
static PrimitiveType TypeRepresentation(classid_t class_id) {
switch (class_id) {
case kFfiInt8Cid:
return kInt8;
case kFfiInt16Cid:
return kInt16;
case kFfiInt32Cid:
return kInt32;
case kFfiUint8Cid:
return kUint8;
case kFfiUint16Cid:
return kUint16;
case kFfiUint32Cid:
return kUint32;
case kFfiInt64Cid:
case kFfiUint64Cid:
return kInt64;
case kFfiIntPtrCid:
return compiler::target::kWordSize == 4 ? kInt32 : kInt64;
case kFfiFloatCid:
return kFloat;
case kFfiDoubleCid:
return kDouble;
case kFfiPointerCid:
return compiler::target::kWordSize == 4 ? kUint32 : kInt64;
case kFfiVoidCid:
return kVoid;
case kFfiHandleCid:
// We never expose this pointer as a Dart int, so no need to make it
// unsigned on 32 bit architectures.
return compiler::target::kWordSize == 4 ? kInt32 : kInt64;
NativeType& NativeType::FromTypedDataClassId(Zone* zone, classid_t class_id) {
// TODO(36730): Support composites.
const auto fundamental_rep = TypeRepresentation(class_id);
return *new (zone) NativePrimitiveType(fundamental_rep);
NativeType& NativeType::FromAbstractType(Zone* zone, const AbstractType& type) {
// TODO(36730): Support composites.
return NativeType::FromTypedDataClassId(zone, type.type_class_id());
static PrimitiveType fundamental_rep(Representation rep) {
switch (rep) {
case kUnboxedDouble:
return kDouble;
case kUnboxedFloat:
return kFloat;
case kUnboxedInt32:
return kInt32;
case kUnboxedUint32:
return kUint32;
case kUnboxedInt64:
return kInt64;
NativePrimitiveType& NativeType::FromUnboxedRepresentation(Zone* zone,
Representation rep) {
return *new (zone) NativePrimitiveType(fundamental_rep(rep));
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)
const char* NativeType::ToCString() const {
char buffer[1024];
BufferFormatter bf(buffer, 1024);
return Thread::Current()->zone()->MakeCopyOfString(buffer);
static const char* PrimitiveTypeToCString(PrimitiveType rep) {
switch (rep) {
case kInt8:
return "int8";
case kUint8:
return "uint8";
case kInt16:
return "int16";
case kUint16:
return "uint16";
case kInt32:
return "int32";
case kUint32:
return "uint32";
case kInt64:
return "int64";
case kUint64:
return "uint64";
case kFloat:
return "float";
case kDouble:
return "double";
case kHalfDouble:
return "half-double";
case kVoid:
return "void";
void NativeType::PrintTo(BaseTextBuffer* f) const {
void NativePrimitiveType::PrintTo(BaseTextBuffer* f) const {
f->Printf("%s", PrimitiveTypeToCString(representation_));
const char* NativeFunctionType::ToCString() const {
char buffer[1024];
BufferFormatter bf(buffer, 1024);
return Thread::Current()->zone()->MakeCopyOfString(buffer);
void NativeFunctionType::PrintTo(BaseTextBuffer* f) const {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < argument_types_.length(); i++) {
if (i > 0) {
f->AddString(", ");
f->AddString(") => ");
const NativeType& NativeType::WidenTo4Bytes(Zone* zone) const {
if (IsInt() && SizeInBytes() <= 2) {
if (IsSigned()) {
return *new (zone) NativePrimitiveType(kInt32);
} else {
return *new (zone) NativePrimitiveType(kUint32);
return *this;
} // namespace ffi
} // namespace compiler
} // namespace dart