blob: 4f70f0463fb3bd25aefbd43a97eaaf1ae1295794 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library kernel.typedef_unalias_test;
import 'package:kernel/ast.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'verify_test.dart' show TestHarness;
void harnessTest(String name, void doTest(TestHarness harness)) {
test(name, () {
doTest(new TestHarness());
main() {
harnessTest('`Foo` where typedef Foo = C', (TestHarness harness) {
var foo = new Typedef('Foo', harness.otherLegacyRawType);
var type = new TypedefType(foo, Nullability.legacy);
expect(type.unalias, equals(harness.otherLegacyRawType));
harnessTest('`Foo<Obj>` where typedef Foo<T> = C<T>', (TestHarness harness) {
var param = harness.makeTypeParameter('T');
var foo = new Typedef(
new InterfaceType(harness.otherClass, Nullability.legacy,
[new TypeParameterType(param, Nullability.legacy)]),
typeParameters: [param]);
var input =
new TypedefType(foo, Nullability.legacy, [harness.objectLegacyRawType]);
var expected = new InterfaceType(
harness.otherClass, Nullability.legacy, [harness.objectLegacyRawType]);
expect(input.unalias, equals(expected));
harnessTest('`Bar<Obj>` where typedef Bar<T> = Foo<T>, Foo<T> = C<T>',
(TestHarness harness) {
var fooParam = harness.makeTypeParameter('T');
var foo = new Typedef(
new InterfaceType(harness.otherClass, Nullability.legacy,
[new TypeParameterType(fooParam, Nullability.legacy)]),
typeParameters: [fooParam]);
var barParam = harness.makeTypeParameter('T');
var bar = new Typedef(
new TypedefType(foo, Nullability.legacy,
[new TypeParameterType(barParam, Nullability.legacy)]),
typeParameters: [barParam]);
var input =
new TypedefType(bar, Nullability.legacy, [harness.objectLegacyRawType]);
var expected = new InterfaceType(
harness.otherClass, Nullability.legacy, [harness.objectLegacyRawType]);
expect(input.unalias, equals(expected));
harnessTest('`Foo<Foo<C>>` where typedef Foo<T> = C<T>',
(TestHarness harness) {
var param = harness.makeTypeParameter('T');
var foo = new Typedef(
new InterfaceType(harness.otherClass, Nullability.legacy,
[new TypeParameterType(param, Nullability.legacy)]),
typeParameters: [param]);
var input = new TypedefType(foo, Nullability.legacy, [
new TypedefType(foo, Nullability.legacy, [harness.objectLegacyRawType])
var expected = new InterfaceType(harness.otherClass, Nullability.legacy, [
new TypedefType(foo, Nullability.legacy, [harness.objectLegacyRawType])
expect(input.unalias, equals(expected));