Use GPRs for mints.


* Register allocator now allocates GPRs for kUnboxedMint.
* Register allocator supports for SameAsFirstInput for register pairs.
* Register allocator properly handles register pairs in environment uses and materialization uses.
* BoxInteger updated on IA32/ARM.
* UnboxInteger updated on IA32/ARM.
* BinaryMintOp updated on IA32/ARM.
* ShiftMintOp updated on IA32/ARM.
* UnaryMintOp updated on IA32/ARM.
* RelationalOp updated on IA32/ARM.
* EqualityCompare updated on IA32/ARM.
* LoadIndexed and StoreIndexed updated on IA32/ARM.
* New Deopt instructions added.
* Update live_registers when an instruction has a fixed register input and a call on the slow path.
* Improve printing of register pairs in flow graph.
* Do not assume live registers in slow paths contain tagged values.
* LiveRange pairs for kUnboxedMint definitions marked as kUntagged representation (reduces stack usage).
* Live register spilling on ARM uses same register order as stack map encoding.
* Spill slots containing tagged and untagged are segregated.
* Print stack maps when printing live ranges with safe points.
* Print allocated spill slot when printing live ranges.


* IA32 completed. All tests are passing.
* ARM completed. All tests passing.,,

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git-svn-id: 260f80e4-7a28-3924-810f-c04153c831b5
18 files changed