blob: e6cea76e32239020a10ba867a0e4027d27c6f9b1 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:front_end/src/fasta/kernel/utils.dart';
import 'package:kernel/kernel.dart';
import 'package:kernel/binary/ast_from_binary.dart';
import "simple_stats.dart";
/// This pass all parameters after "--" to the compiler (via `compileEntryPoint`
/// via the helper `compile_benchmark_helper.dart`). It is meant to "benchmark"/
/// instrument the compiler to give insights into specific runs, i.e. specific
/// compiles (compiling program `a` and program `b` might have different
/// characteristics). Said another way, it will always instrument and give
/// insights on *the compiler*, not the program it's asked to compile (not
/// directly anyway -- if you want to know if that program successfully
/// exercises a specific part of the compiler it _does_ do that).
final Uri benchmarkHelper =
void main(List<String> args) {
List<String>? arguments;
bool tryToAnnotate = false;
bool tryToSlowDown = false;
bool timeInsteadOfCount = false;
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
if (args[i] == "--tryToAnnotate") {
tryToAnnotate = true;
} else if (args[i] == "--tryToSlowDown") {
tryToSlowDown = true;
} else if (args[i] == "--timeInsteadOfCount") {
timeInsteadOfCount = true;
} else if (args[i] == "--") {
arguments = args.sublist(i + 1);
} else {
throw "Unknown argument '${args[i]}'";
if (arguments == null || arguments.isEmpty) {
throw "No arguments given to compiler.\n"
"Give arguments as `dart compile_benchmark.dart -- "
"argument1 argument2 (etc)`";
Directory tmp = Directory.systemTemp.createTempSync("benchmark");
try {
// Compile the helper to get a dill we can compile with.
final Uri helperDill = tmp.uri.resolve("compile.dill");
print("Compiling $benchmarkHelper into $helperDill");
runXTimes(1, [
File f = new File.fromUri(helperDill);
if (!f.existsSync()) throw "$f doesn't exist!";
List<int> dillData = new File.fromUri(helperDill).readAsBytesSync();
tryToAnnotate: tryToAnnotate,
tryToSlowDown: tryToSlowDown,
timeInsteadOfCount: timeInsteadOfCount,
} finally {
tmp.deleteSync(recursive: true);
/// Perform asked operations on the dill data provided.
/// Will save files into the provided tmp directory, do timing or counting
/// instructions and run that with the arguments passed, and then do comparative
/// runs of transformed/non-transformed versions of the dill. The possible
/// transformations are:
/// * [tryToAnnotate] which will add a `@pragma("vm:prefer-inline")` annotation
/// to each procedure one at a time.
/// * [tryToSlowDown] which will add a busywait for approximately 0.002 ms to
/// each procedure one at a time. (Unsurprisingly this makes it slower
/// proportional to the number of times the procedure is called, so the
/// counting annotation is likely at least as useful).
void doWork(Directory tmp, List<int> dillData, List<String> arguments,
{bool tryToAnnotate: false,
bool tryToSlowDown: false,
bool timeInsteadOfCount: false}) {
File f = new File.fromUri(tmp.uri.resolve("a.dill"));
Uri dillOrgInTmp = f.uri;
print("Wrote to $f");
List<Procedure> sortedProcedures;
if (timeInsteadOfCount) {
sortedProcedures = doTimingInstrumentation(dillData, tmp, arguments);
} else {
sortedProcedures = doCountingInstrumentation(dillData, tmp, arguments);
bool didSomething = false;
if (tryToAnnotate) {
didSomething = true;
for (Procedure p in sortedProcedures) {
print("Prefer inline $p (${p.location})");
Uri preferredInlined = preferInlineProcedure(
(lib) => lib.importUri == p.enclosingLibrary.importUri,
print("\nOriginal runs:");
List<int> runtimesA =
runXTimes(5, [dillOrgInTmp.toString(), ...arguments]);
print("\nModified runs:");
List<int> runtimesB =
runXTimes(5, [preferredInlined.toString(), ...arguments]);
print(SimpleTTestStat.ttest(runtimesB, runtimesA));
if (tryToSlowDown) {
didSomething = true;
for (Procedure p in sortedProcedures) {
Uri? busyWaiting = busyWaitProcedure(
(lib) => lib.importUri == p.enclosingLibrary.importUri,
if (busyWaiting == null) continue;
print("Slow down $p (${p.location})");
print("\nOriginal runs:");
List<int> runtimesA =
runXTimes(2, [dillOrgInTmp.toString(), ...arguments]);
print("\nModified runs:");
List<int> runtimesB =
runXTimes(2, [busyWaiting.toString(), ...arguments]);
print(SimpleTTestStat.ttest(runtimesB, runtimesA));
if (!didSomething) {
runXTimes(10, [dillOrgInTmp.toString(), ...arguments]);
/// Instrument the [dillData] so that each procedure-call can be registered
/// (in package:front_end) and we find out how many times each procedure is
/// called for a specific run, then run it, print the result and return the
/// procedures in sorted order (most calls first).
