blob: fa2053df93d23c280cf9d92af842dab4ca5d4de2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
void variable_if_null_reachable(int? i) {
i ?? 0;
void variable_if_null_assign_reachable(int? i) {
i ??= 0;
void variable_if_null_unreachable(int i) {
// Reachable since the value of i might come from legacy code
i ?? 0;
void variable_if_null_assign_unreachable(int i) {
// Reachable since the value of i might come from legacy code
i ??= 0;
void variable_if_null_assign_unreachable_due_to_promotion(int? i) {
if (i == null) return;
// Reachable since the value of i might come from legacy code
i ??= 0;
/*member: topLevelNullable:doesNotComplete*/
int? get topLevelNullable => 0;
void set topLevelNullable(int? value) {}
/*member: topLevelNonNullGet:doesNotComplete*/
int get topLevelNonNullGet => 0;
void set topLevelNonNullGet(int? value) {}
void top_level_if_null_reachable() {
topLevelNullable ?? 0;
void top_level_if_null_assign_reachable() {
topLevelNullable ??= 0;
void top_level_if_null_unreachable() {
// Reachable since the value returned by topLevelNonNullGet might come from
// legacy code
topLevelNonNullGet ?? 0;
void top_level_if_null_assign_unreachable() {
// Reachable since the value returned by topLevelNonNullGet might come from
// legacy code
topLevelNonNullGet ??= 0;
class HasProperty<T> {
/*member: HasProperty.prop:doesNotComplete*/
T get prop => throw '';
set prop(T? value) {}
void property_if_null_reachable(HasProperty<int?> x) {
x.prop ?? 0;
void property_if_null_assign_reachable(HasProperty<int?> x) {
x.prop ??= 0;
void property_if_null_unreachable(HasProperty<int> x) {
// Reachable since the value returned by prop might come from legacy code
x.prop ?? 0;
void property_if_null_assign_unreachable(HasProperty<int> x) {
// Reachable since the value returned by prop might come from legacy code
x.prop ??= 0;
void null_aware_property_if_null_reachable(HasProperty<int?>? x) {
x?.prop ?? 0;
void null_aware_property_if_null_assign_reachable(HasProperty<int?>? x) {
x?.prop ??= 0;
void null_aware_property_if_null_not_shortened(HasProperty<int>? x) {
// Reachable since the value returned by prop might come from legacy code.
// Also since `??` doesn't participate in null shortening.
x?.prop ?? 0;
void null_aware_property_if_null_assign_unreachable(HasProperty<int>? x) {
// Reachable since the value returned by prop might come from legacy code.
x?.prop ??= 0;
class SuperIntQuestionProperty extends HasProperty<int?> {
void if_null_reachable() {
super.prop ?? 0;
void if_null_assign_reachable() {
super.prop ??= 0;
class SuperIntProperty extends HasProperty<int> {
void if_null_unreachable() {
// Reachable since the value returned by prop might come from legacy code.
super.prop ?? 0;
void if_null_assign_unreachable() {
// Reachable since the value returned by prop might come from legacy code.
super.prop ??= 0;
extension ExtensionProperty<T> on HasProperty<T> {
/*member: ExtensionProperty|get#extendedProp:doesNotComplete*/
T get extendedProp => prop;
set extendedProp(T? value) {
prop = value;
void extended_property_if_null_reachable(HasProperty<int?> x) {
x.extendedProp ?? 0;
void extended_property_if_null_assign_reachable(HasProperty<int?> x) {
x.extendedProp ??= 0;
void extended_property_if_null_unreachable(HasProperty<int> x) {
// Reachable since the value returned by extendedProp might come from legacy
// code.
x.extendedProp ?? 0;
void extended_property_if_null_assign_unreachable(HasProperty<int> x) {
// Reachable since the value returned by extendedProp might come from legacy
// code.
x.extendedProp ??= 0;
void null_aware_extended_property_if_null_reachable(HasProperty<int?>? x) {
x?.extendedProp ?? 0;
void null_aware_extended_property_if_null_assign_reachable(
HasProperty<int?>? x) {
x?.extendedProp ??= 0;
void null_aware_extended_property_if_null_not_shortened(HasProperty<int>? x) {
// Reachable since the value returned by extendedProp might come from legacy
// code, and because `??` doesn't participate in null shortening.
x?.extendedProp ?? 0;
void null_aware_extended_property_if_null_assign_unreachable(
HasProperty<int>? x) {
// Reachable since the value returned by extendedProp might come from legacy
// code.
x?.extendedProp ??= 0;
void explicit_extended_property_if_null_reachable(HasProperty<int?> x) {
ExtensionProperty(x).extendedProp ?? 0;
void explicit_extended_property_if_null_assign_reachable(HasProperty<int?> x) {
ExtensionProperty(x).extendedProp ??= 0;
void explicit_extended_property_if_null_unreachable(HasProperty<int> x) {
// Reachable since the value returned by extendedProp might come from legacy
// code.
ExtensionProperty(x).extendedProp ?? 0;
void explicit_extended_property_if_null_assign_unreachable(HasProperty<int> x) {
// Reachable since the value returned by extendedProp might come from legacy
// code.
