[dart2js] Add --experiment-unreachable-throw

If a method appears unreachable because a parameter is inferred
'[empty]', compile the body to a throw.

Playing with the flag found some cases where the inferrer was not
inferring parameters because the call sites are not visible in Kernel.
The first example is _isTestViaProperty, which is referenced as a raw
function. To fix this we consider RAW_DART_FUNCTION_REF to escape the
function. The inputs are now inferred to be TOP, and we can remove the
dynamic entry checks with 'trust' annotations.

Other cases are functions that are injected into generators by a
JavaScript-level transform. Annotate these to prevent bad codegen.

Change-Id: I991fe85936ffde6fc2c794f753171df141dde8f3
Reviewed-on: https://dart-review.googlesource.com/c/sdk/+/162822
Commit-Queue: Stephen Adams <sra@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Mayank Patke <fishythefish@google.com>
8 files changed
tree: ed7c8ed2a353cb5e350d5fcb6a0b474689cfdffc
  1. .dart_tool/
  2. .github/
  3. benchmarks/
  4. build/
  5. client/
  6. docs/
  7. pkg/
  8. runtime/
  9. samples/
  10. samples-dev/
  11. sdk/
  12. tests/
  13. third_party/
  14. tools/
  15. utils/
  16. .clang-format
  17. .gitattributes
  18. .gitconfig
  19. .gitignore
  20. .gn
  21. .mailmap
  22. .packages
  23. .style.yapf
  24. .vpython
  26. BUILD.gn
  27. CHANGELOG.md
  28. codereview.settings
  30. DEPS
  33. PRESUBMIT.py
  34. README.dart-sdk
  35. README.md
  36. sdk_args.gni


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