blob: 816881388df80772287fa8b10fbc12ebc79b29dd [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env dart
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart';
import 'package:kernel/class_hierarchy.dart';
import 'package:kernel/core_types.dart';
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'class_hierarchy_basic.dart';
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:io';
ArgParser argParser = new ArgParser()
..addFlag('basic', help: 'Measure the basic implementation', negatable: false)
abbr: 'c',
help: 'Build N copies of the class hierarchy and cycle queries '
'between them',
defaultsTo: '1');
String usage = '''
Usage: class_hierarchy_bench [options] FILE.dill
main(List<String> args) {
if (args.length == 0) {
ArgResults options = argParser.parse(args);
if ( != 1) {
print('Exactly one file must be given');
String filename =;
Component component = loadComponentFromBinary(filename);
CoreTypes coreTypes = new CoreTypes(component);
ClassHierarchy buildHierarchy() {
return options['basic']
? new BasicClassHierarchy(component)
: new ClassHierarchy(component, coreTypes);
var watch = new Stopwatch()..start();
int coldBuildTime = watch.elapsedMilliseconds;
const int numBuildTrials = 100;
for (int i = 0; i < numBuildTrials; i++) {
int hotBuildTime = watch.elapsedMilliseconds ~/ numBuildTrials;
int hierarchyCount = int.parse(options['cycle']);
var hierarchies = <ClosedWorldClassHierarchy>[];
for (int i = 0; i < hierarchyCount; i++) {
List<Class> classes = hierarchies.first.classes.toList();
int currentHierarchy = 0;
ClosedWorldClassHierarchy getClassHierarchy() {
currentHierarchy = (currentHierarchy + 1) % hierarchies.length;
return hierarchies[currentHierarchy];
Random rnd = new Random(12345);
const int numQueryTrials = 100000;
// Measure isSubclassOf, isSubmixtureOf, isSubtypeOf, getClassAsInstanceOf.
// Warm-up run to ensure the JIT compiler does not favor the first query we
// test.
for (int i = 0; i < numQueryTrials; i++) {
var classHierarchy = getClassHierarchy();
int first = rnd.nextInt(classes.length);
int second = rnd.nextInt(classes.length);
Class firstClass = classes[first];
Class secondClass = classes[second];
classHierarchy.isSubclassOf(firstClass, secondClass);
classHierarchy.isSubtypeOf(firstClass, secondClass);
classHierarchy.getClassAsInstanceOf(firstClass, secondClass);
for (int i = 0; i < numQueryTrials; i++) {
var classHierarchy = getClassHierarchy();
int first = rnd.nextInt(classes.length);
int second = rnd.nextInt(classes.length);
Class firstClass = classes[first];
Class secondClass = classes[second];
classHierarchy.isSubclassOf(firstClass, secondClass);
int subclassQueryTime = watch.elapsedMicroseconds;
for (int i = 0; i < numQueryTrials; i++) {
var classHierarchy = getClassHierarchy();
int first = rnd.nextInt(classes.length);
int second = rnd.nextInt(classes.length);
Class firstClass = classes[first];
Class secondClass = classes[second];
classHierarchy.isSubtypeOf(firstClass, secondClass);
int subtypeQueryTime = watch.elapsedMicroseconds;
for (int i = 0; i < numQueryTrials; i++) {
var classHierarchy = getClassHierarchy();
int first = rnd.nextInt(classes.length);
int second = rnd.nextInt(classes.length);
Class firstClass = classes[first];
Class secondClass = classes[second];
classHierarchy.getClassAsInstanceOf(firstClass, secondClass);
int asInstanceOfQueryTime = watch.elapsedMicroseconds;
// Estimate the overhead from test case generation.
for (int i = 0; i < numQueryTrials; i++) {
int first = rnd.nextInt(classes.length);
int second = rnd.nextInt(classes.length);
int queryNoise = watch.elapsedMicroseconds;
subclassQueryTime -= queryNoise;
subtypeQueryTime -= queryNoise;
asInstanceOfQueryTime -= queryNoise;
String subclassPerSecond = perSecond(subclassQueryTime, numQueryTrials);
String subtypePerSecond = perSecond(subtypeQueryTime, numQueryTrials);
String asInstanceOfPerSecond =
perSecond(asInstanceOfQueryTime, numQueryTrials);
// Measure getDispatchTarget and getDispatchTargets.
for (int i = 0; i < numQueryTrials; i++) {
var classHierarchy = getClassHierarchy();
int classId = rnd.nextInt(classes.length);
Class classNode = classes[classId];
classHierarchy.getDispatchTarget(classNode, new Name('toString'));
int dispatchToStringTime = watch.elapsedMicroseconds;
for (int i = 0; i < numQueryTrials; i++) {
var classHierarchy = getClassHierarchy();
int classId = rnd.nextInt(classes.length);
Class classNode = classes[classId];
classHierarchy.getDispatchTarget(classNode, new Name('getFloo'));
int dispatchGenericGetTime = watch.elapsedMicroseconds;
for (int i = 0; i < numQueryTrials; i++) {
var classHierarchy = getClassHierarchy();
int classId = rnd.nextInt(classes.length);
Class classNode = classes[classId];
for (var _ in classHierarchy.getDispatchTargets(classNode)) {}
int dispatchAllTargetsTime = watch.elapsedMicroseconds;
// Measure getInterfaceMember and getInterfaceMembers.
