blob: 91a5a65b92987efde8564b8fd0cfe0502b7a270e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:collection';
import 'package:analysis_server/protocol/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_generated.dart' as plugin;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
/// An object used to merge partial lists of results that were contributed by
/// plugins.
/// All of the methods in this class assume that the contributions from the
/// analysis server are the first partial result in the list of partial results
/// to be merged.
class ResultMerger {
/// Return a list of fixes composed by merging the lists of fixes in the
/// [partialResultList].
/// The resulting list of fixes will contain exactly one fix for every
/// analysis error for which there are fixes. If two or more plugins
/// contribute the same fix for a given error, the resulting list will contain
/// duplications.
List<plugin.AnalysisErrorFixes> mergeAnalysisErrorFixes(
List<List<plugin.AnalysisErrorFixes>> partialResultList) {
/// Return a key encoding the unique attributes of the given [error].
String computeKey(AnalysisError error) {
var buffer = StringBuffer();
return buffer.toString();
var count = partialResultList.length;
if (count == 0) {
return <plugin.AnalysisErrorFixes>[];
} else if (count == 1) {
return partialResultList[0];
var fixesMap = <String, plugin.AnalysisErrorFixes>{};
for (var fix in partialResultList[0]) {
fixesMap[computeKey(fix.error)] = fix;
for (var i = 1; i < count; i++) {
for (var fix in partialResultList[i]) {
var key = computeKey(fix.error);
var mergedFix = fixesMap[key];
if (mergedFix == null) {
fixesMap[key] = fix;
} else {
// If more than two plugins contribute fixes for the same error, this
// will result in extra copy operations.
var mergedChanges = mergedFix.fixes.toList();
var copiedFix =
plugin.AnalysisErrorFixes(mergedFix.error, fixes: mergedChanges);
fixesMap[key] = copiedFix;
var mergedFixes = fixesMap.values.toList();
for (var fixes in mergedFixes) {
fixes.fixes.sort((first, second) => first.priority - second.priority);
return mergedFixes;
/// Return a list of errors composed by merging the lists of errors in the
/// [partialResultList].
/// The resulting list will contain all of the analysis errors from all of the
/// plugins. If two or more plugins contribute the same error the resulting
/// list will contain duplications.
List<AnalysisError> mergeAnalysisErrors(
List<List<AnalysisError>> partialResultList) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Consider merging duplicate errors (same code,
// location, and messages). If we do that, we should return the logical-or
// of the hasFix fields from the merged errors.
var count = partialResultList.length;
if (count == 0) {
return <AnalysisError>[];
} else if (count == 1) {
return partialResultList[0];
var mergedErrors = <AnalysisError>[];
for (var partialResults in partialResultList) {
return mergedErrors;
/// Return a list of suggestions composed by merging the lists of suggestions
/// in the [partialResultList].
/// The resulting list will contain all of the suggestions from all of the
/// plugins. If two or more plugins contribute the same suggestion the
/// resulting list will contain duplications.
List<CompletionSuggestion> mergeCompletionSuggestions(
List<List<CompletionSuggestion>> partialResultList) {
var count = partialResultList.length;
if (count == 0) {
return <CompletionSuggestion>[];
} else if (count == 1) {
return partialResultList[0];
var mergedSuggestions = <CompletionSuggestion>[];
for (var partialResults in partialResultList) {
return mergedSuggestions;
/// Return a list of regions composed by merging the lists of regions in the
/// [partialResultList].
/// The resulting list will contain all of the folding regions from all of the
/// plugins. If a plugin contributes a folding region that overlaps a region
/// from a previous plugin, the overlapping region will be omitted. (For these
/// purposes, if either region is fully contained within the other they are
/// not considered to be overlapping.)
List<FoldingRegion> mergeFoldingRegions(
List<List<FoldingRegion>> partialResultList) {
var count = partialResultList.length;
if (count == 0) {
return <FoldingRegion>[];
} else if (count == 1) {
return partialResultList[0];
var mergedRegions = partialResultList[0].toList();
/// Return `true` if the [newRegion] does not overlap any of the regions in
/// the collection of [mergedRegions].
bool isNonOverlapping(FoldingRegion newRegion) {
var newStart = newRegion.offset;
var newEnd = newStart + newRegion.length;
for (var existingRegion in mergedRegions) {
var existingStart = existingRegion.offset;
var existingEnd = existingStart + existingRegion.length;
if (overlaps(newStart, newEnd, existingStart, existingEnd,
allowNesting: true)) {
return false;
return true;
for (var i = 1; i < count; i++) {
var partialResults = partialResultList[i];
for (var region in partialResults) {
if (isNonOverlapping(region)) {
return mergedRegions;
/// Return a list of regions composed by merging the lists of regions in the
/// [partialResultList].
