blob: 924ccbd7a757a64243a0049076e11b00bfe8280b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
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// Dart test program testing the use of 'Dynamic' in generic types.
// @static-clean
interface Iface<K,V> {
class M1<K, V> implements Iface<K, V> {
class M2<K> implements Iface<K, Dynamic> {
class M3 implements Iface<String, Dynamic> {
typedef Dynamic F1<T>(Dynamic x, T y);
class HasFieldDynamic {
HasFieldDynamic() : Dynamic = "Dynamic" { }
var Dynamic; // Field named Dynamic is allowed.
class HasMethodDynamic {
Dynamic() => "Dynamic"; // Method named Dynamic is allowed.
main() {
M1<Dynamic, Dynamic> m1 = new M1<Dynamic, Dynamic>();
Expect.isTrue(m1 is Iface<Dynamic, num>);
Expect.isTrue(m1 is Iface<String, Dynamic>);
Expect.isTrue(m1 is Iface<String, num>);
Expect.isTrue(m1 is Iface<num, String>);
M2<Dynamic> m2 = new M2<Dynamic>();
Expect.isTrue(m2 is Iface<Dynamic, num>);
Expect.isTrue(m2 is Iface<String, Dynamic>);
Expect.isTrue(m2 is Iface<String, num>);
Expect.isTrue(m2 is Iface<num, String>);
M3 m3 = new M3();
Expect.isTrue(m3 is Iface<Dynamic, num>);
Expect.isTrue(m3 is Iface<String, Dynamic>);
Expect.isTrue(m3 is Iface<String, num>);
Expect.isTrue(m3 is !Iface<num, String>);
F1<int> f1 = (String s, int i) => s[i];
Expect.isTrue(f1 is F1<int>);
HasFieldDynamic has_field = new HasFieldDynamic();
Expect.equals("Dynamic", has_field.Dynamic);
HasMethodDynamic has_method = new HasMethodDynamic();
Expect.equals("Dynamic", has_method.Dynamic());
int Dynamic = 0; // Local variable named Dynamic is allowed.
Expect.equals(0, Dynamic);