for (int i = 0; i < numQueryTrials; i++) {
var classHierarchy = getClassHierarchy();
int classId = rnd.nextInt(classes.length);
Class classNode = classes[classId];
classHierarchy.getInterfaceMember(classNode, new Name('toString'));
int interfaceToStringTime = watch.elapsedMicroseconds;
for (int i = 0; i < numQueryTrials; i++) {
var classHierarchy = getClassHierarchy();
int classId = rnd.nextInt(classes.length);
Class classNode = classes[classId];
classHierarchy.getInterfaceMember(classNode, new Name('getFloo'));
int interfaceGenericGetTime = watch.elapsedMicroseconds;
for (int i = 0; i < numQueryTrials; i++) {
var classHierarchy = getClassHierarchy();
int classId = rnd.nextInt(classes.length);
Class classNode = classes[classId];
for (var _ in classHierarchy.getInterfaceMembers(classNode)) {}
int interfaceAllTargetsTime = watch.elapsedMicroseconds;
// Estimate overhead from test case generation.
for (int i = 0; i < numQueryTrials; i++) {
int classId = rnd.nextInt(classes.length);
int dispatchTargetNoise = watch.elapsedMicroseconds;
dispatchToStringTime -= dispatchTargetNoise;
dispatchGenericGetTime -= dispatchTargetNoise;
dispatchAllTargetsTime -= dispatchTargetNoise;
interfaceToStringTime -= dispatchTargetNoise;
interfaceGenericGetTime -= dispatchTargetNoise;
interfaceAllTargetsTime -= dispatchTargetNoise;
String dispatchToStringPerSecond =
perSecond(dispatchToStringTime, numQueryTrials);
String dispatchGetPerSecond =
perSecond(dispatchGenericGetTime, numQueryTrials);
String dispatchAllTargetsPerSecond =
perSecond(dispatchAllTargetsTime, numQueryTrials);
String interfaceToStringPerSecond =
perSecond(interfaceToStringTime, numQueryTrials);
String interfaceGetPerSecond =
perSecond(interfaceGenericGetTime, numQueryTrials);
String interfaceAllTargetsPerSecond =
perSecond(interfaceAllTargetsTime, numQueryTrials);
var classHierarchy = getClassHierarchy();
int numberOfOverridePairs = 0;
for (var class_ in classes) {
classHierarchy.forEachOverridePair(class_, (member, supermember, isSetter) {
int overrideTime = watch.elapsedMicroseconds;
String overridePairsPerSecond =
perSecond(overrideTime, numberOfOverridePairs);
Map<Class, int> classIds = new Map<Class, int>();
for (Class class_ in classes) {
classIds[class_] = classIds.length;
List<int> depth = new List(classes.length);
for (int i = 0; i < depth.length; ++i) {
int parentDepth = 0;
var classNode = classes[i];
for (var supertype in classNode.supers) {
var superclass = supertype.classNode;
int index = classIds[superclass];
if (!(index < i)) {
throw '${}($i) extends ${}($index)';
assert(index < i);
parentDepth = max(parentDepth, depth[index]);
depth[i] = parentDepth + 1;
List<int> depthHistogram = getHistogramOf(depth);
double averageDepth = average(depth);
double medianDepth = median(depth);
int totalDepth = sum(depth);
int numberOfClasses = classes.length;
String expenseHistogram =
classHierarchy.getExpenseHistogram().skip(1).join(' ');
classes: $numberOfClasses
build.cold: $coldBuildTime ms $hotBuildTime ms
query.isSubclassOf: $subclassPerSecond
query.isSubtypeOf: $subtypePerSecond
query.getClassAsInstanceOf: $asInstanceOfPerSecond
query.getDispatchTarget(toString): $dispatchToStringPerSecond
query.getDispatchTarget(getFloo): $dispatchGetPerSecond
query.getDispatchTargets.iterate: $dispatchAllTargetsPerSecond
query.getInterfaceMember(toString): $interfaceToStringPerSecond
query.getInterfaceMember(getFloo): $interfaceGetPerSecond
query.getInterfaceMembers.iterate: $interfaceAllTargetsPerSecond
isSubtypeOf.expense-histogram: $expenseHistogram
isSubtypeOf.compression-ratio: ${classHierarchy.getCompressionRatio()}
asInstanceOf.table-size: ${classHierarchy.getSuperTypeHashTableSize()}
depth.histogram: ${depthHistogram.skip(1).join(' ')}
depth.average: $averageDepth
depth.median: $medianDepth $totalDepth $numberOfOverridePairs
overrides.iterate: ${overrideTime ~/ 1000} ms ($overridePairsPerSecond)
String perSecond(int microseconds, int trials) {
double millionsPerSecond = trials / microseconds;
return '${millionsPerSecond.toStringAsFixed(1)} M/s';
List<int> getHistogramOf(Iterable<int> values) {
List<int> result = <int>[];
for (int value in values) {
while (result.length <= value) {
return result;
double average(Iterable<num> values) {
double sum = 0.0;
int length = 0;
for (num x in values) {
sum += x;
return length == 0 ? 0.0 : sum / length;
double median(Iterable<num> values) {
List<num> list = values.toList(growable: false)..sort();
if (list.isEmpty) return 0.0;
int mid = list.length ~/ 2;
return list.length % 2 == 0
? ((list[mid] + list[mid + 1]) / 2)
: list[mid].toDouble();
num sum(Iterable<num> values) {
num result = 0;
for (var x in values) {
result += x;
return result;