/// The resulting list will contain all of the highlight regions from all of
/// the plugins. If two or more plugins contribute the same highlight region
/// the resulting list will contain duplications.
List<HighlightRegion> mergeHighlightRegions(
List<List<HighlightRegion>> partialResultList) {
var count = partialResultList.length;
if (count == 0) {
return <HighlightRegion>[];
} else if (count == 1) {
return partialResultList[0];
var mergedRegions = <HighlightRegion>[];
for (var partialResults in partialResultList) {
return mergedRegions;
/// Return kythe entry result parameters composed by merging the parameters in
/// the [partialResultList].
/// The resulting list will contain all of the kythe entries from all of the
/// plugins. If a plugin contributes a kythe entry that is the same as the
/// entry from a different plugin, the entry will appear twice in the list.
KytheGetKytheEntriesResult mergeKytheEntries(
List<KytheGetKytheEntriesResult> partialResultList) {
var mergedEntries = <KytheEntry>[];
var mergedFiles = <String>{};
for (var partialResult in partialResultList) {
return KytheGetKytheEntriesResult(mergedEntries, mergedFiles.toList());
/// Return navigation notification parameters composed by merging the
/// parameters in the [partialResultList].
/// The resulting list will contain all of the navigation regions from all of
/// the plugins. If a plugin contributes a navigation region that overlaps a
/// region from a previous plugin, the overlapping region will be omitted.
/// (For these purposes, nested regions are considered to be overlapping.)
AnalysisNavigationParams mergeNavigation(
List<AnalysisNavigationParams> partialResultList) {
var count = partialResultList.length;
if (count == 0) {
return null;
} else if (count == 1) {
return partialResultList[0];
var base = partialResultList[0];
var file = base.file;
var mergedRegions = base.regions.toList();
var mergedTargets = base.targets.toList();
var mergedFiles = base.files.toList();
/// Return `true` if the [newRegion] does not overlap any of the regions in
/// the collection of [mergedRegions].
bool isNonOverlapping(NavigationRegion newRegion) {
var newStart = newRegion.offset;
var newEnd = newStart + newRegion.length;
for (var mergedRegion in mergedRegions) {
var mergedStart = mergedRegion.offset;
var mergedEnd = mergedStart + mergedRegion.length;
if (overlaps(newStart, newEnd, mergedStart, mergedEnd)) {
return false;
return true;
/// Return the index of the region in the collection of [mergedRegions] that
/// covers exactly the same region as the [newRegion], or `-1` if there is
/// no such region.
int matchingRegion(newRegion) {
int newOffset = newRegion.offset;
int newLength = newRegion.length;
for (var i = 0; i < mergedRegions.length; i++) {
var mergedRegion = mergedRegions[i];
if (newOffset == mergedRegion.offset &&
newLength == mergedRegion.length) {
return i;
return -1;
for (var i = 1; i < count; i++) {
// For now we take the optimistic approach of assuming that most or all of
// the regions will not overlap and that we therefore don't need to remove
// any unreferenced files or targets from the lists. If that isn't true
// then this could result in server sending more data to the client than
// is necessary.
var result = partialResultList[i];
var regions = result.regions;
var targets = result.targets;
var files = result.files;
// Merge the file data.
var fileMap = <int, int>{};
for (var j = 0; j < files.length; j++) {
var file = files[j];
var index = mergedFiles.indexOf(file);
if (index < 0) {
index = mergedFiles.length;
fileMap[j] = index;
// Merge the target data.
var targetMap = <int, int>{};
for (var j = 0; j < targets.length; j++) {
var target = targets[j];
var newIndex = fileMap[target.fileIndex];
if (target.fileIndex != newIndex) {
target = NavigationTarget(target.kind, newIndex, target.offset,
target.length, target.startLine, target.startColumn,
codeOffset: target.codeOffset, codeLength: target.codeLength);
var index = mergedTargets.indexOf(target);
if (index < 0) {
index = mergedTargets.length;
targetMap[j] = index;
// Merge the region data.
for (var j = 0; j < regions.length; j++) {
var region = regions[j];
var newTargets = region.targets
.map((int oldTarget) => targetMap[oldTarget])
if (region.targets != newTargets) {
region = NavigationRegion(region.offset, region.length, newTargets);
var index = matchingRegion(region);
if (index >= 0) {
var mergedRegion = mergedRegions[index];
var mergedTargets = mergedRegion.targets;
var added = false;
for (var target in region.targets) {
if (!mergedTargets.contains(target)) {
if (added) {
} else {
// This is potentially inefficient. If a merged region matches
// regions from multiple plugins it will be copied multiple
// times. The likelihood seems small enough to not warrant
// optimizing this further.
mergedTargets = mergedTargets.toList();
mergedRegion = NavigationRegion(
mergedRegion.offset, mergedRegion.length, mergedTargets);
mergedRegions[index] = mergedRegion;
added = true;
if (added) {
} else if (isNonOverlapping(region)) {
return AnalysisNavigationParams(
file, mergedRegions, mergedTargets, mergedFiles);
/// Return a list of occurrences composed by merging the lists of occurrences
/// in the [partialResultList].