List<Procedure> doCountingInstrumentation(
List<int> dillData, Directory tmp, List<String> arguments) {
Instrumented instrumented = instrumentCallsCount(dillData, tmp.uri);
List<dynamic> stdout = [];
runXTimes(1, [instrumented.dill.toString(), ...arguments], stdout);
List<int> procedureCountsTmp = new List<int>.from(jsonDecode(stdout.single));
List<IntPair> procedureCounts = [];
for (int i = 0; i < procedureCountsTmp.length; i += 2) {
.add(new IntPair(procedureCountsTmp[i], procedureCountsTmp[i + 1]));
// Sort highest call-count first.
procedureCounts.sort((a, b) => b.value - a.value);
List<Procedure> sortedProcedures = [];
for (IntPair p in procedureCounts) {
if (p.value > 1000) {
Procedure procedure = instrumented.procedures[p.key];
String location = procedure.location.toString();
if (location.length > 50) {
location = location.substring(location.length - 50);
print("Called $procedure ${p.value} times ($location)");
return sortedProcedures;
/// Instrument the [dillData] so that each (sync) procedure-call can be timed
/// (time on stack, i.e. not only the procedure itself, but also the
/// procedure-calls it makes) (in package:front_end) and we find out how long
/// each procedure is on the stack for a specific run, then run it, print the
/// result and return the procedures in sorted order (most time on stack first).
List<Procedure> doTimingInstrumentation(
List<int> dillData, Directory tmp, List<String> arguments) {
Instrumented instrumented = instrumentCallsTiming(dillData, tmp.uri);
List<dynamic> stdout = [];
runXTimes(1, [instrumented.dill.toString(), ...arguments], stdout);
List<int> procedureTimeTmp = new List<int>.from(jsonDecode(stdout.single));
List<IntPair> procedureTime = [];
for (int i = 0; i < procedureTimeTmp.length; i += 2) {
.add(new IntPair(procedureTimeTmp[i], procedureTimeTmp[i + 1]));
// Sort highest time-on-stack first.
procedureTime.sort((a, b) => b.value - a.value);
List<Procedure> sortedProcedures = [];
for (IntPair p in procedureTime) {
if (p.value > 1000) {
Procedure procedure = instrumented.procedures[p.key];
String location = procedure.location.toString();
if (location.length > 50) {
location = location.substring(location.length - 50);
print("$procedure was on stack for ${p.value} microseconds ($location)");
return sortedProcedures;
class IntPair {
final int key;
final int value;
IntPair(this.key, this.value);
String toString() {
return "IntPair[$key: $value]";
/// Adds the annotation `@pragma("vm:prefer-inline")` to the specified procedure
/// and serialize the resulting dill into `b.dill` (return uri).
/// The annotation is copied from the [preferInlineMe] method in the helper.
Uri preferInlineProcedure(List<int> dillData, Uri tmp,
bool libraryMatcher(Library lib), String? className, String procedureName) {
Component component = new Component();
new BinaryBuilder(dillData, disableLazyReading: true)
Procedure preferInlineMeProcedure = getProcedure(component,
(lib) => lib.fileUri == benchmarkHelper, null, "preferInlineMe");
ConstantExpression annotation =
preferInlineMeProcedure.annotations.single as ConstantExpression;
Procedure markProcedure =
getProcedure(component, libraryMatcher, className, procedureName);
new ConstantExpression(annotation.constant, annotation.type));
Uint8List newDillData = serializeComponent(component);
File f = new File.fromUri(tmp.resolve("b.dill"));
return f.uri;
/// Makes the procedure specified call [busyWait] from the helper and serialize
/// the resulting dill into `c.dill` (return uri).
/// This will make the procedure busy-wait approximately 0.002 ms for each
/// invocation (+ whatever overhead and imprecision).
Uri? busyWaitProcedure(List<int> dillData, Uri tmp,
bool libraryMatcher(Library lib), String? className, String procedureName) {
Component component = new Component();
new BinaryBuilder(dillData, disableLazyReading: true)
Procedure busyWaitProcedure = getProcedure(
component, (lib) => lib.fileUri == benchmarkHelper, null, "busyWait");
Procedure markProcedure =
getProcedure(component, libraryMatcher, className, procedureName);
if (markProcedure.function.body == null) return null;
Statement orgBody = markProcedure.function.body as Statement;
markProcedure.function.body = new Block([
new ExpressionStatement(new StaticInvocation(
busyWaitProcedure, new Arguments([new IntLiteral(2 /* 0.002 ms */)]))),
..parent = markProcedure.function;
Uint8List newDillData = serializeComponent(component);
File f = new File.fromUri(tmp.resolve("c.dill"));
return f.uri;
/// Instrument the [dillData] so that each procedure-call can be registered
/// (in package:front_end) and we find out how many times each procedure is
/// called for a specific run.
/// Uses the [registerCall] in the helper.
