blob: 1fd1ec8f76a502d9136c8f7d92ad694679449228 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/visitor.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart' show Source;
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
/// A Dart SDK installed in a specified location.
abstract class DartSdk {
/// The short name of the dart SDK 'async' library.
static const String DART_ASYNC = "dart:async";
/// The short name of the dart SDK 'core' library.
static const String DART_CORE = "dart:core";
/// The short name of the dart SDK 'html' library.
static const String DART_HTML = "dart:html";
/// The prefix shared by all dart library URIs.
static const String DART_LIBRARY_PREFIX = "dart:";
/// The version number that is returned when the real version number could not
/// be determined.
static const String DEFAULT_VERSION = "0";
/// Return the content of the `allowed_experiments.json` file, or `null`
/// if the file cannot be read, e.g. does not exist.
String? get allowedExperimentsJson;
/// Return the language version of this SDK, or throws an exception.
/// The language version has only major/minor components, the patch number
/// is always zero, because the patch number does not change the language.
Version get languageVersion;
/// Return a list containing all of the libraries defined in this SDK.
List<SdkLibrary> get sdkLibraries;
/// Return the revision number of this SDK, or `"0"` if the revision number
/// cannot be discovered.
String get sdkVersion;
/// Return a list containing the library URI's for the libraries defined in
/// this SDK.
List<String> get uris;
/// Return a source representing the given 'file:' [uri] if the file is in
/// this SDK, or `null` if the file is not in this SDK.
Source? fromFileUri(Uri uri);
/// Return the library representing the library with the given 'dart:' [uri],
/// or `null` if the given URI does not denote a library in this SDK.
SdkLibrary? getSdkLibrary(String uri);
/// Return the source representing the library with the given 'dart:' [uri],
/// or `null` if the given URI does not denote a library in this SDK.
Source? mapDartUri(String uri);
/// Manages the DartSdk's that have been created. Clients need to create
/// multiple SDKs when the analysis options associated with those SDK's contexts
/// will produce different analysis results.
class DartSdkManager {
/// The absolute path to the directory containing the default SDK.
final String defaultSdkDirectory;
/// A table mapping (an encoding of) analysis options and SDK locations to the
/// DartSdk from that location that has been configured with those options.
Map<SdkDescription, DartSdk> sdkMap = HashMap<SdkDescription, DartSdk>();
/// Initialize a newly created manager.
DartSdkManager(this.defaultSdkDirectory, [@deprecated bool? canUseSummaries]);
/// Return any SDK that has been created, or `null` if no SDKs have been
/// created.
DartSdk? get anySdk {
if (sdkMap.isEmpty) {
return null;
return sdkMap.values.first;
/// Return a list of the descriptors of the SDKs that are currently being
/// managed.
List<SdkDescription> get sdkDescriptors => sdkMap.keys.toList();
/// Return the Dart SDK that is appropriate for the given SDK [description].
/// If such an SDK has not yet been created, then the [ifAbsent] function will
/// be invoked to create it.
DartSdk getSdk(SdkDescription description, DartSdk Function() ifAbsent) {
return sdkMap.putIfAbsent(description, ifAbsent);
/// A map from Dart library URI's to the [SdkLibraryImpl] representing that
/// library.
class LibraryMap {
/// A table mapping Dart library URI's to the library.
final Map<String, SdkLibraryImpl> _libraryMap = <String, SdkLibraryImpl>{};
/// Return a list containing all of the sdk libraries in this mapping.
List<SdkLibraryImpl> get sdkLibraries => List.from(_libraryMap.values);
/// Return a list containing the library URI's for which a mapping is
/// available.
List<String> get uris => _libraryMap.keys.toList();
/// Return info for debugging
Map<String, Object> debugInfo() {
var map = <String, Object>{};
for (var entry in _libraryMap.entries) {
var uri = entry.key;
var lib = entry.value;
map[uri] = <String, Object>{
'path': lib.path,
'shortName': lib.shortName,
return map;
/// Return the library with the given 'dart:' [uri], or `null` if the URI does
/// not map to a library.
SdkLibrary? getLibrary(String uri) => _libraryMap[uri];
/// Set the library with the given 'dart:' [uri] to the given [library].
void setLibrary(String dartUri, SdkLibraryImpl library) {
_libraryMap[dartUri] = library;
/// Return the number of library URI's for which a mapping is available.
int size() => _libraryMap.length;
/// A description of a [DartSdk].
class SdkDescription {
/// The path of the SDK.
final String path;
int get hashCode {
return path.hashCode;
bool operator ==(Object other) {
if (other is SdkDescription) {
return other.path == path;
return false;
String toString() {
return path;
class SdkLibrariesReader_LibraryBuilder extends RecursiveAstVisitor<void> {
/// The prefix added to the name of a library to form the URI used in code to
/// reference the library.
static const String _LIBRARY_PREFIX = "dart:";
/// The name of the optional parameter used to indicate whether the library is
/// an implementation library.