/// The resulting list of occurrences will contain exactly one occurrences for
/// every element for which there is at least one occurrences. If two or more
/// plugins contribute an occurrences for the same element, the resulting
/// occurrences for that element will include all of the locations from all of
/// the plugins without duplications.
List<Occurrences> mergeOccurrences(
List<List<Occurrences>> partialResultList) {
var count = partialResultList.length;
if (count == 0) {
return <Occurrences>[];
} else if (count == 1) {
return partialResultList[0];
var elementMap = <Element, Set<int>>{};
for (var partialResults in partialResultList) {
for (var occurances in partialResults) {
var element = occurances.element;
var offsets = elementMap.putIfAbsent(element, () => HashSet<int>());
var mergedOccurrences = <Occurrences>[];
elementMap.forEach((Element element, Set<int> offsets) {
var sortedOffsets = offsets.toList();
.add(Occurrences(element, sortedOffsets,;
return mergedOccurrences;
/// Return a list of outlines composed by merging the lists of outlines in the
/// [partialResultList].
/// The resulting list of outlines will contain ...
/// Throw an exception if any of the outlines are associated with an element
/// that does not have a location.
/// Throw an exception if any outline has children that are also children of
/// another outline. No exception is thrown if a plugin contributes a
/// top-level outline that is a child of an outline contributed by a different
/// plugin.
List<Outline> mergeOutline(List<List<Outline>> partialResultList) {
/// Return a key encoding the unique attributes of the given [element].
String computeKey(Element element) {
var location = element.location;
if (location == null) {
throw StateError(
'Elements in an outline are expected to have a location');
var buffer = StringBuffer();
return buffer.toString();
var count = partialResultList.length;
if (count == 0) {
return <Outline>[];
} else if (count == 1) {
return partialResultList[0];
var mergedOutlines = partialResultList[0].toList();
var outlineMap = <String, Outline>{};
var copyMap = <Outline, Outline>{};
/// Add the given [outline] and all of its children to the [outlineMap].
void addToMap(Outline outline) {
var key = computeKey(outline.element);
if (outlineMap.containsKey(key)) {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Decide how to handle this more gracefully.
throw StateError('Inconsistent outlines');
outlineMap[key] = outline;
/// Merge the children of the [newOutline] into the list of children of the
/// [mergedOutline].
void mergeChildren(Outline mergedOutline, Outline newOutline) {
for (var newChild in newOutline.children) {
var mergedChild = outlineMap[computeKey(newChild.element)];
if (mergedChild == null) {
// The [newChild] isn't in the existing list.
var copiedOutline = copyMap.putIfAbsent(
() => Outline(
children: mergedOutline.children.toList()));
} else {
mergeChildren(mergedChild, newChild);
for (var i = 1; i < count; i++) {
for (var outline in partialResultList[i]) {
var mergedOutline = outlineMap[computeKey(outline.element)];
if (mergedOutline == null) {
// The [outline] does not correspond to any previously merged outline.
} else {
// The [outline] corresponds to a previously merged outline, so we
// just need to add its children to the merged outline's children.
mergeChildren(mergedOutline, outline);
/// Perform a depth first traversal of the outline structure rooted at the
/// given [outline] item, re-building each item if any of its children have
/// been updated by the merge process.
Outline traverse(Outline outline) {
var copiedOutline = copyMap[outline];
var isCopied = copiedOutline != null;
copiedOutline ??= outline;
var currentChildren = copiedOutline.children;
if (currentChildren == null || currentChildren.isEmpty) {
return outline;
var updatedChildren = child) => traverse(child)).toList();
if (currentChildren != updatedChildren) {
if (!isCopied) {
return Outline(
children: updatedChildren);
copiedOutline.children = updatedChildren;
return copiedOutline;
return outline;
for (var i = 0; i < mergedOutlines.length; i++) {
mergedOutlines[i] = traverse(mergedOutlines[i]);
return mergedOutlines;
/// Return a list of source changes composed by merging the lists of source
/// changes in the [partialResultList].