ExtensionProperty(x).extendedProp ??= 0;
void null_aware_explicit_extended_property_if_null_reachable(
HasProperty<int?>? x) {
ExtensionProperty(x)?.extendedProp ?? 0;
void null_aware_explicit_extended_property_if_null_assign_reachable(
HasProperty<int?>? x) {
ExtensionProperty(x)?.extendedProp ??= 0;
void null_aware_explicit_extended_property_if_null_not_shortened(
HasProperty<int>? x) {
// Reachable since the value returned by extendedProp might come from legacy
// code, and because `??` doesn't participate in null shortening.
ExtensionProperty(x)?.extendedProp ?? 0;
void null_aware_explicit_extended_property_if_null_assign_unreachable(
HasProperty<int>? x) {
// Reachable since the value returned by extendedProp might come from legacy
// code.
ExtensionProperty(x)?.extendedProp ??= 0;
class Indexable<T> {
/*member: Indexable.[]:doesNotComplete*/
T operator [](int index) => throw '';
operator []=(int index, T? value) {}
void index_if_null_reachable(Indexable<int?> x) {
x[0] ?? 0;
void index_if_null_unreachable(Indexable<int> x) {
// Reachable since the value returned by operator[] might come from legacy
// code.
x[0] ?? 0;
void index_if_null_assign_reachable(Indexable<int?> x) {
x[0] ??= 0;
void index_if_null_assign_unreachable(Indexable<int> x) {
// Reachable since the value returned by operator[] might come from legacy
// code.
x[0] ??= 0;
void null_aware_index_if_null_reachable(Indexable<int?>? x) {
x?[0] ?? 0;
void null_aware_index_if_null_unreachable(Indexable<int>? x) {
// Reachable since the value returned by operator[] might come from legacy
// code, and because `??` doesn't participate in null shortening.
x?[0] ?? 0;
void null_aware_index_if_null_assign_reachable(Indexable<int?>? x) {
x?[0] ??= 0;
void null_aware_index_if_null_assign_unreachable(Indexable<int>? x) {
// Reachable since the value returned by operator[] might come from legacy
// code.
x?[0] ??= 0;
class SuperIntQuestionIndex extends Indexable<int?> {
void if_null_reachable() {
super[0] ?? 0;
void if_null_assign_reachable() {
super[0] ??= 0;
class SuperIntIndex extends Indexable<int> {
void if_null_unreachable() {
// Reachable since the value returned by operator[] might come from legacy
// code.
super[0] ?? 0;
void if_null_assign_unreachable() {
// Reachable since the value returned by operator[] might come from legacy
// code.
super[0] ??= 0;
extension ExtensionIndex<T> on HasProperty<T> {
/*member: ExtensionIndex|[]:doesNotComplete*/
T operator [](int index) => prop;
operator []=(int index, T? value) {
prop = value;
void extended_index_if_null_reachable(HasProperty<int?> x) {
x[0] ?? 0;
void extended_index_if_null_assign_reachable(HasProperty<int?> x) {
x[0] ??= 0;
void extended_index_if_null_unreachable(HasProperty<int> x) {
// Reachable since the value returned by operator[] might come from legacy
// code.
x[0] ?? 0;
void extended_index_if_null_assign_unreachable(HasProperty<int> x) {
// Reachable since the value returned by operator[] might come from legacy
// code.
x[0] ??= 0;
void null_aware_extended_index_if_null_reachable(HasProperty<int?>? x) {
x?[0] ?? 0;
void null_aware_extended_index_if_null_assign_reachable(HasProperty<int?>? x) {
x?[0] ??= 0;
void null_aware_extended_index_if_null_not_shortened(HasProperty<int>? x) {
// Reachable since the value returned by operator[] might come from legacy
// code, and because `??` doesn't participate in null shortening.
x?[0] ?? 0;
void null_aware_extended_index_if_null_assign_unreachable(HasProperty<int>? x) {
// Reachable since the value returned by operator[] might come from legacy
// code.
x?[0] ??= 0;
void explicit_extended_index_if_null_reachable(HasProperty<int?> x) {
ExtensionIndex(x)[0] ?? 0;
void explicit_extended_index_if_null_assign_reachable(HasProperty<int?> x) {
ExtensionIndex(x)[0] ??= 0;
void explicit_extended_index_if_null_unreachable(HasProperty<int> x) {
// Reachable since the value returned by operator[] might come from legacy
// code.
ExtensionIndex(x)[0] ?? 0;
void explicit_extended_index_if_null_assign_unreachable(HasProperty<int> x) {
// Reachable since the value returned by operator[] might come from legacy
// code.
ExtensionIndex(x)[0] ??= 0;
void null_aware_explicit_extended_index_if_null_reachable(
HasProperty<int?>? x) {
ExtensionIndex(x)?[0] ?? 0;
void null_aware_explicit_extended_index_if_null_assign_reachable(
HasProperty<int?>? x) {
ExtensionIndex(x)?[0] ??= 0;
void null_aware_explicit_extended_index_if_null_not_shortened(
HasProperty<int>? x) {
// Reachable since the value returned by operator[] might come from legacy
// code, and because `??` doesn't participate in null shortening.
ExtensionIndex(x)?[0] ?? 0;
void null_aware_explicit_extended_index_if_null_assign_unreachable(
HasProperty<int>? x) {
// Reachable since the value returned by operator[] might come from legacy
// code.
ExtensionIndex(x)?[0] ??= 0;