static const String _IMPLEMENTATION = "implementation";
/// The name of the optional parameter used to specify the path used when
/// compiling for dart2js.
static const String _DART2JS_PATH = "dart2jsPath";
/// The name of the optional parameter used to indicate whether the library is
/// documented.
static const String _DOCUMENTED = "documented";
/// The name of the optional parameter used to specify the category of the
/// library.
static const String _CATEGORIES = "categories";
/// The name of the optional parameter used to specify the platforms on which
/// the library can be used.
static const String _PLATFORMS = "platforms";
/// The value of the [PLATFORMS] parameter used to specify that the library
/// can be used on the VM.
static const String _VM_PLATFORM = "VM_PLATFORM";
/// The library map that is populated by visiting the AST structure parsed
/// from the contents of the libraries file.
final LibraryMap _librariesMap = LibraryMap();
/// Return the library map that was populated by visiting the AST structure
/// parsed from the contents of the libraries file.
LibraryMap get librariesMap => _librariesMap;
// To be backwards-compatible the new categories field is translated to
// an old approximation.
String convertCategories(String categories) {
switch (categories) {
case "":
return "Internal";
case "Client":
return "Client";
case "Server":
return "Server";
case "Client,Server":
return "Shared";
case "Client,Server,Embedded":
return "Shared";
return "Shared";
void visitMapLiteralEntry(MapLiteralEntry node) {
var key = node.key as SimpleStringLiteral;
var libraryName = "$_LIBRARY_PREFIX${key.value}";
Expression value = node.value;
if (value is InstanceCreationExpression) {
SdkLibraryImpl library = SdkLibraryImpl(libraryName);
List<Expression> arguments = value.argumentList.arguments;
for (Expression argument in arguments) {
if (argument is SimpleStringLiteral) {
library.path = argument.value;
} else if (argument is NamedExpression) {
String name =;
Expression expression = argument.expression;
if (name == _CATEGORIES) {
var value = (expression as StringLiteral).stringValue!;
library.category = convertCategories(value);
} else if (name == _IMPLEMENTATION) {
library._implementation = (expression as BooleanLiteral).value;
} else if (name == _DOCUMENTED) {
library.documented = (expression as BooleanLiteral).value;
} else if (name == _PLATFORMS) {
if (expression is SimpleIdentifier) {
String identifier =;
if (identifier == _VM_PLATFORM) {
} else {
} else if (name == _DART2JS_PATH) {
if (expression is SimpleStringLiteral) {
library.path = expression.value;
_librariesMap.setLibrary(libraryName, library);
/// Represents a single library in the SDK
abstract class SdkLibrary {
/// Return the name of the category containing the library.
String get category;
/// Return `true` if this library can be compiled to JavaScript by dart2js.
bool get isDart2JsLibrary;
/// Return `true` if the library is documented.
bool get isDocumented;
/// Return `true` if the library is an implementation library.
bool get isImplementation;
/// Return `true` if library is internal can be used only by other SDK
/// libraries.
bool get isInternal;
/// Return `true` if this library can be used for both client and server.
bool get isShared;
/// Return `true` if this library can be run on the VM.
bool get isVmLibrary;
/// Return the path to the file defining the library. The path is relative to
/// the `lib` directory within the SDK.
String get path;
/// Return the short name of the library. This is the URI of the library,
/// including `dart:`.
String get shortName;
/// The information known about a single library within the SDK.
class SdkLibraryImpl implements SdkLibrary {
/// The bit mask used to access the bit representing the flag indicating
/// whether a library is intended to work on the dart2js platform.
static int DART2JS_PLATFORM = 1;
/// The bit mask used to access the bit representing the flag indicating
/// whether a library is intended to work on the VM platform.
static int VM_PLATFORM = 2;
final String shortName;
/// The path to the file defining the library. The path is relative to the
/// 'lib' directory within the SDK.
late String path;
/// The name of the category containing the library. Unless otherwise
/// specified in the libraries file all libraries are assumed to be shared
/// between server and client.
String category = "Shared";
/// A flag indicating whether the library is documented.
bool _documented = true;
/// A flag indicating whether the library is an implementation library.
bool _implementation = false;
/// An encoding of which platforms this library is intended to work on.
int _platforms = 0;
/// Initialize a newly created library to represent the library with the given
/// [name].
/// Set whether the library is documented.
set documented(bool documented) {
_documented = documented;
bool get isDart2JsLibrary => (_platforms & DART2JS_PLATFORM) != 0;
bool get isDocumented => _documented;
bool get isImplementation => _implementation;
bool get isInternal => category == "Internal";
bool get isShared => category == "Shared";
bool get isVmLibrary => (_platforms & VM_PLATFORM) != 0;
/// Record that this library can be compiled to JavaScript by dart2js.
void setDart2JsLibrary() {
_platforms |= DART2JS_PLATFORM;
/// Record that this library can be run on the VM.
void setVmLibrary() {
_platforms |= VM_PLATFORM;