/// The resulting list will contain all of the source changes from all of the
/// plugins. If two or more plugins contribute the same source change the
/// resulting list will contain duplications.
List<plugin.PrioritizedSourceChange> mergePrioritizedSourceChanges(
List<List<plugin.PrioritizedSourceChange>> partialResultList) {
var count = partialResultList.length;
if (count == 0) {
return <plugin.PrioritizedSourceChange>[];
} else if (count == 1) {
return partialResultList[0];
var mergedChanges = <plugin.PrioritizedSourceChange>[];
for (var partialResults in partialResultList) {
mergedChanges.sort((first, second) => first.priority - second.priority);
return mergedChanges;
/// Return a refactoring feedback composed by merging the refactoring
/// feedbacks in the [partialResultList].
/// The content of the resulting feedback depends on the kind of feedbacks
/// being merged.
/// Throw an exception if the refactoring feedbacks are of an unhandled type.
/// The feedbacks in the [partialResultList] are expected to all be of the
/// same type. If that expectation is violated, and exception might be thrown.
RefactoringFeedback mergeRefactoringFeedbacks(
List<RefactoringFeedback> feedbacks) {
var count = feedbacks.length;
if (count == 0) {
return null;
} else if (count == 1) {
return feedbacks[0];
var first = feedbacks[0];
if (first is ConvertGetterToMethodFeedback) {
// The feedbacks are empty, so there's nothing to merge.
return first;
} else if (first is ConvertMethodToGetterFeedback) {
// The feedbacks are empty, so there's nothing to merge.
return first;
} else if (first is ExtractLocalVariableFeedback) {
var coveringExpressionOffsets = first.coveringExpressionOffsets == null
? <int>[]
: first.coveringExpressionOffsets.toList();
var coveringExpressionLengths = first.coveringExpressionLengths == null
? <int>[]
: first.coveringExpressionLengths.toList();
var names = first.names.toList();
var offsets = first.offsets.toList();
var lengths = first.lengths.toList();
for (var i = 1; i < count; i++) {
ExtractLocalVariableFeedback feedback = feedbacks[i];
// TODO(brianwilkerson) This doesn't ensure that the covering data is in
// the right order and consistent.
if (feedback.coveringExpressionOffsets != null) {
if (feedback.coveringExpressionLengths != null) {
for (var name in feedback.names) {
if (!names.contains(name)) {
return ExtractLocalVariableFeedback(names.toList(), offsets, lengths,
coveringExpressionOffsets: (coveringExpressionOffsets.isEmpty
? null
: coveringExpressionOffsets),
coveringExpressionLengths: (coveringExpressionLengths.isEmpty
? null
: coveringExpressionLengths));
} else if (first is ExtractMethodFeedback) {
var offset = first.offset;
var length = first.length;
var returnType = first.returnType;
var names = first.names.toList();
var canCreateGetter = first.canCreateGetter;
var parameters = first.parameters;
var offsets = first.offsets.toList();
var lengths = first.lengths.toList();
for (var i = 1; i < count; i++) {
ExtractMethodFeedback feedback = feedbacks[i];
if (returnType.isEmpty) {
returnType = feedback.returnType;
for (var name in feedback.names) {
if (!names.contains(name)) {
canCreateGetter = canCreateGetter && feedback.canCreateGetter;
// TODO(brianwilkerson) This doesn't allow plugins to add parameters.
// TODO(brianwilkerson) This doesn't check for duplicate offsets.
return ExtractMethodFeedback(offset, length, returnType, names.toList(),
canCreateGetter, parameters, offsets, lengths);
} else if (first is InlineLocalVariableFeedback) {
var occurrences = first.occurrences;
for (var i = 1; i < count; i++) {
occurrences +=
(feedbacks[i] as InlineLocalVariableFeedback).occurrences;
return InlineLocalVariableFeedback(, occurrences);
} else if (first is InlineMethodFeedback) {
// There is nothing in the feedback that can reasonably be extended or
// modified by other plugins.
return first;
} else if (first is MoveFileFeedback) {
// The feedbacks are empty, so there's nothing to merge.
return first;
} else if (first is RenameFeedback) {
// There is nothing in the feedback that can reasonably be extended or
// modified by other plugins.
return first;
throw StateError(
'Unsupported class of refactoring feedback: ${first.runtimeType}');
/// Return a list of refactoring kinds composed by merging the lists of
/// refactoring kinds in the [partialResultList].
/// The resulting list will contain all of the refactoring kinds from all of
/// the plugins, but will not contain duplicate elements.