/// Numbers each procedure, saves the instrumented dill and returns both the
/// dill and the list of procedures so that procedure i in the list will be
/// annotated with a call to `registerCall(i)`.
Instrumented instrumentCallsCount(List<int> dillData, Uri tmp) {
Component component = new Component();
new BinaryBuilder(dillData, disableLazyReading: true)
Procedure registerCallProcedure = getProcedure(
component, (lib) => lib.fileUri == benchmarkHelper, null, "registerCall");
RegisterCallTransformer registerCallTransformer =
new RegisterCallTransformer(registerCallProcedure);
Uint8List newDillData = serializeComponent(component);
File f = new File.fromUri(tmp.resolve("counting.dill"));
return new Instrumented(f.uri, registerCallTransformer.procedures);
/// Instrument the [dillData] so that each (sync) procedure-call can be timed
/// (time on stack, i.e. not only the procedure itself, but also the
/// procedure-calls it makes) (in package:front_end) and we find out how long
/// each procedure is on the stack for a specific run.
/// Uses [registerCallStart] and [registerCallEnd] from the helper.
/// Numbers each sync procedure, saves the instrumented dill and returns both
/// the dill and the list of procedures so that procedure i in the list will be
/// annotated with a call-pair to `registerCallStart(i)` and
/// `registerCallEnd(i)`.
Instrumented instrumentCallsTiming(List<int> dillData, Uri tmp) {
Component component = new Component();
new BinaryBuilder(dillData, disableLazyReading: true)
Procedure registerCallStartProcedure = getProcedure(component,
(lib) => lib.fileUri == benchmarkHelper, null, "registerCallStart");
Procedure registerCallEndProcedure = getProcedure(component,
(lib) => lib.fileUri == benchmarkHelper, null, "registerCallEnd");
RegisterTimeTransformer registerTimeTransformer = new RegisterTimeTransformer(
registerCallStartProcedure, registerCallEndProcedure);
Uint8List newDillData = serializeComponent(component);
File f = new File.fromUri(tmp.resolve("timing.dill"));
return new Instrumented(f.uri, registerTimeTransformer.procedures);
/// Class holding both the uri of a saved dill file and a list of procedures (in
/// order) that has some reference to the annotation added to the dill file.
class Instrumented {
final Uri dill;
final List<Procedure> procedures;
Instrumented(this.dill, this.procedures);
class RegisterCallTransformer extends RecursiveVisitor {
final Procedure registerCallProcedure;
List<Procedure> procedures = [];
void visitLibrary(Library node) {
if (node.importUri.isScheme("package") &&
node.importUri.pathSegments.first == "front_end") {
void visitProcedure(Procedure node) {
if (node.function.body == null) return;
int procedureNum = procedures.length;
Statement orgBody = node.function.body as Statement;
node.function.body = new Block([
new ExpressionStatement(new StaticInvocation(registerCallProcedure,
new Arguments([new IntLiteral(procedureNum)]))),
node.function.body!.parent = node.function;
class RegisterTimeTransformer extends RecursiveVisitor {
final Procedure registerCallStartProcedure;
final Procedure registerCallEndProcedure;
this.registerCallStartProcedure, this.registerCallEndProcedure);
List<Procedure> procedures = [];
void visitLibrary(Library node) {
if (node.importUri.isScheme("package") &&
node.importUri.pathSegments.first == "front_end") {
void visitProcedure(Procedure node) {
if (node.function.body == null) return;
if (node.function.dartAsyncMarker != AsyncMarker.Sync) return;
int procedureNum = procedures.length;
Statement orgBody = node.function.body as Statement;
// Rewrite as
// {
// registerCallStartProcedure(x);
// try {
// originalBody
// } finally {
// registerCallEndProcedure(x);
// }
// }
Block block = new Block([
new ExpressionStatement(new StaticInvocation(registerCallStartProcedure,
new Arguments([new IntLiteral(procedureNum)]))),
new TryFinally(
new ExpressionStatement(new StaticInvocation(registerCallEndProcedure,
new Arguments([new IntLiteral(procedureNum)]))),
node.function.body = block;
node.function.body!.parent = node.function;
Procedure getProcedure(Component component, bool libraryMatcher(Library lib),
String? className, String procedureName) {
Library lib = component.libraries.where(libraryMatcher).single;
List<Procedure> procedures = lib.procedures;
if (className != null) {
Class cls = lib.classes.where((c) => == className).single;
procedures = cls.procedures;
// TODO: This will fail for getter/setter pairs. Fix that.
return procedures.where((p) => == procedureName).single;
List<int> runXTimes(int x, List<String> arguments, [List<dynamic>? stdout]) {
List<int> result = [];
Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch()..start();
for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) {
ProcessResult run = Process.runSync(Platform.resolvedExecutable, arguments,
runInShell: true);
int ms = stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds;
if (run.exitCode != 0) throw "Got exit code ${run.exitCode}";
if (stdout != null) {
return result;