List<RefactoringKind> mergeRefactoringKinds(
List<List<RefactoringKind>> partialResultList) {
var count = partialResultList.length;
if (count == 0) {
return <RefactoringKind>[];
} else if (count == 1) {
return partialResultList[0];
Set<RefactoringKind> mergedKinds = HashSet<RefactoringKind>();
for (var partialResults in partialResultList) {
return mergedKinds.toList();
/// Return the result for a getRefactorings request composed by merging the
/// results in the [partialResultList].
/// The returned result will contain the concatenation of the initial,
/// options, and final problems. If two or more plugins produce the same
/// problem, then the resulting list of problems will contain duplications.
/// The returned result will contain a merged list of refactoring feedbacks
/// (as defined by [mergeRefactoringFeedbacks]) and a merged list of source
/// changes (as defined by [mergeChanges]).
/// The returned result will contain the concatenation of the potential edits.
/// If two or more plugins produce the same potential edit, then the resulting
/// list of potential edits will contain duplications.
EditGetRefactoringResult mergeRefactorings(
List<EditGetRefactoringResult> partialResultList) {
/// Return the result of merging the given list of source [changes] into a
/// single source change.
/// The resulting change will have the first non-null message and the first
/// non-null selection. The linked edit groups will be a concatenation of
/// all of the individual linked edit groups because there's no way to
/// determine when two such groups should be merged. The resulting list of
/// edits will be merged at the level of the file being edited, but will be
/// a concatenation of the individual edits within each file, even if
/// multiple plugins contribute duplicate or conflicting edits.
SourceChange mergeChanges(List<SourceChange> changes) {
var count = changes.length;
if (count == 0) {
return null;
} else if (count == 1) {
return changes[0];
var first = changes[0];
var message = first.message;
var editMap = <String, SourceFileEdit>{};
for (var edit in first.edits) {
editMap[edit.file] = edit;
var linkedEditGroups = first.linkedEditGroups.toList();
var selection = first.selection;
for (var i = 1; i < count; i++) {
var change = changes[i];
for (var edit in change.edits) {
var mergedEdit = editMap[edit.file];
if (mergedEdit == null) {
editMap[edit.file] = edit;
} else {
// This doesn't detect if multiple plugins contribute the same (or
// conflicting) edits.
var edits = mergedEdit.edits.toList();
editMap[edit.file] = SourceFileEdit(
mergedEdit.file, mergedEdit.fileStamp,
edits: edits);
message ??= change.message;
selection ??= change.selection;
return SourceChange(message,
edits: editMap.values.toList(),
linkedEditGroups: linkedEditGroups,
selection: selection);
var count = partialResultList.length;
if (count == 0) {
return null;
} else if (count == 1) {
return partialResultList[0];
var result = partialResultList[0];
var initialProblems = result.initialProblems.toList();
var optionsProblems = result.optionsProblems.toList();
var finalProblems = result.finalProblems.toList();
var feedbacks = <RefactoringFeedback>[];
if ( != null) {
var changes = <SourceChange>[];
if (result.change != null) {
var potentialEdits = result.potentialEdits.toList();
for (var i = 1; i < count; i++) {
var result = partialResultList[1];
if ( != null) {
if (result.change != null) {
return EditGetRefactoringResult(
initialProblems, optionsProblems, finalProblems,
feedback: mergeRefactoringFeedbacks(feedbacks),
change: mergeChanges(changes),
potentialEdits: potentialEdits);
/// Return a list of source changes composed by merging the lists of source
/// changes in the [partialResultList].
/// The resulting list will contain all of the source changes from all of the
/// plugins. If two or more plugins contribute the same source change the
/// resulting list will contain duplications.
List<SourceChange> mergeSourceChanges(
List<List<SourceChange>> partialResultList) {
var count = partialResultList.length;
if (count == 0) {
return <SourceChange>[];
} else if (count == 1) {
return partialResultList[0];
var mergedChanges = <SourceChange>[];
for (var partialResults in partialResultList) {
return mergedChanges;
/// Return `true` if a region extending from [leftStart] (inclusive) to
/// [leftEnd] (exclusive) overlaps a region extending from [rightStart]
/// (inclusive) to [rightEnd] (exclusive). If [allowNesting] is `true`, then
/// the regions are allowed to overlap as long as one region is completely
/// nested within the other region.
bool overlaps(int leftStart, int leftEnd, int rightStart, int rightEnd,
{bool allowNesting = false}) {
if (leftEnd < rightStart || leftStart > rightEnd) {
return false;
if (!allowNesting) {
return true;
return !((leftStart <= rightStart && rightEnd <= leftEnd) ||
(rightStart <= leftStart && leftEnd <= rightEnd));